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Mata pelajaran / Subject Matematik / Mathematics DLP Minggu / week 25

Kelas / Class 1 Bestari Masa / time 1110 – 1140
Tarikh / Date 4 Oktober 2022 Hari / day SELASA/TUESDAY
Bidang / Tema / Theme Numbers up to 100
Kemahiran pemulihan / 3.0 Mengenal Angka / 3.0 Recognize Number
Remedial Skill 3.1 State the value of numbers / Nilai nombor
Standard kandungan / 1.2 Number Value
Content Standard
Standard pembelajaran / 1.2.1 Name the numbers up to 100
Learning Standard
Konstruk Linus Konstruk 2 Keupayaan Membilang
ABM/BBM/ Teaching Aids Counter / Concrete Object / picture of objects/number card
Objektif pembelajaran / By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils are able to :
Learning Objective 1. name the number for a group of objects to represent its quantity.
Pendidikan Berterusan Nilai Murni / Added Value : Pendidikan Berterusan /CCE/CE
/CCE/CE Cooperative
EMK : Values Kemahiran Berfikir / Thinking Skill :
Strategi pembelajaran dan pengajaran / Teaching & Learning Strategy
Aktiviti permulaan / Pre- 1. Teacher introduces counting method to pupils. (cardinality)
Lesson 2. Pupils counting numbers from 1 to 10 / 1 to 20 aloud.
3. Teacher relates the activity to the topic today.
Aktiviti utama / Lesson 1. Teacher gives concrete objects and number card to pupils.
Delivery 2. Pupils match the objects based on their value (number).
3. Pupils read the objects’ quantity and say it aloud.
4. Teacher distributes worksheet to pupils.
5. For Group 1, teacher gives worksheet to count of objects correctly. (Enrichment Task)
6. For Group 2, teacher guides pupils to complete their task. (Remedial Task).
Aktiviti penutup / Post- 7. Teacher gives token to pupils for their good work.
Lesson 8. Teacher concludes lesson for today.
Refleksi / Reflection 1. Kehadiran / Attendance :
2. Latihan diberikan / Worksheet :
/ murid mencapai objektif pembelajaran dan diberikan latihan pengayaan.

/ murid tidak mencapai objektif pembelajaran dan diberikan latihan


/ pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

/ pupils not able to achieve LO and given remedial exercise(s).

Kekuatan / Strenght of the lesson :

Kelemahan / Weaknesses of the lesson :

Lesson is postponed due to :

Meeting / Mesyuarat Sick Leave ( MC ) / Cuti Sakit

Course / Kursus Other :
Penilaian / Assessment Observation ( ) / Quiz ( ) / Check List ( )/ Worksheet ( / ), Project ( )/ Demo ( ) /
Examination ( ) / Textbook Exercises ( )

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