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The Recombination Group was a big company of the Bygones' age known for being the
leaders of the pharmaceutics market[1]. They are behind the nanite technology[2], the
HIV-E cure[2] and Project Tannhäuser[3].
One of the co-founder of the Recombination Group. Also known as The Jackal.
In 2072, he fled to the Anubis Syndicate after he revealed to the press information about
Project Tannhäuser.[1] He is probably the reason why Anubians have access to Nanites.
He is now in Cairo.
Early days
Member of the Recombination Group. He was working there as a "visionary and
futurologist".[1] He is responsible of the 2¹⁶ virus that crashed the Stream[2][3] and caused
the failure of the Paladin satellites' control software.[4], although the idea of a virus seems
to have been suggested to him by Gerome Getrell as a way to bootstrap the Tannhäuser /
Free Spirit project.[3] It's unclear if Salim created the malware to serve GG's interests but
we know that at some point, he turned against him and used the virus to thwart his plan.[2]
He hid the solution to reboot the stream, the original virus signature into the Jehammed's
Post Eshaton
Since the Eshaton he went nearby the Ice Barrier (north of the Eastern Borca[7] and
Pollen[8]) where he left a strong mark into the mind and the culture of the local clans. They
all wait for the mythical figure to come back. In those regions, he is known under the name
of Horse Oracle.[8][9]
He is known as the Marauder Triglaw by the Chroniclers and the Hellvetics. The Alpine
Fortress holds no secrets for him. Legends and reports indicate that he has roamed the
tunnels and taken whatever he wanted from the stores for at least 400 years. Some tales
say he helped the crossing of the Reaper’s Blow. On the other hand, his name appears in
the classified documents about the Octus Listening Post massacre. [9][10] Thank to a
small group of soldiers (Slabon, Lucia), the Hellvetic patrols never managed to catch him.
He has been seen roaming in the streets of Laibach.[11][9]
Triglaw appear as a "grotesquely stunted man"[10], with broad shoulders[12] and covered
with bandages.[11] His face is covered with a steel mask that can change for two others
with a mechanism.
One of the Board Member of the Recombination Group. She construct orbiters for the
She is the Marauder known by the name Aspera, the one-legged. Under this identity, she
helped the Chroniclers to get rid of the Sleepers infiltrated in their ranks[2][3] and met with
them on multiple occasions.[4] She is now hiding in Cathedral City.[5]
She is described as having a small, harmonious, emotionless, youthful and plastic like face
with Her hair is in a pigtails and with a mechanical leg.[6][7]
See also
Second transmission
Third transmission
Third transmission
Justitian: Moloch. p. 65. “Aspera, in her infinite wrath, has eradicated many a Sleeper
from within the ranks of the Chroniclers. To ensure the purity of the Cult, she passes her
knowledge on to a select few Streamers. Eliza is the only one of these operators in direct
contact with the Marauder, her spy and avenger alike.”
Justitian: The Righteous Fist. “Aspera appears in the Cluster, warning the Chroniclers of
Exalt’s true intentions and urging them to cut their ties to the Sleepers. If they don’t heed
her warnings, they will face their personal Armageddon soon enough. To convince them of
her sincerity she presents the Fragments with a relic of the Static Stream she retrieved
from the lost archives of Cathedral City. Before the Chroniclers can ask any questions, the
enigmatic Marauder is gone, leaving the hooded Cultists to their own devices.”
Justitian: Moloch. p. 278. “Over the past centuries she has let herself repeatedly be found
by the Chroniclers. Sometimes she immediately reveals ancient knowledge that the
Fragments had locked away in the depths of the Static Stream. Sometimes she demands
a sacrifice.”
Justitian: Moloch. p. 65. “Eliza is in direct contact with her mistress, Aspera. As such, she
is the only one familiar with the Marauder’s current hideout. A secret the Chronicler has
sworn to take to her grave. Aspera has settled in the heart of Cathedral City, amongst
Anabaptists, the last place one would look for a Marauder.”
Core Data: Aspera -
Justitian: Moloch. p. 278. “Her face, framed by protruding pigtails, is harmonious and
emotionless, like a plastic mask. When she speaks or smiles, her expression splinters, as
if it had been caught under a thin layer of ice. One blink later, the cracks have healed, and
her face seems immaculate as always. Her mechanical leg moves nimbly and silently,
stabilizers rotate, kinetic cylinders veer around, automatically adapting to the best angle.
She is lithe and fast, a huntress.”
One of the Board Member of the Recombination Group.
Co-founder of the Recombination Group, Gerome Getrell was a billionaire, visionary,
brilliant orator, and televangelist from the Bygone age.[1][2]
Primal Punk. p. 288. “In the beginning, there was Gerome Getrell. He was a billionaire,
visionary, brilliant orator, and televangelist.”
Primal Punk. p. 341. “In the other, Gerome Getrell, charismatic and dogmatic televangelist
and co-founder of the Recombination Group.”

Early days
Before Eshaton, she was GG's lover. Together, they created the movement that shaped
the Apocalyptics cult.[1][2] Gerome Getrell give her full control over the cult, making her
"the undisputed leader of the Apocalyptic sect".[3] Eventually, she diverged from his
ideology, "corrupting" the cult vision in the eyes of her lover. This ended their relationship.
After cutting all ties, Gerome Getrell left her the reins of this failed experiment to try again
achieving the same goal with the Free Spirit project.[4]

Under her lead, the Apocalyptics were responsible of several terrorist attacks all around
the world (Dallas, New York, Oslo, Berlin, Warsaw, etc…). One of this attack was
conducted against Nathan Argyre and his laboratory in London.[3] This last attack was
ordered by RG as a way to force Nathan Argyre to join the company.[5]
The love she had for GG was soon replaced by a deep hatred after he abandoned her.
She took her corrupt memetic experiments even further, swelling the ranks of the
Apocalyptics and leading them into even more vice and violence. She vowed that despite
the approaching the Eshaton, despite her death, she would get revenge through her
children's.[6] But the sky fall and she didn't die. She found a way to immortality and after
so many years, the hatred seems to have fade away. She is still looking for him, but this
time driven by love.[7]
Post Eshaton
After the Eshaton she became a mythical figure, a legend known from Borca to Pollen.
The stories talk about an immortal woman who gave birth to countless Ravens, eating the
weakest of them so only the strongest will survive.[2] In Pollen she is known as the
Wretched Hag or The Lady in Black, an old woman, "supposed to be immortal, crazy, and
diseased, full of insatiable hunger, damned to exist until the end of days to finally judge the
traitors who left her in the ruins".[8] In Pollen, memories of her date back to a few years
after the Eshaton.[8] In Borca, it is said that she took part in the City Wars and the fall of
Exalt.[2] She is know for being obsessed for gifts and tributes.[9]
She is now living hidden under Justitian, in "a Bygone sewer network deep beneath the
Chroniclers’ Exit Level"[10]. From there, she is leading the Carrion Birds, the largest and
oldest Flock in Europe.[11] In this den lies the secret of her immortality: Joshua, his
Biokinetic son.[12] By using his powers, she can repel death without having to rely on
Ambrosia. For this reason, she is not considered a Marauder.[13]
Her location and her immortality make her a good candidate to be one of the four masters
of immortality mentioned by the Jackal's Prophecy.[14]
When she was in Pollen, she gave life to another Biokinetic being: the Czar.[15]
The III tattooed on her harm that can be seen on the RG board image, might be a
reference to the Concept "III - The martyr".
Must read
Mother of Ravens
The Gift
Justitian: The Righteous Fist. pp. 278-281. “The nest of the Carrion Birds”
Justitian: Moloch. p. 233. “At the side of her lover, she devised the movement from which
the Apocalyptics sprang, at a time when the nights were as bright as the day.”
Mother of Raven.
Transcript: Terror in London.
Justitian: Moloch. p. 233. “THE LOVER”
Transcript: Cherno, Y, Aspera chat log.
Transcript: Y's Letter.
The Gift. "Revenge is pointless. I haven’t lived five hundred years to wallow in human
hatred. I miss his grace, more than one can miss anything in the world. His benevolence
was like no other. Revenge kept me alive, but it was born of endless yearning. I would
even search for him between the stars."
Primal Punk. p. 91. “The Wretched Hag”
Justitian: The Righteous Fist. p. 281. “The tribute chamber”
Justitian: The Righteous Fist. pp. 278-281. “The nest of the Carrion Birds”
Justitian: Moloch. p. 23. “The Carrion Birds are the largest and oldest Flock in Europe.”
Justitian: Moloch. p. 235. “JOSHUA, THE BUTCHER”
Official Discord. “@marko: yup, Mom of Ravens is not a Marauder, nor Sleeper.” (link). “As there are 4 masters Of immortality, So close to Earth, Biding their
time in damp chambers.” (link).
Justitian: Moloch. p. 47. “VASCO' DISCIPLE”

One of the Board Member of the Recombination Group.

One of the Board Member of the Recombination Group.

One of the Board Member of the Recombination Group.

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