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Động từ cơ bản 1 hoặc 2 giới từ Cụm động từ

Nghĩa của Phrasal Verb rất khó đoán dựa vào nghĩa của động từ và giới từ tạo thành nó.

Ex: look after: chăm sóc


Có 3 loại cụm động từ:

➢ Cụm động từ không cần tân ngữ (intransitive)

Ex: I have to check in before 8.00.

➢ Cụm động từ có thể bị tách ra. Tân ngữ đứng ở giữa động từ và giới từ.

Ex: She wrote his name down in her notebook.

➢ Cụm động từ không bao giờ bị tách rời bởi tân ngữ.

Ex: He looked after the baby.


1. Cụm động từ bắt đầu bằng A

• abide by: to according to, to be faithful to: tuân theo.

Ex: They must abide by the rules of the game.

• abstain from: not to do, take: tránh làm điều gì.

Ex: He abstained from voting in the election.

• accede to = agree: đồng ý.

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Ex: He acceded to my request.

• account for = explain: giải thích.

Ex: His illness accounts for his absence.

• accuse sb of st: Charge (someone) with an offence or crime: buộc tội cho ai.

Ex: He was accused of murdering his wife's lover.

• adhere to: stick to: dính vào, bám vào.

Ex: This tape doesn’t adhere to the floor very well.

• add to: to increase: thêm vào, tăng thêm.

Ex: The news added to our happiness.

• add up = total: tính tổng.

Ex: I added up the receipts and it totaled $135.46.

• add up to + an amount: amount to: tổng lên đến.

Ex: The total expenses added up to $325.00.

• adjust to: to change in order to become more suitable for or adapted to: điều chỉnh cho
phù hợp.

Ex: He soon adjusted to his new way of life.

• admit sb/st to st: allow (someone) to enter a place: nhận ai vào….

Ex: She was admitted to hospital suffering from a chest infection.

• admire sb/st for: respect: ngưỡng mộ ai.

Ex: I admired him for his courage and determination to see his aim achieved.

• agree with sb on st : have the same opinion about something: đồng ý với ai về điều gì.

Ex: He agreed with you on whether we should or shouldn't increase the salary.

• aim at/for: to point or direct st at; to try to hit or reach: nhắm vào, hướng vào.

Ex: He is aiming for the top of his profession.

• answer to: to be the same as or correspond to: trả lời, chịu trách nhiệm.

Ex: The police have found a man answering to that description.

• appeal to sb: be attractive or interesting: hấp dẫn ai.

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Ex: The idea of camping has never appealed to me.

• appeal to sb for/to do st: make a serious, urgent, request: khẩn khoản yêu cầu.

Ex: Police are appealing for information about the incident.

• apologize to sb for st: express regret for something that one has done wrong: xin lỗi với ai
về điều gì.

Ex: We apologized to him for our error.

• apply oneself to st/doing st: Give one's full attention to a task; work hard: chăm chú.

Ex: You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.

• apply for st: to ask for (something) formally: yêu cầu (trang trọng).

Ex: He applied for financial help.

• approve of: agree with, be pleased with: tán thành.

Ex: You may not approve of what he did, but he's still your brother.

• arrive at/in : to reach: đến.

Ex: We arrive at the station as the train was leaving.

They arrived in Ha Noi at night.

• assist (sb) in/with st: help: hỗ trợ.

Ex: Two men are assisting the police in their enquiries.

• assist at: be present: tham dự.

Ex: Tomorrow, he will assist at the graduation ceremony.

• ask after sb: enquire about the health: hỏi thăm sức khỏe.

Ex: If I see him I'll tell him you were asking after him.

• ask around: talk to different people in order to find out something: hỏi nhiều người để tìm
kiếm cái gì đó.

Ex: She thought the dog had been dumped there and was asking around all week if anyone
had lost a dog.

• ask for sb: say that one wants to speak to: nói muốn gặp/nói chuyện với ai.

Ex: When he telephoned, he asked for you.

• ask for st: demand: đòi hỏi.

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Ex: Don't be afraid to ask for advice.

• ask sb back: ask sb to come back for a second interview: mời đến buổi phóng vấn thứ 2.

Ex: I made a mess of the interview and I wasn't asked back.

• ask sb out: Invite someone out on a date: mời ai đi chơi, đi hẹn hò.

Ex: She's asked Steve out to the cinema this evening.

• attend to: to listen or pay attention to: chú ý.

Ex: Attend carefully to what the lecturer is saying!

2. Cụm động từ bắt đầu bằng B

• back away: to move backwards: lùi lại, rút.

Ex: She saw that he had a gun and backed away.

• back down: give up one’s opinion, claim: dừng việc bảo vệ quan điểm, ý kiến.

Ex: Jane never backs down. She always wins arguments.

• back out (of st): not to do something that you promised to do: nuốt lời.

Ex: You agreed to come. You can't back out now!

• back sb up: to support or encourage: ủng hộ.

Ex: His mother backed him up on everything.

• back up: to drive a vehicle backward: lùi xe lại phía sau.

Ex: Could you back up a little so I can open this drawer?

• bargain for: to expect or take into consideration: mong, dự tính.

Ex: I didn’t bargain for everyone arriving at once.

• believe in: accept that (something) is true: tin tưởng.

Ex: Do you believe in ghosts?

• belong to: to be the property of: thuộc về.

Ex: The book belongs to me.

• bestow on/upon: to give ( title, award..) to sb: tặng cho, ban cho.

Ex: The Queen bestrowed a knighthood on him.

• beware of: to be careful of: thận trọng với.

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Ex: Beware of the dog!

• blow out: to extinguish or put out (a flame…) by blowing: thổi tắt, dập tắt.

Ex: The wind blew out the candle.

• blow up:

- To break into pieces: làm vỡ tan.

Ex: The soldiers blew the factory up.

- To fill with air or a gas: thổi bóng.

Ex: He blew up the balloon.

- To lose one’s temper: mất kiểm soát, tức giận.

Ex: If he says that again, I’ll blow up.

- To enlarge (photo…): mở rộng (bức ảnh).

- To scold sb: trách mắng.

Ex: She blew me up for arriving late.

• blame st on sb: declare that sb is responsible for a fault or wrong: đổ lỗi cái gì cho ai.

Ex: Hugh blames his lack of confidence on his mother.

• Blame sb for st: assign the responsibility for a bad situation to sb: đổ lỗi cho ai về điều gì.

Ex: Hugh blames his mother for his lack of confidence.

• break away: to escape: thoát khỏi.

Ex: He grabbed her, but she managed to break away.

• break down:

- To be overcome with emotion: suy sụp, suy nhược.

Ex: She broke down after her husband died.

- To stop working properly: bị hỏng.

Ex: Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road.

- To fail and so come to an end: kết thúc, sụp đổ.

Ex: The talks have broken down.

• break in: interrupt when someone else is talking: ngắt lời.

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Ex: As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, "That's a lie”.

• break into: to begin st suddenly: đột ngột bắt đầu.

Ex: He broke into a run when he saw the police.

• break in/into: to enter (a house…): đột nhập.

Ex: Someone tried to break into the house.

• break off:

- separate a part from a larger piece: lấy ra một phần, long ra, rời ra.

Ex: She broke off a square of chocolate and gave it to her dog.

- To end or discontinue st (especially a relationship): cắt đứt quan hệ.

- She returned the ring and they broke off their engagement.

• break out:

- To start suddenly: bùng nổ.

Ex: They're worried that war will break down.

- To escape (from prison, restriction…): trốn thoát (tù…).

Ex: A prisoner has broken out.

• break up:

- Divide or break into pieces: chia nhỏ.

Ex: The sheet of ice is breaking up.

- To finish or end: kết thúc.

Ex: The meeting broke up at 4.40.

- (of a couple in a relationship) part company: chia tay.

Ex: Sam and Diane broke up again. What a rocky relationship!

• break through: make or force a way through (a barrier): vượt rào.

Ex: High waves broke through the barrier beach.

• break with:

- To quarrel with and so stop being connected with: tuyệt giao.

Ex: He broke with the Labour Party in 1968.

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- To depart from; to cease to follow.

Ex: He broke with tradition and married a girl of a different race.

• bring about: to cause: gây ra.

Ex: His disregard for danger brought about his death.

• bring sb/st along: take someone or something with you: mang theo.

Ex: Can I bring a friend along to the party?

• bring sb around: persuade sb: thuyết phục.

Ex: It took me ages to bring him around to my point of view.

• bring back:

- To return: mang trả lại.

Ex: May I borrow your pen? I’ll bring it back tomorrow.

- make someone think about something from the past: gợi nhớ lại.

Ex: Visiting my old school brought back memories of when I was a pupil there.

• bring down: to cause to fall: hạ xuống.

Ex: They've really brought down the price of DVD players.

• bring forward:

- To cause to be discussed: gây tranh cãi.

Ex: They will consider the suggestions which you have brought forward.

- To cause to happen earlier: làm xảy ra nhanh hơn, sớm hơn.

Ex: They have brought it forward by one week.

• bring in:

- To Introduce a new law or product: đưa ra (luật, sản phẩm).

Ex: They will bring in a parliamentary bill.

- To produce as profit: mang lại, thu vào lợi nhuận.

Ex: His books are bringing in thousands of dollars.

- give a decision in court: tuyên án.

Ex: They brought in a verdict of guilty.

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• bring off: to achieve (st attempted): đạt được.

Ex: No one thought she'd manage to do it, but she brought it off in the end.

• bring on:

- To cause st to happen: gây ra.

Ex: I think the loud music brought my headache on.

- To help to develop: làm phát triển.

Ex: Her new piano teacher has really brought her on.

• bring out:

- To make clear, to reveal: làm sáng tỏ.

Ex: He brought out the weaknesses of her theory.

- To publish: xuất bản.

Ex: He brings a new book out every year.

• bring round:

- make someone become conscious again: làm hồi tỉnh.

Ex: He lost consciousness after the fall, and they were unable to bring him round.

- to persuade: thuyết phục.

Ex: We’ll bring him round to the idea.

• bring st up: raise a matter for discussion: đề cập đến.

Ex: I didn't want to bring up the fact that she was unemployed.

• bring up sb: to rear or educate: nuôi nấng.

Ex: Sam was brought up in South Carolina.

• buck up:

- To hurry: nhanh lên, vội vàng.

Ex: You’d better buck up if you want to catch the bus.

- To cheer up: làm vui lên.

Ex: The good news will buck her up.

- To improve: cải thiện.

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Ex: Buck up your ideas or you’ll be out of a job.

• build up:

- To increase (the size, extent of): tăng kích cỡ.

Ex: The traffic begins to build up around 5 o’clock.

- To strengthen gradually: làm mạnh hơn.

Ex: His father bulit up that grocery business from nothing.

- To speak with great enthusiasm about sb:

Ex: They bulit him up until I couldn’t wait to meet him.

• bump into: to meet by accident: tình cờ gặp.

Ex: I bumped into him the other day in the street.

• burn down: to destroy or be destroyed by fire: thiêu rụi.

Ex: The children burned the house down while playing with matches.

• burn off: to remove a substance using heat: loại bỏ cái gì bằng sức nóng.

Ex: I burn off a lot of calories in the gym.

• burn into: Brand or imprint (something) with an image by burning: khắc sâu vào tâm trí.

Ex: The images would be burned in her mind for as long as she was alive.

• burn out:

- To become completely extinguished ; to be no longer burning: đốt cháy hết.

Ex: The flames have burned out now.

- Ruin one's health or become completely exhausted through overwork: kiệt sức do làm quá

Ex: Mentally ill people burn out and cease to be creative.

• burst into/through: to come or go suddenly or violently: đến một cách đột ngột.

Ex: She burst in to tears.

The gumman burst through the door.

• butt in: to interrupt or interfere: ngắt lời, can thiệp.

Ex: Don’t butt in while I’m speaking.

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• buy off: to bribe: đút lót, mua chuộc.

Ex: The gangster’s friends bought off the police witness

• buy out: to buy completely (a company’s shares…): mua hết (cổ phiếu…).

Ex: The large company expanded by buying out several smaller ones.

• buy up: to buy in large quantities: mua số lượng nhiều.

Ex: I’ve bought up all the houses in this street.

3. Cụm động từ bắt đầu bằng C

• call at: (of a train, ship or coach) stop at (a specified station) :đỗ, đậu ở.

Ex: Our ship will call at seven ports during the voyage.

• call back: return to a place in order to see someone or collect something: quay lại để gặp
ai đó, hoặc lấy thứ gì.

Ex: She said she'd call back later to pick up that report.

• call sb down: Reprimand someone: trách mắng.

Ex: She was a good student, and she couldn't figure out why she was called down.

• call for:

- to demand or require: yêu cầu, đòi hỏi.

Ex: The report calls for an audit of endangered species.

- to collect sb: đón ai.

Ex: I'll call for you around seven.

• call in:

- to ask to come: mời vào, mời đến.

Ex: Call in the doctor!

- to request the return of : thu về.

Ex: The Board of Commissioners of Currency has called in all the old one-dollar notes.

• call off:

- to cancel: hủy bỏ.

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Ex: She accepted the invitation to the party, but called off at the last minute.

- to order (a dog…) to stop attacking sb: ra lệnh (con chó…) ngừng tấn công ai.

Ex: He called off the dogs before they really injured their victims.

• call on:

- to visit: thăm ai.

Ex: I will call on our new neighbor tomorrow.

- to summon or gather together: huy động, gom lại.

Ex: Call on all one’s resources.

- to appeal to: thỉnh cầu.

Ex: They called on God for help.

- to ask (sb) formally to do st: yêu cầu ai làm gì một cách trịnh trọng.

Ex: They're calling on all men and boys over the age of 14 to join the army.

• call out:

- to instruct workers to come on strike: Kêu gọi công nhân đình công.

Ex: The union has called out the electricity workers.

- to summon or bring into operation: huy động ai để giải quyết trường hợp khẩn cấp.

Ex: The army was called out to deal with the riot.

• call up:

- call service especially in the armed forces: gọi nhập ngũ.

Ex: They have called up more than 20,000 reservists.

- to telephone sb: gọi điện cho ai.

Ex: I have a list of people to call up in the morning.

- to bring to memory; to recall: gợi nhớ lại, hồi tưởng.

Ex: Seeing the children playing called up memories of my own childhood.

• calm down: to make or become calm: giữ bình tĩnh.

Ex: He tried to calm her down by giving her some brandy.

• care for:

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- to look after sb: chăm sóc ai.

Ex: The nurse will care for you from now on.

- to be fond of: quan tâm.

Ex: I don’t care for flowers very much.

• carry off:

- to take away by carrying: mang đi.

Ex: She carried off the screaming child.

- to succeed in (a difficult situation ...): thành công (trong tình huống khó..).

Ex: It was a difficult moment, but he carried it off well.

• carry out: to accomplish or successfully finish: tiến hành, thực hiện.

Ex: He carried out the plan successfully.

• carry on:

- to continue: tiếp tục.

Ex: They must carry on working.

- to manage (a business...): điều hành.

Ex: He carries on a business as a greengrocer.

- To behave badly: có thái độ kì quặc, cư xử không tốt.

Ex: The children always carry on when the teacher’s out of the classroom.

- To have a love affair with: tán tỉnh.

Ex: She’s been carrying on with the milkman.

• catch on:

- to become popular: nổi tiếng.

Ex: Long dresses have really caught on.

- to understand: hiểu được.

Ex: He’s a bit slow to catch on.

• catch out:

- put someone in a difficult situation: làm khó ai.

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Ex: The last question in the exam caught them all out.

- detect that someone has done something wrong or made a mistake: bắt bẻ lỗi.

Ex: The examiner will try to catch you out, so stay calm and think carefully before you

• catch up:

- to come level with: theo kịp, đuổi kịp.

Ex: We caught him up at the corner although he was walking very fast.

- to do or finish what has not been done: hoàn thành công việc chưa xong.

Ex: I’ll not be able to catch up with my work now.

- to take hastily: mang đi vội vã.

Ex: I caught up my cases and dashed to the railway station but I missed the train.

• check in:

- to arrive (at hotel) and sign the register: đến khách sạn và đặt phòng.

Ex: We checked in last night.

- to book a room for sb at hotel: đặt phòng trước cho ai.

Ex: He checked us in at the Mandarin Hotel.

- to hand in: cầm.

Ex: We’ll check in our luggage and go and have a meal.

• check out:

- to leave (a hotel), paying one’s bill: trả phòng.

Ex: You must check out before 12 o’clock.

- to test or examine: kiểm tra.

Ex: I’ll check out your version of the events.

• check up on: to investigate to see if sb or st is reliable, true: kiểm tra độ đáng tin.

Ex: Have you been checking up on me?

• cheer up: to make or become more cheerful: làm vui lên.

Ex: He cheered up when he saw her.

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• clean up:

- to clean thoroughly: dọn sạch, (trời) quang đãng, làm sáng sủa hơn…

Ex: She cleaned the room up after they went home.

- to make a huge profit: tạo lợi nhuận lớn.

Ex: They cleaned up on their business deals.

• clear off:

- to get rid of, to pay: trả lại, loại bỏ.

Ex: You must clear off your account before we give you any more credit.

- to go away, to leave: rời bỏ.

Ex: He cleared off without saying a word.

• climb down:

- to go down or towards the bottom of (a mountain,....): xuống núi…

Ex: It was difficult to climb down the cliff.

- to accept defeat; to take back what one has said: nhượng bộ.

Ex: He eventually climbed down and accepted our decision.

• close up:

- to come or bring closer together: đến gần hơn.

Ex: He closed up the space between the lines of print.

- to shut completely: đóng hoàn toàn.

Ex: He closed up the house when he went on holiday.

• come about: happen: xảy ra.

Ex: How did that come about?

• come across:

- to meet or find by chance: tình cờ gặp.

Ex: I came across these old photos recently.

- to be understood or appreciated: được thông hiểu, được đánh giá tốt.

Ex: His speed came across well.

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• come along:

- to progress: tiến triển.

Ex: How are things coming along?

- used to tell sb to hurry: dùng để nói ai nhanh lên.

Ex: Do come along! I’m in a hurry.

• come back: to return to a place: quay trở lại.

Ex: I left work and came back home early.

• come between: to separate or make unfriendly: chia rẽ.

Ex: We shouldn’t let a little thing like this come between us.

• come by: to get or obtain: đạt được.

Ex: It's unclear how he came by his wealth.

• come down:

- to decrease or become less: giảm.

Ex: House prices have come down recently.

- to fall and land on the ground: rơi xuống đất.

Ex: The rain came down heavily all day.

- to feel less excited after a very enjoyable experience: cảm giác ít thích thú.

Ex: The drug had worn off and I could feel myself coming down.

• come down on: to punish someone or treat someone severely: chỉ trích gay gắt.

Ex: She came down on me like a ton of bricks.

• come from: to have been born in, made in: đến từ, xuất xứ từ.

Ex: Where did this old book come from?

• come in:

- to enter a room or building: bước vào.

Ex: Try not to wake the whole house when you come in!

- join or become involved in an enterprise: tham gia vào (doanh nghiệp..).

Ex: I agreed to come in on the project.

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- (of a tide) rise; flow: thủy triều dâng lên.

Ex: The tide was coming in.

• come into: to inherit: thừa hưởng.

Ex: She’ll come into all her father’s money when he dies.

• come off:

- to happen (successfully): xảy ra (thành công).

Ex: The gamble didn’t come off.

- to finish: hoàn thành.

Ex: He was unsuccessful at first but he came off quite well in the end.

• come out:

- to become know: lộ ra, xuất hiện.

Ex: The truth finally came out.

- to be published: xuất bản.

Ex: This newspaper comes out once a week.

- to strike: đình công.

Ex: The men have come out (on strike).

- (of a photo) to be developed: rửa ảnh.

Ex: This photograph has come out very well.

- to be shown (in a photograph): xuất hiện trong ảnh.

Ex: You came out very well in the photos he took.

- to decide: quyết định.

Ex: He came out in favour of the death penalty.

- to be removed: xóa khỏi.

Ex: This dirty mark won’t come out.

- to be solved: được giải quyết.

Ex: My calculations don’t come out.

• come round:

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- to visit: thăm ai.

Ex: Come round and see us soon.

- to regain consciousness: làm hồi tỉnh.

Ex: He won’t come round for 20 minutes at least.

- to be persuaded to accept st: thuyết phục ai chấp nhận.

Ex: He’ll come round eventually (to your way of thinking).

• come through: to stay alive or survive: sống sót.

Ex: Will he come through all right after the operation?

• come up to: to reach: đạt đến.

Ex: This piece odd work doesn’t come up to your usual high standard.

• come up with: to think of, to produce: nảy ra, nghĩ ra, sản xuất ra.

Ex: He has come up with a good idea.

• contribute to: to help to cause to happen: đóng góp vào.

Ex: His gambling contributed to his downfall.

• count on/(formal) upon: to rely on: dựa vào.

Ex: I’m counting on you to persuade her.

• cool down:

- to make or become less warm: làm lạnh.

Ex: Let your food cool down a bit.

- to make or become less excited or less emotional: bình tĩnh lại.

Ex: He was very angry but he’s cooled down a bit now.

• cool off: to become less enthusiastic: ít nhiệt tình hơn.

Ex: He used to love her very much but he has cooled off now.

• crack up: to break into pieces, to come unable to continue: phá vỡ.

Ex: If he works as hard as this all time, he’ll eventually crack up.

• cross out: to draw a line through: gạch.

Ex: He crossed out all her mistakes.

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• cut across:

- to pass in front of: chắn ngang đằng trước.

Ex: The lorry cut across (the path of) the little car.

- to interfere with or disagree with: can thiệp vào hoặc không đồng tình với.

Ex: His ideas cut across my own on this subject.

- to take a shorter route by way of: đi tắt.

Ex: He cut across the grass so as not to be late.

• cut back: to reduce considerably: giảm đáng kể.

Ex: The government cut back on public spending.

• cut down:

- to cause to fall by cutting: đốn ngã.

Ex: He has cut down the apple tree.

- to reduce (an amount taken...): giảm lượng thu vào.

Ex: I haven’t give up smoking but I’m cutting down.

• cut in: to interrupt: ngắt lời.

Ex: She cut in with a remark.

• cut off:

-cắt (điện, nước), ngắt

- to interrupt or break a telephone connection: ngắt cuộc điện thoại.

Ex: I was cut off in the middle of telephone call.

- to separate: cắt đứt liên lạc.

Ex: They were cut off from the rest of the army by the enemy.

- to leave (someone) nothing in a will: không để lại gì trong di chúc.

Ex: He cut his daughters off without a cent.

• cut out:

- to break off or divide by cutting: cắt ra.

Ex: The child cut the pictures out of the magazine.

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- to stop or put an end to: ngưng hay chấm dứt.

Ex: Cut out all the noise!

He’s cut out cigarettes - I’ve cut them out too.

4. Cụm động từ bắt đầu bằng D

• dash off:

- to write hurriedly and without much care: làm nhanh, làm vội.

Ex: I dashed off a letter or two while I was waiting.

- to leave or move away in a hurry: rời đi nhanh chóng.

Ex: I must dash off to the shop before it shuts.

• deal with:

- to be concerned with; to discuss: bàn về cái gì, đề cập đến.

Ex: This book deals with methods of teaching English.

- to take action about, especially in order to solve a problem: giải quyết.

Ex: I want to deal with this letter before doing anything else.

• depend on/upon:

- to rely on: dựa vào, phụ thuộc vào.

Ex: You can’t depend on his arriving on time.

- to be decided by: được quyết định bởi.

Ex: Whether I come on Tuesday or not depends on the amount of work I get through
before then.


• die away: to fade from sight or hearing: mờ dần.

Ex: The sound died away into the distance.

• die down: to lose strength or power: mất dần sức mạnh.

Ex: I think the wind has died down a bit.

• die off: to die quickly or in large numbers: chết nhanh và số lượng nhiều.

Ex: Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.

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• die of illness: chết vì bệnh.

Ex: My grandfather died of a heart attack.

• die from wound: chết vì vết thương.

Ex: The old man died from a car accident.

• die out: become extinct: tuyệt chủng.

Ex: Many species died out.

• discourage from: to persuade against: ngăn cản.

Ex: The rain discouraged him from going camping.

• discriminate between: to make a different between: phân biệt.

Ex: It’s sometimes difficult to discriminate between real and pretended cases of need.

• dispose of: to get rid of: loại bỏ.

Ex: He disposed of the arguments against his plan in two sentences.

• distinguish between: to recognize a different between: phân biệt.

Ex: I can’t distinguish between the two types- they both look the same to me.

• do away with: to get rid of: loại bỏ.

Ex: They did away with uniforms at that school years ago.

• do down: to cheat or overcome in some away:lừa ai

Ex: He enjoys doing other people down.

• do for:

- to kill or cause the end of: giết, gây ra sự chấm dứt của.

Ex: The coming of television did for the cheap cinemas.

- to do housework for: làm việc nội trợ cho.

Ex: Mrs. Brown comes in twice a week to do for us.

• do out: to clean thoroughly: dọn sạch.

Ex: I spent the morning doing out the living room.

• do without: manage without having st: làm việc mà không có thứ gì.

Ex: We’ll just have to do without a phone.

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• draw back: choose not to do something that one was expected to do: rút lui.

Ex: The government has drawn back from attempting reform.

• draw on:

- to use st as a source: dùng cái gì như một nguồn, cầu đến.

Ex: He drew on his imagination for a lot of details.

- to pull on: lấy ra.

Ex: He drew on his gloves.

- to come nearer: đến gần hơn.

Ex: Night drew on and it was soon quite dark.

• draw out:

- take money from a bank: rút tiền.

Ex: I drew out a hundred dollars yesterday.

- to make long or longer than necessary: kéo dài ra.

Ex: We drew out the journey as much as we could but we still arrived early.

- to encourage to become less shy: khuyến khích ai mạnh dạn hơn.

Ex: He sits silently in a corner unless someone takes the trouble to draw him out.

• draw up:

- to stop (car..): dừng xe.

Ex: We drew up outside their house.

- to arrange in an acceptable form or order: xếp thành hàng.

Ex: They drew up the soldiers in line.

- to move closer: lại gần.

Ex: Draw up a chair!

• dream up: To invent: phát minh.

Ex: He’s dreamed up some sort of special recipe for fish.

• dress up: Dress in smart or formal clothes: mặc đẹp.

Ex: Don’t dress up specially for the party - just come as you are.

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• drop by: to visit someone casually and without being invited: tạt qua, ghé qua.

Ex: I’ll drop by on my way home if I have time.

• drop in:

- to leave st for sb: để lại cái gì cho ai.

Ex: Just drop the book in when you finish it.

- to arrive to visit sb: đến thăm ai.

Ex: Do drop in if you happen to be passing!

• drop off:

- To become separated or fall off: rơi ra, tách ra.

Ex: I was trying to open the door when the door-handle dropped off.

- To fall asleep: thiu thiu ngủ.

Ex: I was so tired and dropped off in front of the television.

- To become less: trở nên ít hơn, kém hơn.

Ex: Sales have dropped off during the last three months.

- To take somewhere in a vehicle leave him: thả xuống (khỏi xe).

Ex: I’ll drop you off at your house.

• drop out: to withdraw, especially from a course at university…: rời bỏ, ra khỏi, bỏ học.

Ex: She’s dropped out of college.

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