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Detailed lesson plan in layer of the earth

I – Objective:

This lesson will able the student to:

1. Explain about layer of the earth.
2. The internal structure of the earth.
3. Observe and positive negative changes.

II. Subject matter:

A. topic: Layer of the earth
B. References:
C. Material: Visual aid, printed picture.

III. Learning task:

Teachers activity Student activity
A. Engagement

1. Greetings
Good morning class! - Good morning sir
(I am Noel Esteban I’m your science teacher this

Who can lead the prayers?

Okay Jayson you lead the prayer. - Dear God thank you for this day. Amen

2. Attendance
Before we start our class I will check your - Yes sir
attendance first.

Okay as I call your name please say present.

Jayson, Carza, Pelimon, rian, kimbert. - Present sir

Very good you are all present

3. review

What was our topic yesterday? - About sun sir

Very good our topic yesterday about sun.

Okay today we will going to tackle about layers of - Yes sir

the earth.
4. Motivation

Before we will start our lesson I will let you first - Yes sir
watch some video.

(the teacher will play the video)

After watching the video the teacher will ask.

1. What can you say about the video? - The video is all about earth

2. What is earth? - Earth is where we are living now.

3. What do you think is the layer of the earth? - No answer

Very good
Later on you will going to learn about layer of the

B. Exploration

Direction: label the parts of the earth.

- Crust
- Mantle
- Outer core
- Inner core

C. Explanation
The structure of the Earth is divided
into layers. These layers are both physically
and chemically different. The Earth has an
outer solid layer called the crust, a
highly viscous layer called the mantle, a liquid
layer that is the outer part of the core, called
the outer core, and a solid center called
the inner core. The shape of the earth is
an oblate spheroid, because it is slightly
flattened at the poles and bulging at
the equator.
The boundaries between these layers were
discovered by seismographs which showed
the way vibrations bounced off the layers
during earthquakes. Between the Earth's crust
and the mantle is a boundary called the moho.
It was the first discovery of a major change in
the Earth's structure as one goes deeper.

1. The crust is the outermost layer of the

Earth. It is made of solid rocks. It is
mostly made of the lighter
elements, silicon, oxygen, aluminium.
Because of this, it is known
as sial (silicon = Si; aluminium = Al)
or felsic.
2. The mantle is the layer of the Earth
right below the crust. It is made mostly
of oxygen, silicon and the heavier
element magnesium. It is known
as sima (Si for silicon + ma for
magnesium) or mafic. The mantle itself
is divided into layers.
1. The uppermost part of the
mantle is solid, and forms the
base of the crust. It is made of
the heavy rock peridotite. The
continental and oceanic plates
include both the crust proper
and this uppermost solid layer
of the mantle. Together this
mass makes up
the lithosphere. The
lithosphere plates float on the
semi-liquid aesthenosphere be
2. Upper aesthenosphere: magma
3. Lower aesthenosphere
4. Lower mantle
3. The Earth's core is made of
solid iron and nickel, and is at about
5000–6000 °C.
1. Outer core is a liquid layer
below the mantle.
2. Inner core is the very center of
the Earth.[1]

A full explanation of these effects is not yet

clear. It seems that the high temperature and
pressure cause changes in
the crystallization of minerals, so that the
composition might be a kind of changing
mixture of liquid and crystals.

D. Elaboration

Define the following

1. crust

2. mantle

3. outer core

4. inner core

5. lower mantel

E. Evaluation
Multiple choice
Chose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The earth outermost surface is called?

a. mantle
b. crust
c. core
d. inner core

2. It is relatively flexible so it flows instead of

a. mantle
b. crust
c. core
d. inner core
3. Inner core is called?
a. the earth outermost surface
b. fluid layer
c. solid innermost layer of the earth
d. Earth magnetic field

4. It is the fluid layer that contain iron.

a. crust
b. mantle
c. inner core
d. outer core

5. The mantle is divided into how many regions?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 2

6. It is the largest layer of the earth?

a. crust
b. mantle
c. core
d. moho

7. it is called the outer layer of the mantle/

a. lithosphere
b. moho
c. asthenosphere
d. core

8. the core is made up of?

a. iron
b. nickel
c. cobalt
d. bronze

9. the earth are divided into how many layers?

a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5

10. Lithosphere is made up of?

a. crust and moho
b. inner and outer core
c. mantle and crust
d. mantle

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