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Nuclear radius
Ro-1.2x 101 m
A-mass no.
of protons and neutrons
zx, A Z+N= mass number
V- 4/3nR Size of nucleus
V 4/3nRA
Nuclear volume Composition aocnumber
N no. oT
Density mass of nucleus /volurme
Nucdear density The to
of nucieus
minimum energy required separate
nucleons into its constituent protons and
Nuclear binding energy neutrons.

AM=Zm,+(AZImal-M E AMc
mmass of proton Mass defect
mamass of neutron
M=mass of nucleus of decay of a radioactive
Law of
proportional to the amount of
NUCLEI radioactive substance present
Heavy doubly lonised He lon decay dN/dt N
Disintegration of heavy N- N, e
Decay of 1 alpha particle cause a-particle elements into
decrease In atomic no. (Z) by 2 and
mass no. (A) by 4 Radioactivity comparitively klighter
elements by emission of
Time taken by radioactive substance to
reduce to haif of t s initial
a p.Y Haff life
In 5+ and decay mass number remains Properties of a B. y concentration
uncnanged, wnereas n e atomic numper goes
up Dy ih p* and atomic no. goes down by 1 in P-partice
Discovered by By Henrl Becqueral in 1896

A wave havving high frequencY

and nom a s s particle
No change in and A
Nuclear Fusion Combining of two lighter nucdei to form a heavy nucleus

Splitting of heavy nucleus into 2 or more lighter nuclei Nuclear fission

General Tormula CHan-2

From unsaturated nydrocarbons
From alky halides

saturated Alkanes5
Substitution Reaction Halogenation
Chemical properties


yclic polymerisation or etnyne

General formula CaHan
Decarboxylation of aromatic acids Preparation
From Alkymes
Reduction of Phenol

O m d i k nalides

NItration Preparation
From vidinal dihalides

Electrophilicsubstitution reactions Fromalcohols by acldicdehydration
Chemical properuees
Benzene Aromatic Hydrocarbons Alkenes Additionof dihydrogen
Frledal- Crafts alkylation
AAdditon of halogens
Addiion redcuon
Tosymmetrical alkene
Addition of hydrogen nalldes
chemicalproperties 1 o unsymmetical ne
ortho and Para directing groups
OH, -NH2 CH, CaHs Monosubstituted Benzene
Addition of water

-NO2,-CN, -CHO, -coOH Meta directing groups


General formula CaHan-2

F r o m calcium carbide

From vicinal dihalides

Additlon of dihydrogen
Chemlcal properties Addition reaction AOdition or naiogens

Additlon of hydrogen halldes

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