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I am writing this narrative report to document my participation in the Brigada Eskwela program at
ESF Building Room 204 during the two weekends of August 14-15 and August 22-25, 2023. Brigada
Eskwela is an annual nationwide program in the Philippines aimed at preparing public schools for the
upcoming academic year. It involves a collective effort from the community, students, parents, and
volunteers to ensure that the school environment is conducive to learning.

Preparation and Planning:

In the weeks leading up to the event, I, along with other volunteers, attended orientation sessions
organized by ESF. These sessions helped us understand the objectives and tasks that needed to be
accomplished during Brigada Eskwela. We were briefed on the importance of the program and its
impact on the students and the school community.

Day 1 - August 14, 2023:

The first day of Brigada Eskwela was filled with enthusiasm and a strong sense of community. I
arrived at ESF Building Room 204 early in the morning, along with fellow volunteers. Our first task
was to clean the classroom thoroughly. We dusted the furniture, swept and mopped the floors, and
cleaned the windows. It was heartwarming to see parents, teachers, and students working together
with a common goal of improving the learning environment.

Day 2 - August 15, 2023:

On the second day, we continued our work in Room 204. This time, we focused on repairing and
repainting the classroom. We fixed broken chairs and tables, patched up holes on the walls, and
applied a fresh coat of paint to make the room more inviting. The transformation of the classroom
was remarkable, and it was evident that our efforts were making a significant difference.

Day 3 - August 22, 2023:

After a week of rest, we returned for the second phase of Brigada Eskwela. On this day, our tasks
included organizing the classroom, setting up the desks and chairs, and arranging educational
materials. We also created a welcoming bulletin board with motivational messages and artwork to
inspire the students when they return to school.
Day 4 - August 25, 2023:

The final day of Brigada Eskwela was dedicated to putting the finishing touches on Room 204. We
ensured that all the resources, such as textbooks and teaching aids, were organized and readily
available for the teachers. The classroom was now ready to receive students for the upcoming school


Participating in Brigada Eskwela at ESF Building Room 204 was an enriching and fulfilling experience.
It allowed me to contribute to the improvement of the learning environment for students, fostering a
sense of community and shared responsibility. Our collective efforts during the two weekends of
August 14-15 and August 22-25, 2023, have undoubtedly made Room 204 a more conducive place
for education.

I would like to express my gratitude to ESF and all the volunteers, parents, and teachers who came
together to make this event a success. Brigada Eskwela not only enhances the physical aspects of the
school but also strengthens the bond among the members of the school community. I look forward
to participating in similar initiatives in the future, knowing that our efforts can have a positive and
lasting impact on the lives of students and the quality of education they receive.

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