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Wszystkie czasy w pigułce:

2. Praca domowa z poprzedniej lekcji:

3. Kilka idiomów do opanowania:

Pick up
English: To collect or gather something or someone; to begin to learn or understand something quickly; to
receive a signal or sound, e.g., on a radio.
Polish: Zbierać, podnosić; szybko nauczyć się czy zrozumieć coś; odbierać sygnał lub dźwięk, np. w radiu.

Bring about
English: To cause something to happen.
Polish: Spowodować coś.

Point out
English: To indicate or show something; to draw attention to or mention a specific fact or detail.
Polish: Wskazać, zwrócić uwagę na coś; podkreślić czy wspomnieć o jakimś fakcie lub szczególe.

Make out
English: To perceive or recognize something with difficulty; to understand; to kiss and touch in a romantic
Polish: Dostrzegać z trudem; rozumieć; całować się i dotykać w romantyczny sposób.

Wipe out
English: To destroy completely; to erase or remove.
Polish: Zniszczyć całkowicie; wymazać lub usunąć.

Get across
English: To make someone understand or accept an idea or information; to communicate effectively.
Polish: Sprawić, że ktoś zrozumie lub zaakceptuje pewną myśl lub informację; skutecznie komunikować.

Spell out
English: To explain something in a very clear way with details; to state the letters of a word one by one.
Polish: Wyjaśnić coś w bardzo klarowny sposób z detalami; podać litery słowa po kolei.
Come across
English: To find or encounter something or someone by chance; to seem or appear in a particular way.
Polish: Natknąć się na coś lub kogoś przypadkiem; wydawać się lub pojawiać w określony sposób.
Figure out
English: To understand or find the answer to something by thinking.
Polish: Zrozumieć coś lub znaleźć odpowiedź poprzez myślenie.

Take in
English: To understand and remember information; to deceive someone; to include or cover a particular
range or area.
Polish: Zrozumieć i zapamiętać informacje; oszukać kogoś; obejmować lub pokrywać określony zakres lub

Struck up a conversation
English: Started talking casually with someone, often with someone you don't know very well.
Polish: Rozpocząć rozmowę; zaczynać rozmawiać z kimś, często z osobą, której się nie zna dobrze.

Came across as
English: Appeared or seemed in terms of impression or demeanor.
Polish: Robić wrażenie, sprawiać wrażenie; wydawać się w jakiś sposób w oparciu o pierwsze wrażenie.

Paid him a compliment

English: Gave him praise or said something nice about him.
Polish: Przekazać komuś komplement; powiedzieć coś miłego o kimś.

Took to him
English: Began to like him quickly; felt a fast connection or affinity.
Polish: Polubić kogoś szybko; poczuć szybko połączenie lub sympatię.

Had a laugh
English: Shared a fun or humorous moment; laughed together.
Polish: Śmiać się razem, dobrze się bawić; dzielić się chwilą humoru.

Hit it off
English: Got along really well from the start; instantly formed a good relationship.
Polish: Od razu dobrze się rozumieć; nawiązać szybko dobre relacje.

Fill in the blanks with the correct idiom from the list provided:
2. When I visited the city, I ___________ a fascinating antique shop hidden behind the main street.
3. Despite his shy demeanor, he ___________ very confident during his speech.
4. After analyzing the problem for hours, he finally ___________ the solution.
5. The teacher had to ___________ the importance of arriving on time to class.
6. It was so noisy at the party that I could barely ___________ what she was saying.
7. He ___________ right away with the new puppy and they became inseparable.
8. The intense storm ___________ the entire coastal village.
9. Can you please ___________ your email address for me? I want to make sure I write it down correctly.
10. The sudden changes in the company's structure ___________ a lot of confusion among employees.
11. At the party, she ___________ with a tourist from Spain, and they talked about their travel experiences
for hours.
12. The guide ___________ so much information during the tour that it was hard to remember all the details.
13. She ___________ about his new hairstyle, saying it made him look younger.
14. They ___________ right away and decided to start a business together.
15. After a long day at work, they ___________ over some silly jokes.
16. I tried to ___________ my point to the committee, but they seemed uninterested.
17. She decided to ___________ French classes while staying in Paris for a month.

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