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Field Work Practice Report (PKL) on behalf of Arul Hasan Nasyirul

Khoer, NIS. 2122.10.060, Multimedia, "BANNER MAKING PROCESS IN CV
MUTIARA DIGITAL PRINTING", Academic Year 2022/2023. It has been
approved and ratified as the final project in the implementation of Field Work
Practices (PKL)

Ciamis, May 23, 2023

Chief Of Multimedia Program Guide

…………… …………..


All praise Allah who has given his blessings to the author, so that the
author can complete the Field Work Practice (PKL) carried out at CV MUTIARA
DIGITAL PRINTING, from February 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023.
Prayers and greetings, may always be poured out to the noblest of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW. do not forget also to his family, his friends and hopefully reach
us as his people.
This report is submitted as the final project in the implementation of Field Work
Practices (PKL) in 2023.
On this occasion, the author would like to thank those who have provided
encouragement, motivation, and moral and material advice in the implementation
of Field Work Practices (PKL) and the making of this report.
1. Mr. Drs. H. Rasidi, M,Sc., as the head of SMK Ma'arif Sabilunnajat
Rancah who has given direction and guidance to us.
2. Mr. Irpan Ramdani, S.T., as Head of Multimedia Expertise Program,
who has provided direction and motivation.
3. Mr. Diki Julkipli, S.H., as Homeroom Class XI Multimedia 2, who has
provided direction and motivation.
4. Ibu Seni Sumarni, S.T., as a supervisor in the preparation of this report
who always provides direction and guidance.
5. K.H. Fifin Syarif Aripin, S.Ag., as the supervisor and director of the
Sabilunnajat Islamic Boarding School who has given the mandate in
the implementation of Field Work Practices (PKL).
6. The board of teachers, staff and all members of SMK Ma'arif
Sabilunnajat Rancah who always provide motivation.
7. Dear father and mother who have provided moral and material support
and prayers, so that we are smooth in the implementation of Field
Work Practices (PKL) and the preparation of this report.

Class XI comrades of SMK Ma'arif Sabilunnajat Rancah, who have
given their encouragement, motivation and prayers so that this report
can be completed.
For all this, the author can only thank him profusely and ask Allah
Almighty, so that his services are rewarded with multiple rewards.

Rancah, May 2023



TITLE PAGE................................................................................................... i
PREFACE........................................................................................................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................v
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.....................................................................1
A. Background of street vendors ....................................................1
B. Purpose of street vendors............................................................1
CHAPTER II COMPANY DESCRIPTION.................................................2
A. Time and Place of street vendors...............................................2
B. Brief History and Profile............................................................2
C. Code of Conduct and Work Discipline......................................3
D. General Process..........................................................................3
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION.........................................................................4
A. Software Used............................................................................4
B Tools and Materials Used............................................................4
C. Process........................................................................................5
CHAPTER IV CLOSING...............................................................................7
A. Conclusion .................................................................................7
B. suggestion ..................................................................................7

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