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Create a collage showing the progression of human understanding and attitude of gender and sexuality
in modern societies.
2. Based on the meaning of the Patriarchy and Feminism what you have understand based on the definition.
ANS: Based from the definitions, I understand that patriarchy and feminism are two contradicting concepts.
The idea of patriarchy is all about male dominance. In a patriarchal society, more priviledges are entitled to
men in the community as a whole. For me, this notion suppress the rights of women. On the other side,
feminism is a social movement that advocates women rights. Its concept is rooted on the equality of both
sexes. In a society where feminism prevails, the playing field is fair and levelled. It means that females are
granted the same life opportunities with males.
3.What is the importance Women Empowerment in our society.
ANS: Women empowerment is the act of giving women the gems they always deserved. That gems are the
right and freedom to live a fair life with the opposite sex. It is very important in a society because when
women are living a safe and productive life, it will create a good norm that will shape the next generations.
It will erase the oppressive system against women, thus leading to an equal society.
5. What is your comment with regards to equality in politics here in our society.
ANS: The politics here in our society shows equality in all genders. This is my opinion because as we have
seen, there are no gender restrictions when it comes to running as a candidate in an election. Nowadays,
women are actively participating in political activities. This is a proof that all gender are granted equal
priviledges in politics.

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