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Act 1:

Interviewer (HR): Welcome, Candidate 1! Please go ahead and showcase your TikTok campaign.

Candidate 1 (female): Thank you! So, here's our campaign featuring traditional apparel. We
incorporated vibrant visuals and catchy tunes to make it share-worthy.

Marketing Manager (USER): (whispering) TikTok, really? Is that even a professional platform?

Interviewer (HR): (with a smile) Well, it seems like TikTok is not just for dance challenges anymore.
Candidate 1, could you share some metrics on engagement and conversion rates?

Candidate 1 (female): Absolutely! We saw a 30% increase in engagement, and our conversion rates
went up by 15%.

Act 2:

Interviewer (HR): Great work! Now, handling negativity on social media is inevitable. How do you
manage negative comments or PR crises?

Candidate 1 (female): It's crucial to address concerns promptly. We create a positive narrative and
encourage open dialogue. Transparency is key.

Marketing Manager (USER): (muttering) Women and emotions, are they a good fit for crisis

Interviewer (HR): (chuckles) Handling crises requires empathy and quick thinking, wouldn't you
agree, Candidate 1?

Candidate 1 (female): Absolutely. Empathy is a superpower in crisis management.

Act 3:

Interviewer (HR): Great job, Candidate 1! Now, any questions for us?

Candidate 1 (female): Just one – does the company value diversity in its teams?

Marketing Manager (USER): (raising an eyebrow) Why does that matter?

Interviewer (HR): (interjecting with humor) Well, diversity brings different perspectives, just like how
various social media platforms cater to diverse audiences.

Marketing Manager (USER): (nods reluctantly)

Interviewer (HR): (to Candidate 1) We appreciate your time and will be in touch.


Interviewer (HR): (turns to Marketing Manager) Let's ensure we evaluate candidates based on skills
and experience rather than personal biases.

Marketing Manager (USER): (grudgingly) Fine, but I have a preference for male candidates.

Interviewer (HR): (smirking) Well, let's not forget, it's about the right skills, not the gender. We're
aiming for a diverse team, just like a well-curated social media feed.

Marketing Manager (USER): (rolls eyes) We'll see about that.


Act 1: Candidate 1 Showcases a TikTok Campaign

Interviewer (HR): Welcome, Candidate 1! We're excited to see your work. Could you please share
the details of the TikTok campaign you spearheaded?

Candidate 1: Thank you! So, I focused on promoting traditional apparel through engaging TikTok
content. We combined cultural elements with modern trends, and it really resonated with our target
audience. Let me pull up the analytics on the screen for you.

Digital Screen: Shows impressive engagement metrics, creative videos, and positive comments.

Interviewer (HR): Excellent work! The engagement is impressive. How did you handle any negative
comments or PR crises that arose during the campaign?

Candidate 1: Well, I believe in addressing concerns transparently. We turned negatives into

positives, responding with humor and empathy. It helped maintain a positive brand image.

Act 2: Probing about Handling Negative Comments or PR Crises

Interviewer (HR): That's a great approach. Now, let's talk about handling negativity on social media.
How do you deal with negative comments or navigate through a PR crisis?
Candidate 1: It's all about being proactive. I monitor comments closely, respond promptly, and try to
resolve issues privately when possible. If it escalates, I consult with the team to craft a thoughtful
and authentic response.

Interviewer (HR): Good strategy. It's crucial to stay on top of things. Now, let's transition to the next
phase of the interview.

Act 3: Concerns from Marketing Manager and Handling Potential Bias

Marketing Manager: (looking skeptical) Impressive campaign, Candidate 1. However, I'm a bit
concerned about the industry dynamics. It can be tough for women to handle certain aspects.

Interviewer (HR): (with a slight chuckle) Well, I appreciate your input. However, we're committed to
a fair and unbiased evaluation process. Candidate 1 has showcased exceptional skills and experience.

Marketing Manager: (nodding) I just think men are generally better suited for this kind of work.

Interviewer (HR): (with a playful smile) Well, that's an interesting perspective, but let's focus on the
candidate's qualifications and achievements. We're looking for the best fit for the role, regardless of
gender. Candidate 1, do you have any final thoughts?

Candidate 1: (with a smile) I'm here because of my passion and capability, and I'm excited about the
opportunity to contribute to the team.

Interviewer (HR): Thank you, Candidate 1. We appreciate your time and insights. We'll be in touch

Marketing Manager: (muttering) Well, we'll see about that

Interviewer (HR): (with a wink) Indeed, we will. Now, let's prepare for Candidate 2's presentation.

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