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Today at 4:00, I attend the boys football C team game.

I chose this event because of my

love and interest for coaching football while being an educator and a lot of students in my class

are on this team. I really think teachers attending student events wether it is sports or something

else really can help build a relationship with your students which strengthens a classroom. One

of my students named Tyler saw me and it looked like he was star struck. I said hi to him after

the game and he kept asking why I was there but in a good way. It showed that I cared about his

interests and what he likes to do. I wonder if tomorrow when I go into the classroom, if he will

be more open to talking to me. He is usually quite shy and never looks at me when he talks to me

and I feel like him seeing me will strengthen our relationship. Overall though, I think attending

student events just gives teachers another thing to talk to them about and show they care about

them which in turn can help students succeed and just like school more.

One thing I didn’t like about attending the football game was that it wasn’t really outside

my comfort zone. I would have no issue attending any football game as a teacher but going to

events where I don’t have too much interest in like theater will be tougher. I need to make sure

that if I attend a football game for some of my future students, I will need to attend a play or

musical performance. Or just not focus on the football game but also look for my students in the

stands and in the marching band or cheer squad. They all need to feel like I care about them and

am not picking out favorites because that would actually ruin relationships and hurt my

classroom environment.

Just attending this event made me realize how important it is for teachers to get involved

with students outside of teaching. Not only should they attend a ton of events that their students

are in but they should sponsor clubs and be coaches. This would really strengthen relationships

especially if the teacher is activiley involved in their student interests. I hope I can coach not just
one sport but multiple sports and even sponsor clubs. I really like to be busy or I am bored so I

think I can do it, especially when I know it helps others. This would be hard in my opinion to not

show favorites and I really don’t know how teachers remian that balance especailly if they are

activley involved with a club/sport. And it is also worrysome that coaching and sponsoring can

take up a lot of time so how can teachers still attend other student events? Also there will always

be students that aren’t involved with school events so how can a teacher build a relationship with

those students as well, especially if they are not open to talking?

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