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MKTG1418 Data collection instrument

(Semester 2, 2022)
Start of Block: Info and Consent
This interview is part of an assignment of the course Marketing Intelligence at RMIT Vietnam.

Information collected from this project will be used for academic purposes and will be put
together so that the respondents are anonymous and cannot be identified from the pool of data.

This questionnaire contains two parts, consist of quantitative questions (multiple-choice

questions) and qualitative questions (long, written answers retrieved from an in-depth interview)
at the end of the questionnaire.

The student interviewer will be in charge of filling in the responses on your behalf while
interviewing you, including both the quantitative and qualitative questions. The student
interviewer will also conduct an in-depth interview with you for the last part of the questionnaire,
in order to ensure high quality for the qualitative data.

Completing this questionnaire, including both the quantitative and qualitative parts, will take
about 30-40 minutes.

Thank you very much for your participation in this questionnaire.

Lưu ý quan trọng:

Bảng câu hỏi này được sử dụng cho mục đích thực hiện đồ án của môn học Marketing
Intelligence tại RMIT Vietnam.

Danh tính của quý vị sẽ hoàn toàn ẩn danh, và mọi thông tin thu thập từ bảng câu hỏi này chỉ
được sử dụng cho mục đích học tập.

Bảng câu hỏi này gồm 2 phần: phần câu hỏi định lượng (khảo sát) và phần câu hỏi định tính (ở
dạng phỏng vấn sâu, cần điền câu trả lời dưới dạng văn bản) ở cuối bảng.

Sinh viên thực hiện khảo sát sẽ chịu trách nhiệm điền câu trả lời của quý vị vào bảng câu hỏi
này, bao gồm cả phần định lượng và định tính. Quý vị sẽ được phỏng vấn sâu bởi sinh viên
thực hiện khảo sát ở phần câu hỏi định tính, nhằm đảm bảo chất lượng dữ liệu thu thập được
đa dạng và chính xác.

Tổng thời lượng khảo sát sẽ tầm 30-40 phút (bao gồm cả trả lời các câu hỏi định lượng và cho
phần phỏng vấn sâu).

Chân thành cảm ơn sự hợp tác của quý vị.

Consent I agree/consent to participate in this interview:
o Yes (1)
o No (2)
SID Please enter the student ID (e.g., sXXXXXXX):
Note: you must provide a valid student ID, otherwise this response will not be accepted.

Lưu ý quan trọng cho người trả lời bảng câu hỏi:
- Xin vui lòng điền chính xác mã số sinh viên (student ID) của sinh viên đang phỏng vấn quý vị.
Nếu mã số không chính xác, bảng câu hỏi này sẽ không thể tính vào điểm của sinh viên đó
hoặc có thể bị tính nhầm.
Group Please select your class group (filled by the student interviewer)

Chọn lớp của sinh viên đang học:

o SG_G01 - Haley Phan (Monday 3pm to 6pm) (1)
o SG_G02 - Duy DPT (Monday 3pm to 6pm) (4)
o SG_G03 - Duy DPT (Tuesday 3pm to 6pm) (5)
o SG_G04 - Hanh T (Monday 8am to 11am) (6)
o SG_G05 - Hanh T (Monday 11:30am to 2:30pm) (7)
o SG_G06 - Hanh T (Wednesday 11:30am to 2:30pm) (8)
o SG_G07 - Hanh T (Wednesday 3pm to 6pm) (9)
o SG_G08 - Tuan ND (Tuesday 3pm to 6pm) (10)
o SG_G10 - Tuan ND (Wednesday 11:30am to 2:30pm) (11)
o SG_G11 - Tuan ND (Thursday 8am to 11am) (12)
o SG_G12 - Duy DPT (Thursday 3pm to 6pm) (13)
o HN_G01 - Haley Phan (Monday 3pm to 6pm) (14)
o HN_G02 - Phuong P (Friday 3pm to 6pm) (15)
o HN_G03 - Ngoc LB (Saturday 9am to 12pm) (16)
o HN_G04 - Haley Phan (Thursday 3pm to 6pm) (17)
End of Block: Info and Consent
Start of Block: PART A: Quantitative questions
QA PART A: Quantitative questions
Q1 Please indicate your age:
o Below 25 years old (1)
o 25 - 34 (2)
o 35 - 55 (3)
o Above 55 (4)
Q2 What is your monthly household income:
o Below VND 25,000,000 (1)
o Between VND 25,000,000 - 50,000,000 (2)
o Between VND 50,000,000 - 100,000,000 (3)
o Higher than VND 100,000,000 (4)
Q3 How often do you consume fresh fruits?
o Every day (1)
o Three or four times a week (2)
o Once or twice a week (3)
o Very rarely (4)
o Never (5)
Q12 How often do you go shopping for fresh produce?
o Every day (1)
o Three or four times a week (2)
o Once or twice a week (3)
o Never (4)
Q4 Are you currently living/working/studying in:
o Ho Chi Minh City (1)
o Hanoi (2)
o Other (3) __________________________________________________
Q5 Please indicate your gender:
o Male (1)
o Female (2)
o Other (3)
Q6 How do you best describe your current job role:
o Working full-time (2)
o Working part-time (3)
o Intern (4)
o Self-employed (5)
o Retired or not currently employed (6)
Q7 Please indicate your marital status:
o Single (1)
o Married (2)
o Prefer not to disclose (3)
o Other (4) __________________________________________________
Q8 What is your highest education level:
o High school (1)
o Diploma, vocational training, or associate degree (2)
o Bachelor's degree (3)
o Postgraduate (i.e., Master's degree and Doctorate) (4)
Q9 Which of the following platforms are most frequently visited by you?
Once a Once a week A few times a
Never (1) Daily (5)
month (2) (3) week (4)

YouTube (1) o o o o o
Zalo (2) o o o o o
Facebook (3) o o o o o
TikTok (5) o o o o o
Instagram (6) o o o o o
Q9B Do you visit any other platforms and how frequently do you visit them?
Once a Once a week A few times a
Never (1) Daily (5)
month (2) (3) week (4)

Platform 1 (1) o o o o o
Platform 2 (2) o o o o o
Platform 3 (3) o o o o o
End of Block: PART A: Quantitative questions
Start of Block: Part A2 - General cuisine/dietary behaviours
QA2 Part A2 - General cuisine/dietary behaviours
Q13 On average, how much do you spend on purchasing fresh agricultural produce (such as
vegetables, fresh fruits, etc.) for your individual consumption per month?
o Less than 2 million VND (1)
o From 2 million to 5 million VND (2)
o More than 5 million VND (3)
Q14 Please indicate the percentage of time you go shopping for those fresh agricultural
produces (vegetables and fresh fruits) from different types of channels (out of 100% of times for
all channels)
Supermarket (general ones) : _______ (1)
Gourmet/Specialty stores (e.g., Nam An, Ba Sach, Green Food, Soi Bien, Bac Tom) : _______
Wet market : _______ (3)
Online general e-commerce websites : _______ (4)
Digital apps such as Shopee Food, Grab Mart, Baemin Mart, Tiki Ngon : _______ (6)
Other : _______ (5)
Total : ________
Q15 Which statement is true for you regarding your dietary routines and knowledge?
I have been
following this
I have heard
I have heard type of diet
I have never of this type of I have been
of this diet for a while
heard of this diet and have on this type
but do not and will
type of diet spent a lot of of diet for a
know much consistently
(1) time learning while (4)
(2) follow this
about it (3)
type of diet in
the future (5)
Keto Diet
(chế độ keto,
không ăn tinh
bột, ăn nhiều o o o o o
đạm và chất
béo) (1)
Clean Eat (ăn
ít tinh bột, ăn
nhiều các loại
ngũ cốc thô,
rau củ quả,
o o o o o
thịt cá có chất
lượng tốt (9)
Raw (ăn thô,
ăn toàn rau
củ quả dạng
chưa chế
biến và chưa
o o o o o
nấu chin)
Low Carb (ăn
ít tinh bột)
o o o o o
(ăn chay)
o o o o o
(Thực dưỡng
Ohsawa, ăn
nhiều gạo lứt
và thực phẩm
o o o o o
cân bằng âm
dương) (15)
Fasting (nhịn
ăn ngắt o o o o o
quãng) (17)
Chỉ ăn một
hoặc hai bữa,
thời gian nhin
ăn khoảng 16
tiếng một
ngày (kể cả
o o o o o
thời gian ngủ
ban đêm)
Q16 Please name some other dietary routines that you have heard of but never tried (separated
by ;)
Q17 What statement would be true to you? Tick all that apply:
▢ I am a healthy eater (1)
▢ I eat enough vegetables (2)
▢ I eat plenty of fresh fruits (3)
▢ I avoid low nutritional food (4)
▢ I eat home-cooked meals for higher quality diets (5)
Q18 What statement is true for you? Tick all that apply:
▢ I am consistently paying more money for higher quality food ingredients (1)
▢ I believe in branded agricultural products (2)
▢ I am not willing to pay higher for branded agricultural products (3)
▢ I can pay higher for some branded agricultural products sometimes but not all the time
▢ Buying branded agricultural products helps me save time (5)
▢ I check the QR codes on agricultural products when I buy them (6)
▢ I know what the four- or five-digit codes on fresh fruits/agricultural produces mean (7)
Q19 On a scale from 1 to 5 with five being the highest level of Western-styled diet, which
number is true for you?
o My diet does not include any Western-styled food (1) (1)
o My diet includes some limited types of Western-styled food (3) (2)
o My diet includes a balance of Western-styled food and traditional Vietnamese food (3)
o My diet is mostly Western styled (4) (4)
o My diet is entirely Western styled (5) (5)
Q20 How important is healthy eating to you?
o Not important at all (1)
o Slightly important (2)
o important (3)
o Fairly important (4)
o Very important (5)
Q21 In buying fresh fruits products, what are the most important factors for your considerations?
Could you rank the following factors based on their importance:
Not important Unimportant unimportant Extremely
Important (4)
at all (1) (2) nor important important (5)

Country of
origin (1) o o o o o
packaging (6) o o o o o
Taste (7) o o o o o
farming (8) o o o o o
being widely
o o o o o
r (9)
Good value
(the right
price for the
o o o o o
value) (10)
Q22 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly Strongly
Disagree (2) disagree nor Agree (4)
disagree (1) agree (5)
agree (3)
I am
confident in
my abilities to
choose the
best fresh
o o o o o
fruits to buy
It is important
for me that
the fresh
produce I
bought is o o o o o
safe for
It is highly
important that
the fresh
produce I buy
is farmed o o o o o
methods (10)
I am willing to
spend time
reviewing the
origin and
cultivation o o o o o
methods of
my fresh
produces (12)
I am
interested in
used to
produce the o o o o o
les that I buy
If there is a
way to trace o o o o o
the origin of
the produce, I
will definitely
check it (16)
I know of
different fresh
o o o o o
It is important
to me that the
fresh produce
I bought meet
international o o o o o
standards for
organic or
safety (18)
Q24 What are the top brands of fresh agricultural produces that first come to your mind? Please
name them here and indicate your frequency of purchases for these brands:
I have heard
I have heard
of this brand I know this
of this brand I have heard I know this
and spent brand and
but do not of this brand brand and
some time have bought
know much and have consistently
researching it quite a
about it and bought it a buy this
on it but number of
never bought few times (3) brand (5)
never bought times (4)
it (1)
it (2)

Brand 1 (1) o o o o o
Brand 2 (19) o o o o o
Brand 3 (20) o o o o o
Brand 4 (21) o o o o o
Brand 5 (13) o o o o o
Q25 How did you get to know about those brands that you have listed above?
Brand 1 (1) Brand 2 (2) Brand 3 (3) Brand 4 (4) Brand 5 (5)
From seeing

▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢
the products
in the
stores (11)

From Google
search (12) ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢
▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢
From family
and friends’
stories (13)

▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢
From online
articles (14)

▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢
From online
reviews (15)

▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢
From online

▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢
From digital
Q26 Please tell more details about the sources of information

For example, what specific online newspaper?

What specific digital influencers?
Q27 Is there any agricultural fresh produce that you have bought and now stop buying? Why
are you not buying those brands anymore?
QA3 Specific Avocado Behaviours and Knowledge
Q28 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly Strongly
Disagree (2) disagree nor Agree (4)
disagree (1) agree (5)
agree (3)
brings health
benefits for
o o o o o
I buy
avocados for
my children
to eat
because of
o o o o o
the nutritional
value (7)
It is important
for me to eat
super food o o o o o
I am not too
fond of
avocadoes o o o o o
I frequently
for my diet
o o o o o
I believe
avocado is a
super food o o o o o
Q29 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly Strongly
Disagree (2) disagree nor Agree (4)
disagree (1) agree (5)
agree (3)
I know how to
choose the
o o o o o
I am not
confident in
o o o o o
I am willing to
spend the
time to learn
about the
farming o o o o o
process of for
avocadoes I
buy (8)
I know which
regions have
the best
o o o o o
I am willing to
pay more for
o o o o o
I know when
seasons are o o o o o
I can name
o o o o o
breeds (13)
I store
avocadoes in
freezer for
later usage
o o o o o
End of Block: Part A2 - General cuisine/dietary behaviours
Q30 To start with the interview, please tell us three words that come to your mind when you
think of avocadoes?

Probing questions:
- Could you explain further on these words please?
- What particularly make you think of these words?
Q31 Have you ever heard of or seen any brands of avocadoes?
o No (1)
o Yes (2)
Q32 Probing further on Q31:
- If yes, could you please name the avocado brand that you have heard of or seen?
- Where and when did you hear about /see that brand?
- Can you share a bit more details about what you think of that avocado brand? What is your
evaluation of the quality? Anything you like and dislike about that brand (visual, tagline, etc.)
Why, why not?
Q33 Please share with us your knowledge about avocado?

Probing questions:
- What are the geographic areas that are known for high quality avocadoes that first to your
- Any knowledge about different types/species of avocados?
- How do we know if the avocadoes are good quality? What factors do you base on?
- Where do you often buy avocadoes?
- When do you often buy avocadoes?
- For what purpose do you buy avocadoes?
Q34 Here are four different pictures of avocadoes.

Note to student interviewer: You need to show the digital versions of the pictures for the
interviewees to see the colors.

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

Picture 4:
Q35 Please share how much you are willing to pay for a kilogram of avocadoes in each of these
o Picture 1 (1) __________________________________________________
o Picture 2 (2) __________________________________________________
o Picture 3 (3) __________________________________________________
o Picture 4 (4) __________________________________________________
Q36 Please explain the differences among the prices for the above products in the pictures?
Q37 Have you heard of bơ Ông Hoàng before?
o No (1)
o Yes, I have heard of Bơ Ông Hoàng but do not know much about this brand (2)
o Yes, I have heard of Bơ Ông Hoàng and have bought Bơ Ông Hoàng (3)
Q38 When approximately did you hear about Bơ Ông Hoàng?
Q39 From which source did you hear about Bơ Ông Hoàng:
o I saw the products in the supermarket/retailers (1)
o Facebook advertising (2)
o Friends and family (3)
o Google search for avocados (4)
o Other sources, please specify (5)
Q40 Probing for more details:
- Which retailers specifically?
- What key words did you use for your Google search?
- Please tell more about the sources from which you heard of Bơ Ông Hoàng?
Q41 Could you share the first three words that come to your mind when you think heard the
brand name “Bơ Ông Hoàng”?
Q42 Probing questions:
- Could you explain further on these words please?
- What particularly make you think of these words?
Q43 Here is the brand trademark:

Note to student interviewers: You need to show the digital version for colors
Q44 Please look at the brand trademark and tell us the first three words that come to your mind
when you see this trademark?
Q45 Probing questions:
- Can you please explain why you think of those things?
- What exactly those words mean to you?
- Why are you using these words?
Q46 When you look at the trademark, do you have any further information you think you will
need about this brand? Is there any question that you would like to ask about this brand?

Probing questions:
- Why do you need such further information? Could you please explain a bit more on that
Q47 What do you think is the most interesting in this trademark?
Probing questions:
- Why do you think that is the most interesting thing about this trademark?
Start of Block: Part C: Evaluation of Bơ Ông Hoàng and Intention to buy or repurchase
QC Part C: Evaluation of Bơ Ông Hoàng and Intention to buy or repurchase
Q48 If the respondent has bought Bơ Ông Hoàng products before:

When did you start buying Bơ Ông Hoàng? Can you provide some more details about the first
purchase of Bơ Ông Hoàng?
Q49 If the respondent has bought Bơ Ông Hoàng products before:

Could you give three words as evaluations of Bơ Ông Hoàng products?

Could you explain why you give the above answer?
Q50 If the respondent has bought Bơ Ông Hoàng products before:

To what extent are you satisfied with the products you bought from Bơ Ông Hoàng, generally
o Extremely dissatisfied (1)
o Somewhat dissatisfied (2)
o Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (3)
o Somewhat satisfied (4)
o Extremely satisfied (5)
Q51 If the respondent has not brought Bơ Ông Hoàng products before:

Here is the website of the brand:

A short description of Bơ Ông Hoàng is as follows: Bơ Ông Hoàng là thương hiệu quả bơ chất
lượng thượng hạng do anh Đặng Dương Minh Hoàng sáng lập. Bơ được trồng tại trang trại
Thiên Nông, Bình Phước. Bơ giống Mã Dưỡng, được canh tác theo phương pháp tự nhiên,
đảm bảo tiêu chuẩn VietGap, áp dụng những kỹ thuật tự động hóa tiên tiến và lịch sử nhật ký
nông nghiệp điện tử, giúp người tiêu dùng biết rõ từng bước trong quá trình canh tác. Đặng
Dương Minh Hoàng là một kỹ sư tự động hóa tốt nghiệp Thạc Sỹ tại Pháp, and đã từng giảng
dạy Vật Lý tại trường chuyên Trần Đại Nghĩa, rồi quay về xây dựng trang trại Thiên Nông 50
hectare của gia đình, trong đó 12 hectare trồng bơ. Với kỹ thuật tiên tiến hiện đại, anh đã thành
công trong việc đưa Bơ Ông Hoàng đến với người tiêu dùng qua những kênh bán lẻ cao cấp
thực phẩm sạch như Foodie, Sói Biển, Nam An Market, Green Food. etc. Mơ ước của anh là
tạo lập một hệ thống dịch vụ kỹ thuật và kinh doanh, hỗ trợ các nông dân khác trồng bơ theo
đúng quy trình bài bản và tiên tiến của bơ Ông Hoàng, đưa thương hiệu đến với người tiêu
dùng trong cả nước và trên thế giới. Hiện tại với nhật ký nông nghiệp điện tử, anh đã có thể cập
nhật cho người tiêu dùng thông qua mã số cho từng cây bơ, thời gian và địa điểm, chặng
đường canh tác và vận chuyển sản phẩm.

Bơ Ông Hoàng is a brand of premium quality avocadoes created by Mr. Đặng Dương Minh
Hoàng. The avocados are grown at Thien Nong Farm in Binh Phuoc Province. The breed is Ma
Duong, grown by using natural farming methods, following VietGap standards, using advanced
automations process and digital agricultural diary, allowing customers to trace the steps in the
cultivation process. Đặng Dương Minh Hoàng graduated from France with a Master degree in
Automation/Engineering, and he used to teach Physics in Tran Dai Nghia Specialized School.
After that, he returned to build the Thien Nong Farm of his family, which is 50 hectres in area,
out of which 12 hectares are dedicated to avocados. With advanced modern technology, he has
succeeded in bringing Bơ Ông Hoàng to the consumers via high end retailers of green, clean
food such as Foodie, Sói Biển, Nam An Market, Green Food, etc. His deam is to create a
system of support services in technology and business operations, supporting other farmers to
grow avocadoes with the standardized process from Bơ ông Hoàng, delivery the value through
the branded products to consumers domestically and worldwide. At the moment, with the digital
agricultural diary, Bơ ông Hoàng can provide updated information via digital codes for each
avocado tree, time and location in the cultivation and delivery processes of the avocados.
Q52 To what extent do you think you are interested in this avocado brand Bo Ong Hoang:
o Very interested (5)
o Interested (4)
o Neither interested nor uninterested (3)
o Uninterested (2)
o Not interested at all (1)
Q53 What is some further information you would like to have about the products?
Q54 What are some concerns you might have about the products?
Q55 To what extent do you think you are likely to buy this avocado brand?
o Extremely unlikely (1)
o Somewhat unlikely (2)
o Neither likely nor unlikely (3)
o Somewhat likely (4)
o Extremely likely (5)
Q56 Probing:
Please give us the reasons for your answer above
End of Block: Part C: Evaluation of Bơ Ông Hoàng and Intention to buy or repurchase
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