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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far

This week I have started following some Karen youth outside of canada and Karen youth who have
created a platform to help inspire Knyaw Poe in America and other countries. Some of the accounts are
also to represent the Karen culture such as clothing. The accounts will help me by giving some ideas and
inspiration with my videos and how I can also inspire other Knyaw poe around. This week I have also
accomplished finding a mentor that will help me with my capstone. I chose this person as my mentor
because I believe that they are capable of finding resources for me to achieve my goals and they are also
a Karen that immigrated to canada at a young age.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

By the end of the week, I am planning on perfecting my scripts (questions) and getting my interview
started. Im also planning to ask some bigger Karen platforms to partake in the interview or somehow
contribute to my channel to help Karen youth growing up in other countries. With this, I am hoping to
gain some interviewees from outside of Canada to get more perspectives on how the Karen youth are
growing up in different countries.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

 Camera
 Microphone
 1-2 hours for filming
 Script (questions for the interviwees)
 Mentor (Bless Len)

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them.

A challenge I have encountered is time. I plan to overcome this obstacle by planning my schedules and
what I will do each day to ensure I am able to start editing my interview by the end of the week. On
Monday I will reach out to different Karen platforms, Tuesday I will perfect my scripts, Wednesday I will
start sending out the scripts to my interviewee’s, and hopefully by Thursday and Friday I will be able to
get started on editing and preferably post by next Tuesday (Nov 7).

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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