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Maranon, Hannah Mae P.

BSTM 2B Resilience Blueprint

Resilience Blueprint: Quality Service in the Post-Pandemic Hospitality

The convention hosted by Coalesce Productions entitled ‘Resilience Blueprint: Quality

Service in the Post-Pandemic Hospitality’ held last December 1, 2023 at the Roy’s Hotel and
Convention Center was an insightful event filled with hospitality and tourism students. Three
speakers were able to discuss their experiences and strategies that have helped develop the
industry to this point. Hotel Manager of SEDA Capitol Center Mr. Kim Joseph S. Guimba was
the first speaker, and he shared valuable insights on "Hotels and F&B establishments adaptation
to the new normal post-pandemic." Ms. Cheryl F. Decena, Provincial Tourism Officer of Negros
Occidental, spoke as the second speaker and her topic was "Recovery Strategies: Tourism
Industry Recovery Plans to Rebuild Travelers Confidence." The last speaker, Ms. Yvonne
Cepeda, Account Executive of 2GO Travels, spoke on navigating the storm, resilience, and
innovation in sea travel services during the pandemic. In addition to providing us with a brief
overview of the field and the opportunity to learn new things, these opportunities allowed us to
acquire valuable knowledge, particularly regarding the hospitality industry. Specifically, we
learned about strategies, problem-solving techniques, communication, and the provision of
high-quality service in the post-pandemic hospitality industry.

Mr. Kim Joseph S. Guimba, the hotel manager of Seda Capitol Central, delivered a
captivating speech highlighting how the hotel successfully navigated the challenges brought by
the pandemic with resilience and flexibility. This speaker emphasized how the industry
underwent significant changes, with traditional hospitality gestures like smiles and handshakes
replaced by temperature checks and face masks. Seda adapted by implementing rigorous safety
measures, including full PPE routines and even transforming servers into QR codes. The hotel
prioritized high standards of hygiene and safety, offering services like mobile in-room dining to
ensure guest well-being. Additionally, Seda demonstrated a commitment to sustainability by
partnering with NGOs, using renewable energy, supporting farmers, engaging in zero-waste and
landfill initiatives, and preserving the Seda Valley for herb and vegetable cultivation. The
company also actively monitored water systems and engaged in landfill management programs.

The speaker provided a comprehensive talk of Seda's journey which deepened my

appreciation for the hospitality industry. Learning from people like him drives me to express my
service with even more deep enthusiasm and to strive for continuous development. The hotel's
resilience, adaptability, and commitment to sustainability and innovation have not only
guaranteed their continued success but also positioned them as a pioneer in the rapidly changing
hospitality industry. It is evident that Seda not only weathered the storm with resilience but also
emerged as a beacon of innovation and adaptability. Thinking back on the lessons learned from
Seda's experiences, I am motivated by the possibility of growth and development even in the
face of adversity. Seda Capitol Central is a great example of the power of adaptability, resilience,
innovation, and unwavering commitment to values, serving as a useful guide for businesses
navigating an ever-changing world.

Ms. Cheryl F. Decena, the provincial tourism officer of the Department of Tourism,
delivered a commendable presentation on 'Recovery Strategies: Tourism Industry Recovery
Plans to Rebuild Traveler Confidence.' She effectively highlighted the significant impacts on the
tourism sector and articulated adaptive measures. The comprehensive recovery strategies
discussed in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic inspire me with their resilience
and commitment. The emphasis on continuous tourism activities and training programs indicates
a forward-thinking approach that recognizes the need of preparing workers with the skills
required to adapt to an ever-changing world. Their dedication to hygiene practices, safety
measures, and the distribution of protective equipment demonstrates a genuine commitment to
the safety and well-being of both tourists and local communities. Additionally, embracing digital
venues for interaction, such as webinars and online training programs, demonstrates their
adaptability in the face of restrictions, ensuring that the sector stays connected and develops. A
comprehensive approach to recovery is evident in the community-based initiatives, particularly
in the areas of disaster preparedness and assistance, which address both immediate challenges
and establish long-term resilience. Furthermore, she notably outlined the strategic objectives and
the revised Negros Occidental sustainable tourism law. An example was the transformation of
Mambukal Resort into a facility for patients, showcasing a creative response from March 19,
2020, to November 30, 2021. These insights emphasized the critical significance of tourism in
developing the economy, as well as the positive relationship between tourism and healthcare.
These initiatives convey a strong narrative of adaptability, resilience, and a genuine commitment
to creating a secure and enjoyable tourism experience. Reflecting on the transformational
opportunities inherent in crisis response, the discussion highlights how challenges can be
leveraged to foster growth, community building, and sustainable practices within the tourism

Finally, the third speaker, Ms. Yvonne B. Cepeda, the travel account executive of 2GO
Group Inc., delivered an engaging speech titled “Navigating the Storm, Resilience and
Innovation in Sea Travel Services During the Pandemic.” Her discussion was particularly
relevant, emphasizing the importance of addressing challenges not only on land but also at sea
within our diverse industry. 2GO's ability to persevere in the face of the pandemic's challenges is
an example of their flexibility and commitment to providing excellent customer service. The
company's capacity to manage financial setbacks and maintain operations demonstrates its
strategic relevance in assuring the continued movement of essential goods across the Philippines.
A thorough grasp of market dynamics and a dedication to offering cost-effective and practical
solutions are demonstrated by 2GO's choice to operate as the only passenger cargo carrier out of
Manila, particularly with the ROPAX vessels. The introduction of two new vessels in 2021 not
only showcases forward-thinking but also positions 2GO as an industry innovator, focusing on
speed, size, and updated features. The company's commitment to promoting community
resilience and economic growth is demonstrated by its support of local businesses, especially
with the emergence of social media entrepreneurs and dropshipping companies. 2GO's
dedication to safety is demonstrated by their attention to the health and safety of the crew and
public, as seen by their 100% immunization rate. It is clear that 2GO is doing more than just
overcoming obstacles; it is actively reshaping the future of logistics and transportation in the
Philippines as it looks ahead to redefine sea travel while placing an emphasis on safety, comfort,
and reliability. Ms. Cepeda's presentation focused on 2GO's pandemic adaptations, but it also
emphasized the company's reliability in providing guests with the best possible experience even
under difficult circumstances.
This event has brought to light an important lesson for our industry, which is that the way
we adapt and create the best experiences for our guests is what matters most. All the way from
meticulous planning to perfect execution, we play a part that goes beyond providing a service;
we play a part in creating valuable experiences for others. And although resilience is
unquestionably important in our dynamic industry, patience and passion are just as important for
us to be able to bounce back and keep providing great service.

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