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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: 09/30/2023

ACTIVITY TITLE: Essay #11: Substance Abuse Education
What is your role or contribution in the fight against substance misuse and abuse?
Student’s Answer:

The persistent problem of illegal drug use in the Philippines is exacerbated by the
ongoing cycle of production and consumption. The ease of access to various illegal drugs
within the Philippine market can be directly linked to the substantial number of drug
dependents. These individuals, known as poly-drug users, do not confine their usage to a
single type of substance but instead experiment with and consume multiple illegal drugs.
The diversity of drugs being used complicates prevention and treatment efforts, as
different substances affect individuals differently. Addressing this complex issue
necessitates a holistic approach. Efforts should focus on curtailing the production and
supply of illegal drugs and providing adequate support and resources for individuals
struggling with substances.

As a student, there are simple but helpful ways in which I can contribute to combat
substance misuse and abuse. One such method is through education. I can enlighten
myself and those around me about the hazards associated with the abuse of substances,
emphasizing how it detrimentally affects our health and relationships with our dear ones.
Another way I can contribute is by running campaigns. Using my social media
connections, I can raise awareness about the potentially hazardous consequences of
these drugs on our bodies. This approach allows us to reach a broad audience,
amplifying our efforts to spread awareness effectively. Moreover, as a student, I can
influence social norms and attitudes towards substance use. By leading by example and
encouraging my peers to engage in activities that do not involve drugs or alcohol, I create
a healthier and more positive environment.

In conclusion, the challenge of illegal drug use in the Philippines remains a complex and
persistent issue driven by the continuous cycle of production and consumption. The
diverse range of substances poly-drug users use further complicates prevention and
treatment efforts. As a student, I recognize the power of education and awareness
campaigns in combating substance misuse and abuse. By educating ourselves and
others about the dangers of substance abuse and leveraging social media to spread
awareness, we can reach a broad audience and contribute significantly to the fight
against drug abuse. By taking these proactive steps, I believe that collectively, we can
make a difference in our communities, fostering a safer and more supportive environment
for individuals battling substance abuse while working towards a future free from the grip
of illegal drugs.
Document No.:
Effective Date:

Submitted by: Verified by:

De Mesa, Kathleen Kaye T.


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