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PHOTOAUTOTROPHS -Organisms that use light as an energy source.

AMYLASE -An enzyme produced by some moulds which converts starch to glucose.

CATABOLISM -Involves the breaking down of larger molecules into smaller molecules thus requires the breaking of

DIMORPHISM - A phenomenon described as fungi being able to live either as yeast or as moulds.

REDOX- Paired reactions in which electrons are transferred from one compound to another.

MICROSPORIDIA- Obligate intracellular parasitic fungi with polar filaments.

PHOTOSYNTHESIS- Light energy is converted to chemical energy in the form of chemical bonds.

METABOLISM- Refers to all the chemical reactions that occur within any cell.

ENZYMES- Known as biologic catalysts because they regulate and speed up chemical reactions.

ENZYMES Also known as biologic catalysts; proteins that catalyze or speed up chemical reactions.

MYCOSIS This is the general medical term for fungal infections.

METABOLITE- Any molecule either nutrient or intermediary product, or an end product, in a metabolic reaction.

CHITIN- A chemical material that usually makes up the cell wall of most algal cells.

EXOENZYMES- Enzymes that are produced inside the cell and then released to catalyze extracellular reactions.

PROTOTHECA Genus of algae which is a very rare cause of an infection called protothecosis.

GLYCOLYSIS- A glucose molecule is ultimately broken down into two molecules of pyruvic acid or pyruvate.

PELLICLE- Specialized organelle for protozoa which serves as their protection.

ENDOENZYMES- Enzymes that are produced inside the cell and remain inside the cell.

FASTIDIOUS- Bacteria that require complex nutritional requirements.

CYTOSTOME- Primitive mouth or opening of some flagellates and ciliates through which the ingest food.

CYSTS- Non - motile, dormant survival stage for protozoa.

GLUCOSE- Favorite "food" of cells and most microorganisms.

ECOLOGY- Systematic study of the interrelationships that exist between organisms and their environment.

MICROBIOTA- Microorganisms that make up our indigenous microflora.

SUPERINFECTION- Overgrowth or population explosion of an organism that is usually present in low numbers.

MICROBIOME- Consists of not only the microorganisms but also the genes they possess and their effect on the
local environment within the body.

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