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gadget / device / tool /appliance / equipment : thiéet bị, dụng cụ

technological progress /breakthrough / revolution/ technical

innovation /further advance in science : tiến bộ công nghệ / đột phá /
cách mạng / đổi mới kỹ thuật / tiến bộ hơn nữa trong khoa học

computer literate / digitalnative / tech enthusiast /techie ><

technophobe: trình độ tin học / kỹ thuật số / đam mê công nghệ

cutting-edge /state-of-the-art /labor-saving / modern/advanced /

contemporary : tiên tiến / hiện đại / tiết kiệm lao động / hiện đại / tiên
tiến / đương đại

outdated / obsolete /old-fashioned : lỗi thời / lỗi thời / lỗi thời

radically /miraculously transform / revolutionize : hoàn toàn / biến đổi

một cách thần kỳ / cách mạng hóa

prove to be indispensible : chứng minh là không thể thiếu

an inevitable consequence : một hệ quả tất yếu

have concerns / queries about privacy issue / policy : có mối quan tâm /
thắc mắc về vấn đề / chính sách bảo mật

go viral/ flourish/ in vogue : lan truyền / phát triển mạnh / thịnh hành



artificial intelligence / AI : trí tuệ nhân tạo / AI

digitalized scenario/ virtual library / cyber world : kịch bản số hóa / thư
viện ảo / thế giới mạng

be alert to potential risks /pitfalls / threats / dangers : cảnh giác với

những rủi ro / cạm bẫy / đe dọa / nguy hiểm tiềm ẩn
put disease on back foot :

adapt to the inevitable / adjust to changing demands : thích ứng với

những điều không thể tránh khỏi / điều chỉnh để thay đổi nhu cầu

in the front line of the crisis/ nuclear tension : ở tuyến đầu của cuộc
khủng hoảng / căng thẳng hạt nhân

sustainable development/ economic growth : phát triển bền vững / tăng

trưởng kinh tế

the paradox of technology/ social networking sites : nghịch lý của công

nghệ / các trang mạng xã hội

at the expense of real-life social interaction / the environment / health:

với chi phí của tương tác xã hội trong đời thực / môi trường / sức khỏe

take into accounts all foreseeable circumstances : tính đến tất cả các
trường hợp có thể thấy trước

Describe a story about space (real or fictitious) that

you have read about or seen in a film or on TV.

space walk / space travel

go viral

technological breakthrough / advances

cutting-edge devices to adapt to the inevitable

in the front line of solar radiation

concerns over space junks

•adoring fans: people who love a particular band or singer

•background happening music:music that is played while something else


•a catchy tune: a song that is easy to remember and makes you sing it

•a huge following: a large number of fans

•a massive hit: a record that sells lots of copies want to

•to be/sing out of tune: to not be in harmony/to sing the wrong notes

•to sing along to: to join in singing

•a slow number: a song with a slow tempo

•to take up a musical instrument: to begin learning a musical instrument

•taste in music: the music someone likes

•to be tone deaf: to be unable to distinguish the different notes in music

•to be engrossed in: to be completely focused on one thing

•to be based on: to use as a model

•a box office hit: a financially successful film

•a blockbuster: a film that is a big commercial success

•to catch the latest movie: to see a film that has just come out

•the central character: the main person in

•on the big screen: at the cinema

•plot: the main events in a film or book

•sci-fi: science fiction

•the setting: where the action takes place a film or book

•soundtrack: the music that accompanies a film

•special effects: the visuals or sounds that are added to

are difficult to produce naturally a film which are difficult to produce

Visual arts:
+ Fashion design
+ Painting
+ Sculpture : Điêu khắc
+ Photography

Painting type
+ Portrait : Chân dung
+ Landscape: Tranh phong cảnh
+ Still live: Tranh tĩnh vật
+ Cubist : Tranh lập thể
+ Abstract : Tranh trừu tượng
+ Sketch : Vẽ phác thảo

Talk about the painting, sculpture, or photograph that you really like
You should say:
Where it is?
When you saw it ?
Why you like it ?
And you should also say whether or not art is important to you

The content of the painting depicts a portrait of a young girl. Wear a

white dress next to a vase of white lilies. With the shape of a girl and the
details and colors around. Forming a simple cube, exuding a lingering
sadness, gentle. The young woman in the ao dai shows the purity and
innocence of Vietnamese women.
'It hangs in'

represents an elegant hobby of Hanoi people

The Ha Thanh girl sat with her hair tucked in the fragrant lily flowers. The
main color in the picture is the white color of the Ao Dai and the lilies.
The woman is shown by him with respect in front of the object. Not
falling into physical pleasure, nor being too vague, effeminate, arrogant.
Like the woman in the paintings of contemporary artists.

Interpretation : diễn giải

+ verbs: to symbolise, to be a symbol of, to stand for or to represent

+ the atmosphere: peaceful, gloomy, sad, serene, violent

- Details of the Painting (title, artist, materials, size, location)

+ a portrait, a landscape, a still- life or an

abstract painting

+ It dates from…’ or ‘It was painted in…

+ painting techniques are oil on canvas, watercolour, pastel on paper,

lacquer on board or wood panel.

+ ‘It is housed in … or ‘It hangs in …’.

Description (subject matter and structure)

+ verbs: to depict, to show, to represent, to illustrate, and to portray.

+ describe the foreground, in the middle ground, and in the background

+ texture: rough/smooth, glossy/opaque

+ colours: warm colours (yellow, orange, and red); cold colours (blue,
purple, and green); pale or bright, brilliant or soft, light or dark.

Is arts important to the world?

+ Express feeling, convey opinions, tranmits values
+ Enhance sensitivity and stimuate imagination
+ Encourage analytical thinking and critical thinking
+ Sharpen and enlighten the mind
+ Bring joy through harmony, color and form
+ A way to achieve self expression and self fullfillment
+ Inspiring and universal, can be enjoyed by everyone
-> Life is dull and incomplete without art.

Should we encourage weird invention ?

How do arts and science help one another?

The purpose of science is to understand the world and create within
the world. The reason why art is necessary to science because
creativity involves imagination, and imagination is visualization.
Things we are able to conceptualize, visualize or imagine in our mind
are the things we can also create.
What can arts provide humans but science can not?
arts have taught us to appreciate life, to live for a reason. arts reflect life
and teach us to learn about our inner-value. Arts offer us a spiritual
outlook of life while science teaches us just the opposite.

Do you good at art?

I don’t see myself as artsy type. I mean I used to take drawing lesson as I
was child. I realised that I don’t have knack for the kind of craft.

Do you often visit galleries?

I’m a bit of culture vulture, so I’m always on look out for the newest art
showcase . As with people my age, I prefer looking at curated collection
of mordern art.
What kind of paintings do people like?

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