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부 산 대 학 교

■ 주소: 대한민국 부산시 금정구 부산대학로 63번길 2( 장전동) 부산대학교 본부동 1층

국제처( 우편번호: 46241)
■ 웹사이트: http:/ /, http:/ /

Ⅰ. 대학 소개
1. 연혁

1946. 5. 15. 국립 부산대학교 설립 ( 대한민국 최초의 종합국립대학)

1954 대학원 개설(18개 학과 62명)

1956 의과대학 부속병원 개설

2009 양산캠퍼스( 의생명특화) 준공

2019. ~ 현재 (학부) 15개 단과대학, 116개 학과(전공) 운영

( 대학원) 1개 일반대학원(석사 89, 박사 86개 과정) 및 4개 전문대학원,
8개 특수대학원 운영

2. 특성
최초에서 최고까지 부산대학교 76년
부산대학교는 1945년 해방 직후 국가 체제도 갖추지 못한 어려운 환경 속에서 나라를 다시 일으킬
인재를 양성해야 한다는 열망이 모여, 1946년 5월 15일 시민의 헌금으로 설립된 대한민국 최초의 종합
국립대학입니다. 우리 대학의 핵심 가치는 학생들의 미래를 책임지는 교육입니다. 우리 젊은이들이 어려운
시기에도 가장 위대한 꿈을 가질 수 있도록, 부산대학교는 한국 최고의 국립대라는 지금의 위치에
안주하지 않고, 세계 수준의 연구중심대학이자 한국의 명품 글로벌 국립대학으로 도약하고 있습니다.
주요 현황
• 부산, 양산, 밀양, 아미 4개의 특화된 캠퍼스
• 60개국 578개 대학 및 기관과 교류 중
• 재학생 33,500명( 학사 25,812명, 석사 6,049명, 박사 1,639명), 외국인학생 92개국 1,991명 포함
• 교수 2,448명, 직원 및 조교 737명, 졸업생 253,667명
대외 평가
• 1위. 전국대학평가 국립대(2015~ 2021)
• 1위. 교수 1인당 논문 수 전국 1위(2015)
• 1위. 산- 학 협력(Industry- Academic Cooperation)협력 연구 부분 전국 1위(2016)
• 2위. 4단계 BK21(Brain Korea21: 국책 연구) 사업 총 36개의 교육연구단(전국 2위, 1,943만 USD)
• 5위. 국내 100대 기업 CEO배출 전국 5위(2020/ 2021)
• 5위. 국내 브랜드평판지수 국내 대학 TOP 5(2021/ 2022)
• 8위. 네이처 인덱스 전국 종합 대학 8위 (2022) (국립대 1위, 지구, 환경 분야 국내 전체 2위)
• QS 세계대학평가 6개 학문 분야 100~ 200/200~ 300위 (화학공학, 기계, 항공, 건축, 토목, 약학, 재료화학) (~ 2022)
• 2021.11월, APRU(환태평양대학협회) 세계 61번째, 한국 6번째로 가입
Ⅱ. 모집 학과
※ 학과별 세부정보는 홈페이지 참고 (https:/ / grad/ 62238/

전공학과( 세부전공)
계열 모집학과명 비고
석사 박사
국어국문학과 국어국문학과( 고전문학)
국어국문학과 - 국어국문학과( 현대문학)
- 국어국문학과( 국어학)
중어중문학과 중어중문학과( 중국문학)
- 중어중문학과( 중국어학)
일어일문학과 일어일문학과( 일문학)
- 일어일문학과( 일어학)
영어영문학과( 영어영문학) 영어영문학과( 영문학)
- 영어영문학과( 영어학)
독어독문학과 독어독문학과( 독문학)
- 독어독문학과( 독어학)
노어노문학과 노어노문학과( 노문학)
- 노어노문학과( 노어학)
한문학과 한문학과 한문학과( 한문학)
언어학과 언어학과 언어학과( 언어학)
철학과 철학과( 서양철학)
철학과 - 철학과( 사회철학)
- 철학과( 동양철학)
사학과 사학과( 한국사)
사학과 - 사학과( 동양사)
- 사학과( 서양사)
고고학과 고고학과 고고학과( 고고학)
행정학과 행정학과 행정학과( 행정학)
정치외교학과 정치외교학과 정치외교학과( 정치외교학)
사회복지학과 사회복지학과 사회복지학과( 사회복지학)
사회학과 사회학과 사회학과( 사회학)
심리학과 심리학과 심리학과( 심리학)
문헌정보학과( 문헌정보학) 문헌정보학과( 문헌정보학)
문헌정보학과( 기록관리학) 문헌정보학과( 기록관리학)
미디어커뮤니케이션학과 미디어커뮤니케이션학과 미디어커뮤니케이션학과(언론학)
법학과 법학과 법학과
국어교육학과 국어교육학과 국어교육학과( 국어교육학)
외국어교육학과 외국어교육학과(영어교육학) 외국어교육학과( 영어교육학)
전공학과( 세부전공)
계열 모집학과명 비고
석사 박사
특수교육학과 특수교육학과 특수교육학과( 특수교육학)
유아교육학과 유아교육학과 유아교육학과( 유아교육학)

교육학과 교육학과
( 교육사 및 교육철학)
( 교육과정 및 교육방법)
- ( 교육심리 및 상담심리)

- 교육학과
(교육행정· 교육사회· 평생교육)
경영학과( 경영정보) 경영학과( 경영정보)
경영학과( 국제경영) 경영학과( 국제경영)
경영학과( 마케팅) 경영학과( 마케팅)
경영학과 경영학과
(OM(Operations (OM(Operations
경영학과 Management)) Management))
경영학과( 인사 조직) 경영학과( 인사 조직)
경영학과( 재무금융) 경영학과( 재무금융)
경영학과( 회계학) 경영학과( 회계학)
경영학과( 디지털 금융) 경영학과( 디지털 금융)
무역학과 무역학과( 국제경제)
- 무역학과( 무역경영)
경제학과 경제학과( 경제학)
- 경제학과( 지역경제학)
공공정책학과 공공정책학과 공공정책학과( 공공정책학)
관광컨벤션학과 - 관광컨벤션학과( 관광학)
아동가족학과 아동가족학과 아동가족학과( 아동가족학)
식품자원경제학과 식품자원경제학과 -
수학과 수학과 수학과( 수학)
통계학과 통계학과 통계학과( 통계학)
물리학과 물리학과 물리학과( 물리학)
화학과 화학과 화학과( 화학)
생명시스템학과 생명시스템학과 생명시스템학과( 생명시스템학)
지구환경시스템학부 지구환경시스템학부
( 지질환경과학) ( 지질환경과학)

지구환경시스템학부 지구환경시스템학부 지구환경시스템학부

자연 ( 해양학) ( 해양학)
지구환경시스템학부 지구환경시스템학부
( 대기과학) ( 대기과학)
지구과학과 지구과학과 지구과학과( 지구과학)
화학소재학과 화학소재학과 화학소재학과( 화학소재)
약학과 약학과 약학과( 약학)
제약학과 제약학과 제약학과( 제약학)
의류학과 의류학과 의류학과( 의류학)
식품영양학과 식품영양학과( 식품영양학) 식품영양학과( 식품영양학)
전공학과( 세부전공)
계열 모집학과명 비고
석사 박사
실내환경디자인학과 실내환경디자인학과
( 실내환경디자인학)
식물생명과학과 식물생명과학과
( 식물생명과학)
원예생명과학과 원예생명과학과
( 원예생명과학)
동물생명자원과학과 동물생명자원과학과 - 캠퍼스

생명자원응용과학과 -
( 동물생명자원과학)
바이오소재과학과 바이오소재과학과
( 바이오소재과학)
간호학과 간호학과 간호학과( 간호학)
기계공학부 기계공학부
( 에너지시스템) ( 에너지시스템)
기계공학부 기계공학부
( 기계시스템설계) ( 기계시스템설계)
기계공학부 기계공학부
( 정밀가공시스템) ( 정밀가공시스템)
기계공학부 기계공학부
( 제어자동화시스템) ( 제어자동화시스템)
기계공학부 기계공학부
(원자력시스템) (원자력시스템)
건축학과 건축학과 건축학과( 건축학)
건축공학과 건축공학과 건축공학과( 건축공학)
사회환경시스템공학과 사회환경시스템공학과
( 토목공학) ( 구조공학)
사회환경시스템공학과 사회환경시스템공학과
( 환경공학) ( 수공학)
공학 사회환경시스템공학과 -
( 토질 및 기초공학)
( 지형정보 및 건설관리시스템)
( 환경공학)
응용화학공학부 응용화학공학부 응용화학공학부
( 전기에너지시스템)
( 반도체, 집적회로, 포토닉스)
( 로봇, 지능제어)
( 통신, 전파, 신호처리)

조선· 해양공학과
조선· 해양공학과 조선· 해양공학과
( 조선· 해양공학)
전공학과( 세부전공)
계열 모집학과명 비고
석사 박사
정보융합공학과 정보융합공학과
(AI전공) (AI전공)
정보융합공학과 정보융합공학과 정보융합공학과
( 컴퓨터공학전공) ( 컴퓨터공학전공)
정보융합공학과 정보융합공학과 양산
( 의생명융합전공) ( 의생명융합전공) 캠퍼스
재료공학과 재료공학과( 금속재료)
- 재료공학과( 세라믹재료)
산업공학과 산업공학과
( 산업공학) ( 산업공학)
산업공학과 산업공학과
( 산업데이터공학융합) ( 산업데이터공학융합)
항공우주공학과 항공우주공학과 항공우주공학과( 항공우주공학)
도시공학과 도시공학과 도시공학과( 도시공학)
융합학부 융합학부
( 하이브리드소재응용) ( 하이브리드소재응용)
융합학부 융합학부
( 그린수송시스템설계) ( 그린수송시스템설계)
인지메카트로닉스공학과 인지메카트로닉스공학과
( 인지메카트로닉스공학)
나노융합기술학과 나노융합기술학과
( 나노융합기술학)
나노메카트로닉스공학과 나노메카트로닉스공학과
( 나노메카트로닉스공학)
바이오산업기계공학과 밀양
바이오산업기계공학과 바이오산업기계공학과
( 바이오산업기계공학) 캠퍼스
바이오환경에너지학과 바이오환경에너지학과
( 바이오환경에너지)
IT응용공학과 IT응용공학과 IT응용공학과(IT응용공학)
조경학과 조경학과 조경학과( 조경학)
음악학과( 성악)
음악학과 음악학과( 작곡) -
음악학과( 컴퓨터음악)
한국음악학과 한국음악학과
( 현악 성악) ( 한국음악학)
한국음악학과 한국음악학과
( 관악 타악) ( 한국음악실기)
예· 체능 ( 작곡 지휘)
( 이론)
무용학과 무용학과 -
미술학과 미술학과
( 한국화) ( 한국화)
미술학과 미술학과
미술학과 ( 서양화) ( 서양화)
미술학과 미술학과
( 조소) ( 조소)
전공학과( 세부전공)
계열 모집학과명 비고
석사 박사
조형학과( 가구목칠) 조형학과( 조형학)
조형학과( 도예) -
조형학과( 섬유조형) -
조형학과( 금속조형) -
예술문화영상학과 예술문화영상학과
( 예술문화영상학)
디자인학과 디자인학과
( 시각디자인) ( 디자인학)
디자인학과 -
( 애니메이션)
( 디자인앤테크놀로지)
체육학과 ( 체육인문과학)
- 체육학과
( 체육자연과학)
( 스포츠인문 사회과학)
( 스포츠자연과학)


계열 비고
석사 박사
국제통상 국제통상
국제물류 및 항만관리 국제물류 및 항만관리
인문· 사회
국제지역협력 국제지역협력
한국학 -
Ⅲ. 지원 안내
1. 일정
대학 전형 1차 심사
- 접수 및 심사 기간( 예정): 2023년 2월 13일 ~ 4월 14일
※ 국립국제교육원 모집요강 발표 후 “ 대학 웹사이트” 에 확정 일정 공지 예정
(http:/ /
공관 전형 3차 심사
- 심사 기간( 예정): 2023년 5월 8일 ~ 5월 19일

2. 대학별( 또는 학과별) 추가 제출 서류
추가 제출 서류 목록
- 공통 제출 서류: 국립국제교육원 지정 서류와 동일
• 원본 서류 1부 및 원본 서류의 사본 2부( 단순복사본, 공증 불필요)
- 해당자 제출 서류:
• 아래 학과 지원자는 포트폴리오( 자유형식 작품) 제출

지원학과 미술학과 디자인학과 음악학과

- 성악전공[ 석사]
한국가곡 1곡
예술가곡 3곡
- 한국화전공[ 석/ 박사] ( 이태리어, 독일어, 불어)
제출 서류 - 시각디자인전공[ 석사] 언어가 다른 아리아 2곡
- 서양화전공[ 석/ 박사]
(포트폴리오) - 애니메이션전공[ 석사] 위 6곡 녹화하여 USB 제출
- 조소전공[ 석/ 박사]
- 작곡전공, 컴퓨터음악전공[ 석사]
작곡한 작품 악보
3곡(PDF) USB 제출

제출 방법
- 대학 전형: 우편, 방문
- 공관 전형: 우편
별도 어학 능력 기준 적용 학과
※ TOPIK 3급 시, 본과 대학원 진학이 가능하나, 아래 학과는 별도의 TOPIK 급수를
요구함에 주의!
단과대학 및 학과명 어학능력 기준

국어국문학과, 중어중문학과, 일어일문학과,

영어영문학과, 독어독문학과, 노어노문학과, TOPIK 4급 이상
한문학과, 언어학과, 철학과, 사학과, 고고학과

사회학과, 정치외교학과 TOPIK 4급 이상

미디어커뮤니케이션학과 TOPIK 5급 이상

TOPIK 5급 이상
외국어교육학과( 영어교육학), 유아교육학과
특수교육학과 TOPIK 4급 이상

경제통상대학 무역학과, 경제학과,

TOPIK 4급 이상
전학과 관광컨벤션학과, 공공정책학과

경영대학 경영학과 TOPIK 5급 이상

실내환경디자인학과 TOPIK 4급 이상
아동가족학과 TOPIK 5급 이상

예술대학 디자인학과, 예술문화영상학과, 미술학과 TOPIK 4급 이상

법과대학 법학과 TOPIK 5급 이상

간호대학 간호학과 TOPIK 5급 이상

서류 제출 시 유의 사항
- 대학별( 또는 학과별) 추가 제출 서류는 “ 대학으로 직접 제출”
- 제출한 서류는 반환하지 않으며, 필요한 경우 추가 서류를 요구할 수 있음
- 지원서류 3부( 원본 1부, 복사본 2부)는 국립국제교육원 체크리스트 순으로 정리
스테이플러 사용을 지양( 클립 사용), 서류 오른쪽 상단에 제출 서류명 기입 할 것
- 서류가 누락되거나 복사본 2부를 제출하지 않은 경우에는 전형대상에서 제외
- 지원서류 준비에 대한 자세한 사항은 부산대학교 국제처 홈페이지
(http:/ /에 안내되는 모집요강 참고
- 학과명 및 세부 전공 정확하게 확인하여 지원서 작성 (불충분 시 자동 탈락)
- 한국어나 영어로 작성되지 않은 서류는 공증 받은 번역본( 한글 혹은 영어) 을
함께 제출
지원자 유의 사항
1) 입학 원서 등 제출 서류 미비 또는 기재사항이 사실과 다를 경우, 서류의 위· 변조,
번역 오류, 대리 시험 또는 부정 행위자는 불합격 처리
2) 입학 후 1) 과 같이 부정한 방법으로 합격한 사실이 발견된 경우 즉각 입학을
취소하며, 졸업한 후 발견된 경우에는 학적을 말소 조치하니 유의 바람
3) 이 외에 모집요강에 명시되지 않은 사항은 국립국제교육원 및 우리 대학 입학 전형
절차와 학사 규정에 따라 처리하며, 자세한 사항은 국제처로 문의 바람

기타 안내 사항
- 기숙사(http:/ /
* ( 원/ 1학기)
캠퍼스 기숙사( 성별) 관리비 식비
자유관( 여) KRW 773,670
웅비관( 남) KRW 692,640
(2인1실) 식사선택에 따름
진리관( 남) KRW 892,440
( 예. 1일 3식 : 953,370원)
밀양캠퍼스 비마관( 남)
KRW 512,820
(2인1실) 매화관( 여)

- 한국어학연수: 부산대학교 언어교육원(http:/ /

3. 문의 및 서류발송처
대학 담당자 연락처( 문의):
- 전화: +82- 51- 510- 3879
- 팩스: +82- 51- 510- 3851
- 이메일:
- 홈페이지: 국제처 http:/ / / 부산대학교 http:/ /
대학 주소( 서류발송처): 대한민국 부산광역시 금정구 부산대학로 63번길 2(장전동)
부산대학교 국제협력실 ( 본관 1층) ( 우편번호: 46241)

Ⅳ. GKS 동문
부산대학교 GKS 동문회 홈페이지:
https:/ / kor/ html/ community/ country.php?ct=GKS
Pusan National University
■ Address: PNU International, 1F, Main Bldg., Pusan National University, 2 Busandaehak- Ro,
63 Beon- Gil, Geumjeong- Gu, Busan, Republic of Korea 46241
■ Website: http:/ /, http:/ /

Ⅰ. Overview of the University

1. History
Pusan National University founded(The first comprehensive national university
May 15, 1946
in South Korea)
1954 Graduate School founded
1956 PNU Hospital opened
2009 The construction of Yangshan Campus completed
2019- Present (Undergraduate) 15 colleges, 116 departments(majors)
(Graduate) 1 General (89 Master's, 86 Doctoral), 4 Professional,
8 Special Graduate Schools

2. Key Information
From the first to the best: 76 years of Pusan National University
Pusan National University was established as Korea’ s first national university on May 15 1946 with
donations from citizens as a result of the aspirations to educate young talent who could rebuild
the devastated nation right after the independence in 1945. PNU’ s core value is education that
enables our students to thrive in the future. Committed to helping our students pursue their
dreams despite difficult situations, PNU is not complacent with its current position as Korea’ s
best national university, but leaping toward a world- class research university and prestigious
global university as well.

• Multi- campus: Busan, Yangsan, Miryang and Ami
• 578 Partners from 60 Countries
• 33,500 full- time students including 1,991 international students from 92 countries
• 2,448 Professors, 737 Staffs, and 253,667 alumni

Academic Standings
# 1 in National University Rankings in South Korea (2015- Present)
# 1 in number of published papers per professor in South Korea (2015)
# 1 in industry- academic cooperation in South Korea (2016)
# 2 in amount of BK 21 FOUR (government- funded graduate education- research program) grant (2021)
# 5 in number of CEOs in Korea's Top 10 corporate groups (2020/ 2021)
(# 1 in Hyundai Motors and Hyundai Heavy Industries)
# 5 by Brand- Reputation Index in Korea (2020/ 2021)
#8 Korean University by Nature Index (#1 National University, #2 in Earth & Environmental Sciences, 2021)
# 101~ 200/200- 300 by QS World University Rankings (Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace, Architecture,
Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Pharmacy, and Material Sciences, 2020)
6th Korean/ 61st global member university of APRU (Asia Pacific Rim Universities, 2021)
Ⅱ. Fields of Study
1. Academic Programs
General Graduate Schools
※ Visit PNU official website for more information regarding each deparment and major
(https:/ / grad/ 62238/
Field of Study(Specific major)
Field Dept. Remarks
Master's Doctoral
Humanities Dept. of Korean Language
Dept. of Korean
and Literature
Language and Literature
(Korean Classical Literature)
Dept. of Korean Dept. of Korean Language
Sciences Language and - and Literature
Literature (Korean Modern Literature)
Dept. of Korean Language
- and Literature
(Korean Linguistics)
Dept. of Chinese Language
Dept. of Chinese
and Literature
Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature
(Chinese Literature)
Language and
Dept. of Chinese Language
- and Literature
(Chinese Linguistics)
Dept. of Japanese Language
Dept. of Japanese
and Literature
Dept. of Japanese Language and Literature
(Japanese Literature)
Language and
Dept. of Japanese Language
- and Literature
(Japanese Linguistics)
Dept. of English
Dept. of English Language
Language and Literature
and Literature
(English Language and
Dept. of English (English Literature)
Language and
Literature Dept. of English Language
- and Literature
(English Linguistics)

Dept. of German Language

Dept. of German
and Literature
Dept. of German Language and Literature
(German Literature)
Language and
Literature Dept. of German Language
- and Literature
(German Linguistics)
Dept. of Russian Language
Dept. of Russian
and Literature
Dept. of Russian Language and Literature
(Russian Literature)
Language and
Literature Dept. of Russian Language
- and Literature
(Russian Linguistics)
Dept. of Korean Literature in
Dept. of Korean
Dept. of Korean Literature Chinese Characters
Literature in
in Chinese Characters (Korean Literature in Chinese
Chinese Characters

Dept. of Dept. of Linguistics

Dept. of Linguistics
Linguistics (Linguistics)
Field of Study(Specific major)
Field Dept. Remarks
Master's Doctoral
Dept. of Philosophy
Dept. of Philosophy
(Western Philosophy)
Dept. of Dept. of Philosophy
Philosophy (Social Philosophy)
Dept. of Philosophy
(Oriental Philosophy)
Dept. of History
Dept. of History
(Korean History)
Dept. of History
Dept. of History -
(Asian History)
Dept. of History
(Western History)
Dept of Dept. of Archaeology
Dept. of Archaeology
Archaeology (Archaeology)
Dept. of Public Dept. of Public Dept. of Public Administration
Administration Administration (Public Administration)
Dept. of Political Science and
Dept. of Political
Dept. of Political Science Diplomacy
Science and
and Diplomacy (Political Science and
Dept. of Social Dept. of Social Welfare
Dept. of Social Welfare
Welfare (Social Welfare)
Dept. of Sociology
Dept. of Sociology Dept. of Sociology
Dept. of Dept. of
Dept. of Psychology
Psychology Psychology(Psychology)
Dept. of Library, Archives Dept. of Library, Archives &
& Information Studies Information Studies
Dept. of Library, (Library, Archives & (Library, Archives &
Archives & Information Studies) Information Studies)
Information Studies Dept. of Library, Archives Dept. of Library, Archives &
& Information Studies Information Studies
(Archival Studies) (Archival Studies)
Dept. of Media &
Dept. of Media & Dept. of Media &
Communication Communication
Dept. of Law Dept. of Law Dept. of Law
Dept. of Korean Dept. of Korean Language
Dept. of Korean
Language Education
Language Education
Education (Korean Language Education)
Dept. of Foreign Dept. of Foreign Dept. of Foreign Language
Language Language Education Education
Education (English Education) (English Education)
Dept. of Early Dept. of Early Childhood
Dept. of Early Childhood
Childhood Education
Education (Early Childhood Education)
Dept. of Special Dept. of Special Dept. of Special Education
Education Education (Special Education)
Dept. of Education
Dept. of Education Dept. of Education (History of Education and
Educational Philosophy)
Field of Study(Specific major)
Field Dept. Remarks
Master's Doctoral
Dept. of Education
- (Curriculum and Educational
Dept. of Education
- (Educational Psychology and
Counseling Psychology)
Dept. of Education
- (Educational Administration,
Educational Sociology
&Lifelong Education)
Dept. of Business Dept. of Business
Administration Administration
(Management Information (Management Information
Systems) Systems)
Dept. of Business Dept. of Business
Administration Administration
(International Business) (International Business)
Dept. of Business Dept. of Business
Administration(Marketing) Administration(Marketing)
Dept. of Business
Dept. of Business
(OM(Operations Management))
Dept. of Business Management))
Administration Dept. of Business Dept. of Business
Administration Administration
(Personnel& Organizational (Personnel& Organizational
Management) Management)
Dept. of Business Dept. of Business
Administration Administration
(Financial Management) (Financial Management)
Dept. of Business Dept. of Business
Administration Administration
(Accounting) (Accounting)
Dept. of Business Dept. of Business
Administration Administration
(Digital Finance) (Digital Finance)
Dept. of International Trade
(International Economics)
Dept. of Dept. of International
Dept. of International Trade
International Trade Trade
(International Trade
Dept. of Economics
Dept. of (Economics)
Dept. of Economics
Economics Economics
(Regional Economics)
Dept. of Public Dept. of Public Policy &
Dept. of Public Policy &
Policy & Management
Management (Public Policy & Management)
Dept. of Tourism Dept. of Tourism and
and Convention Convention(Tourism)
Dept. of Child Development &
Dept. of Child Dept. of Child
Family Studies
Development & Development & Family
(Child Development & Family
Family Studies Studies
Field of Study(Specific major)
Field Dept. Remarks
Master's Doctoral
Dept. of Food and Dept. of Food and Miryang
Resource - campus
Economics Resource Economics

Dept. of Dept. of Mathematics

Mathematics Dept. of Mathematics
Dept. of Statistics
Dept. of Statistics Dept. of Statistics
Dept. of Physics
Dept. of Physics Dept. of Physics
Dept. of Chemistry
Dept. of Chemistry Dept. of Chemistry
Dept. of Integrated Biological
Dept. of Integrated Dept. of Integrated Sciences
Sciences Biological Sciences (Integrated Biological
Division of Earth and Division of Earth and
Environmental Systems Environmental Systems
(Geological Environment (Geological Environment
Science) Science)
Division of Earth
and Environmental Division of Earth and Division of Earth and
Environmental Systems Environmental Systems
Systems (Oceanography) (Oceanography)
Division of Earth and Division of Earth and
Environmental Systems Environmental Systems
(Atmospheric Science) (Atmospheric Science)
Dept. of Earth Dept. of Earth Science
Dept. of Earth Science
Science (Earth Science)
Dept. of Chemical Dept. of Chemical Dept. of Chemical Materials
Materials Materials (Chemical Materials)
Natural Dept. of Pharmacy
Dept. of Pharmacy Dept. of Pharmacy
Dept. of Dept. of Manufacturing
Dept. of Manufacturing
Manufacturing Pharmacy
Pharmacy Pharmacy
(ManufacturiNg Pharmacy)
Dept. of Clothing Dept. of Clothing and Dept. of Clothing and Textiles
and Textiles Textiles (Clothing and Textiles)
Dept. of Food Science
Dept. of Food Dept. of Food Science and
and Nutrition
Science and Nutrition
Nutrition (Food Science and
(Food Science and Nutrition)
Dept. of Housing Dept. of Housing and Interior
Dept. of Housing and
and Interior Design
Design Interior Design
(Housing and Interior Design)
Dept. of Plant Dept. of Plant Bioscience
Bioscience Dept. of Plant Bioscience
(Plant Bioscience)
Dept. of Dept. of Horticultural
Dept. of Horticultural
Horticultural Bioscience
Bioscience Bioscience
(Horticultural Bioscience)
Dept. of Animal Dept. of Animal Science -
Science Miryang
Dept. of Applied Dept. of Applied Bioresources
Bioresources & - & Life Science
Life Science (Animal Science)
Dept. of Dept. of Biomaterial Dept. of Biomaterial Science
Science Science (Biomaterial Science)
Field of Study(Specific major)
Field Dept. Remarks
Master's Doctoral
Dept. of Nursing Yangsan
Dept. of Nursing Dept. of Nursing campus
School of Mechanical
School of Mechanical
Engineering (Energy
Engineering (Energy Systems)
School of Mechanical School of Mechanical
Engineering (Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical
Systems Design) Systems Design)
School of Mechanical School of Mechanical
School of
Engineering Engineering
(Precision Manufacturing (Precision Manufacturing
Systems) Systems)
School of Mechanical School of Mechanical
Engineering Engineering
. (Intelligent Control and (Intelligent Control and
Engineering Automation Systems) Automation Systems)
School of Mechanical School of Mechanical
Engineering Engineering
(Nuclear Systems) (Nuclear Systems)
Dept. of Dept. of Architecture
Dept. of Architecture
Architecture (Architecture)
Dept. of Dept. of Architectural
Dept. of Architectural
Architectural Engineering
Engineering Engineering
(Architectural Engineering)
Dept. of Civil and Dept. of Civil and
Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering
(Civil Engineering) (Structural Engineering)
Dept. of Civil and
Dept. of Civil and
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering
(Water Engineering)
Dept. of Civil and
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Environmental (Soil Mechanics and
Engineering Foundation Engineering)
Dept. of Civil and
Environmental Engineering
(GSIS and Construction
Management System)
Dept. of Civil and
- Environmental Engineering
(Environmental Engineering)
School of
Chemical School of Chemical School of Chemical
Engineering Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and
Dept. of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering
Electronics Engineering
(Electrical Energy System)
Dept. of Electrical and
Dept. of Electrical Electronics Engineering
and Electronics -
(Semiconductor, Integrated
Engineering Circuits, Photonics)
Dept. of Electrical and
- Electronics Engineering
(Robot, Intelligent, Control)
Field of Study(Specific major)
Field Dept. Remarks
Master's Doctoral
Dept. of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering
- (Communications,
Electromagnetic Wave, Signal
Dept. of Naval Architecture
Dept. of Naval Dept. of Naval
and Ocean Engineering
Architecture and Architecture and Ocean
Ocean Engineering (Naval Architecture and
Engineering Ocean Engineering)
Dept. of Information
Dept. of Information Yangsan
Covergence Engineering
Covergence Engineering or Busan
(AI - Aritificial campus
(AI – Aritificial Intelligence)
Dept. of Dept. of Information Dept. of Information
Information Covergence Engineering Covergence Engineering
Engineering (Computer Engineering) (Computer Engineering)
Dept. of Information Dept. of Information
Covergence Engineering Covergence Engineering Yangsan
(Biomedical Convergence (Biomedical Convergence campus
Engineering) Engineering)
Dept. of Materials Science
and Engineering
Dept. of Material Dept. of Materials (Metal Materials)
Science and
Engineering Science and Engineering Dept. of Materials Science
and Engineering
(Ceramic Materials)
Dept. of Industrial
Dept. of Industrial Engineering
(Industrial Engineering)
(Industrial Engineering)
Dept. of Industrial
Engineering Dept. of Industrial
Dept. of Industrial Engineering
(Industrial Data Science &
(Industrial Data Science & Engineering)
Dept. of Dept. of Aerospace
Dept. of Aerospace
Aerospace Engineering
Engineering Engineering
(Aerospace Engineering)
Dept. of Urban Dept. of Urban Dept. of Urban Engineering
Engineering Engineering (Urban Engineering)
School of Convergence School of Convergence
Science Science
School of (Applied Hybrid Materials) (Applied Hybrid Materials)
Convergence School of Convergence School of Convergence
Science Science Science
(Green Transportation (Green Transportation System
System Design) Design)
Dept. of Cogno- Mechatronics
Dept. of Dept. of
Cogno- Mechatroni Cogno- Mechatronics
cs Engineering (Cogno- Mechatronics
Dept. of Nano Fusion
Dept. of Nano Dept. of Nano Fusion
Fusion Technology Technology
(Nano Fusion Technology)
Dept. of Nanomechatronics campus
Dept. of Dept. of
Nanomechatronics Nanomechatronics
Engineering Engineering
Field of Study(Specific major)
Field Dept. Remarks
Master's Doctoral
Dept. of Dept. of Bio- Industrial
Bio- Industrial Dept. of Bio- Industrial Machinery Engineering
Machinery Machinery Engineering (Bio- Industrial Machinery
Engineering Engineering)
Dept. of Dept. of Bio- Environmental
Dept. of
Bio- Environmental Energy Miryang
Energy Bio- Environmental Energy
(Bio- Environmental Energy) campus
Dept. of Applied IT and
Dept. Applied IT and Dept. of Applied IT and
Engineering Engineering
(Applied IT and Engineering)
Dept. of Dept. of
Dept. of Landscape
Landscape Landscape(Landscape)
Dept. of Korean
Dept. of Korean Traditional
Traditional Music
Music(Korean Musicology)
(String · Vocal)
Dept. of Korean
Dept. of Korean Traditional
Dept. of Korean Traditional Music
Music(Korean Applied Music)
Traditional Music (Wind · Percussion)
Dept. of Korean
Traditional Music -
(Composition · Conduction)
Dept. of Korean
Traditional Music(Theory)
Dept. of Music
Dept. of Music
Dept. of Music -
Dept. of Music
(Computer Music)
Dept. of Fine Arts Dept. of Fine Arts
(Korean Painting) (Korean Painting)
Dept. of Fine Arts Dept. of Fine Arts
Dept. of Fine Arts
(Western Painting) (Western Painting)
Dept. of Fine Arts Fine Arts
Arts (Carving and Modeling) (Carving and Modeling)
Sports Dept. of Plastic Arts
Plastic Arts(Plastic Arts)
(Furniture Wood Lacquer)
Dept. of Plastic Arts
Dept. of Plastic (Ceramic Arts)
Arts Dept. of Plastic Arts
(Fiber Arts)
Dept. of Plastic Arts
(Metal Arts)
Dept. of Art Dept. of Art Culture & Dept. of Art Culture & Image
Culture & Image Image (Art Culture & Image)
Dept. of Dance Dept. of Dance -
Dept. of Design
Dept. of Design(Design)
(Visual Design)
Dept. of Design Design(Animation) -
Dept. of Design
(Design & Technology)
Dept. of Physical Dept. of Physical Education
Dept. of Physical Education (Humanities Science)
Education Dept. of Physical Education
(Natural Science)
Field of Study(Specific major)
Field Dept. Remarks
Master's Doctoral
College of Sports Science
Arts College of Sports Science
College of Sports (Sports Humanities)
Sports Science College of Sports Science
(Sports Science)

Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS)

Field of Study
Field Remarks
Master's Doctoral
International Trade International Trade
Humanities· International Logistics & International Logistics &
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Korean Studies -

III. Admission
1. Selection Procedure
First Round of Selection (University Track)
- Application and screening period (estimated date):
February 13th, 2023 ~ April 14th, 2023
※ Once the application guidelines are released on by
NIIED, the accurate date of an application and screening period will be
posted on the university website (url: http:/ /
Third Round of Selection (Embassy Track)
- Screening period (estimated date): May 8th, 2023 ~ May 19th, 2023
2. Additional materials required by each university/ department
List of required documents
- Required documents for all applicants: Same as NIIED’ s requirement
• Submit 1 set of original documents with additional 2 sets of copied
documents(3 sets in total, no need notarization for copies)
- Required documents for relevant applicants: Portfolio
• Applicants of below departments are required to submit portfolio in free format.

Dept. Dept. of Fine Arts Dept. of Design Dept. of Music

- Vocal[Master]
1 Korean song
3 Art songs
(Italian, French, German)
- Korean Painting 2 Arias in other
[Master/Doctor] languages
- Western Painting - Visual Design[Master] Submit above 6 recorded
[Master/Doctor] - Animation[Master] songs in a flash drive(USB)
in free
- Carving & Modeling
[Master/Doctor] - Composition[Master]
- Computer Music[Master]
Submit 3 self-composed
music scores in PDF form,
in a flash drive(USB).

Submission Method
- University Track: Express mail, courier or in person.
- Embassy Track: Express mail, courier
Departments applying additional language proficiency requirements
※ Applicants with TOPIK level 3 can directly enter the graduate school.
However, please be aware below departments require higher TOPIK level
of 4 or above.
Language Proficiency
College / Department
Dept. of Korean Language and Literature
Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature
Dept. of Japanese Language and Literature
Dept. of English Language and Literature
Dept. of German Language and Literature
College of
Dept. of Russian Language and Literature TOPIK Level 4 or above
Dept. of Korean Literature in Chinese Characters
Dept. of Linguistics
Dept. of Philosophy
Dept. of History
Dept. of Archaeology
Dept. of Sociology
College of TOPIK Level 4 or above
Dept. of Political Science & Diplomacy
Sciences Dept. of Media & Communication TOPIK Level 5 or above
Dept. of Korean Language Education
Dept. of Foreign Language Education
TOPIK Level 5 or above
College of (English Education)
Education Dept. of Early Childhood Education
Dept. of Special Education TOPIK Level 4 or above
College of
Dept. of International Trade
Dept. of Economics
& TOPIK Level 4 or above
Dept. of Tourism and Convention
Dept. of Public Policy & Management
College of
Dept. of Business Administration TOPIK Level 5 or above

Dept. of Housing & Interior Design TOPIK Level 4 or above

College of
Dept. of Child Development & Familly Studies TOPIK Level 5 or above

Dept. of Design
College of
Dept. of Art Culture & Image TOPIK Level 4 or above
Dept. of Fine Arts
College of
Dept. of Law TOPIK Level 5 or above
College of
Dept. of Nursing TOPIK Level 5 or above
Important notes regarding application submission
- Applicants must submit any additional documents required by each
university/ department to the university directly.
- Submitted documents will not be returned and additional documents may
be required if necessary.
- Total 3 sets of documents (1 set of the original documents and 2 sets of copied
documents) must be arranged in the same order as written on the “ Checklist”
provided by NIIED. Avoid using staplers(use clips), and write the name of
document on the right upper side of the document.
- Incomplete documents or non- submission of 2 sets of copied documents will
result in the disqualification of an applicant
- For more information, please check the guideline updated at PNU International
website (http:/ /
- Make sure to write down applying department and specific major on the
application form (If incorrectly written, application will be automatically
- If documents are not written in Korean or English, the applicant needs
to submit their notarized translation in Korean or English as well.

Important notes for applicants

1) The applicant who submits documents that are incomplete or whose
details are not true by forgery or translation errors, or who hires a
substitute exam- taker or cheats will be disqualified.
2) If the applicant is found to be illegally admitted by such means as
mentioned in 1) while at school or after graduation, admission will be
canceled and all academic records will be deleted even if the applicant
has graduated.
3) Matters that are not included in these guidelines will be dealt with the
admission procedures and regulations of the NIIED and PNU. For more
information, please contact PNU International.
Other information
- On- campus dormitories (http:/ /
* (KRW/ 1semester)
Campus Dorm(Gender) Meal plans*
Jayu(Female) KRW 773,670
(based on double Woongbee(Male) KRW 692,640 Depends on meal plan
Jilli(Male) KRW 892,440 (ex. 3meal/ day : about
Miryang Bima(Male) 953,370 KRW)
(based on double KRW 512,820
occupancy) Maewha(Female)

3. Inquiry and application address

Contact Information of the university:
- Tel: +82- 51- 510- 3879
- Fax: +82- 51- 510- 3851
- E- mail:
- Website: PNU International http:/ /
PNU Official http:/ /
Where to send application document:
- Address: PNU International(1F, Main Admin Bldg), Pusan National University,
2 Busandaehak- ro 63 Beon- gil, Geumjeong- gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
(Zip code: 46241)

Ⅳ. GKS Alumni
PNU GKS Alumni Website:
https:/ / kor/ html/ community/ country.php?ct=GKS

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