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Types of arguments:
- Moral (remiantis vertybėmis)
- Practical (žvelgiant pragmatiškai, pvz.: finansinės išlaidos, patogumas, gyvensenos
nuostoliai, ekonomika)
- Long-term (žvelgiant į ateitį, kas pasikeis praėjus tam tikram laiko tarpui)
- Principle (remiantis tam tikru principu, beveik kaip moralinis, tik su politiniais/
ekonominiais/socialiniais aspektais)
• SEXI (haha) Tezė
- S - statement
- E - explanation
- (e)X - examples Analizė
- I - impacts
- Argumento tezė, pagrindinė argumento mintis. (pvz.: THBT Schools should actively
support students who strike for climate ➯ Opposition ➯ Argumento statement
galėtų būti “Active support from schools would be contradictory to the principle of
striking, thus detrimenting the impacts of strikers’ actions.”)
- Signpostinant savo SM savo kalbose minėsite tik statements, pvz.: “today I’m going
to present our team’s first two arguments, which are (statement) and (statement)
and our second speaker will later talk about our third point which is (statement).
- Statementas turi būti aiškus, nepernelyg išplėstas, apie climate strikers galima
sakyti ir “active support from schools would be contradictory to the principle of
striking” kaip statement ir eiti į explanation
Kowalski, Analysis:
- Explanation and elaboration on your argument’s statement (pvz.: THBT Schools
should actively support students who strike for climate ➯ Opposition ➯ “Active
support, such as resources, transportation and whitelisting from attendance
records, from schools would go directly against the idea behind strikes and their
efficiency. As a result, governments would be less inclined to pay attention to
strikers and their message, failing those participating in climate strikes and
environmentalist movements themselves.”)
‣ Analytic mechanism
• Svarbiausia argumento dalis, čia privalu pateikti mechanizmą, įrodantį, kad
išties taip būtų, kaip jūs teigiat, jog bus
• Main points to cover:
I. Why is that so?
II. Why is that important?
• Mechanizmo turinys:
- Mechanizmo turinys labai priklauso nuo paties argumento ir motiono. Svarbu
analizėje paaiškinti, kokie yra agentai ar aktoriai (characterisations) ir kodėl jie
darys tai, ką jūs sakote, jog jie darys, kaip jie bus paveikti. Vėliau privalote
paaiškinti, kodėl tai svarbu.
- Jis turi būti signposted, kitaip tariant, turi būti išskirstytas į atskirus points ir
subpoints of analysis, kuriuos paminite savo kalbos metu

1 ⭐
- Pvz.: THBT Schools should actively support students who strike for climate ➯
Opposition ➯ Active support from schools would be contradictory to the
principle of striking, thus detrimenting the impacts of strikers’ actions. ➯ Active
support, such as resources, transportation and whitelisting from attendance
records, from schools would go directly against the idea behind strikes and
their efficiency. As a result, governments wouldn’t be inclined to pay attention
to strikers and their message, failing those participating in climate strikes and
environmentalist movements themselves. ➯ Why is that so? (I) ➯ Who are
current strikers? (1) (students, that actually care about the environment) ➯
What is the nature political/social strikes? (2) (sacrificing a privilege granted to
you by an employer/government in order to attract their attention to more
important issues) ➯ How would that change under team prop’s side of the
house? (3) (lesser percentage of genuinely concerned environmentalists
within striker demographics, school curriculum moulded around school strikes)
➯ What would that do? (4) (members of society wouldn’t care for strikers’
ideas since they’d presume strikers are only there to skip school, governments
also wouldn’t be incentivised to take action, since they’d know strikes no
longer have as negative of an impact on the students’ education) ➯ Why is
that important? (II) ➯ If both teams concede with the fact that global warming
is of the upmost importance, then all measures to make sure that negative
environmental impact is reduced. As we’ve proven to you today active support
from schools would halt any positive trend of change concerning global
warming, thus allowing environmental conditions to worsen.
• (I, II) - Main points to cover
• (1,2…) - Layers of analysis
‣ Examples
• You didn’t hear this from me, bet tai nėra labai svarbi argumento dalis, ypač jei
vyksta impromptu debatas arba debatuojama hipotetinė situacija ir sunkoka
sugalvoti jau įvykusį analoginį atvejį, bet jei randate, kas be ko, pastiprins jūsų
• Naudoti credible sources ir juos citinti, kad skambėtų patikimiau
• Neskirti tam pernelyg daug laiko, visoje byloje turėti ir tarp kalbėtojų pasidalinti
po <5 examples.
• Tai gali būti statistiniai duomenys, moksliniai tyrimai, jau nutikę įvykiai,
analoginai atvejai
• Pvz.: THS Female conscription ➯ Opposition example ➯ After female
conscription was adopted by Norway’s Parliament on the 14th of June 2013, the
bill was quick to receive backlash from the Norwegian Association for Women’s
Rights, the Norwegian Section of Women’s International League for Peace and
Freedom and the International Alliance of Women, all of them having issued
statements against it. This goes to show that women themselves oppose this
misconstrued notion of equality.
‣ Impacts
• Kaip paveikia agentus tai, kas sakote, kad nutiks argumente?
• Realiai tą patį pasakote prie why is that important, bet ir vėl pabrėžiat, kad
teisėjas ir priešininkai suvoktų, kas nutiks ir kodėl tai svarbu
Viską galit pasakyti prie mechanizmo. Impacts realiai ir yra what will happen ir why
should we care, o examples galima lengvai į jį įterpti, tarkime, pasakyti kažkokį
mechanizmą ir pridėti, jog we saw this exact development in the case of ( jūsų
pavyzdys čia).

2 ⭐
Principle argumentation:
- Galvokit apie tai, kaip viskas veikia !!!
- Geras principle argument net ir vienas gali laimėti visą debatą, žiauriai kietas reikalas
- Pvz.: THBT violent civil disobedience is a legitimate response to injustices ➯
Proposition ➯ Arg. No. 1: Violent civil disobedience is principally justified in the face of
injustice ➯ Analyse the motion itself - Injustice is already present, thus we can deduct
that a government is already corrupt and unjust ➯ The tradeoff between a
government and its citizens: Citizens give their government complete monopoly over
their freedom, since the law determines what they can and cannot do. Citizens obey
the law, pay taxes and agree to become functional members of society as foreseen by
their government. In return, their government promises to protect their dignity and
provide them with safety and equal rights, since no person chooses their place of
birth. If a government fails to do so, which the motion implies is the case, it is only fair
for citizens to violate their side of the agreement too, as the tradeoff is already
- Galit naudoti jau suformuluotus principus, pvz.: The Principle of Retribution, bet vis
vien turite paaiškinti kokia jų esmė ir kodėl būtent jie tinka jūsų diskutuojamam atvejui.
(šis labai tinka, kai palaikote foreign businesses in developing countries debato
metu ;)) )
- Turite pastebėti, koks principinis sandoris jau egzistuoja ar yra pažeistas ir kodėl jis
suteikia jūsų komandai teisę palaikyti tai, ką palaikote

Argumentų išdėstymo strategijos:

- Pagal kokybę
1. Strongest
2. Weakest
3. Average
1. Average
2. Weakest
3. Strongest

- Pagal tipą
1. Moral/Principle
2. Practical
3. Long-term

- Pagal ilgį/trukmę (nerekomenduočiau)

1. Average
2. Shortest
3. Longest

3 ⭐

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