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-wyjaśnij, dlaczego wybrałeś taką formę spędzania wakacji

-opisz miejsce, w którym obóz został zorganizowany

-przedstaw swoja opinie na temat instruktora i oferowanych zajęc

-napisz, jakie masz plany na przyszłość związane ze sportem

Hi Jack,

I’d like to tell you about my summer holidays.

This year I spent time on a sports camp. Whenever I have free time, I spend it actively, so I decided
that such a camp was a perfect choice for me.

The camp took place on Mazury, thanks to that we had access to water sports on the like and to vast
areas with many playing fields.

The instructors staff was perfectly selected. Each of them had knowledge about specific sports. This
made me improve my volleyball and sailing skills. The hole day was full of activities so there was no
time for boredom.

In the future I’d like become volleyball player and this camp helped me obtain a certificate to enter
the national volleyball competition. I hope my plans will succeed.

I’ll send you some photos from my camp!

Bye for now!


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