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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
School Division of Agusan del Sur
San Francisco District I
Teacher ELIZA MAE A. DAMIAN Learning area SCIENCE
Date November 20,2023 Quarter 2
A. Content standards The learners demonstrate understanding of, how the parts of the human reproductive system
B. Performance The learners should be able to,practice proper hygiene to care of the reproductive organs
C. Learning The learners are able to describe the changes that occur during puberty

Specific Learning At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
a. Know the changes occurs during puberty( C)
b. Discuss the changes that occur at age 10 to 12 and 12 to 14 (P)
c. reflect the importance of puberty in our growing life(A)
LC code (S5LTIIb-2)

A. references

1. Teacher’s guide Science curriculum in K to 12

2. Learner’s guide Science across boarder page 44-51

3. Additional materials for Internet, laptop,printing materials

learning resource(LR)
4. Values Integration People grow and experience changes in their body over time. You were just small
when you were born. You grew a little bigger when you were in kindergarten. Now
that you are already in fifth grade, you have grown taller and bigger. You have

change a lot
5. Science Ideas Observing the changes
6. Science process skills Puberty is a stage characterized by a rapid developmental changes.

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity

A. Preparatory

1. Prayer Everybody stand for a prayer and let us sing the Lords song Our father, who art in heaven,
“ our father” hollowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come, thy will be
done, on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread, and forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those
who trespass against us, and
lead us not into temptation, and
deliver us from evil, our father
2. Greetings Good morning class.
Good morning teacher Eliza
Mae Damian.
We’re good teacher, how about
How are you this morning?

3. Checking of I am good as well and it is good to hear that you are all
attendance well.

No teacher, we are complete

Table 1 who is absent today? No teacher, we are complete
How about table 2? No teacher, we are complete
table 3? No teacher, we are complete
4. Review Table 4 No teacher, we are complete
Table 5

Last meeting we have discussed about the female

reproductive system. This morning let us have a short review
about our topic yesterday, so prepare a 1/4 sheet of paper
and answer the following activity.
Directions: match the functions in column A with the parts
of female reproductive system in column B. Write only the
letter of your answer.
Column A Column B
-------1. A tube that leads the egg 1. d
cell from ovary to the uterus. a. cervix 2. . f

-------2. A hollow muscular tube that b. endometrium
leads to the vulva. 3. a
------3. A narrow opening between c. ovary
the uterus and vagina. 4. c
------4. Release the egg cells and d. Fallopian tube
hormones like estrogen and or oviduct
-------5. Shaped like an upside-down 5. e
pear, it is where the fertilized egg e. uterus
cell develops into a fetus.
f. vagina
A. Motivation I am going to show you some pictures and what are you
going to do is to observe each pictures.

What have you observe in the pictures? Yes Terrence. It is a baby up to an old woman

What have you observe about their physical appearance?

Did they have differences? They are different in height
They are different in body
shape teacher,
They are different in their skin
Very good! All your answers are correct. texture teacher.
Okay, give yourself a very good clap.
B. Developmental

1. Presentation

a. Setting of
standards In this morning, you are going to learn about the changes
occurs during puberty.
1. Listen attentively
But before I will start my discussion, you have to know what 2. Do not talk with your
is your responsibility as a student, a listener and a res- seatmate through out the
ponder. What does it mean? discussion
3. Raise your hand for concerns
4. participate in every

Yes teacher!
Can I expect that from all of you grade 5 SSES?
Very good.

a. Springboard Puberty- is a stage characterized by rapid developmental

changes. Changes start to happen in young boys whose age
ranges from 12 to 14 years old. Girls, on the other hand, start
to experience puberty earlier. They begin to observe changes
when they are 10 to 12 years old. These changes are caused
by sex hormones from their ovaries and testes. Puberty
occurs during adolescence. Girls grow into women and boys
into men. Puberty is the period when the reproductive organs
begin to mature. Menstruation in girls and sperm production
in boys starts during this period.

Boys Girls
* Adam’s apple becomes * breast starts to grow
bigger bigger
* Voice may crack or break * hips become rounded and
at certain times wider
* Muscle starts to develop * pubic hair starts to appear
* Shoulders become * reproductive organs
broader develop
* Pubic, underarm, and * growth spurts
facial hair starts to appear At this age, girls may start
* Reproductive organs having menstrual flow
* Growth spurts
At this age, boys should
consider being circumcised
to keep their external
genitals clean.
I have here a video presentation about what happen during
puberty, please give an attention and be quiet to understand
the video for later on I will ask some questions regarding the

Changes during Puberty - Part 1 | Reaching Adolescence |


a. Discussion From the video that you have watched, what age does the puberty it starts from 12 to 14 years old
starts at boys? teacher

That is correct.
How about the girls? It starts at age 10 to 12 teacher

Now when the boys starting his puberty, what does changes Shoulders become broader
occur? teacher,
Adam’s apple become bigger,
Muscles develop,
Voice crack or break teacher.

Those are correct! Another answer? Pubic, underarm, and facial

hair starts to appear teacher.

Very good!

How about the girls when starting her puberty? Breast starts to grow bigger,
Hips become rounded and
bigger, Pubic hair starts to
appear teacher.

Very good, another hand? In table 5, do you want to add? At this age, girls may start
having menstrual flow.

What do you mean by menstrual flow? Menstrual flow is a monthly

period that occurs in the girls
vaginal area.

Can boys have a menstrual flow? No teacher

Why do you think boys doesn’t have menstrual flow? Because they don’t have
ovaries teacher that can cause
All your answers are correct. pregnancy.
Class, you are going to have an activity. Group yourselves
into 5, what are you going to do is to collect the changes that

occurs at your current age, list down those changes ( e.g,
broadening in hips, meenstrual period.). Choose a leader and
secretary in your group. I will give you 2 minutes to list the
changes that occurs within yourselves after that, the leaders
will discuss the output of the group.

Alright are you done? yes teacher

Group 1 leader proceed in front. The changes that occurs in our

body at this current age are:
Menstrual flow, enlargement of
breast, growth of Adam's apple,
muscles grow bigger and
stronger. That is all teacher.
Everybody clap your hands for group 1

The changes that occurs in our

Group 2 leader proceed. body at this current age are:
growth in Adam's apple,
changes in voice quality,
developing breast, menstrual
flow. That’s all teacher.
Very good, everybody clap your hands for group 2

The changes that occurs in our

Group 3 leader proceed. body at this current age are:
Enlargement of breast, weight
gain, bodies become more
curvy, mixed up feelings and
moods. That is all teacher.

Very good, everybody clap your hands for the group 3

The changes that occurs in our
body at this current age are:
Group 4 leader proceed. Growth of pubic and underarm
hair, menstrual period, growth
of Adam's apple, and change in
voice quality. That’s all

Very good, everybody clap your hands for group 4 leader.

The changes that occurs in our
body at this current age are:
Group 5 leader proceed . enlargement of of breast,
broadening hips, growth of
pubic underarms, menstrual

period, change in voice quality,
weight gain, muscle become
bigger and stronger. That is all

Alright! Everybody clap your hands for this activity, I am

glad that you have understood our discussion this morning.

1. Generalization
what is puberty? Puberty is a stage
characterized by rapid
developmental changes

That’s correct.

What age does puberty starts at boys? Puberty usually starts at boys at
age 12 to 14.

How about the girls? The girls puberty starts at age

10 to 12 teacher.
Very good!

Can you give an example on a physical change of the girls

during puberty? At this age, girls may start
having menstrual flow, breast
starts to grow bigger,
broadening hips etc.

How about the physical change of the boys? Adam’s apple become bigger,
muscle develop, facial hair
starts to appear etc.
That is all correct.

2. Valuing Knowing the changes that occur in our body, what is your
opinion about it? It embarrass me sometimes

Yes we can be embarrass, but you should be proud because

that only means that you grow.

Now class, is it important to know the changes that occurs in

our body during puberty? Why? Yes teacher, because it gives us
awareness and feel free to do
according to our age, we are
being aware of what to do to
adjust the changes that happens
and about to happen. Knowing
puberty gives us the knowledge
of what could be the parts of
our body may change.

Very grade 5, give yourselves a good job claps.

Let us try this !

A. Multiple choice. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Reproductive organs develop rapidly during

A. Adulthood
B. Childhood
C. Infancy
D. Puberty

2. Which is NOT a change observed in a girl’s body during


A. Broadening hips
B. Development breast
C. Development muscles
D. Occurrence of menstruation

3. Which of the following changes in puberty does not occur

in male?

A. Enlargement of sex organs

B. Growth spurts
C. Pubic hair growth
D. Hips become round and wide

4. Which of the following changes can be experienced in

both male and female?

A. Hips become round and wide

B. Development of muscles
C. Occurrence of pubic hair
D. Development of breast

5. It is the stage which is characterized by rapid

developmental changes.

A. Menstruation
B. Fertilization
C. Adolescence
D. Puberty

B. Modified True or False: Write T if the statement is true.

Write F if it is false. Change the underlined word/s to make
the statement true.

--------1. each person has a different growth rate.

--------2. adolescence is a stage characterized by rapid
developmental changes.
-------3. boys experience puberty earlier.
-------4. girl’s Adam's apple become bigger during puberty.
-------5. physical changes are also caused by sex hormones.

Are you done class? Yes teacher.

Let us check your answers.

Reproductive organ develop

Who can read and answer question number 1? yes Ara
rapidly during. Letter D

Number 2, yes Aldrich

Which is NOT a change
observed in a girl’s body
during puberty? Letter C

Number 3? yes Angel

Which of the following
changes in puberty does not
occur in male? Letter D teacher

Which of the following

changes can be experienced in
Jillian read and answer number 4
both male and female? Letter C

It is the stage which is

characterized by rapid
Number 5, alright Joseph
developmental changes. Letter
D teacher.
1. T
Alright in test B what are your answers?
5. T

Yes teacher

Did you learn something today?

We have known the changes
occurs during puberty,
What did you learn today?
Discuss the changes that occur
at age 10 to 12 and 12 to 14
and reflect the importance of
puberty in our growing life(A)

DIRECTIONS: Get photos of your mother and father or
older brother and sister when they are young. Study their
photos and answer the following questions.
1. Do they look the same from the time when they were
2. Record the changes that you have observed from their
physical appearance when they are younger, compared to
their appearance now. Write your answer on the A4 size
bond paper below the picture of your mother and father and
your older brother and sister.

Mother or Father brother or sister


A. No. Of
learners who
earned 80 % on
the formative
b. No. Of
learners who
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lesson
work? No. Of
learners who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. Of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why did
these work?
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter with
my cooperating
teacher can help
me solve?
G. What
innovations or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other
practice teachers


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