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1. to reserve all judgements - утримуватися від будь-яких суджень

2. to feign sth - притворюватися чимось
3. hostile levity - ворожа легкість
4. to be marred by … - бути зіпсованим чимось…
5. decency - порядність, приличність
6. riotous - шумний, буйний
7. prominent - видатний, відомий
8. well-rounded - всебічно розвинутий
9. a superficial tag - поверхнева мітка
10. proximity - близькість
11. to savor - насолоджуватися
12. wistful - сумний, тужливий
13. elaborate (adj) - розгорнутий, докладний
14. sturdy - міцний, стійкий
15. arrogant - зарозумілий, високомерний
16. husky (tenor/voice) - хрипкий (тембр/голос)
17. fractiousness - сварливість, непокірність
18. pungent (roses) - гострий, пронизливий (про аромат троянд)
19. to buoy sb/sth (up) - підтримувати когось/щось (підвищувати
настрій, піднімати)
20. irrelevant (criticism) - нестосовний, неприпустимий (критика)
21. compulsion - примус, примусовість
22. wail (n) - виття, плач
23. incredulously - недовірливо, з невірою
24. discontented face - незадоволене обличчя
25. to compel sb to do sth - змушувати когось щось робити
26. an awed expression - вражений вираз обличчя
27. hulking - величезний, важкий
28. unobtrusively - непомітно, ненав'язливо
29. to submerge - поглиблювати, занурювати
30. to extemporize - імпровізувати, говорити напам'ять
31. nightingale - соловей
32. sophisticated - вишуканий, складний
33. soothing (tune) - заспокійлива (мелодія)
34. contemptuous - зневажливий, презирливий

Ex 2
1. Revelation: A revelation is a surprising and previously unknown fact or
piece of information that is revealed or disclosed.

2. Suppression: Suppression refers to the act of restraining or stopping

something from happening or becoming known, often by force or authority.
3. To scorn: To scorn means to show contempt or disdain towards someone
or something, often by rejecting or ridiculing it.

4. Scarcely: Scarcely means barely or hardly, indicating a small degree or

amount of something.

5. Supercilious: Supercilious describes a person who behaves or looks as if

they think they are superior to others, often characterized by arrogance or
disdainful pride.

6. Leverage: Leverage refers to the power or ability to influence a situation

or achieve a desired outcome, often by using strategic advantage or influence.

7. Defiant: Defiant means openly resisting or challenging authority or rules,

often in a bold or rebellious manner.

8. Self-sufficiency: Self-sufficiency is the ability to fulfill one's own needs

or requirements without relying on external assistance or resources.

9. Complacency: Complacency is a feeling of self-satisfaction or

contentment, often accompanied by unawareness of potential dangers or

10. Devoid of sth: Devoid of something means completely lacking or empty

of it.

11. Peremptory: Peremptory describes an action or command that is abrupt,

decisive, and not open to debate or refusal.

12. Libel: Libel refers to a false and defamatory statement or representation

made in writing, print, or through broadcast media that damages a person's

Ex 3
1. Vulnerable
- Synonyms: susceptible, exposed, defenseless
- Translation: вразливий

2. Tolerance
- Synonyms: acceptance, patience, understanding
- Translation: терпимість

3. Intricate
- Synonyms: complex, complicated, elaborate
- Translation: складний, заплутаний
4. Elation
- Synonyms: happiness, joy, exhilaration
- Translation: захват, радість

5. Perpetual
- Synonyms: constant, continual, everlasting
- Translation: постійний, безперервний

6. To Inhabit
- Synonyms: occupy, reside, populate
- Translation: населяти

7. Permanent
- Synonyms: lasting, enduring, stable
- Translation: постійний, стійкий

8. Desolate
- Synonyms: barren, deserted, lonely
- Translation: пустельний, безлюдний

9. Coherence
- Synonyms: consistency, clarity, cohesion
- Translation: зв'язність, узгодженість

Ex 4
Paraphrases for the provided phrases are as follows:

1. to feel like sth/like doing sth - to have the desire for something/to have an
inclination towards doing something
2. to be inclined to do sth - to have a tendency or preference for doing
3. to be privy to sth - to have access or insider knowledge about something
4. to quiver on the horizon - to appear or seem imminent or impending
5. to parcel sth out - to distribute or divide something into smaller parts
6. to be exempt from sth - to be excluded or freed from something
7. to prey on/upon sb/sth - to exploit or victimize someone or something
8. to confer sth on/upon sb - to grant or bestow something onto someone
9. money from the mint - newly printed or freshly issued money
10. to be an eyesore - to be unattractive or unsightly
11. a matter of reproach - a subject or issue that brings about criticism or
12. to hate sb’s guts - to intensely dislike someone
13. to approve of sb/sth - to express agreement or favorable opinion towards
someone or something
14. it occurred to me that… - I suddenly realized or became aware that…
15. to make sb (feel) uneasy - to cause discomfort or unease in someone
16. heart-to-heart talk - a sincere and intimate conversation
17. to publish the banns - to publicly announce an intention to marry in a
18. to nibble at sth - to eat or consume something in small bites or nibbles.

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