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Юнит 2


1. No matter (what, how…) – хто б не, щоб не, як би не…

2. Nothing but – тільки; нічого, крім

Word combinations

smb's word against another's (it's your Немає доказів; це лише твої слова
word against mine)
Спростовувати чиїсь слова
to put one’s words against smb’s

in private and in public Наодинці та публічно (на людях)

stark naked/stark raving mad Абсолютно голий/зовсім божевільний

the/one's remaining time (money, etc.) Час, що залишився; решта грошей


(at) one time or another (fml) Рано чи пізно, колись

in part (fml) Частково

to get/give a square/fair deal Отримати справедливе поводження;

поводитися справедливо, справедливе

(to be) halfway through/down/up На півшляху до, майже закінчити,

дійти до середини, посеред; піднятися
до/спуститися до

in itself Само по собі, від природи, по суті

no better (worse, etc.) than... Не краще (гірше) ніж

to be reluctant to do smth (fml) Не хотіти щось робити; не мати

бажання щось робити

under the circumstances За цих обставин

1. Look v;

~ at smth/smb
1) 1) to open on to Відкриватися на, виходити на , e. g. The façade looks at the sea.
look at seafront – виходити на набережну
2) at first sight, by way of visual evaluation На перший погляд e. g. To look at him one
would never say that he is 70 this year. Оnly infinive

~ ahead - to think about what will happen in the future and plan

заглядати наперед

Looking ahead to the next year, I can see a lot of work to be done.

~ back to remember, esp. to regret, to return згадувати, жалкувати, оглядатися назад

I never look back to past mistakes.

There is no looking back – відступати пізно

~ down to gaze at smth below дивитися вниз, потупити очі, опустити очі, відвести

Mary looked down, unable to meet his eyes.

~ down on/upon to have or show low opinion не схвалювати, зневажати, дивитися
звисока e. g. The school looks down on such behaviour.

~ for trouble[s] - to act in a way that could cause violence or problems шукати пригод,

e. g. Are you looking for trouble?

look for talents – шукати таланти

~ forward to smth [esp. to close a letter] чекати з нетерпінням

e. g. I look forward to hearing (на вашу відповідь або to your call) from you soon.

~ here interj. used for drawing attention before making a statement, often angry Гей,
послухай (щоб привернути увагу, з негативом), e. g. Look here, I’m sick and tired of
your excuses.

~ in on smb to visit a person for a short time зазирнути, відвідати (for a short time) We
will look in on you as soon as we are back in town.
~ into smth to examine the facts about a problem or a situation вивчати, аналізувати,
розглядати e.g. We are looking into the possibility of merging the two departments.
look into a problem – розглядати проблему
look into a question – зайнятися питанням

~ on watch instead of doing something (спостерігати за чимось) watch instead of doing

something e.g. Two men were fighting while their girls were looking on.

~ out to be vigilant and take notice [often an interj.] бути обачним, пильним, уважним;
Обережно! e. g. You'll catch cold if you don't look out. Look out! You can get hurt!

~ out for to be aware of and try to avoid (something dangerous or unwanted), стерегтися,
берегти себе e. g. In the winter, drivers need to look out for black ice (ожеледиця).

~ round to visit a place and look at the things in it (ходити і розглядати, оглядати), e. g.
Mary spent the afternoon looking round the shops.
look round the house – оглядати будинок

~ through smb to pretend not to see or recognize (someone) in a rude or unfriendly way
прикидатися, що не бачиш/не впізнаєш, ігнорувати (in a rude or unfriendly way)
e. g. Ann looked right through me when she passed by me in the street!

~ through smth to read or briefly examine some of the pages of (a book, magazine, etc.)
продивится, прогортати (a book, magazine, etc.) e. g. Let’s look through the papers
once again.

~ to smb for smth, / ~ to smb to do smth - потребувати, покладатися, залежати to

need (someone) to do something for or give something to you; to depend or rely on
(someone) e. g. Many parents look to their children for help in operating their smart-

~ up (informal)
1) to call or go to see (someone) when you are in the area where that person live,
заскочити, провідати e. g. If I'm ever here on business again I'll look you up.
2) to improve, to develop покращувати, розвивати e. g. The antiques market is looking

~ smth. up to search for (something) in a reference book, on the Internet, etc. e. g. Please
look up all the unknown words in the dictionary.

~ up to smb. to respect someone поважати когось e. g. Every child needs someone to look
up to.

look n
look-alike дуже нагадувати a person or thing that closely resembles another, especially
someone who looks very similar to a famous person e. g. Mike is an Elvis Presley’s look-

(not) to give/get/have a ~-in not to have a chance to do smth or succeed. e. g. I haven’t even
had a look-in at the contest of skill.

Look-in – шанс

to give smb a look-in – зайти до когось

one's own look-out (informal) власна турбота, відповідальність e. g. Your classes your
own look-out.

~-over перевірка, опитування, e. g. Sadie gave Willy a look-over and left.

2. Smart a
1) clean, tidy, and well-dressed охайний, добре вдягнений, парадний e. g. The man is
described as being of smart appearance;
a) (of clothes) attractively neat and stylish акуратний, стильний, елегантний a
smart blue skirt;
b) (of an object) bright and fresh in appearance свіжий, новенький, яскравий as a
smart green van;
c) (of a place) fashionable and upmarket модний, престижний a smart restaurant;

2) having or showing quick-witted intelligence Винахідливий, дотепний, кмітливий

е. g. He's really, really smart: you name it ‒ he knows it.
a) clever, quick-witted, skillful Розумний, вмілий as a smart man, boy, lad,
(інтелектуальний) writer, student, lawyer, businessman, talker (оратор), e. g. John's
too smart for me: I can't prove his guilt. You are smarter than Nelly, I suppose: you know
more about the world than she does. You've made a smart job of it. (Ти добре впорався)
b) (of a device) programmed so as to be capable of some independent action
розумний, передовий, високотехнологічний, as hi-tech smart weapons (автоматична
зброя) , a smart device/invention, a smart phone, a smart home;
3) (chiefly Am.) showing impertinence by making clever or sarcastic remarks зухвалий,
саркастичний as a smart answer (reply, etc.); Don't get smart with me (не смій зі мною
так розмовляти, не умничай), young man, or I'll whack you one.
4) швидкий, жвавий as a smart walk (pace, trot (клус), etc.), e.g. He set off at a smart
a smart alec(k) (Am.) самовпевнений нахаба, e. g. Will's a smart alec(k).

to give/get a smart rap on/over the knuckles (idiom) ляснути по руці, отримати
догану e. g. The remark earned him a rap on the knuckles.

smarten up v
1) причепуритися e. g. If there is water to spare, I would smarten up and have a bath;
2) порозумнішати, зосереджуватись, подтягуватись e. g. If you don’t smarten up soon,
you’ll find yourself out on the street.

Smart neighborhood – аристократичний район

too smart for smb – занадто розумний для
get smart with – бути нечемним з
smart society - вищий світ

3. exchange n
1) обмін e. g.

That was a fair exchange.

There was an exchange of notes (обмін нотами) between the two countries.
2) обмін валют e. g. They provided me with currency exchange at competitive rates;
3) перекинутися словом e. g. There was a heated exchange.

stock-exchange (n) біржа e. g. The company was floated (представлена, виставлена) on

the stock exchange.

(to get/give smth) in exchange for smth, замість, в обмін на

Jason asked to be released (визволений) in exchange for information.

Roberta expected to get Fred's obedience (покірність) in exchange for all her care.

exchange vt обмінювати as to exchange glances views, classes (класами, групами),

greetings, opinions, prisoners (полоненими), e. g. As the coat was a bad fit, he decided to
exchange it. Let's exchange seats.

to exchange words (blows) посваритися, побитися e. g. The boys exchanged blows and
went their ways.

Syn. swap/swop (infml) махнутися e. g. I want to sit where you're sitting. Shall we swap
To exchange the purchase – обміняти покупку

4. guilt n вина e. g.
There is no evidence of his guilt. A strong sense of guilt was written all over his face.

to be consumed with ~ / to be haunted by ~ / to suffer from~ - мучитися почуттям

вини, відчувати вину

a guilt complex - комплекс провини e. g. It's no surprise that the boy has a guilt

Syn. Blame – часто відповідальність

to bear/take/accept/get/lay/attach/share/shift the blame (перекласти, звалити вину)

e. g. He is the kind of man who always tries to shift the blame onto the others.

Syn. fault, imperfection, blemish, mistake

have/develop/discover/correct/repair a fault – недолік, помилка, проступок, вина,


She loves him in spite of his faults. Whose fault is it? It is entirely your fault that we are

to be at fault - бути неправим, провинитися e. g. I admit I am at fault in this matter.

to find fault with smb/smth - чіплятися e. g. She's always finding fault with everybody
and everything.

Syn. to pick on smb чіплятися e. g. You are picking on me.

through no fault of mine (hers, his, ours, etc.), e. g. I've been out of work through no fault
of mine.

Ant. merits – заслуги

guilty a винний It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.

to be guilty of (doing) smth, e. g. The woman was guilty of giving false testimony.

to find smb guilty (innocent) визнати винним (невинним) e. g. The jury found the
prisoner guilty.
(to have) a guilty conscience, smile мати нечисте сумління, винувату посмішку, etc., e.
g. No matter how hard he tried to prove his innocence, his guilty look betrayed him. A
guilty conscience needs no accuser (proverb). (на воре и шапка горит)

to look (feel, sound, etc.) guilty виглядати винуватим e. g. Though Tom did not look
guilty, Aunt Polly was sure he was telling a lie.

to plead (not) guilty (not) зізнатися, визнати себе e. g. Why should I plead guilty to
something I didn't do? The defendant pleaded (not) guilty.
How do you plead?

Ant. innocent, guiltless (безневинний)

testimony of guilt – свідоцтво провини
faulty thing – бракована річ
whose fault is this? – Хто це накоїв?

5. trust n 1) віра, довіра

to have/put/repose trust in smb (smth), e. g. A child usually has complete (perfect) trust
in his mother. Put no trust in him. – довіряти, надіятися, вірити

to betray/win smb's trust - зрадити/завоювати довіру e. g. You have betrayed our trust
and it can never be won again.

Ant. mistrust недовіра

2) trust (law) домовленість (a trustee – довірена особа) e. g. Council currently has
around 13 per cent of its funds in shares, bonds and property trusts.(майнові

trust vt/i 1) вірити, довіряти

In God we trust.

I trust him completely.

He's not a man to be (who is to be) trusted too far (повністю).

Don't trust him an inch (ні на краплю, йоту).

I don't trust him at all.

trust in smb - вірити
trust smb - довіряти
to trust to chance (to luck), e. g. Don't trust to chance. – покладатися на удачу

to trust to one's memory, e. g. A forgetful man should not trust to his memory. –
покладатися на пам'ять

2) довіряти щось комусь, ввіряти e. g. They don’t like to trust their money to anyone.

3) to trust smb to do smth – довірити, доручити e. g. I am afraid he is too young to be

trusted to do the job. Can we trust him to finish the experiment?

Syn. to entrust

to entrust smth to smb (formal), e. g. Can I (en)trust the keys to Jack? We entrusted our
life to a physician.

to entrust smb with smth (formal), e. g. Can we entrust him with the task?

trustful a довірливий, можна довіряти, не підозрілий e. g. It's a good thing to be

trustful, but only up to a point.

Syn. trusting – довірливий

trustingly adv довірливо , e. g. The child trustingly put his hand in mine.

trustworthy a заслуговує довіри, надійний e. g. He is an honest and trustworthy fellow.

Influential trust – впливовий трест

trust out of one’s care – залишати без нагляду

6. effect n
1) результат, ефект e. g. She turned pale at his words and he was frightened by the effect
they had produced. Cause and effect, dear, cause and effect.

to be of little/much/no effect, e. g. The protest was of little effect.

to be to no effect – нічого не дати, не допомогти e. g. My persuasion was to no effect; she

refused to go.

2) вплив e. g. The effect of the heat was quite devastating (руйнівний). Scientists study the
effect of chemicals on each other.

3) performance, execution – виконання, здійснення

to take effect – набути чинності e. g. The law (treaty) will take effect in May.
to be in effect – залишатися в силі e. g. The law is still in effect.

to bring/carry into effect (about a plan, a law, a decision, etc.) – здійснювати, увести в
дію, e. g. The plan was brought (carried) into effect. PASSIVE

4) Враження, виконання as a pretty effect (of a painting), wonderful cloud effects

(чудове виконання хмар на картині)

to be calculated for effect – розрахований на ефект e. g. His whole behaviour is

calculated for effect.

to talk for effect – справити враження, говорити на «публіку» e. g. Don't lay much
store by his words, he only talked for effect.

effective a ефективний, as effective measures/action/(сильнодіючі ліки) remedy, e. g.

The method has proved to be effective.

Ant. ineffective
efficient a кваліфікований, компетентний as an efficient secretary (вправний,
професійний workman, officer, боєздатна army, staff of teachers)

efficiently adv ефективно e. g. The business is efficiently run.

the effect of chemicals on each other – взаємний вплив хім. речовин одна на одну

7. jerk vt/i різко смикати, штовхати (до себе) e. g. The door jerked open. The boy
jerked the fish out of the water.

Ant. Shove штовхати (від себе) e.g. He shoved the door open and walked in. The
fisherman shoved the boat into the water.

Syn. twitch vt/i - смикати, висмикнути, тремтіти, перекоситися (обличчя).

Jane's face twitched with terror at the sight of the crazy woman.

The wind twitched the paper out of her hand.

Mary kept twitching at my sleeve.

jerk n a ривок, судорожне сіпання e. g. The old car started with a jerk. The train made
a jerk (рушив) and stopped.

morning jerks (jocular) зарядка e. g. Have you finished your morning jerks yet?
Ant. shove n a натиск, поштовх e. g. Fred gave the boat a shove which sent it far out into
the water.

Syn. twitch n сіпання, смикання, здригання e. g. The twitch of her lips suggested a
state of extreme annoyance.

jerky adj уривчастий e. g. He walked down the street in a queer jerky way.

Ant. smooth - гладкий, спокійний smth you can touch

~ skin, road, sheet of ice (крижина), sea

even - can’t touch it

~ voice, stitches (шви), temperature, teeth

to be ~ we are even – ми квити

висмикнути рибу з води – to jerk he fish out of the water

сіпнутися (про потяг)- to make a jerk
рушати з місця ривком – to start with a jerk
відсмикнути руку – to jerk the hand back
обличчя спотворилося від гніву - the face twitched with anger
засунути щось у кишеню – to shove smth into the pocket
відсунути стіл до стіни – to shove table to the wall
поштовх (у воду)- to give a shove into the water
нерівна дорога – uneven road
нервово смикати краватку – to twitch at the tie

8. promote vt/i
1) сприяти, підтримувати,

We promoted the campaign for banning nuclear tests (заборона ядерних випробувань).

I think we ought to promote that scheme.

2) підвищити

She was promoted to General Manager.

In 1969 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General.

Military ranks: promote (to) Lieutenant

promotion n 1) підтримка, сприяння

Physical activity plays a pivotal (ключову) role in health promotion and disease prevention.

2) підвищення

He was given a promotion and a pay-rise.

He hopes to get (win, gain) a promotion soon.

to promote an election campaign – сприяти проведенню виборчої кампанії

to promote the development of friendship and cooperation – сприяти розвитку дружби й
to promote student from one class to another – переводити учня з одного класу до
to be promoted to
to be given a promotion отримати підвищення
to get a promotion
health promotion – підтримка кампанії за здоровий спосіб життя

9. sound a
1) здоровий, міцний, свіжий as a sound mind, body, heart, person, (міцна конституція)
constitution; sound teeth (міцні зуби), fruit, e. g.

He was not of sound mind.

In spite of her age every tooth in her head is sound.

Packaging is needed to deliver the goods in a sound condition (в гарному стані).

(as) sound as a bell здоровий як бик e. g. There's nothing the matter with me, I'm as sound
as a bell.

safe and sound цілий і неушкоджений, живий та здоровий e.g.

We reached the shore safe and sound. Her father returned home safe and sound from the

2) надійний, безпечний, обґрунтований, здоровий as (стійка мораль) sound morals,

(здорові погляди) views, people, relationships, (вірна оцінка) criticism, (здоровий
глузд)common sense; a sound person, reason, e. g. My friend gave me a piece of sound
advice. Mary’s arguments are always based on common sense and sound reasoning. I am
convinced that sound-thinking (розсудливі) citizens will never vote for this candidate.

3) незношений, новий, міцний as a sound ship (міцне судно), wall, construction,

machine, etc., e. g. The building is of sound construction.
4) завершений, абсолютний, добрий (сильний), as a sound whipping, (thrashing,
flogging) – добре шмагати, лупити, (міцний, глибокий сон) sleep, (ґрунтовані знання)
knowledge, e. g. I am such a sound sleeper that sometimes I don't hear the alarm clock.

5) здібний, досвідчений, надійний as (компетентний юрист) a sound lawyer,

(кваліфікований вчений) scholar, businessman, etc.

6) безпечний, надійний, стабільний as a (стабільна економіка) sound economy,

business, (надійне фінансове становище) (financial) position, investment, e. g. The
economy of the country is quite sound.
sound policy – надійний політ. курс

soundly adv безпробудно, міцно, e. g. I slept soundly all night.

Sound reason – поважна причина

Sound thought – слушна думка
Sound advice – слушна порада

10. stake n ціна, на кону, ризик e. g. In this dangerous game the stake was his own life.

to be at stake на кону, ризикувати e. g. Keith knew that his own career was at stake. I
cannot do it, my reputation is at stake.

to play high stakes, ставити все на кін, ризикувати e. g. He plays high-stakes blackjack
at the casinos.

to have a stake in smth, бути зацікавленим в, e. g. Martha has a stake in her husband’s

to go to the stake over smth (for smb), йти на все заради e. g. I trust these people – I
would go to the stake for every one of them.

stakeholder заціплена сторона, e. g. Before starting the project, we should identify its

stake v ставити e. g. I know he is guilty but I wouldn't stake my life on it. Minnie staked $5
on the favourite.

stake (out) a /one’s claim (to smb/smth) висунути претензії e. g. Several clubs already
staked a/their claim to this outstanding young footballer.

Ризикувати життям – to put smb’s life at stake

за його чесність я ручаюся своїм добрим ім’ям - I stake my good name over his honesty
бути кревно зацікавленим у чомусь – have a stake in
битися об заклад – to stake
ризикувати репутацією - to stake one’s reputation

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