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boys and girls

1) Pen - a small area surrounded by a fence, especially one in which animals are kept (загін)
2) Pelt - the skin and fur of a dead animal, or the skin with the fur removed (шкура)
3) Take a swipe at - to attempt to hit or slap someone
4) Deprived (of) - not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as
enough money, food, or good living conditions позбавлений
5) Bugbear - an imaginary creature used to frighten children бабайко
6) (in/within/out of) earshot – in? / near enough to hear what someone is saying/ too far
away to hear
7) Odds and ends - a mixture of different things, especially leftover/ various things of different types,
usually small and not important, or of little value обривки, залишки
8) To tumble - understand the meaning or hidden implication of (a situation) or to fall
quickly and without control (не шарю що в тексті мається на увазі, тому 2
значення) збагнути, завалитись, впасти
9) Out of place - not comfortable in or not suitable for a situation: щось не то
10) Have no heart (to do) - to lack the desire or strength to do something не мати бажання
і сили робити щось, не твоя справа
11) To plot - to make a secret plan to do something wrong, harmful, or funny
12) To raise dust - To cause disruption – крах, підрив, confusion, or turmoil ???
13) Undercurrent - a hidden emotion or belief that is usually negative or harmful and has
an indirect effect – підводна течія але не зовсім
14) Think better of - to decide that something is not a good idea краще подумати чи що
15) to say grace - to say a prayer before a meal, typically to give thanks for or ask for God's blessing on
the food one is about to eat помолитись перед їжею
16) to dismiss - to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something
wrong вигнати з роботи
17) to idle (around) – doing nothing, to spend a period of time relaxing and doing very little

1) padlock- навісний замок
2) wheelbarrow - тачка
3) lumber –монтлох
4) rabid - скажений
5) malevolent – зловмисний злорадний
6) pitchfork - вила
7) stubble – стерня (поле, на якому зібрані хлібні рослини й залишилися лише зрізані біля
кореня їх стебла)
8) preserves – варення, консерви
9) pickles – мариновані огірки
10) under breath – бурмотіти, шепотіти, тихо говорити собі під ніс
11) plow - плуг
12) mare – кобилиця, кобила
13) ramp - пандус
14) kerchief - хустина

3) Transcribe:
Bronchial брОнкіал, Бронхіальний
Machinery мешинері, Техніка
Chorus корис, приспів
Stove стов, плита, піч, теплиця
Caterpillar кетепілар, гусениця
Hind хайнд, лань (типу оленя) або задній
Tarpaulin тарполин, брезентовий(водонепроникний)
Prowl правл, крастися, нишпорити

4) Match the synonyms

1) absolve - excuse, виправдувати
менис menace - endanger, загрожувати
smart - hurt, завдавати страждання, боліти
butcher - kill, катувати
2) тречерес treacherous - dangerous, підступний, ненадійний
дріарі dreary - boring, нудний, сумний
frail - weak, кволий, хворобливий
дерайсив derisive – mocking, глузливий

We talk about love

Vocabulary Practice

1. Explain
1) To glow (with love) – to look very happy
2) To get on (onto) the subject of - to start talking about почати говорити про
3) An absolute - without limit, very great, or to the largest degree possible, having no restriction,
4) To be out of the action - to be unable to do one's normal activities due to being ill or injured
5) To swell (up) - to become larger and rounder than usual; to (cause to) increase in size or amount
6) To set someone straight - to tell someone the true facts about a situation that the person had not
understood виправити когось
7) The saving grace - a good quality or feature in a person or thing that prevents them from being
completely bad or worthless єдине що в них норм, остання капелька, рятівна риса
8) To plug away (at) - to work hard and in a determined way, especially at something that you find
difficult важко працювати хз
9) To bungle - to do clumsily and awkwardly, to do something badly, or spoil something
працювати невміло
10)To make a production (out) of - to make something seem more difficult or complicated to do than
it is перебільшувати типу ой це треш як важко
11) To wind up - to bring or come to a conclusion дійти до висновку

1) In passing – мимохідь
2) The particulars - подробиці
3) Fugitive – втікач вюджитив
4)At one point – в один момент
5)Make out a will – скласти заповіт
6) courtship - залицяння
7)Pull through – виживати, рятуватись від чогось,
8)On call - на чергуванні, на звʼязку,
9) At all hours – у будь-який час
10)Return the call - передзвонити

3)Match the synonyms

1) Grin - smile,
Grant - allow, ґрант
Spite - annoy,
Nibble - eat,
account for - explain
2) Pal - friend, пел
Sliver - piece,
Sawbones - surgeon,
Party - group,
Laceration - cut

Cardiologist - кАдиолоджист,
Suicide - сУисайд,
Neurologist - ньЮолоджист,
Orthopedic – осепІдек, Ортопедичний
Hemorrhage - гЕморедж, кровотеча
Enchanted - інчЕнтед, Зачарований
Vessel - вЕсл, судина
Vassal - вАсл, залежна особа
Sweat - свет, піт
Gurney - ґорні, каталка

1) Explain/translate the medical abbreviations:

ER - emergency room,
OR - operating room,
ICU - intensive care unit
DOA - dead on arrival

ER - відділення невідкладної допомоги,

АБО - операційна,
ICU - відділення інтенсивної терапії
DOA - мертвий після прибуття

The Story of the Siren by E. M. Forster

1. Translate
1) Without a word of warning - без жодного попередження
2) Past all description - ? без якигось обяснень
3) Leave behind - залишити позаду
4) Draw smb. out - виманити когось, розговорити когось
5) Have smth. on one’s mind - мати що-небудь на думці бути стурбованим
6) Catch sight of - помітити
7) Be in tumult - бути в метушні
8) Cross oneself - хреститись
9) Take hold of - заволодіти
10) I couldn’t help crying - не змогла стримати сліз

2. Explain in English
1) To throb - to produce a regular, forceful beat пульсувати
2) Siren - a seductively beautiful or charming woman, especially one who beguiles men, a
woman who sings with enchanting sweetness
3) To groan- a deep, long sound showing great pain or unhappiness стогін
4) Relics - an object esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or
martyr? a person or thing that has survived from an earlier time but is now outmoded. реліквія
5) Blasphemy - something that you say or do that shows you do not respect God or a
religion богохульство
6) to prophesy професай - to say what will happen in the future передбачати
7) to pervert - to change something so that it is not what it was or should be, or to influence
someone in a harmful way перекручувати
8) to sprain - to cause an injury to a joint (= a place where two bones are connected) by a sudden
movement: вивихнути (ногу)
9) twilight – твайлайт the period just before it becomes completely dark in the evening/ the
light from the sky between full night and sunrise or between sunset and full night produced by diffusion
of sunlight through the atmosphere and its dust сутінки
10) chaplain - is a member of the Christian clergy who does religious work in a place such
as a hospital, school, prison, or in the armed forces. типу священика, який не лише в
церкві працює

Nymph нимф,
Sicily сисилі,
Mediterranean медітерЕйніан - середземноморський,
Deist дайст,
funicular фунікюла,
Ugh - аґ -тьфу, ай,
prophecy - професі - пророцтво,
echo - еко,
turquoise тЕкойз - бірюзовий,
azure ажу(р) блакитний

4. Match the synonyms

a) To vanish - disappear, to obscure - hide, to account for - explain, to consent - agree, to venture - risk

b) Imprudent - Unwise, robust - strong, wicked - evil, alteration - changing, peril - danger,
The Force of Circumstance by W. Somerset Maugham
1. Translate
1. On a sudden - раптово
2. At all events – у будь-якому разі, у всякому випадку
3. On end – поспіль, підряд
4. At odd hours - у позаурочний час
5. Now and then – час від часу
6. To shrug one’s shoulders – знизати плечима
7. What on earth is the matter? – У чому справа? Що з тобою не так?
8. To snuggle up to smb. – притискатись до когось
9. At the end of your tether – це стан, коли вже не залишилося ні сил, ні терпіння, бути на
10. Make a clean breast of smth – щиро визнавати, признатись в чомусь
11. Make a mountain out of a molehill – робити з мухи слона
12. Callous – черствий, бездушний, безсердечний
13. Ominous - зловісний
14. Reconciliation - примирення

2. Explain in English
1.deficient - not having enough of something that is important or necessary, lacking or not good
enough, mentally deficient розумово відсталий
2. be short with smb. - to speak to someone rudely without saying much бути грубим з
3. hang about - to spend time somewhere, usually doing little, to waste time вештатись десь,
4. awe - a feeling of great respect, usually mixed with fear or surprise здивування
5. to exert yourself - to make an effort to do something, to work very hard and use a lot of
physical or mental energy докладати зусилля
6. a pang - a sudden strong feeling or emotion, for example of sadness or pain раптова біль
7. on account of - because of something or someone через когось або щось
8. to have it out with smb. - to talk to someone about something they have done that makes you
angry, in order to try to solve the problem поговорити і вирішити все
9. to murmur - to speak or say very quietly бурмотіти
10. to mutter - to speak quietly and in a voice that is not easy to hear, often when you are
anxious or complaining about something бурмотіти
11. to sidle сайдл- to walk towards or away from someone, trying not to be noticed йти
боком, щоб не помітили
0980583242 Андрій олегович місце день і час

3. Transcribe and pronounce correctly

Malay Archipelago малЕй акіпЕлаґо,
Singapore сінґапу,
Bungalow банґало, одноповерховий будинок
Sigh сай, зітхання
Horizon херАйзен,
Sewing совінґ, шиття
Orchid окид, орхідея
Nausea нОзіа або нажя, нудота
Dumb дам, німий
Writhe райс, корчитись (від болі)
half caste хаф кест, метис
awry ерАй наперекосяк, шкереберть, хибно

4. Match the synonyms

a) Remonstrate - complain,
Chuckle - Laugh,
fling - throw,
flutter - fly,
pester - annoy,
sluice слус - wash

b) Ambiguous ембІґюис - unclear,

Battered - damaged,
despondent - depressed,
odious - unpleasant,
rueful – regretful

The Black Madonna by Muriel Spark (revised)

1. Translate
To be content with – бути задоволеним чимось
To be under a strain – відчувати напруження
To intercept - перехоплювати
To save up – зберігати, заощаджувати
To piece smth together – скласти щось разом
To Pull up - зупинятись
To show smb round - водити (когось) навколо місця, вказувати та говорити про цікаві чи
важливі речі
To get at smb (for smth) – зачепити когось словами, критикувати хз
To hand smth over to smb – передати щось комусь
To fall out with smb – посваритись з кимось
To let smb in – впустити когось
To feel strongly against smth/doing smth – бути категорично проти чогось
That is to say… - тобто, іншими слова
From top to bottom – від початку до кінця, (з ніг до голови – по тексті не підходить, але
щоб ми знали)
To smb’s surprise/pleasure/relief – на подив,задоволення, полегшення
To some extent – до певної міри
In the name of – в імʼя чогось

2. Explain the meaning

Abolition: The act of officially ending or eliminating something, often used in the context of
the abolition of slavery. ліквідація, усунення, скасування
Defiant: Showing a willingness to resist or challenge authority or convention. непокірний
To skim: To quickly read or glance through a text or other material, usually without reading
every word. проглядати
To beckon: To gesture or signal to someone to come closer or follow. манити, показати
худи сюда
To snap: to speak in a sharp or abrupt manner. бути грубим різким
Cluttered: Messy or disorganized due to having too many things in a small space.
The whereabouts of smb: The location of someone. місцезнаходження
Try as I (smb) do(might): Used to express that someone is making an effort to do something,
but is still struggling to achieve it. типу коли людина старається але їй не виходить
To grant a favour/smb’s request: To agree to do something that someone has asked for,
usually something that is helpful or kind. погодитись виконати прохання
Victorian (ideas): Referring to the values, attitudes, and culture of the Victorian era, which
was characterized by strict social codes and moral standards.
Chamber: A room, usually private or restricted in access, often used for sleeping or other
activities. палата, конференц-зала

3. Match the synonyms

a) To mar - spoil,
to assent- agree,
to hush - silence, утихомирювати
to chant - sing,
to ascertain - check,
b) Tip-top - excellent,
sacred - holy, святий
comely - attractive,
contemporary - modern,
benign – kind

4. Explain the difference between

Respectively/respectfully, loose/lose, suit/suite, colourful/coloured, apply for/apply to
"Respectively" means in the same order as the items that you have just mentioned .For example: "Mary
and John are 35 and 40 years old, respectively." This means that Mary is 35 and John is 40.

"Respectfully" means to show respect or politeness towards someone. For example: "She spoke
respectfully to her boss." This means that the person spoke with respect towards their boss.

2. Loose/lose: люс, лууз

"Loose" means not tight or firm, or not firmly fixed in place. For example: "Her shoelaces are loose."
This means that the shoelaces are not tied tightly.

"Lose" means to be unable to find or keep something, or to fail to win. For example: "He lost his keys."
This means that the person cannot find their keys.
3. Suit/suite: сют, світ
"Suit" refers to a set of clothes that match in style, color, and fabric. For example: "He wore a black suit
to the wedding."

"Suite" refers to a set of rooms, usually in a hotel or office building, that are connected to each other. For
example: "The company booked a suite for the executives."

4. Colorful/colored:
"Colorful" refers to something that has many different colors or is very bright and vibrant. For example:
"The garden was full of colorful flowers."

"Colored" Colored (or coloured) is a racial descriptor historically used in the United States during the
Jim Crow Era to refer to an African American. It is also used as a past tense form of "color." For
example: "The artist colored the picture with bright paints."

5. Apply for/apply to:

"Apply for" is used when you are requesting something, such as a job, admission to a school, or a loan.
For example: "He applied for a job at the company."
"Apply to" is used when you are directing something towards a specific person or thing. For example:
"This rule applies to everyone in the company."ʼ

5. Transcribe
choir – квая(р),
hygiene - гайджін,
cultus - калтис,
erroneously - ірОнііслі,
vaguely - веґлі,
hysteria - гістЕріа,
catholic - кЕсолик,
leukemia - лукІміа,
tuberculosis – тюбекюлОвсис
Debbie and Julie by Doris Lessing
1) Boil down to - means to simplify or reduce something to its most essential or basic
components or meaning. зводити до
2) Cut it fine - to not leave much time to get somewhere or do something and so to be nearly late
оставлять времени в обрез to leave yourself only just enough time to do something
3) Move in on smb/smth - means to approach someone or something with the intention of
taking control or possession of it. If you move in on a person or place, you
come closeor closer to them in order to attack or take control of them
4) On the lookout means to be watchful and alert for something, usually a potential danger or
opportunity напоготові
5) A rush means a sudden and intense feeling, often associated with a sense of urgency.
6) For all one knows - means based on the limited information one has, or as far as one is
aware. наскільки відомо
7) Wring out - means to extract or remove liquid by twisting or compressing something, often a
cloth or a piece of clothing. віджимати одяг
8) Take command means to assume control or authority over a situation or group of people.
9) Put the screws on means to apply pressure or force someone to do something, often through
coercion or threats. насильно заставляти щось робити
10) Give smb the creeps means to cause someone to feel uneasy, uncomfortable, or scared.
зробити так щоб людина почувала себе незручно
11) Clam up means to suddenly become silent or refuse to speak, often in response to a sensitive
or uncomfortable topic. замовкнути
12) Stick it out means to persevere or endure a difficult or challenging situation until it is resolved.
13) Driff off means to gradually fall asleep or lose focus and become less attentive.
14) Spring to life means to suddenly become active, energetic, or lively.
15) Come forward to offer to give help or information запропонувати допомогти
16) Make yourself scarce - to go away from a difficult situation in order to avoid trouble
уникати поганого
17) Lay off - give up or stop doing something. перестати чимось займатись
18) Squirm means to move around in a restless or uncomfortable way, often because of
embarrassment or discomfort. почувати себе некомфортно
19) Papoose is a noun that refers to a Native American-style baby carrier, usually made of cloth or
animal hides, that is used to carry an infant on the back or chest of an adult. така біла штука на
яку дітей причепляють до спини і носять
20) Spare smb means to save someone from something unpleasant or harmful. пощадити

1) Cancel each other – врівноважувати один одного
2) At the most – максимум, найбільше
3) Pathetic – жалюгідний, зворушливий, жалісний
4) Derelict - занедбаний
5) Futile - марний
6) Calamity – лихо, катастрофа
7) Sanitary pad/towel – гігієнічна прокладка, рушник
8) Birth cord (umbilical cord) – пуповина
9) Jukebox – музичний автомат
10) In the family way – в стані вагітності
Dozen дазн - дюжина,
Lebanon лєбанон,
Lebanese лебаніз,
refuge рефюдж,
roar рор,
thigh тай, стегно
swamp свамп - болото,
bow боу, поклін
anaesthetize енЕститайз або енІстетайз,
lining лайнинґ, слизова оболонка
wrench - ренч, вивихнути
numb – нам

Match the synonyms

1) Erratic - unpredictable,
rackety - noisy,
muggy - humid,
squashy - soft,
grubby - dirty,
2) Haul - pull,
shiver - shake,
gulp - eat,
pester - annoy,
astound - shock

The Enigma Part I

1. Translate into Ukrainian
Be at stake – бути на кону або бути під загрозою
To the best of somebody’s knowledge – наскільки комусь відомо
To tap a telephone – прослуховувати телефон
Go by the book – діяти відповідно до правил
Tax dodging - ухилення від сплати податків
Abduction - викрадення
acumen – проникливість, гострота розуму
alias – псевдонім, кличка, прізвисько
come to fruition - здійснитись
pugnacious - сварливий
impromptu - незапланований
accomplice – співучасник

2. Explain the meaning

"Run out on" means to abandon or leave someone or something behind, often without
warning or explanation. кинути когось без пояснення
"Draw a blank" means to fail to come up with an answer or a solution to a problem, or to
forget something. пробіл
"To stand down" means to withdraw or cease activity, especially in response to an order or
request. відступити
"Be (all) at sea" means to be confused, disoriented, or unsure of what to do or how to proceed.
бути розгубленим
"At this juncture" means at this particular point in time, especially in a critical or important
situation. на даному етапі
"To slum" means to spend time in a lower-class or less desirable area or environment, often for
recreational purposes.
"Walk out on" means to abruptly leave or abandon someone or something, often in a manner
that is disrespectful or hurtful. зневажливо вийти, кинути когось
"The small talk" refers to polite conversation about unimportant or trivial matters, often used
to break the ice or fill awkward silences. світська розмова?
"Charade" an act or event that is obviously false, although represented as true
"Common touch" the ability of an important or rich person to communicate well with and
understand ordinary people. спільна мова
"Keep a tight rein on somebody" means to closely monitor or control someone's actions or
behavior, often with the intention of preventing them from doing something wrong or harmful.
контроль над кимось

3. Transcribe the words

Vagabond - вАґабанд – бродяга paranoia - пареноя
Amnesia - амнІжа connoisseur - конесе - цінитель
Enigma - ениґма - загадка tyrant - тайрент
Espionage - Еспіонаж - шпигунство milieu/milieux - милЮ
liason - лаясин посередник coup – ку переворот, вдалий хід, удача в справах
4. Match the synonyms
a) Dwindle - diminish , зменшувати
adorn - decorate, прикрашати
loom- appear, зʼявлятись
delve - search, пошук
quiz - question, запитання
unbend - relax, розслабитись

b)Tenuous: slight незначний

Preposterous: absurd абсурдний
Unshakable: strong сильний
Personable: attractive. привабливий
Orthodox: conventional звичайний
Disillusioned: disappointed розчарований
Contemptuous: scornful зневажливий
Astute: shrewd проникливий

The Enigma (Part II)

1. Translate
Be kept on your toes - Бути насторожі, тримати в напрузі
Stint – відрізок часу, термін перебування на посаді
Track somebody down - Відстежити когось
Officialdom - Офіційна влада, чиновництво
Discrepancy – Розбіжність, невідповідність
(Something) dawns on someone – прозрівати, когось осінило
Ploy - Хитромудрий план, хитрість
To angle for - Вибивати з когось щось (наприклад, інформацію), напрошуватись на
Hold out on smb - приховувати від когось щось
On the spur of the moment - На швидку руку, необдумано, раптово
Lateral thinking – нестандартне мислення латеральне мислення, (вирішення проблем
шляхом непрямого та творчого підходу, як правило, шляхом перегляду проблеми в
новому та незвичному світлі).
Play it by ear - робити що-небудь без попередньої підготовки, діяти залежно від

2. Explain
Red herring: A red herring is a statement or piece of information that is intended to be
misleading or distracting, often used to divert attention away from the real issue at hand.
відволікаючий маневр
Jibe джайб: It can mean to agree or be in harmony with something/someone or to taunt/mock
someone. насмішка
Poke around: To poke around means to explore or investigate something in a casual, curious
or intrusive way, usually with no particular objective. вишукувати щось
Make a pass at somebody: To make a pass at somebody means to express romantic or sexual
interest in them in a direct or subtle way. приставати, заігрувати
Pull a face: To pull a face means to make a facial expression, often one that conveys
disapproval, disgust or discomfort. кривлятись
Hit it off with somebody: To hit it off with somebody means to quickly establish a good
relationship with them, often in a social context. знайти спільну мову
You’re on: You're on is a phrase that is often used to indicate that someone has accepted a
challenge or is ready to participate in a competition. ти в ділі
Stop the rot: Stop the rot means to put an end to a situation that is getting worse or
deteriorating. виправити ситуацію
Circumstantial: containing information, especially about a crime, that makes you think
something is true but does not completely prove it:
Go through the motions: To go through the motions means to do something without
enthusiasm or commitment, often just to fulfill a duty or obligation. робити щось без
Brainwash: Brainwash means to manipulate someone to accept certain beliefs or opinions
through intense and repeated persuasion. промивати мізки
Put yourself out to do something: To put yourself out to do something means to make a
special effort to do something for someone else, often at some inconvenience to yourself.
витрачати багато зусиль
Cash in on something: To cash in on something means to take advantage of a situation or
opportunity to make money or gain an advantage. заробляти на комусь
Out of your depth: Out of your depth means to be in a situation that is too difficult or
complex for you to handle. не по зубах (важко)
Behind the scenes: Behind the scenes refers to the activities or work that takes place privately
or out of public view, often in the context of the production of a show or event. секретний

3. Transcribe
piquant пікент спокусливий warrant ворент виправдання gaffe ґаф
необачність, хибний крок
scenario сінЕріо opaque опИк непрозорий pawn пон застава
façade фисад psychic сайкик abyss ебИс безодня

4. Match the synonyms

a) Vibes - Mood
Labours - Efforts
Clipping - Cutting
Odium - Hate
Collusion – Agreement змова, домовленність
Copper - Police officer

b) Crude - Offensive
Fastidious – Meticulous прискріпливий, вибагливий
Mellow - Pleasant
Sultry - Humid
Fishy - Suspicious
Level-headed - Sensible

Vocabulary Practice

1. Transcribe
Phlegm мокротиння, слиз, флем, aurora арОра полярне сяйво, світанок, gigantic
джайГЕнтік, chaos КЕос, dinosaur дАйнасор, tyrannosaurus тиренаСОрис, avalanche
Евеленш, civilization сівайліЗЕйшин, infinite ІНфинит, pterodactyl териДЕктол,
womb вум утроба

2. Translate
1) Eternity - вічність
2) stretch your luck – випробовувати вдачу
3) intercom – пристрій для спілкування
4) to rustle - шелестіти
5) to twitch – підскочити, дьоргатись
6) to coil – обвиватись, намотувати, звиватись
7) subliminal - підсвідомий
8) to moan - стогнати
9) safety catch - запобіжник
10) upset the balance – порушувати рівновагу
11) gauze - марля
12) to correlate - співвідносити
13) twittering – щебетання
14) sleepwalker - лунатик
15) finality – остаточність, завершеність безповоротніть

3. Explain
To forfeit - To forfeit means to give up something or lose the right to something as a penalty or
punishment for a wrongdoing or failure to fulfill a requirement. конфіскувати
To revoke (a license) - To revoke (a license) means to officially cancel or withdraw a license, permit, or
privilege previously granted to someone. анулювати ліцензію
To shuffle - To shuffle means to move things or people around in a disordered manner or to mix up a
deck of cards randomly.
Weakling - Weakling refers to someone who is physically or emotionally weak or lacks strength or
resilience. слабак
To scrabble - to move your hands or fingers quickly to find and pick up something ритися
To spurt - gush out in a sudden and forceful stream. пирскати
To whirl - to spin or cause something to spin\ to move in a circle or similar curve especially with force or
speed паморочитись, вертітись, крутитись
To remit - To remit means to cancel or reduce a debt or payment or to send money as a payment or gift.
помʼякшувати, прощати
Delirium - Delirium refers to a state of confusion, disorientation, and often hallucination or agitation,
often caused by illness, fever, or drug use. марення
Meet one’s match - to be opposed by someone as good as one is and who could defeat one
Expendable - Expendable refers to something or someone that is considered disposable, easily replaced,
or of little value or importance. те, що легко можна замінити, одноразове
To gape - To gape means to stare with one's mouth open in amazement, shock, or disbelief.
Finicky (business) means extremely or excessively particular, exacting, or meticulous in taste or
standards. прискріпливий в смаках

Match the synonyms

a) Primeval - ancient
Exquisite – delicate вишуканий
Infinitesimal – small інфінітИсимал
Cavernous - large

b) Quaver – shake квейва

Annihilate – destroy енаалейт
Fondle - touch
Lash - hit
Plead - beg
Slay - kill
c) Guts - bravery
Trophy - prize
Stench – stink сморід
Mound – pile насип, могила хуйня якась або стояк

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