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Unit 1.


An extensive vocabulary – великий словниковий запас

Coherent – зв’язне мовлення

Eloquent – красномовний, переконливий

Hesitant – нерішучий

Persuasive – переконливий, настирливий

Inhibited – невпевнений, тормоз

Rambling – незв’язний, хаотичний

Responsive – чуйний, радий відповісти

Succinct – лаконічний

Reserved – стриманий

Concise – лаконічний, стриманий

Reluctant to speak – неохоче спілкується, соромитися

Digress – відхилятися відволікатися

Engage – зацікавити, взаємодіяти

Clarify – пояснити, уточнити

A hard nut to crack – важка людина чи завдання з якими важко мати справу

Repercussions – наслідки

Vast – широкий, неосяжний

To put it in a nutshell – одним словом, коротко кажучи

To get straight to the point – перейти до діла, основного

To hear it on the grapevine – сорока на хвості принесла, донісся слух

To put you in the picture – ввести в курс справи

To get the wrong end of the stick – зрозуміти щось неправильно

To be on the same wavelength – бути на одній хвилі

Can’t make head or tail of it – я нічого не розумію, не розумію про що мова

To talk at cross purpose – не розуміти одне одного, йти на перекір одне одному

To beat about the brush – говорити не по суті, про одне і те ж

To get our wines crossed – помилитися, мати непорозуміння

EX. A, p.6

Good communicators: articulate, coherent, eloquent, fluent, focused, extrovert, persuasive, responsive,
sensitive, succinct

Bad communicators: hesitant, inhibited, rambling, reserved

EX. B, p.7

Concise – focused, succinct

Reluctant to speak – hesitant, inhibited, reserved

Talking in a confused way – rambling

Able to express ideas well – fluent, eloquent, sensitive

Clear and easy to understand – articulate, coherent

Good at influencing people – persuasive

Outgoing – extrovert

Reacting in a positive way - responsive

EX. C, p.7

‘Good communicators really listen to people and take in what is said. They maintain eye contact and
have a relaxed body language, but they seldom interrupt and stop people talking. If they don't
understand and want to clarify something they wait for a suitable opportunity.

When speaking, effective communicators are good at giving information. They do not confuse their
listener. They make their points clearly. They will avoid technical terms, abbreviations or jargon.

If they do need to use unfamiliar terminology they explain by giving an easy to understand example.
Furthermore, although they may digress and leave the main point to give additional information and
details where appropriate, they will not ramble and lose sight of their main message. Really effective
communicators who have the ability to engage with colleagues, employees, customers and suppliers are
a valuable asset for any business.”


p. 7


1) a
E p.9

We can say: We can’t say:

Waste: time, resources Information

Face: problems, difficulties Trouble

Duplicate: work, information Time

Install: systems, equipment Factories

Save: money, time Experience

Develop: loyalty, motivation Truth

Share: information, ideas Support

Allocate: time, resources Ideas

Interrupt: conversation, meetings e-mails

Language review

p. 10

To put it in a nutshell – одним словом, коротко кажучи

To get straight to the point – перейти до діла, основного

To hear it on the grapevine – сорока на хвості принесла, донісся слух

To put you in the picture – ввести в курс справи

To get the wrong end of the stick – зрозуміти щось неправильно

To be on the same wavelength – бути на одній хвилі

Can’t make head or tail of it – я нічого не розумію, не розумію про що мова

To talk at cross purpose – не розуміти одне одного, йти на перекір одне одному

To beat about the brush – говорити не по суті, про одне і те ж

To get our wines crossed – помилитися, мати непорозуміння

1. To fail understand anything - Can’t make head or tail of it

2. To share similar ideas and opinions - To be on the same wavelength
3. To summarise briefly - To put it in a nutshell
4. To misunderstand - To get the wrong end of the stick/ To get our wines crossed/ To talk at cross
5. To delay talking about smth - To beat about the brush
6. To give the latest information - To put you in the picture
7. To talk about the most important thing - To get straight to the point
8. To hear about smth passed from one person to another - To hear it on the grapevine

1. OK, I'll get straight to the point I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go.

2. ‘You and your boss seem to agree on most things.’ ‘Yes, we are on the same wavelength.

3. ‘Some important decisions were taken at yesterday's meeting. Let me put you in the picture.

4. I think we are talking at cross purpose. I mean next month, not this month.

5. He never gives you a straight answer. He’s always beat about the brush.

6. It hear it on the grapevine that he’s been fired. Is it true?

7. It's a very complicated system, but to put it in a nutshell it works exactly like a big kettle.

8. If you think our biggest problem is market share then you have get the wrong end of the stick

9 This report makes no sense at all. I Can’t make head or tail of it.

10. Everyone arrived for the meeting at different times. We must have get our wines crossed.

Naw se

works exactly like a big

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