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Unit 3A Ideas

1. «It occurs to me that we should do it.»

- Explanation: The speaker suddenly realizes that they should take action.
«Мені здається, що нам потрібно це зробити.»
2. «I’ve been thinking but nothing springs to mind.»
- Explanation: The speaker has been contemplating, but no ideas have come to
«Я думав, але нічого не приходить в голову.»
3. «Something’s just dawned on me – we’ve forgotten about her.»
- Explanation: The speaker suddenly became aware of the fact that they forgot
about someone.
« Щойно мене осяяло - ми забули про неї. »
4. «I think we should bounce a few ideas around and see what we come up with.»
- Explanation: The speaker suggests discussing various ideas to see what
suggestions arise.
« Думаю, нам варто обговорити кілька ідей і подивитися, що з цього вийде »
5. «I’ve had a bright idea.»
- Explanation: The speaker just had a clever or brilliant idea.
« У мене з'явилася блискуча ідея »
6. «Okay, relax – it was just a passing thought.»
- Explanation: The speaker had a brief, fleeting idea, but it’s not something they
want to focus on.
-«Добре, заспокойся – це була лише мимовільна думка.»
7. «I’m afraid I’m out of ideas.»
- Explanation: The speaker has run out of suggestions or thoughts.
« Боюся, у мене закінчилися ідеї »
8. «His amazing film has given me an idea.»
- Explanation: The speaker was inspired to think of something by watching an
impressive movie.
«його дивовижний фільм наштовхнув мене на ідею »
9. «Danny had a brainwave about how to get the funding.»
- Explanation: Danny had a sudden, innovative idea on how to secure the necessary
«У Денні була неймовірна ідея щодо отримання фінансування.»

Unit 3B Problems, problems

1) Take stock : look at the whole situation

2) Pin it down : define something precisely (zero in on, shed light on)
3) Root cause(s): the original reason(s) for something
4) Mulling over : taking time to think about something carefully (deliberate,
ruminate, ponder)
5) Misinterpreting : understanding something incorrectly (misconstrue, misread)
6) Intuitive : a way of using what you feel to be true rather than logic
7) Underestimate : think something is worth less than it
8) Is wrestling with: struggling with (rack your brains, grapple with)
9) Befuddled : confused (perplexed, baffled)
10) Go round in circles : have the same ideas again and again

1. Підбити підсумки: поглянути на ситуацію в цілому

2. З'ясувати: точно визначити щось
3. Першопричина(и): першопричина(и) чогось
4. Обмірковувати: витрачати час на ретельне обмірковування чогось
5. Неправильно інтерпретувати: розуміти щось неправильно
6. Інтуїтивно: спосіб використання того, що ви відчуваєте як істину, а не
7. Недооцінювати: вважати, що щось коштує менше, ніж воно є насправді
8. Бореться з: бореться з чимось
9. Спантеличений: розгублений
10. Ходити по колу: мати одні й ті ж ідеї знову і знову

Unit 3C Fact or fiction?

1) Impartial news: News that is fair and doesn’t show bias towards any side.
2) To disclose sensitive information: To reveal or make public information that
is private, secret, or delicate.
3) To be full of unsubstantiated claims: When something is said or written
without enough evidence to support it.
4) To recognize fake footage of news: Identifying videos or images in the news
that are not real, often created to deceive people.
5) Assassination: The deliberate killing of an important or prominent person,
often for political reasons.
6) To bend the truth: To not tell the whole truth, to twist facts, or to be
somewhat dishonest in presenting information.
7) Credible news: News that can be trusted because it comes from reliable and
trustworthy sources.
8) Ludicrous publicity stunts: Crazy or ridiculous actions done to get attention
or media coverage.
9) It’s just a question of interpretation of the facts: People may have different
views or opinions on the same set of facts, so it’s a matter of how they
understand and explain those facts.

1. To brief someone on a story – Дати короткий огляд історії

2. To disclose the information – Розголошувати інформацію
3. To substantiate the information – Підтверджувати інформацію
4. To misrepresent the facts – Викривати факти (перекручувати їх)
5. To smear someone – Висміювати когось (наговорити щось неправдиве)
6. To pitch the idea – нав’язати комусь ідею
7. To probe people – Проводити допит серед людей
8. To unearth – Виявляти (якщо йдеться про виявлення чогось)
9. To expose – Відкривати, розкривати
10. To proofread something – перечитати щось і перевірити на помилки
11. To sensationalize the story – зробити з історії сенсацію (навіть якщо це
історія нею не є)
12. To plagiarize – Плагіатити

Unit 3D English in action

It was as clear as day: This means that something was very easy to understand, like
when the sky is bright and clear during the day, there are no clouds to confuse you.
I can’t quite put my finger on it: This phrase is used when you can’t quite figure out
or explain something clearly. It’s like trying to touch or point to what’s wrong, but
you can’t.
Crystal clear: This simply means something is extremely clear and easy to
understand, like looking through a crystal that doesn’t distort the view.
Let me give it to you in plain language: This suggests that someone will explain
something in a simple and straightforward way, without using complicated words or
It was as clear as mud: This is the opposite of being clear. It means something was
very difficult to understand, like trying to see through muddy water.
To have a bit of a hidden agenda: This means that someone has secret or ulterior
motives or plans that they are not revealing openly. They might have hidden reasons
for what they’re doing.

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