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Table of Specifications

SY 2023-2024

Subject: Physics Trimester: 2nd Trimester SY 2023-2024

Grade Level: Science 10 Date Submitted: January 31 , 2024

Prepared by: Checked and approved by:

Mr. O’Mer R. Fernandez Ms. Yomiko Danise P. Elores Mrs Pamela Madiclum
Name of Teacher 1 Name of Teacher 2 Name of SC

40% (16 items) 60% (24 items)

Total Total
Total no.
Remembering Understanding No of Applying Analyzing Evaluating No of Total
Skills/Competencies of
AQ MQ Items
No. of Item No. of Item No. of Item No. of Item No. of Item
Items Placemen Items Placemen Items Placemen Items Placemen Items Placemen
t t t t t
1. Investigate the relationship between the amount of 8 2 #1, #2 2 2 #3, #4 2 #5, #6 4 6
force applied and the mass of the object to the
amount of change in the object’s motion
2. Infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an 6 1 #7 1 2 #8, #9 2 #10, #11 4 5
equal amount of force is exerted back on it
3. Demonstrate how a body responds to changes in 5 2 #12, #13 2 2 #14, #15 2 4
4. Relate the laws of motion to bodies in uniform 2 #16 1 1 2
circular motion 1 #17
5. Infer that circular motion requires the application of 3 1 #18 1 1 #19 1 2
constant force directed toward the center of the
6. Identify situations in which work is done and in which 4 2 #20, #21 2 1 #22 1 3
no work is done
7. Describe how work is related to power and energy 4 1 #23 1 1 #24 1 #25 2 3

8. Describe work, kinetic energy, and their relationship 3 1 #26 1 1 #27 1 #28 2 3
through work-energy theorem
9. Differentiate potential and kinetic energy 3 1 #29 1 1 #30 1 #31 2 3

10. Relate speed and position of object to the amount of 3 1 #32 1 1 #33 1 2
energy possessed by a body
11. Infer that the total mechanical energy remains the 3 1 #34 1 1 #35 1 #36 2 3
same during any process
12. Define impulse and describe its effect upon an 3 1 #37 1 1 #38 1 2
object’s momentum
13. Infer that the total momentum before and after 3 1 #39 1 1 #40 1 2
collision is equal
14. TOTAL: 50 16 16 11 13 24 40

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