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Division/School Maite Integrated School Grade Level 7

Teacher Lovely D. Bello Learning Area English

Time & Dates Feb 28, 2024 Quarter 3, Week 5, Day 3
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine
literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert
one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of
informative and short narrative texts; word relationships
and associations; informative speech forms; and use of
direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice, simple
past and past perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of
asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and
short narrative texts using schema and appropriate
listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas,
opinions, and feelings through various formats; and
enriching written and spoken communication using
direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple
past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly
and appropriately.
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives( EN7WC-III-e2.2.13: Compose an anecdote based on a
Write the code for each significant personal experience
A. Subject Matter Anecdote
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials for LR
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activities Learner’s
A. Reviewing previous lesson Good afternoon everyone! Good
or presenting the new afternoon
lesson ma’am,
Please take your seat.

What was our previous lesson?

Yes, Jona. Our previous

lesson was
Writing a
friendly E-
Very well said Jona! Letter in
which we
Always remember the correct inculcate
format and the process and steps in
writing a friendly letter. We have to through the
adapt technology in our topic. access of the

Thank you
B. Establishing a purpose for Narrating an Anecdote: Telling this
the lesson about personal experience.
Children must feel that it was you who
went to the park.

“The weather in April was beautiful.

So, my family and I decided to go to a
park to enjoy the beautiful weather.
When we entered the park, we were
amazed to see so many people
enjoying. The flowers were blooming,
the birds were chirping and kids were
running here and there with joy. We all
decided to sit on the grass. We had
snacks, which we brought from home.
We played hide and sick as well. We
spent 3 hours in the park and we Yes ma’am!
enjoyed a lot. It’s good to enjoy time That
with family and friends.” experience was
Process questions:
time with my
1. Have you ever gone with your
family on a trip to some place
through a
or a picnic?
picnic is one
 of my
Anyone? Yes Allyza! unforgettable

Very good Allyza, it’s good to hear that!

We went to
Who wants to share? Please share? the beach sir,
Anyone? Yes John! we eat and
we go
I am happy to hear that John! Great job! with my
family. I’m
2. What exciting, funny, scary or very happy
strange thing happened on that time and
your way or when you got I want to do it
there? again with
my family
Anyone? Yes Abby! soon.

Wow! It’s nice to hear that Abby! A very

positive and happy answer and you
share it with a smile. Thank you.

Any other experience? Yes

Max! While on our
way, we sing
I am pleased to hear that max! Thank and laugh
you! like there’s
no problem
So much for that! Shall we proceed? in the world.
It is

On our way
saw amazing
even though
the ride is
long but it’s
all worth it.

Yes ma’am!
C. Presenting Activity 1: (7 mins)
Examples/instances of the I will assign you into pairs and you will
new lesson write a happy story about your
experiences on a one half cross wise.
You may write about going to the
beach, or your vacation or meeting new
friends or happy experiences with your
family. Can you write a story in not less
than 5 sentences and not more than
seven sentences?
Yes we can
Very good! You can start now. ma’am!

Okay I will select a pair to read their
happy story. Who will volunteer?
Yes Rian and Abby! Okay who will read
the story? Rian? Okay! I am happy
to know a
friend like
Abby. Why?
Because she
taught me
how to be
happy to the
fullest. We
together, we
thought we
are sisters.
Hoping to be
Wow! Jaw dropping! Great job Abby with her until
and Rian! we finish
senior high.
Kindly submit your work so that I will This story will
them one by one and I’m pretty sure just end but
that I will be amazed by your writings. our
friendship will
still remain!
Thank you!
D. Discussing New Concepts Activity 2: (5 mins)
and Practicing New Skills
#1 Now, let’s do this individually! You will
again write a happy story about your
experiences on a one half cross wise.
You may write about going to the
beach, or your vacation or meeting new
friends or happy experiences with your
family. Again write the story in not less
than 5 sentences and not more than
seven sentences? I will give you 5 mins Yes ma’am!
to make your happy story. Okay?

Very good! You may now start!

Time is up! Who want to share their Last summer

story into the class? Anyone? Yes we went to a
Joana! beach in
Lanao del
in SND. We
have fun
because we
play game,
go swimming
and eating.
The most
was that, our
family is
complete and
my cousins
from other
provinces are
with us. That
moment was
Impressive Joana! Very good! and I want to
Now, kindly submit your work. experience it
again soon!
moments are
and will be
Thank you!
E. Discussing New Concepts Your stories are called Anecdote. Are
and Practicing New Skills you familiar with the word? No ma’am!

Anecdote tells an interesting or funny

story based on the experience of the
I am very pleased that everyone did the
activity with such compassion and love.

Let’s proceed!

The following are reminders in writing

an anecdote:
1. Know your story well. Recount
all the important details that will
complete your story.
2. Organize the events in your
story in a logical manner.
3. Use words that make the
readers understand easily.
4. Put emotions in your anecdote
by using words that describe
them. None so far
Any questions?

Very good!

F. Developing Mastery Activity 3: (5 mins)

List down at least five situations that
you personally experienced. The events
that you will write should reflect good
things that you have done to others
while embracing differences. Be
reminded that the events that you will
include express actions completed in None ma’am!
the past. Any questions?

You may now start! I will give you 5

mins to make 5 situations.

Time is up! Any one wants to share We went to a

their answer? Okay Anna! beach and
we go
I made
friends in
I’m happy to
learn things
in school
good things
in academic
and non
My parents
Very good Anna! I am happy to hear are
that! supportive in
my studies.
Now, kindly submit your work. My parents
love me

G. Making Generalizations Anecdote is an interesting story based

and Abstractions about the on real experiences of the writer.
Remember in order to have quality
anecdote we have follow the following:

1. Know your story well. Recount

all the important details that will
complete your story.
2. Organize the events in your
story in a logical manner.
3. Use words that make the
readers understand easily.
4. Put emotions in your anecdote
by using words that describe
5. None ma’am!
Any questions?
Thank you!
H. Finding Practical Writing an anecdote should reflect in
Applications of Concepts our personal happy experiences.
and Skills in Daily Living Always remember, we should count the
blessings not those we have been
missing. Count your blessings not your Yes ma’am!
problems. Okay?
I. Evaluating Learning Write an Anecdote about your
experiences as a student in Lala Nhs.
Write your anecdote in not less than 5
sentences but not more than 7
sentences. I will give you 5 mins to
make you anecdote.
Your grade will be guided according to:

Content – 20 pts
Grammar – 20 pts
Appeal – 10 pts

You may now start!

Time is up! Please submit your work!
J. Assignment Write an anecdote about your favorite
pet. Submit this tomorrow. Are we Yes ma’am!

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