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IMPORTANT: Please fill in this script in the square brackets with words and adapt it to your
TOPIC. The more specific, the more real and authentic the pitch will be and the higher the
success rate will be.

Note: Post your results to the group so that our sales coaches can give you feedback.

You are here: in the Coaching / Consulting guide and you have the
first consulting session with a potential client. You have watched all
the videos in module 10...

....and there are buyer signals (no matter if they come from your customer or if you
generated them via preliminary questions [see the video "Generate buyer signals"]):

YOUR PITCH (Learn by heart and practice in front of a mirror):

“Watch out, what I can offer you is that you become a participant of my coaching
program, where I show you how we put exactly what we have just discussed into

The investment amount is ONLY ______€ ... and we will go there and accompany you
over [period Z] to reach your [final result X]...

- No pause - (From here comes the concentrated power of your benefits)

We will talk to each other here every week in a consultation session so that you learn
week after week and are not overwhelmed...

We can answer YOUR questions in detail so that you get all the answers you need to
get ahead...

We are constantly working on your success in [area X] by...

That means you will reach X... and you will have Y... and you will reach Z... (end result
of your coaching)

If you have any questions and our next session is only 6 days away, you can just send
a text message to me in WhatsApp with your questions and get the answers you need
to get ahead in no time at all...

You’ll get [Benefit X, Y, Z]…

What do you say to that?... Let’s do it!

You will probably get several detailed questions about the coaching, the process or
the payment of the coaching. Just answer them and say at the end:
So shall we do this?

As soon as the person has decided on a coaching with you, tell them that this was a
great decision and that you already feel like working together. (To confirm her
purchase decision...)

Arrange an initial consultation appointment and explain to her how the rest of the
process will be. (For example: I will send you an invoice, you have to transfer the
amount until the first coaching session or alternatively send me a screenshot of the
transfer and then we can start immediately.)

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