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Pre Assessment


1. What percentage does Body Language impact the First Impression?

a. 77%
b. 38%
c. 55%
d. 21%
2. While giving Business Cards ( Tick one right answer)
a. It should be held from one corner name facing receiver
b. It should be held at both top corners name facing the person giving the card
c. It should be held at both top corners name facing the receiver
d. It should be held from one corner name facing the sender
3. Which word will you use in a subject line to address an issue as urgent?
a. URG
b. Help
c. SOS
d. Kind attention
4. When sending a message, you should copy (‘cc’):
a. Everyone in the department.
b. Your boss and your boss’s boss so they know you’re working hard.
c. Only those people who absolutely MUST know.
d. The whole world. Why not? Everyone else does.
5. An official e mail should always be written in?
a. Active voice
b. Passive voice
c. Using both
d. Don't know
6. When should you use the mute button during a con call?
a. Never
b. Whenever the other person is talking and its not our turn yet
c. For private discussions
d. I don’t know

Business Etiquette and Communication Skills Version 1.3


7. What to do when the other party on the call is speaking continuously and is not
letting you talk?
a. Just cut him abruptly and continue talking
b. Go on listening to him
c. Tell him politely that you would talk when he finishes.
d. Just hang up.
8. Which coloured socks are acceptable in formal corporate environment?
a. White
b. Brown, Black or dark coloured
c. Pink, Yellow and Multi coloured
d. All of the above
9. There is an urgent communication which needs to be made to a client. Which mode
of communication would you prefer?
a. Email
b. Telephone

10. Wearing Sports shoes on Fridays is acceptable in corporate?

a. Yes
b. No

11. While Giving Feedback, You must:

a. Show Superiority
b. Be in controlling mode
c. Be positive and constructive
d. All of the above

12. If there is a call for your neighbouring colleague who is currently not at his desk, you
a. Make the caller hold until the colleague returns
b. Tell the caller that he is not there and keep the phone down
c. Tell the caller “He will call you as soon as he returns”
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

Business Etiquette and Communication Skills Version 1.3

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