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1. measuring lipid peroxidation by detecting Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels

2. Considered good index of level of oxidative stress
3. Marker for lipid peroxidation in fried fast foods
1. Oxidizing agents can alter lipid structure, creating lipid peroxides that result in
the formation of malondialdehyde (MDA)
2. 測量 MDA 量的方法: TBA+MDA  Red product (chromogen)
硫代巴比妥酸 (TBA) 和丙二醛 (MDA) 反應生成紅色化合物,這是
收峰為 532nm,可以定量樣品中的 MDA 水準。

Free MDA 一般來說較少,需要把蛋白質酸化、加熱或酸化分解過氧化物,

才使 TBARS 測試中顯色

3. 把沉澱蛋白質去除,可以避免干擾可能和 TBA 反應的 aa.

2. 可用在: cell culture supernates, cell lysates, serum, plasma, and urine
1. 血清或血漿中的 TBARS 測量值隨著年齡的增長而些微增加(可能因氧化壓力
2. 可能受飲食中有維生素 C 和 E、飽和脂肪量和 triglyceride 濃度影響。
3. 黃疸血清(icteric serum)或紅細胞膜中存在膽綠素(biliverdin)
a. Biliverdin is a product of heme degradation and has antioxidant
properties. Its presence in these conditions may affect the oxidative
status of the sample
4. 溶血血清((serum with ruptured red blood cells) )中的脂質(erythrocyte membrane
1. 如果樣品產生的值高於最高標準,則用去離子水或蒸餾水稀釋樣品並重複測定
2. 混合溶液時,始終避免起泡
3. 將反應溫度保持在 45-50 °C 範圍內以獲得最佳結果
4. 低於 45 °C 的孵育溫度將需要超過 3 小時才能達到平衡,而高於 50 °C 的溫度將在不到
2 小時的時間內達到平衡
5. Lipids that are multi-unsaturated
(three or more double bonds) are both most likely to form peroxides and the
most reactive in
the TBARS assay
6. the measure of TBARS is still a commonly used and convenient
method of determining the relative lipid peroxide content of sample sets,
including serum,
plasma, urine, cell lysates and cell culture supernates

8. Some examples of interfering substances in the TBARS assay include colors

generated by heating biological samples in an acidic solution, which can interfere
with the assay and lead to artificially high Malondialdehyde (MDA) values.
Additionally, soluble TBARS substances that may react with thiobarbituric acid
can also interfere with the accuracy of the test
9. TBARS assay 中要使干擾物質沉澱,目的是盡可能減少 TBARS 的存在,這些
10. 干擾物質包含: 在酸性溶液中加熱生物樣品產生的顏色,可能導致人為高濃
度 MDA;另外,可能和 thiobarbituric acid 反應的 TBARS 物質也會干擾測驗

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