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Appendix E: Presentation Evaluation Template

Presentation Evaluation
creating a friendly and welcoming environment and briefly stating the purpose of the meeting. greeted each person
warmly and gave a quick rundown of the agenda to help direct the conversation.

Feedback received
Attendees expressed gratitude for the introduction's structure and clarity, stating that it helped them understand how
the discussion would proceed. The clear and succinct agenda summary received special recognition for making the
subsequent conversation easier to understand.

The lucidity and organization of the introduction were emphasized as its principal advantages. The well-structured
introduction of the program was easy for attendees to understand, which added to the festive mood. Furthermore, the
hospitable tone created a stimulating atmosphere.

Improvement areas
It was suggested that more background material be included in order to properly prepare people for the talks that
would follow. Some believed that more background information would improve comprehension. In order to
guarantee audience understanding, future presentations will aim to achieve a balance between being brief and
offering sufficient background information.

Version: 1.0 – Jan 2022 Gen Institute Pty Ltd © Page 1 of 1

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