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Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good afternoon viewers.

I’m agustina nasution from

Speaking English Headline News, bringing you the latest news for today

All Indonesians to have access to COVID-19 vaccine: Widodo

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo has said COVID-19

vaccines will be given to all citizens, without exception, whether they are
registered with the Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) or

The President made the statement while handing out Working Capital Assistance
of Rp2.4 million to merchants at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java on

"So vaccines are for all the people without exception, so that we can return to
normal. And it also has nothing to do with BPJS members. There is an issue that
only those who have a BPJS card are (going to be) vaccinated,” Widodo said.

To create communal immunity or herd immunity, a minimum of 70 percent of

Indonesia's population, or 182 million people, will need to be vaccinated, he noted.

Vaccines will be given free of charge, he added.

According to Widodo, notifications on the vaccination will be issued through the

community health centers (puskesmas) or urban villages.

"Everyone, all residents, can participate in the vaccination. But it will be arranged
by the village or puskesmas near us," he said. (INE)

That’s all the news for today. Check this out at for the
latest updates. I’m agustina nasution. Thank you for watching and have a great
day. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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