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X de
4 years
Naturaleza 5
Course plan and syllabus

Unit 6
What a Great Invention!


May June


In this unit, pupils will learn the basic vocabulary related to old and new inventions. In the final task,
pupils will work together to create their own invention that will help them calculate sums.

Key vocabulary
computer, radio, telephone, television, toaster
close, far
before, now

Where do you live?
I live in a village.

Extra resources
listen (to the radio)
play (on the computer)
talk (on the telephone)
watch (television)
work (on the computer)
The (television) is close.
The (computer) is far.
bathroom, bedroom, garden, kitchen, living room
car, lamp, vacuum cleaner
(Scissors) help us to (cut).
(Three) plus (two) equals (five).

Before I liked...
Now I like...
Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 6

*The objectives have been left in their original language as they appear in the original B.O.E. document.


Área 1. El conocimiento de sí mismo y autonomía personal

1. Realizar las actividades cotidianas de forma autónoma, aumentando el sentimiento de
2. Identificar los propios sentimientos, emociones, gustos o preferencias, y ser capaces de
expresarlos y comunicarlos a los demás, identificando y respetando los de los otros.
3. Identificar hábitos de seguridad necesarios en la casa.
4. Valorar la capacidad de iniciativa para resolver situaciones y la generosidad en el
Área 2. El conocimiento del entorno
1. Identificar algunos inventos.
2. Conocer, utilizar y escribir la serie numérica del 1 al 10.
3. Realizar sumas.
4. Iniciarse en la resolución de problemas con la operación de sumar.
5. Identificar y utilizar correctamente las nociones espaciales: cerca-lejos.
6. Identificar y usar de modo correcto las nociones temporales: antes-ahora.
7. Conocer y apreciar algunos inventos relacionados con el transporte.
8. Reconocer el cambio de muchos inventos con el paso del tiempo. Diferenciar entre in-
ventos antiguos y actuales.
9. Diseñar y construir un invento.
10. Identificar las características de las habitaciones distintas de una casa.
Área 3. Lenguajes: comunicación y representación
1. Participar activamente en los diálogos de la clase y otras situaciones de comunicación.
2. Conocer y emplear el vocabulario relacionado con los contenidos trabajados.
3. Valorar la escritura como instrumento de comunicación, información y disfrute.
4. Reconocer palabras relacionadas con los inventos.
5. Escuchar atentamente la lectura o exposición de textos sencillos para comprender la
información y ampliar el vocabulario.
6. Realizar obras plásticas utilizando diversas técnicas y materiales.
7. Identificar algunos inventos musicales (radio, MP3).
8. Conocer la evolución en la forma de escuchar música con el paso del tiempo.
9. Aprender canciones, adivinanzas y poemas.
10. Disfrutar con las audiciones y las producciones audiovisuales.
11. Iniciarse en el uso oral de una lengua extranjera y mostrar interés y disfrute al participar
en ese acercamiento.
12. Ser conscientes de la necesidad de realizar un uso moderado del televisor, del
ordenador y de otros aparatos electrónicos.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 6


Competencias clave (Key competences) (CC): comunicación lingüística (linguistic competency) (CCL), competencia matemática y
competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología (mathematical competency and basic competences in Science and Technology) (CMCT),
competencia digital (digital competency) (CD), aprender a aprender (learning to learn) (CAA), competencias sociales y cívicas (social
and civic competences) (CSYC), sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor (initiative and entrepreneurship) (SIEP) y conciencia y
expresiones culturales (cultural awareness) (CEC).


Area 1
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Feelings and emotions
The body 1. Identification and expression of their own 33, 34, 35 CSYC, CEC
and self image feelings, emotions, experiences,
preferences and interests, as well as
those of others.
Block 2. 1. Initiative and progressive autonomy 31, 32, 33, SIEP, CSYC
Activity completing daily activities in the 34, 35, 36
and daily life classroom.
2. Initiative in completing tasks and 31, 32, 33, SIEP, CSYC
resolving conflicts. 34, 35, 36
3. Generosity while completing group work. 32, 33, 34, 35 CSYC, CAA
Block 3. 1. Safe practices in the household. 33 CAA
Personal health
and safety

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 6

Area 2
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Elements and relationships
Physical 1. Elements in a household. 31, 33, 34, 36 CCL, CAA
2. Inventions: uses and changes throughout 31, 32, 33, CEC, SIEP
history. Exploration of their characteristics 34, 35, 36
and uses.
Quantities and measures
1. Utilising numerical series to count. 33 CMCT, CAA
2. Awareness of inventions that help with 35 CMCT, CEC
3. Initiation to calculating sums. Resolving 35 CMCT; SIEP
problems with simple sums.
4. Identification of time notions: before, now. 32, 33, 34, 36 CAA, CEC
5. Understanding of distance notions: close, 32, 33, 35, 36 CAA, CEC
6. Recognising inventions from the past and 32, 33, 34, 36 CEC, SIEP
inventions from the present.
7. Learning about the different rooms of a 31, 33, 36 CEC, CAA
8. Design and construction of an invention. 32, 33, 35 SIEP, CSYC

Block 2. Elements in nature

Learning about 1. The raw materials used to make 34 CEC, SIEP
nature inventions.
2. The outdoor space of some homes. 33 CAA, CEC
Block 3. Places
Culture and living 1. Modes of transport: the car. 33 CEC, SIEP
in society
2. Inventions in different rooms of a house. 31, 33, 36 CEC, CAA

1. Inventions and their evolution. 32, 33, 34, 36 CEC, CAA
2. Identification of some changes in the way 33, 36 CEC, CSYC
of life due to the evolution of inventions.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 6

Area 3
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Listening, talking and conversing:
Verbal 1. Participation in dialogues and other daily 33, 34 CSYC, CAA
language communicational situations.
2. Progressively using more precise and 31, 32, 33, CCL, CAA
varied vocabulary related to inventions. 34, 35, 36
3. Interest in participating in verbal 31, 32, 33, CCL, CSYC
interactions in English. 34, 35, 36
4. Acquisition of basic vocabulary and 31, 32, 33 CCL, CAA
expressions, as well as basic orders.
5. Positive attitude towards a foreign 31, 32, 33, SIEP, CCL
language. 34, 35, 36
Introduction to writing:
1. Understanding written language as a 31, 32, 33 CAA, CCL
source of communication, information and
2. Ability to recognise some written words 31, 32 CCL, CAA
related to inventions.
3. Use of resources that support the written 31, 32 CD, SIEP
language, like flashcards.
4. Showing interest in and paying attention 33, 34 CD, CAA
to stories, explanations, instructions and
descriptions read by others.
Introduction to literature:
1. Listening attentively, understanding and 31, 32, 33 CD, CAA
enjoying stories, songs, chants and poems.
2. Learning and saying and/or singing 31, 32 CD, CAA
songs, chants and poems.
English as a foreign language:
1. Showing interest in communicating in 31, 32, 33, CCL, CSYC
English, repeating vocabulary and 34, 35, 36
expressions learned.
2. Showing a positive attitude towards 31, 32, 33, CSYC, CEC
learning a foreign language. 34, 35, 36
Block 2. 1. Introduction to audio-visual resources, 33, 34 CD, CAA
Audio-visual such as animations and videos.
language and 2. Showing interest in learning to use new 34 CD, CAA
ICT technologies and digital tools.
3. Becoming more aware of the importance 34 CD, CEC, CAA
of the moderation required when
watching television, using the computer
or other electrical devices.
Block 3. Arts and Crafts
Artistic 1. Using a variety of artistic techniques and 33, 34, 35, 36 CAA, SIEP
language materials: colouring with crayons and
coloured pencils, free drawing, working
with press outs and stickers.
2. Using different artistic techniques to make 32, 33, 34, 35 CAA, CEC
and decorate an invention.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 6

1. Important musical devices: the radio and 31, 32, 33, 36 CEC, CAA
MP3 player.
2. The evolution of music playing devices 31, 32, 33, 36 CEC, CAA
throughout time.
3. Actively participating in activities related 31, 32 CD, CEC
to chants, songs and dancing.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 6


For pupils:
- Pupil’s book with stickers and press outs
- Investigator’s Passport
- Portfolio

For teachers:
- Teacher’s Guide
- Flashcards
- Story cards
- Posters


- Videos:
- Information videos help to explain key concepts to pupils in simple way.
- ‘How to’ videos explain how to complete the unit final task step by step.
- Animations:
- Mr. Chat animations accompany audio resources from the pupil’s book.
- Animated stories.
- Worksheets from the pupil’s book that can be projected in class.
- Interactive activities.
- Songs, chants, karaokes and associated interactive activities.
- ICT-based activities and tasks.
- Interactive flashcards.

Mr. Chat the Robot Hat includes the following evaluation tools:
- Unit content evaluations
- Portfolio:
- Self-evaluation radars to assess skills related to personal effort and relating to
- Self-evaluation batteries to assess classroom habits.


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