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Pre-primary 4 years

Course plan and syllabus

Unit 2
Healthy Meals

November December


In this unit, pupils learn basic vocabulary related to food and healthy eating. In the final task, they make
a healthy meals wall together as a class.

Key vocabulary
desserts, drinks, food, fruits, vegetables
empty, full
(to) drink, (to) eat

What day is it?
It's Monday!

Extra resources
orange, strawberry, tummy
I eat...
I don't eat...
delicious, healthy, unhealthy, plate, stomach, table
I like to eat (fruits).
I like to drink (water).
I eat/drink...
You eat/drink...
He/She eats/drinks...
... is healthy to eat.
... is not healthy to eat.
There is (a salad).
Where is (the pizza)?
Where are (the fizzy drinks)?
Yesterday, I ate...
I like (grapes).
I don't like (carrots).
Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 2

*The objectives have been left in their original language as they appear in the original B.O.E. document.


Área 1. El conocimiento de sí mismo y autonomía personal

1. Reconocer e identificar las partes de su cuerpo relacionadas con los sentidos y sus
2. Identificar los propios sentimientos y emociones, gustos y preferencias y ser capaces de
comunicarlos a los demás, identificando y respetando los de los otros.
3. Realizar, de manera cada vez más autónoma, actividades habituales y tareas sencillas
del desarrollo de la clase, aumentando el sentimiento de autoconfianza y la capacidad de
4. Desarrollar hábitos de ayuda, generosidad, respeto y colaboración.
5. Tomar la iniciativa en la realización de tareas y en la proposición de juegos y actividades.

Área 2. El conocimiento del entorno

1. Reconocer los números del 1 al 6, la cantidad, e identificarlos con su grafía.
2. Diferenciar entre lleno y vacío.
3. Conocer los tipos de alimentos: rueda de los alimentos.
4. Clasificar alimentos en base a distintos criterios. Utilizar tablas para clasificar alimentos.
5. Encontrar y crear comidas saludables.
6. Encontrar y hacer una receta.
7. Conocer parques y naturaleza.
8. Iniciarse en la resolución de problemas sencillos.
9. Conocer las fiestas y celebraciones de la Navidad y Thanksgiving.

Área 3. Lenguajes: comunicación y representación

1. Utilizar la lengua como instrumento de comunicación, aprendizaje y disfrute, de expresión
de ideas y sentimientos.
2. Valorar y utilizar la lengua oral como medio de relación con los demás.
3. Expresar emociones y sentimientos, deseos e ideas mediante la lengua oral y a través de
otros lenguajes artísticos.
4. Conocer y emplear el vocabulario relacionado con los alimentos y la alimentación.
5. Comprender las intenciones y mensajes de otros niños y adultos.
6. Entender las recetas como portadoras de texto escrito.
7. Utilizar los gestos y los movimientos como recursos corporales para la expresión y la
comunicación. Dramatizar acciones.
8. Acercarse al conocimiento de obras artísticas expresadas en distintos lenguajes y de
artistas conocidos.
9. Realizar obras plásticas utilizando diversas técnicas y materiales.
10. Cantar, escuchar, bailar e interpretar.
11. Conocer la importancia y la función de la partitura.
12. Aprender canciones, adivinanzas, poesías y bailes.
13. Iniciarse en el uso oral de una lengua extranjera y mostrar interés y disfrute al participar
en ese acercamiento.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 2


Competencias clave (Key competences) (CC): comunicación lingüística (linguistic competency) (CCL), competencia
matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología (mathematical competency and basic competences in Science and
Technology) (CMCT), competencia digital (digital competency) (CD), aprender a aprender (learning to learn) (CAA), competencias
sociales y cívicas (social and civic competences) (CSYC), sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor (initiative and entrepreneurship)
(SIEP) y conciencia y expresiones culturales (cultural awareness) (CEC).


Area 1
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Senses
The body 1. Recognising different types of foods. 7, 8, 9, 10, CCL, CAA, CEC
and self image 11, 12
2. Identification of the characteristics and 7, 10, 11 CSYC, CEC, CCL
their own taste and the taste of others for
certain foods. Self-confidence.
Feelings and emotions
3. Identification and expression of 7, 10, 11 CCA, CEC
experiences, feelings and sensations.

Block 2. Motor skills

Games 1. Progressive development of coordination 7, 8, 11, 12 CSYC, SIEP, CEC
and movement and motor skills.
2. Exploration and assessment of their own 9, 10, 11, 12 CMCT, CSYC, SIEP
possible perceptions, motor skills and
expressions, as well as that of others'.
Games and activities
3. Participation in games and accepting the 7, 8, 10, 11,
rules required to play. 12
Block 3. 1. Initiative and progressive autonomy 7, 8, 9, 10, CCA, CSYC
Activity completing daily activities in the 11, 12
and daily life. classroom.
2. Collaboration in completing daily chores. 7, 8, 9, 10, CSYC, CEC
11, 12
Block 4. 1. Understanding of healthy food habits. 8, 9, 10, 11, CCL, CAA, SIEP
Personal health 12
and safety 2. Knowledge and acceptation of rules to 8, 9, 10, 11, CAA, CSYC, CEC
healthy eating. 12

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 2

Area 2
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Elements and relationships
Physical 1. Knowing characteristics of certain foods. 7, 8, 9, 10, CCL, CAA, SIEP,
environment Classification based on these 11, 12 CD
2. Classification of foods into groups: the 7, 8, 9 CAA, CCL, CEC
food wheel.
3. Knowledge on creating healthy eating 9, 10, 11 CAA, SIEP, CEC,
habits. CD
Quantities and measures
1. Usage of numbers 1 to 5 to count. 9 CMCT
2. Difference between full and empty. 8, 9, 12 CAA, CCL
3. Project to help find and create healthy 8, 9, 11 SIEP, CSYC, CAA
meal options.
4. Finding and doing a recipe. 11 CD, SIEP
5. Resolving simple problems through 7, 8, 9, 10, CAA, CCL
identification, comparison and elimination. 11, 12
6. Organization and representation of 11 SIEP, CAA
information in a portfolio.
Block 2. Landscape
Learning about 1. The park and nature. 9 SIEP, CAA, CEC
Block 3. Place
Culture and 1. Delis shops, supermarkets and markets. 8, 9, 10 CEC, CD
living in society
2. Identification of Christmas celebrations. Festivals CEC, CCL
3. Identification of Thanksgiving Festivals CEC, CCL

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 2

Area 3
Worksheet(s) Key Competence(s)
Block 1. Listening, talking and conversing:
Verbal 1. Utilizing and valuing verbal language to 9, 10 CCL, CCA
language express ideas and feelings.
2. Progressively using more precise and 7, 8, 9, 10, CCL, CEC, CSYC
varied vocabulary related to food. 11, 12
3. Interest and actively listening in daily 9, 10 CSYC, CEC
communication situations.
4. Understanding of messages given in 7, 8, 9, 10 CD, CCL
audio-visual material.
5. Adequate usage of the norms that dictate 9, 10, 11 CSYC, CEC
verbal communication, respecting turn
taking, listening with respect and
6. Interest in participating in verbal 9, 10, 11 CSYC, CEC
interactions in English
7. Acquisition of basic vocabulary and 11 CSYC, CCL
expressions, as well as basic orders.
Introduction to writing:
1. Understanding written language as a 7, 8, 9, 11 CCL,CAA
source of communication, information and
2. Ability to recognise and identify some 7, 8, 12 CCL, CCA
written words related to food.
3. Understanding images, posters and 7, 8, 9, 10, CAA, CD, CEC
photographs. 11, 12
4. Use of resources that support the written 11 CD, SIEP
language, like recipes.
5. Showing interest in and paying attention 9, 10, 11 CD, SIEP
to stories, explanations, instructions and
descriptions read by others.
Introduction to literature:
1. Listening attentively, understanding and 7, 8, 9 CD, CAA
enjoying stories, songs, chants and
2. Learning and saying and/or singing 7, 8 CD, CAA, CEC
songs, chants and poems.
English as a foreign language:
1. Showing interest in communicating in 7, 8, 9, 10, CCL
English, repeating vocabulary and 11, 12
expressions learned.
2. Showing a positive attitude towards 7, 8, 9, 10, CSYC, CEC
learning a foreign language. 11, 12
Block 2. 1. Introduction to audio-visual resources, 9, 10, 11 CD, CAA
Audio-visual such as animations and videos.
language 2. Learning to use the computer. 10, 11 CD, CAA
and ICT
3. Showing interest in learning to use new 10 CD, SIEP
technologies and digital tools.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 2

Block 3. Arts and Crafts

Artistic 1. Making art using varied artistic techniques 8, 9,10, 11, CAA, SIEP
language and materials. 12
2. Enjoying the art they make, as well as 8, 9,10, 11, CAA, CSYC
that of others. 12
3. Using a variety of artistic techniques and 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 CAA, SIEP
materials: colouring with crayons and
coloured pencils, free drawing, working
with press outs and stickers.
Music 1, 2 CCL, CAA
1. Exploring the voice and the use of our
hands in music, as well as everyday
objects and musical instruments.
2. Actively participating in activities related 1, 2 CAA, CD
to chants, songs and dancing.
3. Attentive listening of musical pieces of 2 CEC, CD
different styles.
Block 4. 1. Discovering and experimenting with 1, 2 CAA, CSYC
Body language gestures and movements.
2. Showing interest in drama and other 1, 2 CEC, CSYC
games involving physical expression.

Pre-primary 4 years UNIT 2


For pupils:
- Pupil’s book with stickers and press outs
- Investigator’s Passport
- Portfolio

For teachers:
- Teacher’s Guide
- Flashcards
- Story cards
- Posters


- Videos:
- Information videos help to explain key concepts to pupils in simple way.
- ‘How to’ videos explain how to complete the unit final task step by step.
- Animations:
- Mr. Chat animations accompany audio resources from the pupil’s book.
- Animated stories.
- Worksheets from the pupil’s book that can be projected in class.
- Interactive activities.
- Songs, chants, karaokes and associated interactive activities.
- ICT-based activities and tasks.
- Interactive flashcards.

Mr. Chat the Robot Hat includes the following evaluation tools:
- Unit content evaluations
- Portfolio:
- Self-evaluation radars to assess skills related to personal effort and relating to
- Self-evaluation batteries to assess classroom habits.


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