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Republic of the Philippines


Sarmiento Campus
General Academic and Teacher Education Department
City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 9

Tuesday (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM)

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Differentiate between local extinction and functional extinction.
2. Identify some natural and anthropogenic causes of extinction.
3. Realize the importance of life and plan some ways to save, protect and preserve it.


A. Topic: Species Extinction
B. Reference: Breaking Through Science 9 (Page 57-63)
C. Materials: Visual aid, Laptop, Speaker and other instructional materials.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Prayer

“Good morning, Class!” “Good morning, Ma’am Jenieviv! Good

morning classmates!”

“Let’s pray first! Gio please lead the prayer.” *A learner will lead the prayer

B. Greetings/Classroom Arrangement

“Kindly check and pick up the pieces of papers *Learners will check and arrange their seats.
or trash under your chair and arrange your seat

“Okay, you may now take your seat.”

C. Checking of Attendance

“Class Secretary, who are the absentees for “There were no absentees today, Ma’am.”

“That’s great. Thank you.”

“Before we start our lesson for today, I would “All clear, Ma’am.”
like to remind you of our classroom rules. First
is listen attentively and participate in the class
discussion. Second, avoid doing unnecessary
things. Third, raise your hands if you want to
answer questions. Is that clear?”

“That’s great. Now let’s start. Are you ready to “Yes, Ma’am.”

D. Recap/Review of Past Lesson

“So, yesterday we have discussed about our “Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on
biodiversity. Anyone can recall what is a Earth at all its levels, from genes to
biodiversity? Yes, Vhalent?” ecosystems, and can encompass the
Republic of the Philippines
Sarmiento Campus
General Academic and Teacher Education Department
City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan
evolutionary, ecological, and cultural
processes that sustain life.”

“That’s right! Biodiversity comes from the word

“Bio” which means life and diversity which
means variety. This means that it is all the
different kinds of life you’ll find in one area-the
variety of plants, animals, even different
microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses that
make up our natural world.”

“Now, why is biodiversity important? Yes,

Carla?” “Biodiversity is essential for the processes that
support all life on earth, Including humans.”
“Very good! That is correct. Without
biodiversity, our entire support system for
human as well as animal life, would collapse.”

“As a student, how can you help in saving,

protecting and preserving our biodiversity? Let “Ma’am I think we can start in doing small
me hear from Gio.” ways such as avoid littering and proper
segregation of wastes in our homes.”
“That’s right! Simple things can be of great help
to our environment. Anyone else can share some “We can also start educating our friends,
insights? Yes, Renso” Ma’am about the importance of life and also
we can join and participate in programs at
school and in the community that helps in
preserving our biodiversity.”
“Absolutely! And also, joining tree planting
activities can also help. Thank you, Renso”

E. Motivation
“So, you see? Our biodiversity is very important
that we should all unite in protecting and
preserving it.”

“Now, are you familiar with the song Masdan

mo ang Kapaligiran by Asin?” (Students will answer.)

“I am going to play the song. Listen carefully

and attentively to the message of the song.”

(Teacher will play the song)

(Students will listen to the song.)
“Okay. What is the song all about, Miel?”
“Ma’am it is about the environment and the
changes it has undergone as years passed by.”
“That is right! The song has given us insights
about what is the environment that we have “The line that says, Ngunit masdan mo ang
today and the one that we have now. Can you tubig sa dagat, dati’y kulay asul ngayo’y
cite a line in the song that tells us the changes naging itim, Ma’am”
that happened in our environment? Yes, Jiroh”

F. Presentation of the Topic

“Very good. That is correct. Now, Marky what

do you think will happen if man continue to “The destruction of our environment will
Republic of the Philippines
Sarmiento Campus
General Academic and Teacher Education Department
City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan
abuse the environment?” worsen and may cause loss of lives of many
species in the biodiversity”
“That was absolutely correct. If we will not stop
abusing our rich biodiversity, time will come
that many of our species will be endangered and
worse become extinct. “

“So, this morning, we are going to discuss about

species extinction.”

G. Discussion/Lesson Proper

“Does anyone of you know what is extinction?”

“Extinction happens when environmental
faction or evolutionary problems cause a
species to die out.”
“Very well. A species become extinct when the
last existing individual of the species dies.”

“We have two different types of extinction

which are the local extinction and functionally “Local extinction refers to a species of plants
extinction. Jahdeigh, can you please tell us the or animals that ceases to exist in a chosen
difference between local and functional geographic area of study, though it still exists
extinction?” elsewhere. While the functionally extinct, it is
preserved and can only be seen in a zoo.”

“Excellent! Local extinction refers to a species

of plants or animals that ceases to exist in a
chosen geographic area of study, though it still
exists elsewhere. While the functionally extinct,
it is preserved and can only be seen in a zoo.”

“Can you please give me some extinct or

critically endangered in Philippine species” (Students will answer)

“Very good. That was great!”

“Some of your examples like Philippine Eagle,

Tarsier, Crocodiles, and Tamaraw are those
some of the identified as critically endangered
species in the Philippines.”

“Now we have two causes of species extinction.

What are those, Shanellah?” “Ma’am, the two causes of extinction are
natural and anthropogenic causes.”
“That’s right! The two major causes of species
extinction are natural and anthropogenic causes. “Natural cause of extinction, Ma’am is
How do they differ, Kyla?” naturally occurring while anthropogenic is
“Absolutely right, Kyla!” Natural cause of
extinction is said to be inevitable and naturally
occurring while anthropogenic is with human
intervention or results of human activities.”

“During prehistoric time, the natural processes

of earth have been dominant causes of
Republic of the Philippines
Sarmiento Campus
General Academic and Teacher Education Department
City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan
extinction. In modern times, extinction has been
primarily due to human activities.”

“Now let us first understand some natural causes

of species extinction. What is some natural cause “Climate change, Ma’am because it refers to
of extinction? Anyone?” change in weather patterns that last over a
long-ago period.”
“That’s correct! Climate refers to the
characteristics atmospheric conditions of a given
place. These conditions include patterns of
temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind and
seasons. The effect of climate has on extinction
is very big. This is because the biodiverse Earth
can't keep up with the rapid changes in
temperature and climate and the species are not
used to severe weather conditions and long
seasons, or a changing chemical make-up of
their surroundings.”

“Aside from climate change, can you give me

another natural cause of extinction?” “Ma’am, another natural cause is acid rain. It
results from the chemical reaction of sulfur
dioxide or nitrogen oxide with water molecules
in the atmosphere.”
“Very good! Acid rain acidifies bodies of water
thus harm aquatic organisms. Acid comes from
both natural and man- made sources.”

“Did you remember the lines from the song a

while ago? “Ngunit masdan mo ang tubig sa
dagat, dati’y kulay asul ngayo’y naging itim”
and it is because some people throw their trash
into the river especially the wastes from factories
which contains loads of harmful chemicals,
which contributes to acid rain.”

“Can you give me another natural cause of

extinction?” “Asteroids and Cosmic radiation, Ma’am.
Because asteroids hit the earth with extreme
force and cosmic radiation is radiation being
emitted from outer space and the Sun”
“That’s right. The theory that explains the
extinction of dinosaurs holds that some of the
asteroids that hit the earth killed many organisms
upon impact. Another theory holds that the
exposure of species to cosmic radiation or the
radiation entitled from outer space and the sun. It
is hypothesized that being exposed to too much
cosmic radiation can mutate genes, which can
potentially weaken a species' gene in the future.”

“How about Diseases and Epidemic? Is it also a

natural cause of extinction?” (Student will answer)

“Why do you think diseases and epidemic are

example of a natural cause?” “Because of continuing of climate change the
species weakened their body and can’t fight
Republic of the Philippines
Sarmiento Campus
General Academic and Teacher Education Department
City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan
their diseases and epidemic is an outbreak of
disease that spreads quickly and affects many
individuals at the same time.”
“Absolutely! With the continuing changes in
climate conditions many species of plants and
animals are losing their ability to adapt and fight
off diseases and epidemic. Very good example
of this is the global pandemic brought about by
the spreading of the Covid-19 virus which has
greatly affected many lives even up to these

“Now we have identified some natural causes of “Ma’am, some of the anthropogenic causes are
extinction. How about anthropogenic causes? habitat destruction because the destruction of
Yes, Vhalent?” species habitats extensively alters the natural
landscape- the reason why organisms are no
longer able to survive.”

“Brilliant! A major cause of extinction is Habitat

Destruction. This happens in part because of
agriculture, logging, mining, gracing,
development of infrastructure and illegal fishing

“What else?” “Pollution it refers to the substances cause

harm not only to individual organisms but also
to the stability of ecosystem”

“That is correct! Pollution refers the introduction “Over exploitation causes the supply of food
of potentially harmful substances or suspended and other resources to be exhausted example
particles into the environment. What else?” overfishing in an aquatic biome.”

“Overexploitation humans have been using

earth’s resources to enrich their lives- to a point
that these resources are being over exploited for
example; illegal, removing of wildlife for trade,
illegal act of hunting animals for their skin, fur,
teeth, horns or claws to be used for making
medicine, jewelry, belts, bags and other
accessories is called poaching.”

“Can you name some more anthropogenic cause, “Introduction to invasive species, Ma’am”

“That is right! Every animal and plant species

has a native habitat or environment where it
naturally and normally lives and grows.
Additionally, humans sometimes relocate a
species either by accident or on purpose.”

“Now we have identified some natural and “None so far, Ma’am”

anthropogenic causes of extinction. Do you have
questions about the topic?”

“Great! If you have no questions and if you have (Pak-Ganern!)

learned something today, let us all give
ourselves a “Pak-Ganern Clap”
Republic of the Philippines
Sarmiento Campus
General Academic and Teacher Education Department
City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan

A species becomes extinction when the last existing individual of that species dies. Local
extinction is the reintroduction of the species from other areas or location. Functional
extinction species are those preserved and maintained only in zoos and other artificial
habitats because they are no longer found in the wild. The two causes of species
extinction are natural and anthropogenic.

The students will answer the short quiz on a ¼ sheet of paper in 5 minutes.

Classify the following whether they are a Natural or Anthropogenic cause of extinction.
Write your answer on the table.

 Volcanoes  Power plants

 Clearing forests to build  Climate change
road and houses.  Lightning strikes
 Hatching of insect egg  Overfishing
 Factories  Hunting of animals
 Acid Rain

Natural Cause Anthropogenic Cause

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Research about the different adaptations of species.


Student Teacher/Demonstrator Critic Teacher

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