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Background of the Study

Based on our observation there are many students were engaged in smoking in nearby

places and in our school campus. Smoking the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning

plants material. A variety of plant materials are smoked, including marijuana and hashish, but the

act is most commonly associated with tobacco as smoked in a cigarette, cigar or pipe. Tobacco

contains nicotine an alkaloid that is addictive and can have both stimulating and tranquilizing

psychoactive effects. Smoking soon spread to other areas and today is widely practiced around

the world despite medical, social, and religious arguments against it. Although there are several

studies conducted on teenage smoking, the causes to become smokers in the student remain

unclear. Several factors were identified study is to investigate the effect of the relationship

between smoking and the health of senior high school students.

This study examined low perceptions of the student smoking in the school environment

and the actual smoking rate among senior student at a school are related to smoking. Multilevel

logistic regression analysis was used to examine correlate of ever smoking in a simple of 4,286.

Senior High School student are at increased risk for smoking if they often see students smoking

hear their school report that students school smoke where they are not allowed and attend a

school with a relatively high senior students smoke rate. A low risk student (No family or friends

who smoke) was ever twice as likely to try smoking if he/she attended a high-risk school.

Prevention programs should target both at risk schools and at risk students and strongly enforced

policies. Preventing students from smoking no or near school properly should be implemented. It

seems that a school with a large member of older students who smokes. Create a high risk

environment for smoking among the younger students at that school. This finding supports

existing research. In addition the finding that low risk student in high risk schools are more than

twice as likely to have tried smoking than their counter parts in low risk schools suggest that

characteristics with in the school environment affect even the youth who are least vulnerable to

smoking initiation. These finding provides empirical evidence supporting the current theoretical

literature characteristics of the school a students attend may be risk factors for smoking onset

above and beyond the characteristics of the student. The purpose of the study was to extend

findings to a younger cohort and develop a more nuanced understanding of these phenomena by

examine how the combination of the prevalence of senior high school student who smoke at a

school and students perceptions of smoking restrictions might interact to influence early

initiation of smoking among the Senior High School Students.

According to Ontario Tobacco Control Act (2015) the smoking banned in school

buildings and on school property in all publicity funded school in Ontario Canada. As such,

student perceptions of school smoking restrictions may have more influence on smoking

behaviour than the school presence of restriction. The number of smokers at a school may also

smoking restrictions because awareness of restriction would practically depends on the

prevalence of smokers affected be the restrictions.

According to the World Health Organizations (2015) 22% of the world population aged over

15 years are smokers and approximately six million people die from tobacco use or exposure to

tobacco smoke. Studies in Iran show that about 26% of the Iranian men and 3.6% of the women

participating in the study are current smokers. Unfortunately, prevalence of smoking between

college students is higher than in the general population in Iran. With a cross-sectional

population based study, Prevalence of smoking in resident of Iran capital of Iran is 12%. On the

other hand they found out among the students of Iran, 35.4% of men are smokers the high

prevalence of smoking (42.5%) among the college student. Cigarette use among student is

particular concern because medically educated person play a leading role in the prevention of

tobacco use in the school campus. In some studies the smoking rate was 16-21% (5-8).

According to Nasary (2016) she study the prevalence of smoking among male students in

Seaman University of Medical Science, Iran and found a smoking rate 14.4%(10).she also study

on how to assessed the prevalence of cigarette smoking among students of Shiraz University of

Medical Sciences .According to her internship students showed the highest prevalence of

smoking (17%) among the students. Our studies highlight the need for performing more

information and investigations on the prevalence and determinants of tobacco use and

developing cessation interventions for health professional.

According to Rafael and Zully (2016) the influence of the students own classmates is a

great influence for the beginning of the habits of smoking. Peer influence was found to be a

strong predictor of smoking initiation in almost all studies that included these measures. Their

studies also found out that influence of friends is the major reason for initiation of smoking habit

and this is similar to the studies that done by Naing in (2004). They also found out that curiosity

is also the reasons for initiation smoking. Usually, most of the teenagers starting smoking out of

their curiosity to know what is it and how it is. According to their more than 75% of the study

population agree that smoking habit start out by curiosity.

According to Rezaei having a smoker family member, particularly parents, can increase

the risk of smoking among teenagers similar results were seen in the presents study were high

percentage of the study group (51.2%) agreed that smoking habit starts because of smokers in the

family. Between the ages of 14-18 years old, a person is most likely to get attracted toward

smoking habit and become an addict for the rest his or her life.

According to the review given by Aristidis et al., commercials play an important role in

the promotion of smoking behaviour. The initiation of smoking is often related to the influence

and immediacy advertisements. On the other hand, this is the age where factors such as stress,

attention disorder, psychological pressures, and conflicts from parents play an important role in

impacting the individual personality, and most of the teens are seen fighting with these kinds of

problems, which may ultimately cause the initiation of the habit.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to know the reasons of the students why they are engaged in smoking.

Specially, it seeks to answer the following:

1. Is there a relationship between the smoking and health among the Senior High School


2. Is there a relationship between smoking and stress?

3. Is there a relationship between smoking and problem?

Scope and Delimitation

This study covers only to the grade 12 Senior High School students who are enrolled in

Isabela National High School-Senior High School who are engaged in smoking nearby the

school and in school campus at Portia Koelman Village Brgy. Guintubhan, Isabela Negros

Occidental for the school year 2019-2020.


Significance of the Study

This study may be beneficial to the following entities:

SHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. This study could be used by the administrators as a basis of the

students in their study guide. Administrators maybe aware of the difficulties encountered by the

students who are smoking.

TEACHERS. The Given data would guide the teachers on what to do with the students that are

smoking. The teacher would be able to understand on why some students are engaged in

smoking, help them.

PARENTS. Like teachers, the parent too will understand why their children are engaged in

smoking from school through the given data .The given data would help them formulate some

preventive measures to help their children from smoking. The findings would also help them

learn the actions of their children.

STUDENTS. The result will provide the students with some knowledge on smoking and how it

can be avoided. It will give the students a realization that being smoker is not useful to both

student and the people around him. At the end of this study students would finally know why

smoking cigarette has been major problem to the society.

FUTURE RESEARCHER. This study will give them knowledge or how to conduct research

and for future study use.


Chapter 2

Review Related Literature

This chapter exhibited the related works, literature, studies, and scholarly pieces that constitute

the foundation of the study. Specifically, included here are local and foreign literature and

studies that will serve as basis that will develop the grounds for experimentation and testing.

Related Concept

On Behaviour

(Dweck et al 1995), (Spinath et al, 2003), (e, g, Blackwell et al, 2007). The Lay theory is the core

assumptions of people regarding the extent to which human attributes are dynamic and

changeable or static and fixed. (Dweck et al 1995). According to Dweck et al (2007), propose a

distinction between an incremental theory- the belief that a given characteristics is flexible and

can be cultivated overtime and an Entity Theory- the belief that a given characteristics is stable

overtime and not available to efforts for change. In addition to being unrelated to personality

traits (Spinath et al, 2003), Lay theories are also domain specific. For example, a person`s Lay

theory about malleability of intelligence may not be the same as his/her Lay theory regarding

stability of personality. Incremental and entity theories conceptualized originality to represent to

distinct categories (Dweck et al, 1995) Yet they often measured and more recently though to

exist on a continue beliefs regarding the plasticity of a tribute ranging from entirely changeable

to utterly rigid (e g Blackwell et el, 2007).

Lay theories are associated modestly with such control beliefs (Dweck et el, 1995) Because

the incremental theorist believed that attribute can change while entity theorist believe that

attribute are fixed, the former are somewhat more likely to believe they have greater control over

personal outcomes related latter. However self-efficacy is specific to individual (e g “I think I

can change my smoking behaviour ’’) whereas Lay theories are broader and focus on the

flexibility of a give characteristics across individuals (e g “I think that, for most people, once

they start smoking, they can never stop’’) . Hence, they embody to separate contracts, which is

why they are correlated only some of the time (Dweck et al,1995)

Lay theories have ramification for motivation and behaviour. In the face of setback, incremental

theorist make fewer helpless attributions for performance, report being more motivated to put

forth effort to improved future behaviour, and subsequently perform better related to entity

theorist (for a review, see Dweck,2012). These findings have face validity, if people perceive

change is possible (i e, adopt incremental beliefs). Then trying to overcome setbacks with effort

is a fruitful endeavour, however, if people belief change is not possible (i e, adopts entity beliefs)

then increasing effort in the face of challenge would in effect, be futile. Thus, whereas entity

beliefs undermined motivation and lead to more negative outcomes, incremental beliefs can be

harnessed to increase motivation and promote positive behaviour change. To this point, seminal

research revealed that students who adopted incremental beliefs about intelligence where more

motivated to perform well and receive better grades over the course of challenging, two year

relative to students who adopted entity beliefs, controlling for a prior academic achievements

(e.g. Blackwell et al,2007).

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

According to ardic et al (2015) this study investigated the relationship between Lay theories of

cigarette smoking and expectation to smoke and also, this study developed tested theory to a set

for understanding of smoking behaviour among the relationship between depression and

smoking behaviour. The purpose of the study was to investigate the smoking habits of the

students who are studying at three facilities in university of Tuzla in academic year 2012-2013

and to investigate whether there is a difference in smoking habits of the students from the

difference faculties. The findings in this are subject to at least three limitations. First, these data

apply only to adolescents who attend high school. In 1998, five per cent of persons age 16 to 17

were not enrolled in a high school program and had not completed high school. The conducted

analysis have shown that is the same 22.8% of current smokers and 7.8% are former smokers

who now no longer smoke. Due to the adopted smoking habits which some students begun to

adopt in the age of 13, in 47.5% part of students occasionally was observed some symptoms

( cough, etc.) which are attributed to smoking. The analysis showed no statistically significant

gender difference in smoking habits. Although the trend of smoking in the populations students

progression, on the same quantity as male colleagues. We did not find any statistically significant

difference of adopting smoking habits. The study lacked knowledge about issues related harmful

effect of tobacco on the human body which in the next survey will be incorporated. It is

necessary to organize and education lectures and the student population to raise awareness about

the harmful effects of smoking in order to reduce the prevalence of ssmoking. In the order

findings prevalence the analyses have shown that in this sample 22.8% of current smokers and

7.8% were former smokers who now no longer smoke. The analysis showed no statistically

significance difference in smoking habits of all students. There were to statistically significance

difference in the daily consumption of cigarette between faculties. The relationship of the present

study to thesis in somewhat relevant to our present study since the aim of our present study is

also to investigate or examine how perception of smoking among senior high school students

specially boys. In short, they`re related to one another because, the main goal of both studies is to

spread awareness with regards to cigarette smoking in school. Dweck (1975)


According to Helena B. Floredo (2014) Cigarette smoking is always harmful since it is one

of the primary reasons for human death, However, smoking can be prevented. In the Philippines,

there are death of studies conducted that deal with cigarette. Smoking behaviour among college

student and it`s correlates to anxiety. The researcher used questionnaires, standardise test and

interviews to gather data. Likewise descriptive correlational method, purposive sampling and

SPSS were utilize .Out of 1,866 freshman students surveyed in Isabela State University Main

Campos, Philippines, 286 were current smokers. Findings revealed that most of the participants

are in their adolescence stage, male dominated receive minimal allowance, have parents with

high educational attainment and their parents job require physical labor. Results showed that

peer, family, mass media, environmental factors respectively expect for the teacher factor had

considerable impact on the smoking behaviour of the smokers have a high level of anxiety.

Anxiety is significantly related to the developmental stage when one started smoking and stocks

he/she consumed per day. An intervention program aimed at reducing anxiety and cigarette

smoking among students need further research.


In this study, it presented the related studies that can support the possible result from the

relationship between smoking and the health of senior high school students.

Smoking the one problem of our society especially in school. There are so many smokers

everywhere. Mostly in the store, or even in highway. As the student like as we do this as our

research title for them to know what are the bad effects of smoking cigarettes in their own health.

To let them know that smoking cigarette is not just a good habit in their daily life. Our study

focuses only to the health and the common experiences of the different students who are taking

cigarettes. Because cigarettes smoking harms nearly every organ of the body causes many

disease reduces the health of smokers in general, that’s why smokers are more likely than none

smokers to develop heart disease, stroke and lung cancer because cigarette smoking is the

leading preventable cause of death. But if quitting smoking, the lower your risk for smoking

related diseases and can add years to your life.

Researcher conducted this study not only for their selves but also for the people out there

especially for the students. Regarding in effects in smoking, the researchers can raise awareness

about the importance of it and that they can play their roles and responsibilities in dealing with

certain effects of smoking in other people especially the students.

Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide this study:

HO = There is no significant relationship between smoking and the health of senior high school

among students.

Ha = There is a significant relationship between smoking and the health senior high school


Conceptual Framework of the Study

This study is all about The Relationship between Smoking and the Health of Senior High

School Students and this table demonstrate what our research is all about. We need to

demonstrate our research study in different categories like the profile of students, analysis of

data, and the improvement of student role. That is why we need to fill-up all the categories based

in our research title above.

Dependent Variables Independent Variables

Profile of Grade 11- Health problem

Socrates Students
a. Sex Smoking Financial Instability
b. Age
a.Weekly Allowance

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Relationship of the variable


Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter includes and discusses the methodology, the research design, the subject, the

instrument, the data gathering procedures, the techniques will be employed for the data analysis

and the ethical consideration.

Research Design

The research design of this study most appropriate in this investigation is the descriptive,

especially survey method. Questionnaires were used to determine the relationship between

smoking and the health of senior high school students were in participants rated each question.

Locale of the Study

Isabela National high school- Senior High School is located at Barangay Guintubhan

Isabela, Negros Occidental. The most of the students were living far from school and came from

poor families. The said school is consist of 3 hectares of land. It is also near the residence of the

said village.

Participants of the Study

The participants of this study included only the Senior High School students of Isabela

National High School- Senior High School Located at Brgy. Guintubhan Isabela, Negros

Occidental for the school year 2019-2020. The participants of the study were only thirty (30)

Senior High School students which were Grade 11 and Grade 12 who came from different


Research Instrument

The research conducted a survey to gather information through the researchers made

questionnaire in relation to the green initiatives of Senior High School students in Isabela

National High School-Senior High School. The questionnaire was composed of two Parts: the

demographic profile of the participants; the second part is made of question about the situation

and environmental activities they were doing related to the relationship between smoking and the

health of senior high school students and to what level or extent of awareness they are in. The

questionnaire has only ten (10) question answerable by five-point Likert Scale (5-strongly

disagree,4-disagree,3either agree or disagree,2-agree,1 strongly agree)

Validity of Research Instrument

To attest the validity of the research instrument or the questionnaire, a jury composed of

three (3) evaluators who were experts in this field or who are knowledgeable in research

instruments or the questionnaire. They reviewed every item and term used in the questionnaire

using the Good and Scates Validation Instruments.


Reliability of the Research Instrument

After the validation of the research instrument, the reliability of the research instrument

followed through a dry-run method. The instrument was distributed once to a group of the

students who are commonly experience of smoking but are studying in Isabela National High

School-Senior high School. The dry-run participants were randomly selected students of the

same school who did not belong to the actual participants of the study. The date were collected,

Tabulated, and computed using the Cronbach`s Alpha Reliability Test.

Data- Gathering Procedure

In gathering data, the researcher wrote a letter to the assistant principal asking permission

to conduct a survey in relation to the commonly experience of smoking of thirty (30) Senior

High School students in Isabela National High School-Senior High School which composed of

thirty (30) males students coming from each strands and tracks, afterwards the assistant principal

approved the letter.

Ethical Consideration

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This study presents the data gathered as well as the analyses and interpretation.

Specifically, it present and describes the common experiences encountered by the senior high

school students who are smoking. Furthermore, it examines the relationship of variables.

The Participant’s Demographic Profile

Participant’s demographic profile is a significant factor to study psychological dimension

of each individual in identifying to the common experiences encountered by the senior high

school students who are smoking. The frequency and percentage distribution were utilized to

depict the profile characteristics of the participants

Table 1. Sex of the participants

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 30 100%
Female 0 0%
Total 30 100%

This implies that all participants are males composed of thirty (30) males and zero (0)

female students coming from each strands and tracks, afterwards the assistant principal approved

the letter.

Data were collected through questionnaire made by the researchers. The questionnaire

was made up of ten (10) questions. These questions are related to the situations and

environmental activities they were doing related to the relationship between smoking and health

of the senior high school students.

Data Analysis

All the data collected from the participants were arranged, tallied and presented in a series

of tables and graphs. Frequency counts and percentage were used in the analysis and

interpretation of data in the number 1 in the statement of the problem, mean was the most

applicable/ appropriate statistical tool in number 2. Thus, a questionnaire was given to the

participants who used a five-point Liker Scale in answering the questionnaire.

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage of the participant’s age. 36.66% of the

participant’s age is 17 years old, 30% of the participant’s age is 18 years old, 13.33% of the

participant’s age is 16 years old, 10% of the participant’s age is 19 years old,6.67% of the

participant’s age is 20 years old, 3.33% of the participant’s age is 22 years old.

Table 2.Participant’s Age

Age Male Female Total Percentage

16 4 0 4 13.33%
17 11 0 11 36.66%
18 9 0 9 30%
19 3 0 3 10%
20 2 0 2 6.67%

22 1 0 1 3.33%
Total 30 0 30 100%
This further tells that most of the participant’s age is 17 years old or 36.66% of the total

participant’s age.

Table 3: Show the frequency and percentage of the participant weekly allowance

6.66% of the participants has an allowance of Php100 per week, 3.33% has Php150 per week,

13.33% has Php200 per week, 26.66% has Php250 per week, 33.33% has Php300 per week

and 16.66% has Php500 per week.

Table 3. Students Weekly Allowance

Weekly Allowance Frequency Percentage

100 2 6.66%
150 1 3.33%
200 4 13.33%
250 8 26.66%
300 10 33.33%
500 5 16.66%
Total 30 100%

This table shows that most of the participants have a weekly allowance of Php300.

Table 4. Extent of Senior High School Students regarding in smoking


_______________________________________________. _5 4 3 2 1
1. I Smoke when I am stressed. 6 11 1 5 7 30

2. I smoke because of the influence of my friends. 4 9 7 4 6 30

3. I smoke after class. 5 8 5 6 6 30

4. Smoking is a great help to me in my studies. 9 8 2 5 5 30


5. I feel cool when I hold cigarette. 7 9 6 3 5 30

6. I feel happy when I smoke. 8 10 4 3 5 30

7. I smoke because I’m bored. 8 5 6 6 5 30

8. I can’t stop smoke. 5 9 4 6 6 30

9. I feel nauseous if I can’t smoke. 6 10 7 3 4 30

10. I feel incomplete if I could not smoke for a day 4 14 4 4 4 30

Table 4 shows the result of the statement. In statement number 1, there are 11 out of 30

students disagree that they are smoking because of stress. Statement number 2, there are 9 out of

30 students disagree that they are smoking because of influence of their friends. Statement

number 3, there are 8 out of 30 students disagree that they are smoking after class. Statement

number 4 there are 9 out of 30 students strongly disagree that smoking can help to their studies.

Statement number 5 there are 9 out of 30 students disagree that they feel cool when they hold

cigarette. Statement number 6 there are 10 out 30 students disagree that they feel happy when

they are smoking. Statement 8 there are 8 out of 30 students there are 9 out of 30 strongly

disagree that they are smoking because they are bored. Statement number 8 there are 9 out of 30

students disagree because they can’t stop smoking. Statement 9 there are 10 out of 30 students

disagree because they feel nauseous if they can’t smoking. Statement number 10 there are 14 out

of 30 students disagree that they feel incomplete if they could not smoke.

Table 5: Extent of Senior High School Students in smoking

Statement M.A S.D


1 2.93333 1.36289
2 2.66667 1.12444
3 2.76667 1.13512
4 3.5 3.50123
5 2.76667 1.38174
6 2.83333 1.14721
7 2.76667 1.38174
8 2.33333 1.31525
9 2.93333 1.43679
10 2.86667 1.4077

Table 5 shows that students of senior high school is small extent disagree that they smoke

when they are stress with S.D (1.36289) the students disagree that they smoke because of the

influence of their friends with S.D (1.12444) the students disagree that they smoke after class

with the S.D (1.13512) the students strongly disagree that smoking is great help to their studies

with the S.D (3.50123) the students disagree that they feel cool when they hold cigarette with the

S.D (1.38174) the students disagree that they feel happy when they are smoking with the S.D

(1.14721) the students strongly disagree that they are smoking because they are bored with the

S.D (1.38174) the students disagree because they can’t stop smoking with S.D (1.31525) the

students disagree because they feel nauseous if they can’t smoke S.D (1.43679) the students

disagree that they feel incomplete if they could not smoke with the S.D (1.4077)

Chapter 5


This chapter contains the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendation

opposite to study of The Relationship between Smoking and the Health of Senior High School


Summary of Findings

The study seeks to determine the relationships between smoking and the health of senior high

school students in Isabela National High School- Senior High School. Descriptive survey was the

research design.

The result of the study revealed a number of valuable insights regarding the relationship

between smoking and the health of Senior High School Students. They are the following:

1. The total number of participant who answered the questionnaire were 30 senior high school

students, 30 of the participants of males and 0 of the participant of female.

a.) 100% of the participants were males and 0% were female.

b.) 36.66% of the participants who answer the questionnaire were 17 years old, 30% were 18

years old, 13.33% were 16 years old , 10% were 19 years old, 6.67% were 20 years old and the

lowest percentage of participant’s age or 3.33% were 22 years old.

c.) therefor 100% of the participants are male

2.) Using test of difference to ascertain significant responses of the participants regarding to The

Relationship between Smoking and Health of Senior High School Students.


The prevalence of the The Relationship between Smoking and Health of Senior High

School students are range of limitation. In this study at the age of 16-22 they are already

smoking. The main reason why they are smoking is because they are stress, curiosity and

influence of their peers. In this study can be viewed as a barrier to help and change the health

behaviour of the students.


Based on the conclusion of the study, the researcher recommends the following:

1. An extensive implementation of Republic Act 9211 be done particular on the aspect of

merchandising of the product which is one hundred meters from any point of the

parameter of the school.

2. Principal should monitor and check all the vendors surrounding in the near campus if

there’s a student who smoking and buying a cigarette.

3. Teachers should monitor the behaviour of their students and give advice to those students

who are engaged in smoking.

4. Parents must make sure their children to understand the dangers of smoking and limit or

eliminate exposure to cigarettes and tobacco products at home.

5. Students by allowing them to understand the effect of smoking to their health and their


6. The future researchers to conduct further studies regarding this pro


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Barangay Camp Clark, Isabela Negros, Occidental

Personal Information
Name: Janin Rose M. Mata Age: 19
Birthdate: July 26, 2000 Sex: Female
Religion: Catholic Nationality: Filipino

Name of Mother: Veronica M. Mata Occupation: Housewife

Name of Father: Rolando O. Mata Occupation: Laborer


Educational Attainment
Elementary Camp Clark Elementary School (2012 – 2013)
Junior High Isabela National High School (2017 – 2018)
Senior High Isabela National High School – Senior High School (2019 – 2020)

Character Attainment
Name Address Contact No.
Rosalie Edang Barangay Camp Clark, Isabela, Negros, Occidental 09106074394
Rubie Juanillo Barangay Camp Clark, Isabela, Negros, Occidental 09501654466
Veronica Mata Barangay Camp Clark, Isabela, Negros, Occidental 09102300660

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