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At the end of the Lesson, students will be able to:
1.Identify the Functions of Reproductive system;
2. Appreciates the Importance on how Human Develops; and
3. Label correctly the different Parts of Male and Female Reproductive

II. SUBJECT MATTER Parts and Functions of Male and Female Reproductive system
A. Content Standards Developing critical thinking skills through identifying the various parts of
B. Performance The learners will state the Differences of Male and Female Reproductive
Standards organs.
C. Learning Skimming the learnings through Assessing how Human gives Fertility.
D. Values Integration Appreciates Human
A. References Science for daily use pp. 2-5, 6-11

1. Teacher’s Guide None

2. Learner’s Manual None
3. Textbook Pages None
B. Other Learning * Teaching Aid
Resources (Materials)  Visual Aids
* Tools and Materials
 Drawn objects
 DIY Dice
 Bond Paper
 Pictures
A. Preliminary Activity  Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Classroom Management
B. Reviewing previous Teacher will ask students if they have already eaten, Asking what food they
lesson or ate. Learners will answer variety of foods.
presenting new
of the Directions: The teacher will provide pictures that the learner will able to
lesson connect it with it’s mother, father and baby Trio.
based on the Activity that you’ve done, what did you observe?
D. Presenting the Teacher will divide the class into 2 groups. A Diy Dice serves as a toss
examples/instances coin on who will start the Debate. Asking the Question WHO’S BETTER IN
of the new lesson DAILY LIVING A MALE OR FEMALE?

E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills 1

Female Reproductive System which is responsible for producing gametes

(called eggs or ova), certain sex hormones, and maintaining fertilized eggs
as they develop into mature fetuses and become ready for delivery. It
consists of 5 parts the Uterus, Fallopian tube, Ovaries, Vagina, and Cervix.
VAGINA is a muscular, hollow tube that extends from the vaginal opening to
the uterus. Because it has muscular walls, the vagina can expand and

vagina connects with the UTERUS, or womb, It is shaped like an upside-

down pear, with a thick lining and muscular walls in fact, the uterus contains
some of the strongest muscles in the female body.

CERVIX is a small canal that connects your uterus and vagina. It allows
fluids to leave and enter your uterus. During childbirth, your cervix widens so
that a baby can be born.

At the upper corners of the uterus, the FALLOPIAN TUBES connect the
uterus to the ovaries. There are two fallopian tubes, each attached to a side
of the uterus. Within each tube is a tiny passageway no wider than a sewing

The OVARIES are two oval-shaped organs that lie to the upper right and left
of the uterus. They produce, store, and release eggs into the fallopian tubes
in the process called ovulation
male reproductive system includes the external genitals (the penis, testes
and the scrotum) and internal parts, including the prostate gland, vas
deferens and urethra. Your fertility and sexual traits depend on the normal
functioning of your reproductive system, as well as hormones released from
the brain.

PENIS-the organ used for urination and sexual intercourse. It has spongy
tissue that can fill with blood to cause an erection. It contains the urethra,
which carries both urine and semen.

SCROTUM — this is a loose bag of skin that hangs outside the body, behind
the penis. It holds the testes in place.

TESTES (OR TESTICLES) — these are a pair of egg-shaped glands that sit
in the scrotum, on the outside of the body. They produce sperm and
testosterone, which is the main male sex hormone.

EPIDIDYMIS — this is a highly coiled tube that lies at the back of the testes.
All sperm from the testes must pass through the epididymis, where they
mature and start to 'swim'.

VAS DEFERENS — this is a thick-walled tube joined to the epididymis. It

carries sperm from the epididymis up to the prostate gland and urethra.

PROSTATE GLAND — this is a walnut-sized gland that sits in the middle of

the pelvis. The urethra runs through the middle of it. It produces the fluid
secretions that support and nourish the sperm.

URETHRA — this is a tube that extends from the bladder to the external
opening at the end of the penis. The urethra carries both urine and sperm.

SEMINAL VESICLES — these are 2 small glands above the prostate gland
that make up much of the fluid in semen.

URINARY BLADDER is a hollow, spherical-shaped organ that holds urine

F. Discussing new
concepts and Explain. Role playing on Proper taking of selves.
practicing new skills
G. Developing Mastery What do you think is the impact to your living if we waste our lives?
(POST – ACTIVITY) Create a Slogan about it.
H. Finding practical This Activity is entitled GUESS ME, MAN!
of concepts and Instructions:
skills in daily  Learners will group themselves into two;
 The teacher will provide the materials they needed in the activity;
 Students will be going to label the parts of Male and Female Reproductive
system base on their chosen one;
 The group members were merged so that they are able to have cooperation;
 Each group will be having a reader who definitely reads the Function and
there’s also the one who stick the answer on the board for fast and
cooperative group; and
The Winner will receive a Prize for a Successful activity
I. Making generalizations Through using a Duck Race, The Teacher will ask questions on who are
and going to win the race.
abstractions about
the lesson *What is the Purpose of Reproductive system?

(GENERALIZATION) (Picking of names)

*Can you please give the parts of Female reproductive system?
(Picking of names)
*How does Fertilization is important in Human?
(Picking of names)

J. Evaluating learning Read the Sentences Carefully and Arrange the Jumbled letter according to
(ASSESSMENT) its description

1. EMAFLE OPERRCUDIVET TYSSEM - responsible for producing

gametes (called eggs or ova), certain sex hormones
Answer: ___________________________

2. ASV EDFRNEES - a thick-walled tube joined to epididymis.

Answer: ___________________________

3. VRAIEOS - two oval-shaped organs that lie to the upper right and left of
the uterus.
Answer: ___________________________

4. ENIPS - organ used for urination and sexual intercourse. It has spongy
tissue that can fill with blood to cause an erection
Answer: ____________________________

5. LPOLAFANI UTBE - connect the uterus to the ovaries.

Answer: ____________________________

V. ASSIGNMENT Direction:Write a short essay about your Life on how is it Important to not waste it.

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