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Reproduc�on in Organisms

A life process that enables an organism to produce offspring of its own kind & helps in maintaining &
flourishing its own race.


Asexual Mode Sexual Mode

* Involves only single parent * Involves 2 parents whose haploid gametes fuse
* Physically & gene�cally iden�cal offspring are to produce diploid offspring
produced & hence are clones
* Occurs in unicellular & mul�cellular organisms
* No gamete forma�on or fer�liza�on
* Occurs in short �me span with rapid Egg
mul�plica�on & growth 23 Chromosomes

* Limited varia�ons

Zygote Embryo
Types 46 Chromosomes 46 Chromosomes
in 23 pairs in 23 pairs
1a. Binary fission in Amoeba Sperm
23 Chromosomes

* Greater varia�ons occur & offspring are unique

* Humans, animals & majority plants adopt this
Parent cell Daughter cells
Series of Events
1b. Mul�ple fission in Plasmodium
1. Pre-fer�liza�on events
* Involves gamete forma�on (gametogenesis) &
Schizont Daughter nuclei Daughter gamete transfer
cells * Gametes are haploid sex cells
2. Fragmenta�on in Spirogyra
Parent cell
* Egg is usually bigger & immo�le & sperms
are smaller & mo�le
* Pollina�on is the pre-fer�liza�on event in plants
Daughter cells
2. Fer�liza�on / Syngamy
3. Budding in Hydra
* Process of fusion of male & female gametes to
form zygote
* Can be internal or external
Parent Organism Daughter Organism Sperm cell
4. Regenera�on in Planaria
Egg cell

3. Post-fer�liza�on events
* Mito�c division of diploid zygote to form
embryo (embryogenesis)

5. Vegeta�ve propaga�on in plants

* Animals are oviparous/ viviparous based on

where embryogenesis occurs
* Ovary & ovules transform into fruit & seeds
respec�vely in plants
Occurs from vegeta�ve parts like stem, root,
leaf nodes, etc.

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