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Advances in Clinical Chemistry Volume

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Advances in Clinical Chemistry Volume 78 Gregory S.

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Advances in Clinical Chemistry Volume 81 Gregory S.

Makowski (Eds.)

Advances in Clinical Chemistry Volume 67 1st Edition

Gregory S. Makowski
Advances in Clinical Chemistry 1st Edition Gregory

Advances in Clinical Chemistry 62 1st Edition Gregory

S. Makowski (Eds.)

Advances in Clinical Chemistry 63 1st Edition Gregory

S. Makowski (Eds.)

Advances in Clinical Chemistry 64 1st Edition Gregory

S. Makowski (Eds.)

Advances in Clinical Chemistry 74 1st Edition Gregory

S. Makowski (Eds.)
Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier
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ISBN: 978-0-12-812076-7
ISSN: 0065-2423

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Publisher: Zoe Kruze

Acquisition Editor: Poppy Garraway
Editorial Project Manager: Shellie Bryant
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M. Doosti
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
S. Emamgholipour
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
D. French
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States
F. Garlan
Universite Sorbonne Paris Cite, INSERM UMR-S1147, CNRS SNC 5014, Centre
Universitaire des Saints-Pères, Equipe labelisee LIGUE Contre le Cancer, Paris, France
H. Lu
Universite Sorbonne Paris Cite, INSERM UMR-S1147, CNRS SNC 5014, Centre
Universitaire des Saints-Pères, Equipe labelisee LIGUE Contre le Cancer, Paris, France
M. Matic
Institute of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry; Faculty of Medicine, University in Belgrade,
Belgrade, Serbia
G. Perkins
Universite Sorbonne Paris Cite, INSERM UMR-S1147, CNRS SNC 5014, Centre
Universitaire des Saints-Pères, Equipe labelisee LIGUE Contre le Cancer; European Georges
Pompidou Hospital, AP-HP - Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
M. Pljesa-Ercegovac
Institute of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry; Faculty of Medicine, University in Belgrade,
Belgrade, Serbia
S. Radovanovic
Medical Center “Bezanijska Kosa”, Belgrade, Serbia
M. Raman
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
A. Savic-Radojevic
Institute of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry; Faculty of Medicine, University in Belgrade,
Belgrade, Serbia
P. Shabani
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
D. Simic
Faculty of Medicine, University in Belgrade; Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical
Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

x Contributors

T. Simic
Institute of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry; Faculty of Medicine, University in Belgrade,
Belgrade, Serbia
V. Taly
Universite Sorbonne Paris Cite, INSERM UMR-S1147, CNRS SNC 5014, Centre
Universitaire des Saints-Pères, Equipe labelisee LIGUE Contre le Cancer, Paris, France
R. Tamura
BioFrontiers Institute, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States
H. Yin
BioFrontiers Institute, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States

The second volume of the Advances in Clinical Chemistry series for 2017 is
In Chapter 1, the role of adipokines in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is
explored. These unique molecules include the CTRP family that modulates
numerous pathways including glucose and fatty acid metabolism and inflam-
mation. CTRP appears linked to disease pathogenesis, and as such, this
pleiotropic molecule may thus be suitable as a biomarker. In Chapter 2,
extracellular vesicles are highlighted. These unique submicroscopic lipid
vesicles, released from various cell types, play significant roles in transport of
cell signaling molecules in physiologic as well as pathophysiologic states. In
Chapter 3, the use of droplet-based polymerase chain reaction in cancer diag-
nostics is reviewed. This novel technology allows for the detection and
quantification of rare nucleic acid sequences with sensitivity and precision
previously unachievable by conventional methods. In Chapter 4, potential bio-
markers of heart failure are presented. This disease remains a continuing health
problem with increased incidence and prevalence. Biomarkers presented in this
comprehensive review include those associated with myocardial stretch,
injury, matrix remodeling, inflammation, renal dysfunction, neurohumoral
activation, and oxidative stress. In Chapter 5, the increasing application of mass
spectrometry in clinical laboratory diagnostics is reviewed. As a laboratory-
developed test, this approach has shown continual evolution and challenges
the use of traditional immunoassay methodology. Technologic advances and
new clinical applications will be discussed. In Chapter 6, the role of the
clinical laboratory is highlighted in diagnosis of chronic diarrhea. Diagnosis
of this frequently encountered symptom is complicated by its diverse etiology
and considerable overlap among its various forms such as malabsorptive, secre-
tory, osmotic, inflammatory, and motility-related. The selection of an appro-
priate screening/confirmation strategy is fundamental to effective treatment.
I thank Volume 79 contributors and colleagues for their peer review.
I extend thanks to Shellie Bryant and Vignesh Tamil for expert editorial
I hope the second volume for 2017 will be enjoyed. Comments and
feedback from the readership are always appreciated.
I would like to dedicate Volume 79 to my wife Melinda on the occasion
of our 20th anniversary. It’s been wonderful.

CTRP1 in Liver Disease

P. Shabani1, S. Emamgholipour1, M. Doosti2
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Islamic
Republic of Iran
Corresponding author: e-mail address:

1. Introduction 2
2. Adiponectin and the C1q Family 3
3. CTRP1 Characteristics 5
3.1 Structure 5
3.2 Posttranslational Modifications of CTRP1 7
3.3 CTRP1 Expression 7
3.4 Serum Levels of CTRP1 8
4. Regulation of CTRP1 8
5. CTRP1 and NAFLD 9
5.1 CTRP1 Functions 9
6. Critical Evaluation of CTRP1 15
6.1 Insulin Resistance 16
6.2 CTRP1 and Obesity 16
6.3 CTRP1 and Atherosclerosis 17
7. Conclusion 17
References 18

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a chronic liver disease occurs in significant per-
centage of general population. NAFLD is closely associated with entire spectrum of
metabolic-related disorders including diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases.
Considering several similar pathways underpinning metabolic disorders, presence of
common molecular mediators contributing to pathomechanism of these disorders is
expected. Mounting evidence has demonstrated important role of adipokines in the
context of NAFLD. Adipokines produced by different tissues, mainly adipose, modulate
numerous pathways including glucose and fatty acid metabolism and inflammation.
CTRPs (C1q/TNF-related proteins) are a recently identified family of adipokines in which
adiponectin is the most well-known ones. CTRP1 is a member of this family which has cap-
tured attention in recent years. CTRP1 enhances glucose and fatty acid oxidation, improves
insulin sensitivity, attenuates plaque formation, and increases aldosterone production.
Hence, various roles in metabolic pathways can link CTRP1 to NAFLD pathogenesis.

These authors contributed equally to this work.

Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Volume 79 # 2017 Elsevier Inc. 1

ISSN 0065-2423 All rights reserved.
2 P. Shabani et al.

Liver diseases encompass viral hepatitis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD), alcoholic fatty liver disease, autoimmune liver diseases, genetic
liver diseases, and liver cancer. NAFLD is the most common disease affect-
ing a large number of people worldwide.
NAFLD remains among the most common chronic liver disease world-
wide. Depending on the studied populations, the prevalence of NAFLD has
been reported as a range from 6% to 33%. The presence of fat accumulation
in at least 5% of hepatocytes based on liver biopsy is a well-known charac-
teristics of NAFLD [1–3]. NAFLD encompasses a spectrum of liver disease
varying from simple steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), fibro-
sis, and cirrhosis, which may finally develop to hepatocellular carcinoma
[4,5]. Liver cirrhosis may observe in one-third of NASH patients; however,
abundant data show that fibrosis may develop both in NASH and NAFLD
[6]. There is ample evidence that NAFLD is closely linked to insulin resis-
tance, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and inflammation [7–10].
Dysregulated fatty acid influx to the liver, impaired fatty acid efflux, and
defective de novo lipogenesis in liver cause increase in the hepatic lipid stor-
age [8,11–13]. Accumulating evidence pointed out that adipocytokines and
cytokines are major mediators in this process [14–18]. It is generally accepted
that insulin resistance is one of the most important components of NAFLD
and most patients with NAFLD and subjects who develop NASH also suffer
from diabetes [19]. Although the exact mechanism of NAFLD has not been
completely understood, a constellation of impaired inflammatory pathways,
oxidative stress, lipotoxicity, and mitochondrial dysfunction are involved in
NAFLD pathomechanism.
Insulin resistance is defined as the failure of peripheral tissues to respond
normally to insulin and contribute to related pathway of NAFLD pathogen-
esis [20,21].
Insulin is a multifunctional hormone that triggers cellular functions through
its interaction with the insulin receptor and consequently dimerization and
autophosphorylation of insulin receptor. There is evidence that alteration of
the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-protein kinase B (PKB/AKT) and
the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways as two important
pathways which act downstream of insulin receptor can cause insulin resistance
[22,23]. Among different mediators contributing to insulin resistance, free
fatty acids (FFAs) have been considered the most important molecules in this
CTRP1 in Liver Disease 3

regard. There is accumulating evidence that hepatic insulin resistance is

closely associated with enhanced hepatic fat storage [24,25].
Obesity is a widespread disease which is thought to affect 10% of the
population worldwide by 2030 [26]. Based on the national investigations,
there is an increase in the obesity prevalence in the United States. To support
this notion, data from the more recent survey in the United States showed
that more than one-third (34.9%) of adults were obese in 2011–2012. More-
over, the middle-aged adults had higher rate of obesity in comparison with
younger or older adults [27]. In addition to western countries, obesity is also
a pandemic social and clinical problems in other regions such as the United
Arab Emirates, Arabic-speaking countries, and India [28–30].
Obesity results from an imbalance between food intake and energy
expenditure, which in turn leads to an energy excess. Over time, the energy
excess is predominantly stored in white adipose tissue as fat [31,32]. Obesity
is strongly and independently associated with increased risk of cardiovascular
diseases and type 2 diabetes [33–36].
Insulin resistance and enhanced adiposity augment the circulating level
of FFAs in NAFLD. Insulin resistance overall causes defective lipolysis inhi-
bition in adipose tissue. Among the adipose tissues, visceral fat is the major
contributor to FFA accumulation in hepatocytes. Increase in FFA levels
leads to elevated triglyceride synthesis and its accumulation and exacerbates
insulin resistance in a vicious cycle [37–39].
Accumulation of lipid in hepatocytes causes a proinflammatory state in
liver. Indeed, the lipotoxic products activate the macrophages of liver which
secrete proinflammatory mediators including tumor necrosis factor alpha
(TNFα), interleukin 1 (IL-1), and interleukin 6 (IL-6). Activated macro-
phages can produce transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1). TGF-β1 in
turn stimulates hepatic stellate cells which produces collagen and contributes
to extracellular matrix deposition and ultimately promote fibrosis [40].
C1q/TNF-related proteins (CTRPs) as paralogues of adiponectin have
been emerged as important modulators of metabolic and inflammatory


In recent decade, the view that adipose tissue solely serves as the main
source of triglycerides storage has been changed and new insight was gained
into the metabolic and immunological roles of adipocytes and preadipocytes
4 P. Shabani et al.

[41,42].There is ample evidence that this tissue is involved in the innate and
acquired immune responses. Specifically, adipose tissue secretes a wide range
of molecules such as pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines, adipokines, and
several molecules associated with the innate immune system (e.g., the
C1qTNF-related protein superfamily). Adipokines are a group of secretory
proteins initially released from adipocytes and play important roles in regu-
lating glucose and lipid metabolism, insulin signaling, and inflammatory
pathways directly and indirectly [43–46].
Among adipokines secreted from adipose tissue, adiponectin has
received a great deal of attention in experimental and clinical studies in
humans and in vitro investigations in transgenic and knockout (KO)
mice [47].
Adiponectin is an adipocyte-derived secretory protein that is composed
of 247 amino acids and has molecular weight of 30 kDa. This protein has
four distinct domains, and there are also five various configurations for
adiponectin, which binds three kinds of receptors [48,49]. Based on available
literature, adiponectin has been considered as reliable biomarker for several
disorders including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver, and obesity
[50–52]. The well-known characteristic of adiponectin is the existence of
a globular C-terminal domain and a collagenous N-terminal domain. There
is evidence that posttranslational modification of the collagenous domain is
involved in trimers, hexamers, and higher-order complexes formation. It
was demonstrated that high-molecular-weight adiponectin is distinguish-
ably decreased in men in comparison with women and in subjects with obe-
sity and insulin resistance compared to lean and insulin-sensitive subjects
Structurally, adiponectin belongs to the C1q protein family which was
characterized based on having a C-terminal globular domain with sequence
homology to the immune complement protein C1q. The characterization
of adiponectin and its homotrimeric gC1 domain revealed that the structures
of TNF-ligand family proteins and the C1q complement family proteins
were diverged from a precursor recognition molecule of the innate immune
system. This evolutionary link suggests that these proteins have shared func-
tions too [49,56,57]. The C1q initiates activation of the classical pathway of
the complement pathway and plays an important role in cell adhesion, reg-
ulation of B lymphocytes, maintaining immune tolerance via removing apo-
ptotic cells and pathogens [57]. The most proportion of C1q ligands are
recognized by the globular (gC1q) domain that contains a versatile charge
pattern recognition region [57]. Specifically, the globular (gC1q) domain
CTRP1 in Liver Disease 5

has a heterotrimeric organization located on C-terminal of collagen region.

This structure also makes up three distinct chains: A (ghA), B (ghB), and
C (ghC) [58,59].
In addition to complement proteins, the gC1q signature domain has
been observed in many noncomplement proteins including collagen VIII
and X, precerebellin, and hibernation proteins and possesses a compact jelly-
roll beta-sandwich fold. This organization is also found in functional TNF
ligand family [57,59,60].
The 3D organization of the globular head domain of gC1q is similar to
a flower named bouquet structure as it is composed of six heterotrimers
(18 polypeptide chains).
There is a collagenous stalk region consisting 22 complete Gly-X-Y col-
lagen triplets in both C1q and adiponectin [49,57,58,61]. Two kinds of
adiponectin receptors: AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 (adiponectin receptors type
1 and type 2) were recognized for globular or full-length adiponectin that
have different binding affinities for this adipokine [62].
With regard to AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 as two high- and low-affinity
receptors for gC1q and adiponectin, a dichotomy of the gC1q–receptor
interaction has been suggested. These receptors are able to form both homo-
and heteromultimers [45,62].
Additionally, the function of these receptors is mediated in a mechanism
dependent on activation of adenosine monophosphate-activated kinase
(AMPK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), activation
of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha), and
phosphorylation of ACC (acetyl-CoA-carboxylase) [62,63]. Accordingly,
the term C1q/TNF molecular superfamily was described as a new family
of secreted proteins on the basis of sequence homology with the globular
domain of adiponectin. Among the C1q family members, CTRP1–15
shares strikingly similar structural organization and biochemical properties
with adiponectin.

3.1 Structure
Wong et al. identified a highly conserved family of proteins homologous to
Acrp30/adiponectin by using GenBank EST and genomic databases with
the adiponectin cDNA sequence. As these proteins have a C1q-like globular
domain and a C-terminal complement factor C1q globular domain which
have 3D organization resembling TNF-α, they were nominated CTRP [64].
6 P. Shabani et al.

CTRP1 structure is similar to adiponectin and other family members. Over-

all, CTRP1 structure is similar to other family members and consists of four
distinct domains: a signal peptide in order to secrete protein, an N-terminal
domain with one or more conserved Cys residues, a collagen-like domain
with various lengths of Gly-X-Y repeats, and a C-terminal globular C1q
domain similar to the immune complement C1q (Fig. 1) [45,65]. As a func-
tional domain, the C-terminal globular domain can bind other proteins or
receptors. This domain is conserved and shows an amino acid identity of
27–73% among paralogous CTRPs (C1q/TNF-α superfamily). There is
53–100% amino acid identity in the short N-terminal variable regions of
CTRPs in mice and their corresponding orthologues in humans. With
regard to C-terminal globular domains, CTRPs and their corresponding
orthologues in humans share 82–99% amino acid identity [64].
CTRPs were recognized as the adiponectin paralogues, but despite the
obvious similarity between adiponectin and CTRPs in terms of 3D struc-
ture, these proteins are not extremely homologous with regard to the nucle-
otide or amino acid sequence. In addition to adiponectin, up to now
15 members were identified in the CTRP family of proteins [64–66].
Using alignment between adiponectin, complement C1q, and TNF
family members, it was found that Tyr-161, Gly-159, Phe-237, and

Fig. 1 Structure of the CTRP family members. (A) Domain structure of CTRP monomeric
protein which is composed of a signal peptide (S) at the N terminus, a variable region (V),
a collagen domain (Gly-X-Y), and a globular C1q/TNF domain at C terminus.
(B) Homotrimeric structure of CTRP. (C) Higher-order 3D structure of homotrimeric CTRP
CTRP1 in Liver Disease 7

Leu-242 are highly conserved residues in adiponectin that are involved in

the correct packing of the hydrophobic core of promoter [58,64,67,68].

3.2 Posttranslational Modifications of CTRP1

When COS 7 cells were transfected with full-length constructs encoding
C-terminal HA-tagged mCTRP1, mCTRP2, and mCTRP7, the produced
proteins could be found in supernatant of transfected cells. This experiment
suggested that these proteins are released.
There are 1, 1, 2, and 1 potential N-linked glycosylation sites con-
forming to the consensus motif N-X-S/T in mCTRP1, mCTRP2,
mCTRP6, and mCTRP7, respectively [64]. Following secretion, CTRP1,
CTRP2, CTRP6, CTRP12, and CTRP15 possess N-linked glycans, while
CTRP3, CTRP5, CTRP9, CTRP10, CTRP11, and CTRP13 have other
carbohydrate-related modifications. CTRP9 contains proline residues in the
Gly-X-P repeats and lysine residues in the consensus GXKG(E/D) motif in
the N-terminal collagen domain that are hydroxylated and glycosylated,
respectively. These modifications alter the stability and function of these
proteins [64,69–73]. Except for CTRP4, CTRP12, and CTRP15, the rest
of CTRPs contains one or more GXKG(E/D) motifs in the collagen
domain. This finding proposed that posttranslational modifications affect
function and stability of other CTRPs [66,74]. For example, there is evi-
dence that mCTRP1, mCTRP2, mCTRP3, mCTRP5, mCTRP6, and
mCTRP7 contain 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, and 5 GXKG(E/D) motifs, respectively [64].
Functional studies by producing recombinant CTRPs in mammalian cells
demonstrated that posttranslational modifications affect assembly of higher-
order CTRP organizations and their activity [66]. Additionally, there are
1–3 cysteine residues in N-terminal variable region of all CTRPs [64].
All CTRPs are released as glycoproteins that the serum levels of most of
them are different based on the gender and genetic background of the animal
model used [64,75].

3.3 CTRP1 Expression

Based on immunohistochemical analysis, northern blot, in situ hybridiza-
tion, it was revealed that CTRP1 is expressed in many tissues of mice.
CTRP1 expression in the mouse embryos is different based on developmen-
tal stages, and it has been considered as a member of CTRP family with early
expression. In addition to adipose tissue as the main source of CTRP1
expression, this protein is secreted by cardiomyocytes, muscle cells,
8 P. Shabani et al.

hepatocytes, kidney prostate, and ovary [75]. Of the secreting tissues of

CTRP1, this protein is mainly expressed by stromal vascular cells, pre-
adipocytes, and endothelial cells. In detail, CTRP1 is mainly expressed
by stromal cells compared to primary adipocytes. The most proportion of
CTRP1 in the vasculature system is expressed in smooth muscle cells and
endothelial cells [76]. However, the main source of CTRP1 expression
has not been thoroughly recognized. There is inconsistency regarding the
major source of CTRP1 in humans.

3.4 Serum Levels of CTRP1

Using the antibodies against CTRPs, the presence of CTRP1 in the mice
serum was detected. The size of CTRP1 in serum and also in secreted full-
length protein from transfected cells was alike. CTRP1 is found in circula-
tion as a glycoprotein that its levels vary based on the genetic background of
rodent models. In human, the concentration range of CTRP1 is in the
ng/mL range. Animal model studies demonstrated that gender has no effect
in the amount of circulating levels of CTRP1 [64,65,75].

Rosiglitazone is the thiazolidinedione compound that is well known
to improve insulin resistance through regulating adiponcetin gene expres-
sion. In addition, rosiglitazone is considered as transcription factor peroxi-
some proliferator-activated receptor g (PPARg) agonist [77,78]. Treatment
of mice with rosiglitazone daily for 3 weeks at a dose of 15 mg/kg aug-
mented the CTRP1 and adiponectin expression; however, it did not affect
the mRNA expression of CTRP2, CTRP3, CTRP5, CTRP7, and
CTRP10 [75].
There is also evidence that CTRP1 expression might be induced in
inflammatory conditions. Administration of lipopolysaccharide caused
increased CTRP1 gene expression in the epididymal adipose deposit in male
Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats. Despite that the level of CTRP1 gene expres-
sion was low in adipocytes, it was shown that CTRP1 gene expression was
highly detectable in primary adipocytes of SD rats in normal conditions [79].
It seems that isolation of adipose tissue in mice and its subsequent disturbance
stimulate secretion of inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α, and IL-6 and alter
gene reprogramming in isolated adipocytes [25,26].
CTRP1 in Liver Disease 9


5.1 CTRP1 Functions
Several lines of evidence supported the clinical significance of CTRP family
in metabolic-related disorders [80–83]. Of the CTRP family, CTRP1 has
received a great deal of attention in this regard [84–88]. Based on rodent
and clinical studies, CTRP1 function can be categorized as follows (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2 Effects of CTRP1 on different tissues. (A) Muscle: CTRP1 increases movement of
Glut 4 to plasma membrane of myotubes through phosphorylation of Akt, hence
increases glucose uptake and subsequently reduces blood glucose level. It also
increases fatty acid oxidation in muscle cells through phosphorylation of MAPK.
(B) Liver: CTRP1 causes upregulation of HSL and ACC in liver, but it induces fatty acid
oxidation and inhibits fatty acid synthesis by phosphorylation and inactivation of
ACC. (C) Heart: CTRP1 exerts antiinflammatory effect in myocardial infarction milieu
by abolishing induced expression of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β and phosphorylation of NF-κB
which occurs through SP1 activation. (D) Adrenal cortex: CTRP1 enhances aldosterone
production by upregulating Nurr1 and NGFIB and consequently CYP11B1. (E) Vessels:
CTRP1 exerts anticoagulatory effect by inhibiting aggregation and activation of
10 P. Shabani et al.

5.1.1 Glucose Homeostasis

The first findings which arise the hypothesis of CTRP1 involvement in
diabetes were based on the fact that development of diabetes in obese
Zucker diabetic rats (ZDF) is age dependent. So CTRP1 expression in
obese and lean ZDF rats was assessed and compared during time and
was not different 1 month after birth in two groups of rats. However,
CTRP1 expression initiates to decrease in lean ZDF rats as opposed to
obese ZDF rats in which CTRP1 expression was unaltered. At 4 months
after birth, the change in CTRP1 expression was similar to month 2. The
blood glucose and triglyceride were also increased in obese ZDF rats at
4 and 2 months after birth, respectively. The above-mentioned findings
provide the evidence indicating parallel alteration of CTRP1 and diabetes
indicators [79].
To uncover the role of CTRP1 in glucose homeostasis, recombinant
CTRP1 (2 μg/g) was injected to wild-type mice (C57BL/6). CTRP1
reduced the blood glucose level, and the results were reproducible when
used different batches of mice and recombinant CTRP1. Application of
recombinant CTRP1 on differentiated mouse C2C12 myotubes led to
activation of Akt and p44/42-MAPK signaling pathways, but it did
not activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), ACC, mechanistic
target of rapamycin (mTOR), or NF-κB pathways [75]. However,
evaluation of skeletal muscle in CTRP1 tg mice showed phosphorylation
of AMPK and ACC [89]. In contrast, fasting blood glucose (FBG) in
CTRP1 knockout (CTRP1-KO) and wild-type mice was compara-
ble [90]. The role of CTRP1 in glucose uptake was investigated on
myotubes. In detail, after differentiating C2C12 myoblasts into
myotubes, 1 μg/mL CTRP1 was added to myotubes cell culture. Glu-
cose uptake was increased in CTRP1-treated cells, and it has been shown
that it was due to increased movement of GLUT4 to plasma membrane.
Given that activation of Akt plays an important role in GLUT4 mobili-
zation, phosphorylation of Akt has been investigated. Administration
of recombinant CTRP1 on C2C12 myotubes resulted in activation of
Akt. Moreover, the role of CTRP1 in glucose consumption was evalu-
ated by measuring the extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) for the
measurement of glycolysis and the oxygen consumption rate (OCR)
for the measurement of oxidative phosphorylation. CTRP1-treated cells
showed increased ECAR by 25%, but regarding OCR, they showed no
alteration [91].
CTRP1 in Liver Disease 11

5.1.2 CTRP1 in Fatty Acid Metabolism

One of the major regulatory mechanisms for fatty acid oxidation is phosphor-
ylation of AMPK. Phosphorylation and subsequent activation of AMPK result
in phosphorylation of ACC which accompanies with inactivation of this
enzyme and followed by reduction of its product, malonyl-CoA. Malonyl-
CoA is inhibitor of carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (CPT1), the rate-limiting
enzyme catalyzing the import of fatty acyl-CoA into mitochondria for
β-oxidation. Hence, phosphorylation of AMPK results in enhancing fatty acid
oxidation. CTRP1 tg mice upon high-fat diet showed hyperphosphorylated
AMPK and ACC in their skeletal muscle. But alteration in phosphorylation of
AMPK and ACC was restricted to skeletal muscle, and it was not observed in
liver. Administration of recombinant protein of CTRP1 in wild-type mice led
to increase in phosphorylation of AMPK in skeletal muscle [89]. On the con-
trary, in another study which performed expression analysis of the genes
involved in lipid metabolism in liver of CTRP1 tg mice, mRNA expression
of hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and ACC was increased, and expression of
adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and fatty acid synthase (FAS) did not differ
compared to wild-type mice. However, in skeletal muscle and white adipose
tissue, mRNA levels of ATGL, HSL, FAS, and ACC were not changed in two
groups. Protein expression analysis of HSL and ACC in liver of CTRP1 tg
mice showed increased expression of ACC. However, concerning the
enzyme activation, determined by measuring phosphorylation, phosphoryla-
tion of ACC was increased. So, although CTRP1 upregulated ACC, it could
inhibit fatty acid synthesis in liver through ACC inactivation. The CTRP1-
inhibitory effect on hepatic fatty acid synthesis was confirmed by treatment of
HepG2 hepatocyte cell line with recombinant protein of CTRP1 (1 μg/mL)
which resulted in increase of phosphorylated ACC. Although mRNA expres-
sion of ACC was not altered in skeletal muscle of CTRP1 tg mice, phosphor-
ylated ACC was increased. Increased level of phosphorylated ACC was also
occurred in C2C12 myotubes after treatment with recombinant protein of
CTRP1. Aside from inhibitory effect on fatty acid synthesis, CTRP1 has been
turned to have stimulatory effect on fatty acid oxidation. Pretreatment of
C2C12 myotubes with CTRP1 followed by treatment with palmitic acid
led to enhanced rate of fatty acid oxidation [91].

5.1.3 CTRP1 in Thrombus Formation

CTRP1 has been reported to have anticoagulation effects. CTRP1 could
inhibit aggregation and activation of platelets stimulated by incubation of
12 P. Shabani et al.

platelet-rich plasma with fibrillar collagen type I. Inhibition of CTRP1-

mediated platelet activation was the result of CTRP1 binding to collagen.
The binding was examined using labeled CTRP1 on immobilized collagen
and was specific, saturable, with high affinity and reversible. Shear stress is an
important mechanical stress induced by blood flow on vessels. Shear stress
can influence structure and function of endothelium and correspondingly
expression of its genes. Due to the significance of endothelium dysfunction
in atherosclerosis, shear stress has a pivotal role in atherosclerosis develop-
ment [92,93]. CTRP1 inhibitory effect on collagen-induced platelet aggre-
gation under shear stress was assessed by perfusing citrated whole blood
through a collagen-coated chamber under low and high rates of shear. In
the absence of CTRP1, adhesion and deposition of platelets immediately
were observable, but preincubation of whole blood with CTRP1 blocked
adhesion and deposition of platelets. Evaluation of Von Willebrand factor
(VWF) binding to collagen after CTRP1 addition showed that CTRP1
could inhibit VWF binding to collagen. Therefore, CTRP1 exerted its
inhibitory effect on collagen-induced platelet aggregation through
abolishing VWF binding to collagen. Evaluation of antithrombotic effect
of ctrp1 in nonhuman primates showed that CTRP1 inhibited thrombus
formation in carotid artery after injury and reestablished blood flow [76].

5.1.4 CTRP1 in Inflammation

The first evidence which linked CTRP1 to inflammation was in vivo
upregulation of CTRP1 mRNA after lipopolysaccharides (LPS) injection.
In fact, mRNA expression analysis of different tissues of SD rat showed
no expression of CTRP1 in all examined tissues including liver, spleen,
muscle, fat, heart, and kidney. However, upon intraperitoneal injection
of LPS, two mRNA species of CTRP1 (3.3 and 1.8 kb) were observed
in epididymal fat depot of rat. Examining time kinetics of CTRP1 mRNA
expression, epididymal fat tissue showed initiation of expression 6 h after
LPS injection and sustained 24 h thereafter. The possible contribution of
LPS downstream targets such as TNF-α and IL-1β in CTRP1 induction
has been investigated by intraperitoneal injection of TNF-α and IL-1β.
A significant increase in mRNA transcripts of CTRP1 was observed after
administration of TNF-α or IL-1β or TNF-α and IL-1β, and upregulation
of CTRP1 mRNA was more prominent after coadministration of TNF-α
and IL-1β. Hence, TNF-α and IL-1β could mimic stimulatory effect of LPS
on CTRP1 mRNA expression in vivo. In vitro experiments—studying
effect of TNF-α on expression of CTRP1 in human adipocyte cell
CTRP1 in Liver Disease 13

line—confirmed increased expression of CTRP1 following inflammation

stimulation [79].
CTRP1 expression is also influenced in inflammatory conditions. Myo-
cardial infarction induction in mice led to increased level of circulating
Although all studies compromise on increased level of CTRP1 in
inflammation milieu, there is a contradiction regarding behavior of this mol-
ecule against inflammation. Most of studies have shown antiinflammatory
effect of CTRP1, but a recent study has demonstrated its proinflammatory
effect. In order to extrapolate the possible role of CTRP1 in myocardial
infarction, CTRP1-KO mice were generated. Gene expression analysis
of proinflammatory parameters has shown that while mRNA levels of
TNF, IL-6, and IL-1β have unaltered in CTRP1-KO mice compared to
wild types, but following myocardial infarction induction, mRNA levels
of these proinflammatory markers were increased in CTRP1-KO compared
to wild mice. The role of CTRP1 was confirmed by examining the over-
production of CTRP1 using the adenoviral vectors expressing full-length
mouse CTRP1 (Ad-CTRP1) in wild mice. Administration of Ad-CTRP1
abolished the increased expression of TNF, IL-6, and IL-1β in infarcted
heart. In a cell-based assay, administration of recombinant protein of
CTRP1 in cultured cardiomyoctes, following LPS treatment, reduced
LPS-induced expression of TNF, IL-6, and IL-1β. Application of recombi-
nant protein of CTRP1 also reduced phosphorylation of NF-κB in cultured
cardiomyoctes after LPS stimulation [90].
One of the suggested mechanisms underpinning antiinflammatory effect of
CTRP1 was through activation of sphingosine-1-phosphate (SP1). SP1 which
is synthesized from sphingosine through phosphorylation by sphingosine
kinase (SK) plays key role in several pathways including inflammation
[94,95]. Knockdown of SK1 in cardiomyocytes abolished the suppressive
effect of CTRP1 on LPS-induced expression of TNF, IL-6, and IL-1β and also
NF-κB phosphorylation. Concordantly, treatment of cardiomyocytes with
SP1 antagonist reduced the suppressive effect of CTRP1 on LPS-induced
NF-κB phosphorylation. Administration of SP1 on cardiomyocytes mimics
the suppressive effect of CTRP1 on proinflammatory markers expression.
SP1 acts through binding SP1 receptor and inducing accumulation of
cAMP. Incubation of cardiomyocytes by CTRP1 increased cAMP level in
the cells and pretreatment with SP1 antagonist blocked CTRP1-induced
accumulation of cAMP. Subsequently, pretreatment of cardiomyocytes with
inhibitor of adenylyl cyclase blocked the antiinflammatory effects of CTRP1.
26 R. Tamura and H. Yin

Exosomes and microvesicles, collectively referred to as extracellular
vesicles (EVs), are submicroscopic lipid vesicles released by various types
of cells to extracellular environment [1]. EVs play significant roles in cell-
to-cell communications by carrying cell signaling molecules, such as
DNA, mRNA, microRNA, proteins, and lipids, to the recipient cells
[2,3]. Exosomes have diameters from 30 to 100 nm formed by inward bud-
ding to late endosome. After exosomes are held in multivesicular bodies
(MVB) in the cell, they are released by exocytosis pathway [4,5]. Micro-
vesicles, on the other hand, have a diameter from 100 to 1000 nm and
are formed by outward budding and fission of the plasma membrane [4].
The lipid composition of EVs is similar to that of the cell membrane but
it has an increased level of the aminophospholipids, phosphatidylserine
(PS), and phosphatidylethanolamine, compared to the outer leaflet of the
cell membrane [1]. In addition, the membrane of exosomes contains the
lipid ceramide formed during the production of exosomes [5].
Recently, a number of studies have revealed that EVs play significant
roles in cancer progression and metastasis, and the immune system [6–8].
Applications of EVs to diagnosis and therapeutics have been of great interest
in both academia and industry. However, the detection method of EVs is
still under development because of their submicroscopic sizes and heteroge-
neous cellular origins. In this review, we will briefly discuss the functions of
EVs in the biological system, the isolation, and characterization methods of
EVs, and the recent advances of the peptide probes that sense the curvature
and lipid composition of EVs (Fig. 1).


2.1 Exosomes and Anticancer Chemotherapeutic
One of the major contributing factors to cancer mortality is the acquisition
of chemotherapeutic resistance [9]. Cancer cells that are exposed to drugs
expel them to the extracellular environment by the multidrug resistance
(MDR)–ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABC transporter) system, such
as P-glycoproteins (P-gp) [10]. Exosomes have been recognized to carry
ABC transporters to induce chemotherapeutic resistance. Corcoran et al.
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When cooking game, many tribes, both in central and northern
Australia, select a number of large, irregular slabs, which they place
into a shallow hole they burn a fire in. After the oven stones have
been thoroughly heated, the fire is removed and the meat cooked on
the hot stones. The Worora at times cut the carcase open and place
a number of heated pebbles inside.
River-worn pebbles, measuring four or five inches in diameter, are
also extensively used by all central tribes, such as the Dieri, Aluridja,
Wongkanguru, Ngameni, Arunndta, Wongapitcha, and Kukata, in
conjunction with a large flat slab, as a hand-mill. The slabs or nether
stones, which are generally known as “nardoo stones,” are longish-
oval in shape, and up to two feet in length.
The Wongapitcha use slabs of no particular shape, which they call
“tchewa.” The upper surface is flat or concavely worn through
constant use. It is the gin’s lot to work the mill. She kneels in front of
the slab, with its longer axis pointing towards her, and places some
of the seed she wants to grind upon it; then she starts working the
pebble forwards and backwards with her hands, rocking it gently in
the same direction as she does so. When ground to a sufficient
degree of fineness, the flour is scraped by hand into a bark food-
carrier, and more seed placed upon the slab. On account of the
rocking motion, the hand-piece, which the Wongapitcha call “miri,”
eventually acquires a bevelled or convex grinding surface. Fine-
grained sandstones or quartzites are most commonly found in use,
but occasionally diorites and other igneous rocks might be favoured.
The women usually carry the hand-stone around with them when on
the march, but the basal slabs are kept at the regular camping
Along the Darling River, and in the west-central districts of New
South Wales, the nether stones consist of large sandstone pebbles,
in the two less convex surfaces of which perfectly circular and
convex husking holes have been made in consequence of the daily
use they are put to.
Haphazard rock fragments, usually of sandstone, with at least one
broken surface, are extensively made use of for rasping and
smoothing down the sides and edges of boomerangs, and of other
wooden articles during the course of their construction.
Any suitable, flattish-oblong pebbles of hard quartzite, diorite,
dolerite, and other igneous rock of homogeneous and finely
crystalline texture, which have been symmetrically worn by the
weather, are collected by the natives during their excursions and
subsequently worked up into hatchet heads. This is done by
obliquely chipping or grinding that of the smaller sides which is
considered the more suitable, on one or both faces, until a straight or
convex cutting edge results. The chipping is done with another
fragment of hard rock, the grinding against an outcrop or slab of
sufficiently hard stone which happens to be handy. The shape of the
pebble is in most cases improved by chipping it before the cutting
edge is ground, according to whether it is going to be ovate,
triangular, or elongate-oblong when completed. Some patterns, such
as those of Victoria, New South Wales, and the eastern-central
region of South Australia (Strzelecki Creek), have a transverse
groove cut right around the piece, at about two-thirds the whole
length from the cutting edge, which is designed to hold the wooden
haft when the implement is in use.
In many of the tribal districts igneous rocks do not occur naturally,
but they are nevertheless obtained by barter from adjoining friendly
tribes. The Dieri, Wongkanguru, Ngameni, and other Cooper Creek
tribes obtain all their stone axe heads from New South Wales; the
south-eastern tribes of South Australia used to receive their supplies
from the hills tribes of what is now Victoria; and the Aluridja,
Kuyanni, Arrabonna, and Kukata were regularly supplied from the
MacDonnell Ranges and from Queensland through Arunndta
agency. The fortunate tribes who owned outcrops of suitable stone
carried on a regular trade with the surrounding districts and opened
up quarries to meet the demand. The supplies were, however, not
tribe-owned, but usually the property of a limited number of men who
came to them by hereditary influence. Similar conditions are met with
on the north coast; Sunday Island, consisting essentially of coarse-
grained granitic rock, the natives have to import most of the material
they use for making their stone implements from the mainland
opposite; in consequence, they are loth to part with their weapons.
The stone axe head is fixed to a wooden handle after the following
fashion. A long, flat piece of split wood or wiry bark is bent upon itself
and tied together at its ends. The stone is thickly covered at its blunt
end with hot porcupine grass resin and inserted into the loop of the
haft, which is firmly pressed into the resin against the stone and tied
together with human hair-string as near to the stone as possible. The
free ends of the handle are then also tied together; after which the
resin is worked with the fingers to fill up any gaps which may remain
between the handle and the stone. The handle, and often the axe
head as well, is decorated with punctate and banded ochre designs.
The size of the stone axes varies considerably; as two extremes, a
large Arunndta specimen from the Finke River measures nearly eight
and a half inches in length, by three in breadth, and weighs three
and three-quarter pounds, whilst one from King Sound, in the north
of Western Australia, measures three and a half inches by two and a
half, and weighs only six ounces, the handle of the latter being only
six and three-quarter inches long.
The flakes and splinters which fly from the pebble during the
making of an axe head are not all discarded as useless by the
native; among them he often finds one or two pieces which have a
strong sharp edge with a butt opposite, suitable for holding between
two or more fingers. Flakes of this type make useful scrapers with
which he can work the surfaces of his wooden weapons and
The same flaking and chipping process is purposely applied to
rocks of a particularly hard and brittle nature, such as a fine-grained,
porcelainized quartzite or chert, to obtain flakes for cutting, scraping,
and holing purposes. Many of the best operating “knives,” with which
initiation mutilations are performed, are derived in this simple way;
as might be imagined, some of these implements are as sharp as a
One frequently finds a fair-sized block of suitable stone among the
paraphernalia of a native in camp, from which he chips pieces as he
requires them. These blocks have been termed “cores” or “nuclei”;
they are six inches or more cube in the beginning, but by the time a
goodly number of flakes have been removed, the parent piece
becomes much smaller and gradually assumes the shape of a
truncated cone whose surface shows many faces from which flakes
have been knocked off.
When deciding upon a place for removing a flake, a native always
selects a corner, in order that the detached piece might be triangular
in transverse section, and, therefore, without exception, lanceolate in
shape. Thus the simple flakes are obtained which make stone knives
and spear heads. To serve as a knife, the flake is fitted with a handle
in one the following ways. It may be attached by means of porcupine
grass resin in the bend of a folded haft of wood, as described of the
axe above, or its thick end may be held in a cleft, made at the top of
a stick, and secured by a good quantity of resin. The simplest form,
however, is one common throughout the central and northern
regions; it consists of a blade of quartzite embedded at its blunt end
in a round mass of resin. The largest stone knives come from the
tribes immediately north of the MacDonnell Ranges. The Kaitidji
make quartzite blades up to seven inches long and two and a half
inches wide, which they embed in a ball of resin and attach to the top
of a short, thin, and flat slab of wood. The blades of these knives are
protected by keeping them in sheaths of bark when not in use.

Rock-drawings of archer fish (Toxotes), Katherine River, Northern Territory.

The coastal tribes of the Northern Territory, such as the Wogait,

Mulluk-Mulluk, Ponga-Ponga, and Sherait, break similar flakes of
quartzite from a core, which they insert into the split end of a reed
spear and make secure with a mass of resin or wild bees’ wax.
A narrow, oblong fragment, with the two long edges bevelled on
the same surface, such as would be obtained by removing two flakes
from the same spot, and keeping the lower, finds considerable
application in the sense of a spokeshave. The implement is specially
prized when it is slightly curved. Much of the trimming, smoothing,
and rounding of wooden surfaces is accomplished with this tool. The
native sits with his legs straight in front of him and holds the object
he is shaping (like for instance the boomerang shown in Plate LV, 2)
tightly between his heels. He seizes the stone flake with the fingers
of both hands, leaving a clear space of about an inch in the centre,
and laying the cutting edge against the wood, pushes it forwards at
an angle. This process planes down the surface very effectively, and
the ground soon becomes covered with the thin shavings produced.
In former days the River Murray and south-eastern tribes used
pointed splinters of stone for making holes through the skins of
animals they made up into rugs. Nowadays the northern tribes make
awls out of bones which they sharpen at one end; they are used
principally for holing the edges of their bark implements prior to
stitching them together with strips of cane.
By additional chipping, the main flake, whether obtained from a
nucleus or otherwise, is often altered considerably in appearance,
without necessarily improving its effectiveness as an implement or its
deadliness as a weapon.
The south-eastern natives, as, for instance, those of the Victorian
Lakes district, as well as those of central Australia, used to select a
flat fragment of hard rock, into one straight side of which they
chipped a shallow concavity; this instrument answered the purpose
of a rasp when finishing off such articles as spears, waddies, and
clubs which had cylindrical, convex, or curved contours to bring into
The old Adelaide plains tribe were in possession of scrapers which
they constructed out of thin slabs of clay-slate. The implement was
more or less semi-circular, but had a concave surface on the inner
side; occasionally its corners were rounded off, producing a reniform
shape. On an average the diameter was something like four or five
inches. This implement was used exclusively to scrape skins of
animals, after the following fashion: The convex surface was pressed
against the palm of the right hand and securely held between the
body of the thumb and the four fingers. The skin was laid around a
cylindrical rod and held firmly against it with the opposite hand, while
the implement was placed over the skin with its concave surface so
adjusted as to fit over the convexity of the rod. In this position, the
scraper was worked downwards, or towards the native, with its
concave surface running ahead of the hand and shaving the skin.
Thus the skins were thoroughly cleaned, and all adherent pieces of
fat and flesh removed. Slate scrapers of this type are still to be found
in large number in the drift sands along the shores of St. Vincent’s
Gulf, especially in the neighbourhood of Normanville. Vide Plate
Most types of spear-thrower carry a scraper embedded in a mass
of resin or wax at the handle end. The scraper most favoured is
either of quartzite or of flint, about an inch or slightly more square,
and chipped on one or both sides of the cutting edge. It is almost
wholly embedded, with perhaps only the chipped portion showing
below the binding mass which helps to form the handle.
Similar stones are fixed at both ends of a curved or straight piece
of wood, of circular section, which is then used as a scraping or
chopping tool commonly referred to as an adze. Used as a scraper,
the wooden handle is gripped at about one-quarter its length from
the bottom, both hands being at the same level, with their fingers
overlapping and the thumbs lying against the wood on the opposite
side; but when used as a chopper the hands are held one over the
other, each clenching the handle separately. Occasionally one hand
only is used to direct the tool, while the other holds the object to be
worked (Plate LV, 1).
The small, sharp flakes which are chipped from a bigger piece
during the construction of a scraper are carefully examined and the
most shapely of them are collected for the purpose of sticking them
lengthwise, one behind the other, to the two edges of a bladed,
wooden spear head. This type of spear was common along the lower
reaches of the Murray River and Lake Alexandrina.
In Western Australia a special type of knife called “dabba” is
constructed in a like way, but the flakes are larger, three-quarters of
an inch long, and embedded in resin along one side only of the stick.
The implement measures about two feet in length.
The long, single flakes, obtained from a quartzite core, may be
further chipped along the edges to sharpen them. This process is
seen typically along the coastal districts of the Northern Territory, the
Daly and Victoria River districts in particular.
But where the manufacture of stone spear heads is seen to
perfection is in the northern Kimberleys of Western Australia. The
north-western tribes are expert at making lanceolate spear heads
with serrated edges and beautifully facetted sides; some of the
specimens are up to six inches long and are delicately chipped all
over. People who have not had the opportunity of witnessing the
method employed in making them are perplexed to understand how
it is possible to accomplish such delicate work without breaking the
object; the point in particular of these spear heads is often nearly as
fine as that of a needle.
The way it is done is briefly as follows. A rough flake or fragment is
broken from a core, or rock in situ, by holding a bone chisel or stone
adze in much the same way as one clasps a pen or pencil, and
stabbing the block near the sharp edge, or by striking it with another
rock fragment. The size of the flake thus detached will depend
largely upon the purpose to which it is to be put; the fractured
surface is always plane. The fragment is now taken in the left hand,
its flat surfaces lying full length between the thumb and fingers, and
its edges chipped by striking them from above with a sharp stone
hammer held securely in the right hand. The flake is frequently
changed about, so that what is now the bottom surface later
becomes the top. The edge is always struck nearly at right angles to
the flat surface whilst the chips break away into the hand
underneath. The Yampi Sound natives call the rough primary flake
“munna,” and the small chips resulting from the trimming of its edge
The original shaping aims at obtaining a roughly symmetrical leaf-
form, truncated at the base where it is subsequently to be embedded
or held at the end of a spear or haft. The flake is left thick at its base
and made to taper towards its point.
At first the chipping is done by fairly strong, but well-directed blows
from above; later by quicker and lighter taps. Occasionally the edges
are rasped with a flat slab of sandstone at right angles to the plane
of the flake—a process which breaks away small chips from either
side of the edge which is being rubbed. The flake at this stage is
called “ardelgulla” by the Yampi natives, and “arolonnyenna” by the
Sunday Islanders.

Ochre-drawings, Katherine River.

1. Bark-drawing of dead kangaroo.

2. Bark-drawing of emu.
3. Rock-drawing of lizard.

4. Rock-drawing of fish.

When the preliminary shaping has been completed in the way

described, the native first strives to obtain a perfect point, then to
trim the sides. The former item is a very delicate operation which
requires much patience and skill; the latter takes many hours to
The method adopted for this finer secondary chipping process is
after the following principle. A block of stone, about a foot cube, is
used as a working table or anvil, which the Worora call “muna,” and
upon this they lay a cushion consisting of two or three layers of
paper-bark, called “ngali.” The native sits with the stone in front of
him, and in his left hand grips the unfinished spear head (“ardegulla”)
with one of its flat surfaces lying upon the cushion at the near, left-
hand corner of the anvil stone. His thumb, index, and middle fingers
hold the flake, the thumb being on top, the index finger against the
edge, and the middle finger beneath; the two remaining fingers press
against the edge of the block below to steady the flake upon the
cushion. In his right hand he seizes a short rod of bone, which is
sharpened at one end, and is known as “onumongul,” in such a way
that the unsharpened end is securely gripped between the thumb
and index finger, whilst the principal portion of the rod is pressed with
the remaining fingers against the palm of the hand immediately
below the body of the thumb. The sharpened point of the bone thus
points towards the native’s body. Holding the implement in this
position, he rests the small-finger side of his hand near the further
right-hand corner of the basal block of stone, and, after carefully
adjusting the point of the bone against the edge of the flake, he
presses it down with the body of his thumb and skilfully snaps off a
chip. The process is repeated again, and time after time, the position
of the bone being constantly changed as he works along the edge
towards the point. Then the flake is turned on its other side and the
same method applied. As the native works, the whole of his attention
is absorbed. He bites his lips together, and, when he applies
leverage with the bone against the flake, he stiffens his body from
the hips upwards, his eyes being rivetted to the spot from which the
chip is to be removed. He frequently sharpens the point of his
instrument upon the basal block of stone. Vide Plate LIV, 2.
The most delicate final chipping of both the point and margins is
executed with a thinner and more finely pointed bone, which is
usually made out of the radius of a kangaroo. In districts coming
under the influence of European settlement, the bone is often
substituted by a piece of iron, and the stone by bottle glass or
During the operation the native often cuts his fingers on the flake
or razor-sharp splinters; the blood which follows he removes by
passing his fingers through his hair. Even at this stage, when the
flake is assuming a symmetrical, lanceolate shape, and goes by the
name of “tanbellena,” its edge might occasionally be very carefully
rubbed on the basal stone; but the final retouche is invariably given
to it with the bone implement.
At no time during the making of the spear head does the native
use his wrist, the whole of the pressure or movement coming from
his elbow or even from his waist, while his body is kept in the rigid
position referred to above. The finished spear head is called “ngongu
nerbai” or “kolldürr.”
The process described is of such a delicate kind that the point not
infrequently breaks just when the spear head is practically ready for
use; this necessitates not only the construction of a new point, but
the margins on both sides of it have to be chipped back in order that
the point may be a projecting one.
One has to admire the industry of these men, when it is realized
that the spear head in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred will be
good for only one throw, the brittle stone shattering immediately it
comes into contact with a solid body such as the bone of the prey or
the ground.

Talented mimicry—Association of sound with music—Beating time to dance and

music—Musical instruments—Skin drums—Rattles—Clanking boomerangs—
Music sticks—Bamboo trumpet—Artificial fireflies—Vocal productions—
Inflection of voice—Rhythm—Corrobborees and boras—Imitative notes—
Crocodile—Emu—Crow—Frog—Wailing women—Jungle fowl—Clever acting
—Kangaroo—Fight—Man-of-war—The hunting gin—Killing the bandicoot—
Slaying the enemy—Envious of chirping insects—The effects of singing
ensemble—Conversation by song.

An aboriginal is a born mimic. Nothing delights him more than to

reproduce from Nature incidences and scenes before an
appreciative and visionary audience. But in the same sense as detail
of design in his drawings or carvings is often deemed unnecessary
by his vivid imagination, so to the outsider his acting might seem
tainted with an air of becoming vagueness which makes it appear
pantomimic. Yet, as a conversationalist, an aboriginal is usually so
animated by the recollections of his experience that he
unconsciously becomes a dramatist, and his narration an epic.
Granted the necessary perception, however, the feelings and
emotions which actuate the performer are readily grasped by those
observing his dances, and whose sympathy he is courting. He lets
himself go, without mock-modest constraint, endeavouring by every
action to interpret with his body the impulse he has received. Lured
by the glint of an inspiration, his nearer vision is blinded, his
musculature quivers involuntarily, and his only desire is to catch, to
imitate, and to give expression to his exalted feelings. Held in a
rapture, his feelings transcend anything he ordinarily perceives, his
staid personality has vanished, and all that the inner individual
attempts, or can attempt, is to externalize by his movements those
sensuous, but illusive, impressions his soul is imbibing.
To many the real interpretation of such movement would be
impossible; but the aboriginal lives for his dances, of which he
possesses an almost inexhaustible variety, the outcome of tradition
and invention. He has learned to make his dance a medium of
sensual expression, and to combine an instinctive impulse with
movement. By his dancing he impersonates both friend and enemy,
he copies the hopping of a marsupial, or the wriggling of a serpent,
or the strutting of an emu, and he emulates the legendary practices
and sacred ceremonials of his forefathers. In his dances lives the
valour of his warriors, and dies the evil magic of his foes. Through
his dances he endeavours to commune with the spirits of his dead,
he hears the voices of his mythical demigods, and he beseeches his
deities to protect his person and to bless his haunts with an
abundance of game.
The magnetical charm about a tribal dance lies in the rhythmic
motion of the performers, in the harmonious way their naked bodies
sway to the accompaniment of crude but effective music, and in the
clever association of sound with motion and silence with rest. The
dancers are mute during their performance, the music being supplied
by a band or chorus of either men or women, or both, who squat
near by. A performance without musical items is practically unknown.
The dancers keep their movements and steps in such remarkably
true accord with the vocal and instrumental parts that it is difficult to
dissociate one from another; in addition, the rhythm for each new
dance is usually set by the audience and followed by the dancers to
the instant.
The beating of time is usually done by hand, especially if women
are attending the performance. In most tribes, the person squats on
the ground, holding the thighs together, and strikes the cleft thus
produced with the palm of a hand. More commonly both hands are
used together, with the inner side of one laid over the back of the
other, and the fingers of the lower one placed together in such a way
as to form a concave surface. By this means, loud, explosive sounds
are produced.
On Melville and Bathurst Islands, and on the Victoria River, the
palms of both hands are struck against the buttocks, one on either
side of the body, while the person is standing. Along the coast of the
Northern Territory, the natives, as often as not, simply clap the hands
in rhythmic order, or they slap the palms of one or both upon the
ground; occasionally one even notices mothers gently slapping the
buttocks of their babies-in-arms, all under the impulse of a catchy air
which is striking their ears.
A peculiar sort of sound accompaniment is rendered by the
women dancers of the Katherine and Victoria River districts of the
Northern Territory. As each of the dancers hops forwards in a straight
line, with her heels together and her feet turned outwards, she jerks
her body in mid-air and whacks the muscles of her thighs together,
an act which produces a loud, sharp sound. In this way she moves
both forwards and backwards, making a similar noise with every hop,
whilst her feet make a track in the sand which is to represent the
female turtle coming on shore to lay its eggs.
In the same districts, as well as on the Daly River, the dancing
gins use skeins of string stretched between the thumbs of their
hands, which they sway to and fro like the bow of a fiddle. Although
this manoeuvre does not produce a sound, it is here mentioned
because the movement takes place in perfect rhythm and in unison
with the singing which is going on; and one is reminded of a modern
conductor using his stick.
If we now turn our attention to the consideration of the
accompaniment produced with musical instruments, there is a small
choice at our disposal. We find that certain of the southern tribes,
along the River Murray, made use of skins, which they stretched
across their thighs, as they sat upon the ground, and struck with their
hands or a stick like beating a drum.
In the Kimberley district of Western Australia, the large nuts of the
boabab, when dry, are used after the style of the European toy
known as a baby’s rattle by the children, but curiosity soon leads to
the destruction of the shell, when the pithy matrix and the seeds are
eaten. Occasionally these nuts are introduced into ceremonial
dances by the men; they are then elaborately and beautifully carved
as previously referred to.
In the same district, and in fact all along the north coast, large
convoluted sea-shells with a small pebble inside of them, or even a
number of smaller shells threaded upon a string, serve the same
purpose of noise-making.
Bundles of gum leaves, fresh or dry, tied round the ankles or arms
of the performers, produce a rustle which imitates the noise
produced by the wiry feathers of a romping emu. Most of the tribes
adopt this scheme, especially in connection with sacred festivals and
ceremonies having to do with the emu.
Among the central and northern central tribes, the boomerang is
extensively used as a musical instrument. The operator, taking up a
squatting position, holds a boomerang at half-arm’s length in each
hand, so that the concave edges are turned towards his body. Then
by bringing the instruments near each other, with their surfaces
parallel, he claps their ends together in quick succession, and by so
doing produces rhythmic clanks to suit the step of any dance or the
time of any song (Plate LII).
The Larrekiya, Wogait, Berringin, and other Northern Territory
tribes make use of “music sticks.” Two of such are required. One is
of hard “iron-wood,” about nine inches in length, flatly cylindrical, and
bluntly pointed at one end; the other, which is the beating stick, is
simply a smaller rod, of circular section, made of light mangrove
wood. The former stick is held firmly in the left hand, whilst it is
struck by the latter, not far from its end. The beating stick is held in
the right hand with one end of it pressing either against the third or
fifth finger. The sounds produced by the percussion are ringing, sub-
metallic clanks; and any alteration in the length of the free end of the
beating stick naturally tends to vary their pitch.
The instrument which is capable of producing the loudest, and, at
the same time, most weird sound, when correctly manipulated by an
aboriginal, is the bamboo trumpet, otherwise known as the drone-
pipe or “didjeridoo.” This consists of a piece of bamboo, of the stout,
tropical variety, from four to five feet long, the septa of which have all
been burnt out with a fire-stick. The outside surface is decorated with
engraved designs. Drone-pipes are used by all coastal tribes living
between the Gulf of Carpentaria and Cambridge Gulf, and as far
inland as Wave Hill on the Victoria River. Where the bamboo is not
available, the instrument is made out of a long hollow limb of the
woolly-butt eucalyptus; this is the prevailing type in the western
portion of the area mentioned. To serve the requirements of a single
night’s performance, a green stem of a native hybiscus bush might
be cut off and the thick bark removed in toto in the form of a pipe.
When using the “trumpet,” the operator blows into the end having
the smaller diameter, with a vibratory motion of the lips, and at the
same time sputters into the tube indistinct words which frequently
sound like “tidjarudu, tidjarudu, tidjaruda” (Plate LIII). The effect,
though rhythmical, is a monotonous, plaintive, and humming sound
which is continued uninterruptedly throughout the proceedings. The
native, while he is blowing into the pipe, continues to breathe
normally through his nostrils, after the same style as one does when
using a blow-pipe in the laboratory. In the stillness of the tropical
night the droning noise can be heard for miles around. The wording
of the accompaniment on the bamboo trumpet during a Larrekiya
performance sounds much like the following refrain: “Didnodiddo
diduadu didnadiddo diduadu ... didnarib.”
In addition to music and dance, a unique, and certainly most
effective, pyrotechnical embellishment of a nocturnal ceremony is
supplied by the Dieri. Along the Cooper Creek, travellers have
occasion to notice the great number of large beetles which fly
towards the camp-fire at night-time. When a dance is on, a collection
of these beetles is made and short glowing embers inserted into their
anal apertures; whereupon they are released again. As the naked
figures of the men are moving to the sway of song, these little fire-
balls buzz and flit in among them, and, cruel as the invention may
seem, greatly add to the weirdness of the din. The Dieri call these
artificial fire-flies “turapitti.”
Vocal productions consist of recitals of notes which are frequently
encased in articulations without definite meaning or significance, the
notes alone expressing the sentiment which prompts the song. It is
the combination of these notes which gives rise to the simple
melodies, and the repetition of the melodies in regular sequence
makes the song. In his songs the aboriginal portrays the hate for his
foe with vehemence, the love for his child with affection, the spirit of
the chase with lustfulness, the cunning of his prey with counter-
deception, and the dignity of his forbears with veneration. As the
pulsations of his temperament and passion sway his mind, so his
voice rises or falls in harmony with the flush of joy or the gloom of
When singing in chorus, the monotony of a melody is frequently
re-animated by one of the principal singers, who, with a stentorian
inflection of his voice, leads off anew. In this way, the pitch of a
melody is repeatedly altered by one or two of the recognized vocal
experts; but at all times the pitch relations remain in perfect concord
with each other.


1. Cave-drawing of camel, north of Musgrave Ranges, central Australia.

2. Cave-drawing of human figure, Glenelg River, north-western Australia.

It is considered distinctly artistic to be able to frequently change
the pitch of the voice from a deep bass to a shrill falsetto at will, and
only the most experienced singers attempt it. A new tune is
introduced by one of the older men, and the same person will later
infuse new vitality into it by picking up the strain at different stages
by a clever inflection of the voice, after the style of a rondo.
The rhythm throughout the proceedings remains excellent, but
great variations are met with during the rendering of different items; it
is always in keeping with the dance, if the latter is indulged in, even
at the risk of running away momentarily from the time of the music.
Performances which include dances as well as songs in the way of
entertainment are generally called corrobborees; events of a
ceremonial, ritual, or religious nature are termed “boras.”
The notes included in the songs of tribal performances are often
imitative of the voice of Nature, and among them we find allusions to
the calls and cries of birds, animals, reptiles, and mythical creatures.
At the same time, any characteristic actions or attitudes are faithfully
reproduced as special features of the dances.
In the crocodile ceremony of the Cambridge Gulf natives, a
number of men stand in a row, one behind the other, with their arms
extended and their legs asunder, whilst the individual impersonating
the crocodile ancestor wriggles along the ground between their legs.
When he comes abreast of the foremost man, he lies flat on the
ground, with his legs and feet held closely together to imitate the
reptile’s tail. To further mimic the crocodile, he extends his arms
sideways, strongly bent at the elbows, and with the hands flat upon
the ground. Retaining this position, he next elevates his body by
straightening his arms, and, when fully erect, opens his mouth and
emits a harsh, booming note resembling that of a crocodile.
In the same district, the great emu man, during his ceremony,
walks within a human circle, his body prone from the hips, with one
arm held forwards to represent the emu’s neck and the hand of the
other held over his stern to indicate the tail. As he walks around
bowing his body, after the fashion of a strutting emu, he eructates
deep, guttural noises, resembling the grunting note of the bird.
How the caw of a crow is embodied in the musical programme of a
ceremony will be apparent from the following episode which was
transacted at the Forrest River. A number of men stood in a ring,
and, at a given signal, lowered their bodies between their knees.
They let their heads fall forwards, and at the same time lifted their
arms, which they bent in the elbow to resemble wings. The latter
they moved lithely to and fro after much the same way as a young
bird does when it is being, or wants to be, fed. At this moment a
chant was started in imitation of the crow’s call: “A wa, a wa, a weh!”
and was ofttimes repeated. Then they all hopped around like so
many birds in search of food, and two men entered the ring. Still in
the same posture, these two hopped towards each other and
extended their arms until each pair crossed the opposite pair. In that
position they swung their bodies backwards and forwards, whilst
their arms sea-sawed in front of them. Then they re-joined the group,
and all continued the hopping. In the next act, an old man lay flat on
his back, in the centre of the ring, with his arms and legs stretched
from him. He represented a carcase. The “crows” hopped around
him and cried: “A, a, a, la, la, la-la-la,” and it sounded very much like
the caw of a crow. This item was repeated. One of the crow men
then hopped to the “dead” man. He lifted one of the arms from the
ground, held it up, and let it go. The limb fell “lifelessly” to the
ground. Immediately this had happened, all performers jumped into
an upright position, rushed towards the man feigning death, and
carried him from view. Apart from the imitation of the crow’s call, no
regular song accompanied the act, but all the onlookers were
beating time, to correspond with the hopping, by slapping their hands
against their thighs.
The vocal accompaniment at a ceremony of welcome on Bathurst
Island is in the form of a trill, a rapidly repeated “i, i, i, i, i ...,”
changing occasionally to “hi, hi, hi, hi ...,” which is very cleverly
reproduced in imitation of the note of the great stone plover.
In the corrobboree of a frog, the Larrekiya sing the following

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