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Advances in food authenticity testing

1st Edition Gerard Downey

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Advances in Food Authenticity Testing
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Advances in Food
Authenticity Testing

Edited by

Gerard Downey
Teagasc Food Research Centre
Dublin, Republic of Ireland


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List of Contributors xiii

1 Introduction 1
G. Downey
References 3

Part One Advances in Methods for Food Authenticity Testing 5

2 Advances in DNA Fingerprinting for Food Authenticity Testing 7
W.F. Nader, T. Brendel and R. Schubbert
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Scientific Background of DNA Fingerprinting and Its Applications 9
2.3 The Methodology of DNA Fingerprinting 11
2.4 DNA Fingerprinting for Authenticity Testing of Rice Varieties 22
2.5 Meat Traceability 27
2.6 Future Trends 28
References 29

3 Advances in Ultraviolet and Visible Light Spectroscopy for Food

Authenticity Testing 35
M.J. Martelo-Vidal and M. Vazquez
3.1 Introduction 35
3.2 Fundamentals of Ultraviolet and Visible Light Spectroscopy
in Food Analysis 37
3.3 Application of UVeVIS Spectroscopy for Authentication
of Foodstuffs 41
3.4 Suitable Foodstuffs for Testing Using Ultraviolet and Visible
Light Spectroscopy Analysis 48
3.5 Case Study: Wine Authentication 59
References 63

4 Advances in Infrared Spectroscopy for Food Authenticity Testing 71

L.E. Rodriguez-Saona, M.M. Giusti and M. Shotts
4.1 Introduction 71
4.2 Vibrational Spectroscopy as a Screening Method 72
vi Contents

4.3 Chemometrics in Vibrational Spectroscopy 78

4.4 Screening Capabilities of Vibrational Spectroscopy to Detect
Adulteration in Foods 84
4.5 The Future of Vibrational Spectroscopy in Food Authentication:
Portable and Handheld Technology 102
Sources of Further Information 107
References 107

5 Advances in Fluorescence Emission Spectroscopy for Food

Authenticity Testing 117
A. Dankowska
5.1 Introduction 117
5.2 What Adulterations Can Fluorescence Emission Spectroscopy
Be Used to Detect? 120
5.3 Applications of Fluorescence Emission Spectroscopy for Food
Authentication e Examples 128
5.4 Future Trends 138
References 140

6 Advances in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Food

Authenticity Testing 147
A.P. Sobolev, S. Circi and L. Mannina
6.1 Introduction 147
6.2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methodologies in Food Analysis 148
6.3 Sample Preparation for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis 150
6.4 Spectral Assignment and Quantitative Analysis 151
6.5 Adulterations Detected by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy 152
6.6 Future Trends 165
References 165

7 Advances in Mass Spectrometry for Food Authenticity Testing:

An Omics Perspective 171
T. Cajka, M.R. Showalter, K. Riddellova and O. Fiehn
7.1 Introduction 171
7.2 Process of Using Mass Spectrometry in the Analysis of Food 172
7.3 Mass Spectrometry-Based Approaches for Food Authenticity
Testing and Adulteration Detection 176
7.4 Future Trends 195
Acknowledgments 195
References 195
Contents vii

8 Advances in Electronic Noses and Tongues for Food

Authenticity Testing 201
M. Sliwi
nska, P. Wisniewska, T. Dymerski, W. Wardencki and
J. Namiesnik
8.1 Introduction 201
8.2 Electronic Nose 202
8.3 Electronic Tongue 205
8.4 Application of Electronic Nose and Tongue in Food Authenticity
Studies 207
8.5 Conclusions 219
References 220

9 Advances in Isotopic Analysis for Food Authenticity Testing 227

K.H. Laursen, L. Bontempo, F. Camin and A. Roßmann
9.1 Introduction 227
9.2 Measurements, Instrumentation, and Applications 231
9.3 Case Studies 239
9.4 Conclusion and Future Trends 245
Sources of Further Information 246
Abbreviations 246
Acknowledgments 246
References 246

10 Advances in Chromatographic Techniques for Food Authenticity

Testing 253
C. Fanali, L. Dugo and L. Mondello
10.1 Introduction 253
10.2 Process of Using Chromatographic Techniques in the Analysis
of Food 254
10.3 Adulterations Which Can Be Detected by Using Chromatographic
Techniques 261
10.4 Foodstuffs Suitable for Testing Using Chromatographic
Techniques 262
10.5 Case Studies 262
10.6 Future Trends 277
Sources of Further Information 277
References 278

11 Advances in Polymerase Chain Reaction Technologies for Food

Authenticity Testing 285
E. Maestri and N. Marmiroli
11.1 Introduction 285
11.2 Process of Using PCR Technologies in the Analysis of Food 288
11.3 Application of PCR Technologies to Detect Adulteration 295
11.4 Case Studies 296
viii Contents

11.5 Future Trends 301

Sources of Further Information and Conclusions 303
Acknowledgments 304
References 304

12 Advances in Differential Scanning Calorimetry for Food

Authenticity Testing 311
T. Nur Azira and I. Amin
12.1 Introduction 311
12.2 Uses of Differential Scanning Calorimetry in the Analysis of Foods 312
12.3 Uses of Differential Scanning Calorimetry in Food Authenticity
Testing 315
12.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives 329
Sources of Further Information 329
References 330

Part Two Advances in Authenticity Testing 337

13 Advances in Authenticity Testing of Geographical Origin of Food

Products 339
A.M. Pustjens, M. Muilwijk, Y. Weesepoel and S.M. van Ruth
13.1 Introduction 339
13.2 Techniques for Analyzing Isotopes 340
13.3 Techniques for Analyzing Elements 343
13.4 Separation Techniques for Compositional Analysis 344
13.5 (Semi-)Nondestructive Techniques 349
13.6 Other Techniques 357
13.7 Conclusions 358
List of Abbreviations of Analytical Equipment 358
List of Abbreviations of (Multivariate) Statistical Analysis 359
References 360

14 Advances in Authenticity Testing for Meat Speciation 369

J. Amaral, L. Meira, M.B.P.P. Oliveira and I. Mafra
14.1 Introduction 369
14.2 Protein-Based Methods 371
14.3 DNA-Based Methods 376
14.4 Spectroscopic Methods 399
14.5 Final Remarks 402
References 403

15 Advances in Authenticity Testing for Fish Speciation 415

M. Espi~
neira and F. Lago
15.1 Introduction 415
15.2 Methods Used in Fish Speciation 417
Contents ix

15.3 Case Studies 430

15.4 Future Trends 432
Sources of Further Information 434
References 434

16 Authentication of Cereals and Cereal Products 441

D. Cozzolino
16.1 Introduction 441
16.2 Application of NIR and MIR Spectroscopy to Cereal Grain
Authentication 443
16.3 Concluding Remarks 452
References 453

Part Three Advances in Authenticity Testing

for Food Adulteration 459
17 Advances in Testing for Adulteration and Authenticity of Dairy
Products 461
G.A. Abernethy, J.G. Bendall and S.E. Holroyd
17.1 Introduction 461
17.2 Types of Dairy Product Adulteration and Nonauthenticity 463
17.3 Chemical Methods to Combat Nonauthenticity 474
17.4 Spectroscopic Methods to Determine Adulteration 476
17.5 Future Developments 480
Acknowledgment 481
References 481

18 Advances in the Identification of Adulterated Cereals and Cereal

Products 491
S.R. Delwiche
18.1 Introduction 491
18.2 Legislation 493
18.3 Methodology for Phenotyping and Geography 496
18.4 Melamine 500
18.5 Durum 503
18.6 Basmati 505
18.7 Wheat Gluten as an Adulterant 507
18.8 Application of Using NIR Technology for Mixtures of Nonwaxy
(Conventional) and Waxy Wheat 509
18.9 Conclusion 511
Sources of Further Information 512
References 512
x Contents

19 Advances in the Identification of Adulterated Vegetable Oils 519

O. Abbas and V. Baeten
19.1 Introduction 519
19.2 Authenticity Testing of Adulterated Vegetable Oils, Including
Case Studies 523
19.3 Conclusions and Future Trends 534
References 535

20 Advances in the Identification of Genetically Modified Foods 543

M.-A. Fraiture, S. Broeders, P. Herman, I. Taverniers, M. De Loose,
D. Deforce and N.H. Roosens
20.1 Introduction 543
20.2 Processes Used for Identification of Genetically Modified Foods 544
20.3 Case Studies 548
20.4 Future Trends 552
Sources of Further Information 555
Acknowledgments 555
References 556

21 Advances in the Detection of the Adulteration of Alcoholic Beverages

Including Unrecorded Alcohol 565
D.W. Lachenmeier
21.1 Introduction 565
21.2 Processes Used in the Detection of Alcoholic Beverage
Adulteration 566
21.3 Case Studies 575
21.4 Future Trends 577
Sources of Further Information 578
References 578

22 Advances in Adulteration and Authenticity Testing of Herbs

and Spices 585
B. Sasikumar, V.P. Swetha, V.A. Parvathy and T.E. Sheeja
22.1 Introduction 585
22.2 Uses of Spices and Herbs 586
22.3 Adulterants in Spices and Herbs 587
22.4 Techniques for Adulterant Detection 594
22.5 Future Perspectives and Conclusions 612
References 612

23 Tradition Meets High Tech for Authenticity Testing of Fruit Juices 625
P. Rinke
23.1 Introduction 626
23.2 Overview of Methods Applied in Standard Control 628
Contents xi

23.3 Conventional Methods 628

23.4 Overview of Modern Techniques 638
23.5 Case Study Combining Different Methods 653
23.6 Importance of Databases and Documentation 655
23.7 Outlook 656
Acknowledgments 658
References 658

24 Advances in Testing for Adulteration of Food Supplements 667

S.H. El-Ahmady and M.L. Ashour
24.1 Introduction 668
24.2 Adulteration of Food Supplements 673
24.3 Methods of Adulterant Detection 683
24.4 Global Agencies and Authorities Responsible for
Drug and Food Supplement Safety 690
24.5 Future Perspectives 691
References 691

25 Chemometrics for Food Authenticity Applications 701

P. Oliveri and R. Simonetti
25.1 Introduction 702
25.2 Multivariate Data Analysis 703
Acknowledgment 726
References 726

26 Advances in Testing for Adulteration in Honey 729

F. Ulberth
26.1 Introduction 729
26.2 Processes Used in Identification of Adulteration in Honey 732
26.3 Outlook 745
References 745

Index 755
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List of Contributors

O. Abbas Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Gembloux, Belgium

G.A. Abernethy Fonterra Research & Development Centre, Palmerston North, New
J. Amaral University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
I. Amin Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
M.L. Ashour Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
V. Baeten Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Gembloux, Belgium
J.G. Bendall Fonterra Research & Development Centre, Palmerston North, New
L. Bontempo Research and Innovation Centre, Trentino, Italy
T. Brendel Eurofins Medigenomix GmbH, Ebersberg, Germany
S. Broeders Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium
T. Cajka University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, United States
F. Camin Research and Innovation Centre, Trentino, Italy
S. Circi University of Rome, Rome, Italy
D. Cozzolino Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia
A. Dankowska Pozna
n University of Economics and Business, Poznan, Poland
D. Deforce Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
M. De Loose Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Merelbeke,
S.R. Delwiche USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD, United States
G. Downey Teagasc Food Research Centre, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
L. Dugo Universita Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Rome, Italy
T. Dymerski Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
xiv List of Contributors

S.H. El-Ahmady Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

M. Espi~
neira ANFACO-CECOPESCA, Vigo, Spain
C. Fanali Universita Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Rome, Italy
O. Fiehn University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, United States
M.-A. Fraiture Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium
M.M. Giusti College of Food Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio
State University, OH, United States
P. Herman Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium
S.E. Holroyd Fonterra Research & Development Centre, Palmerston North, New
D.W. Lachenmeier Chemisches und Veterin€aruntersuchungsamt (CVUA)
Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
K.H. Laursen University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
E. Maestri University of Parma, Parma, Italy
I. Mafra University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
L. Mannina Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
N. Marmiroli University of Parma, Parma, Italy
M.J. Martelo-Vidal University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain
L. Meira University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
L. Mondello Universita Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Rome, Italy
M. Muilwijk Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The
W.F. Nader Eurofins Global Control GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
J. Namiesnik Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
T. Nur Azira International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
M.B.P.P. Oliveira University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
P. Oliveri University of Genova, Genova, Italy
V.A. Parvathy ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
A.M. Pustjens Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The
K. Riddellova ALS Czech Republic s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic
List of Contributors xv

P. Rinke SGF International E.V., Nieder-Olm, Germany

L.E. Rodriguez-Saona College of Food Agriculture and Environmental Sciences,
The Ohio State University, OH, United States
N.H. Roosens Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium
A. Roßmann Isolab GmbH Laboratory for Stable Isotopes, Schweitenkirchen,
B. Sasikumar ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
R. Schubbert Eurofins Medigenomix GmbH, Ebersberg, Germany
T.E. Sheeja ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
M. Shotts College of Food Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State
University, OH, United States
M.R. Showalter University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, United States
R. Simonetti University of Genova, Genova, Italy

M. Sliwi
nska Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
A.P. Sobolev National Research Council, Rome, Italy
V.P. Swetha ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
I. Taverniers Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Merelbeke,
F. Ulberth European Commission, Geel, Belgium
S.M. van Ruth Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The
M. V
azquez University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain
W. Wardencki Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
Y. Weesepoel Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The
P. Wisniewska Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
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12 Advances in Food Authenticity Testing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(A) (B) (C)

Figure 2.1 Analysis of basmati rice varieties by inter simple sequence repeat-polymerase chain
reaction (ISSR-PCR). Amplification in the PCR reactions was performed with primers
GAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAT (gel c). After amplification, amplicons were separated on
agarose gels and visualized by staining with ethidium bromide. Lane 1 on the agarose gels
contains the molecular weight marker FastRuler (Life Technologies, Inc., Foster City, CA,
USA; fragment lengths: 1500, 850, 400, 200, and 50 base pairs). Amplicons of the following
basmati varieties were separated on the other lanes of gels (A to C): Pusa Basmati-1 (lane 2),
Taraori (HBC-19) (lane 3), Basmati 2000 (lanes 4 and 7), Basmati 515 (lanes 5 and 8) and
Super Basmati (lane 6).

PCR amplicons are separated by gel electrophoresis and can then be visualized by
staining with intercalating fluorescent dyes like ethidium bromide. Alternatively,
one might use primers that are labeled by, eg, radioactivity or by conjugation with
digoxigenin. Fig. 2.1AeC show results of an ISSR analysis of five different varieties
of basmati rice and three different primers. These results will be discussed later in the
context of basmati authenticity testing.
RAPD analysis is a special type of PCR involving short primers with arbitrary
nucleotide sequences of generally 10 bases, which randomly bind to various regions
in the genome. Amplified fragments are analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis,
and polymorphisms are identified on the basis of banding patterns resulting after stain-
ing with ethidium bromide.
Due to the rapid development of modern technologies for DNA analysis over the
last two decades, RFLP, RAPD, and ISSR markers have lost their importance for
DNA fingerprinting. They are still useful in certain cases in which there is no or
only a little available information about DNA sequences of the targeted genome, for
example, if genomes of rare or exotic organisms have to be analyzed. In food analysis,
DNA fingerprinting based on ISSR markers has been applied to trace and differentiate
wild coffee harvested in Ethiopian rain forests (Zeltz et al., 2005).

2.3.2 Second-Generation Markers: SSRs

Modern DNA fingerprinting methods based on SSR markers comprise the direct
amplification of the microsatellite loci by the PCR with primers hybridizing to the
flanking sequences of these multiple repeats. The amplified alleles of different repeat
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Kinks for the Talking Machine
When short of fiber needles or when the jewel needle has broken,
file down the tooth of a bone comb to the required point, and it will
serve well. If the needle arm becomes loosened from the diaphragm,
and no wax is handy, a bit of soft chewing gum makes an excellent
temporary repair. Use a magnet to pick up steel needles from the
receptacles on the machine, to save time and avoid punctured
fingers. If the machine is too loud for the room, placing a piece of
loose cotton in the tone arm, directly behind the reproducer, is more
effective than muffling the sound at the horn end.—L. B. Robbins,
Attleboro, Mass.
A Wire-Walking Toy

Adapted to Window Displays, This Amusing Toy Has an Advertising Value

A daring wire-walking performer who, unmindful of the fact that a

misstep may mean destruction, keeps on going, back and forth, so
long as the motor runs, or the crank is turned, is a toy that boys can
make easily. The wire is stretched, not across Broadway, but
between two 1 by 1-in. standards, held upright by guy cords, or fixed
to a baseboard. They are fitted with forked tops, at A and B, and
pulley wheels, C and D. A wire, F, is fastened to two of the prongs, at
E, and a black thread, G, runs over the pulley wheels. A carriage, I,
is formed from a 12-in. length of stiff wire, and weighted, at L, to
balance upon the tight wire. The figure K is cut from stiff paper, and
made to turn upon the carriage upright J, and braced with thread, at
H. Thus the figure is always drawn forward, revolving on the support
J at the end of each trip. Power to turn the thread is transmitted from
a hand crank or motor, M, by means of the double pulley wheel at D.
—Edward R. Smith, Walla Walla, Washington.
Double Roofs Provide Ideal Shade for Poultry
Having no native shade in our city chicken yard, we noticed one
summer that the hens, especially those in the low brooder coops,
became droopy and exhausted from the excessive heat. We studied
the construction of the U. S. Weather Bureau thermometer shelter,
which usually stands out in the sun, and is no larger than our
brooder coops. It has a double roof with free air-circulation space
between the roofs, hence the inclosed thermometers are exposed to
a true-shade temperature. We then placed an extra roof on each of
the brooder coops, leaving a 6-in. open air space between, the top
roof being supported at the corners only. The arrangement proved so
effective that the hens sought the coops, against the heat of
unventilated inclosures on quiet, hot days.—J. Cecil Alter,
Cheyenne, Wyo.
An Illuminated Indicating Target Box

The Location of Hits is Recorded by a Beam of Light Streaming through the

Hole Shot in the Paper Target

The joys of target practice are often hampered by the delays in the
settlement of hits. It takes time and is annoying to be constantly
advancing to the target to examine it. To do away with this, an
illuminated target was constructed that enables the shooter to locate
every hit without leaving his post. To make the device, a square
wooden box of convenient size is obtained. In one side of this, cut a
round hole as large as the largest ring on the targets used. The side
opposite this is fitted with a piece of sheet iron to stop the bullets.
Paint this iron and the interior white. Inside the box, arrange four
electric lights so their rays will be thrown on the hole, as shown.
Candles may be used, if necessary. The lamps must be out of range
of the bullets, that hit the target, and protected by an iron plate. The
targets, painted on thin paper, are fastened over the front of the hole,
and the lights are on, while shooting. Each shot punctures the paper,
and the light streaming through the hole will show the location of the
hit.—Thomas W. Benson, Philadelphia, Pa.
Kinks in Washing Photographic Negatives and
Photographic defects, spots, stains, etc., are often due to
inadequate washing. In the common method of washing negatives or
prints under the tap, in a dish, the water is not changed quickly
enough. If the negatives are placed film downward and supported at
the edges, the washing is quicker and more thorough. Films as well
as glass negatives are in the same class in the matter of washing.
Films should not stick together, and the sharp edges must not be
permitted to cause scratches.
Bird House Made of an Old Straw Hat
A bird house of an old straw hat is a practical and easily contrived
affair. Cut a hole in the crown of the hat. Then nail the hat against a
board of proper size. To protect the hat against the rain, put a roof
over it, as shown. A perch is also provided. Such a bird house can
be hung against the trunk of a tree, or nailed against a wall. Leaving
the hat in its natural straw color, and painting the rest a dark brown,
produces a satisfactory effect.—C. L. Meller, Fargo, N. D.
Camp Shelter Affords Protection from
Lithe Branches Cut in the Woods are Used for the Framework, Which is
Covered with Mosquito Netting

When it is undesirable to stay in a camping tent, on warm nights or

during the day when a siesta is taken, a mosquito shelter can be
made of materials readily available at most camping places. The
arrangement, as shown, is made as follows: Procure a number of
pliable switches, about ³⁄₄ in. in diameter, and 8 or 10 ft. long, willow
or similar growths. Sharpen the butts, and force them into the ground
in two rows, 3¹⁄₂ ft. apart. Bend the tops together, and tie them in
arches of the same height, as indicated. Next, tie a ridge binder the
entire length. Cover the frame with mosquito netting, providing an
entrance at one end. The shelter shown is for one person, but may
easily be made larger. The fly, supported on a rope between posts or
trees, affords shade.—J. T. Trammell, Milwaukee, Wis.

¶The annoyance of a chair rocking on a bare floor, especially a

child’s rocking chair, may be overcome by tacking sections of garden
hose along the curved rockers. If properly done this also adds to the
comfort of the chair.
Rustic Well for a Bazaar or Fair Booth
A feature of a bazaar which attracted much attention was a rustic
well from which a pretty girl dipped cool drinks with the aid of an “old
oaken bucket.” The arrangement may also be used at an outdoor fair
or lawn party.
A Pretty Country Maid, Delicious Lemonade, a Peep into the Well, and
Music from a Phonograph Were Attractions at This Booth
A corner of the room was marked off by a rail fence and turnstile.
The floor was covered with green cloth and green excelsior, for
grass. The well was constructed as shown in the detail sketch. Half
of a barrel, B, with the head removed, was inverted, and a mirror, C,
was set in a shallow pan of water on the floor. The pan was
surrounded with pebbles, D, and a framework, E, built over the
barrel. The supply of lemonade was kept cool in the tub G, behind
the partition. When the bucket A was lowered into the well, by means
of the sweep, it was filled by pouring the beverage in the trough F.
The bucket was then raised and the drinks served from it, a
cocoanut-shell dipper being used.
So many persons became curious to learn how the well was
constructed, that an admission fee was charged to pass the turnstile,
and the reward was a peep at the reflection in the mirror at the
bottom of the well.—Susan E. W. Jocelyn, New Haven, Conn.
Novel Masks for Printing Pictures
In printing pictures, I have made use of various masks, and those
suited to the particular picture, for some special reason, have proved
especially popular. For instance, in making a picture for a contractor
and mason, a mask in the shape of a trowel was used; for a
policeman, a star; an automobile for the motorist. Sometimes the
special interests of persons in a picture, or the background, will
suggest good outlines for masks.—Russell Waldo, Indianapolis, Ind.
Sheet-Metal Stand for Flatiron
Considerable energy is consumed in lifting a heavy flatiron to the
stand which protects the ironing board. The device shown in the
illustration was made to overcome this objection to most flatiron
stands and proved efficient as well as easy to make. The iron is
shoved onto the stand at one end, provided with an incline. The
layout for the sheet metal is shown in detail. The piece A is cut 4¹⁄₂
by 9 in., and the stop B, the incline C, and the leg D, are cut as
shown, and bent to shape The stand is fastened near the end of the
ironing board by means of screws.—Ernest Ward, Detroit, Mich.
Water-Coasting Toboggan and Slide

Coasting down an incline and being projected through the air to

plunge into the warm water of a summer lake, or other outdoor
bathing spot, has thrills and excitement that appeal to the person
seeking a new aquatic diversion. The illustration shows a slide, and
the toboggan sled for use on it, that were built by a group of young
men at a summer resort. While the slide shown is perhaps more
extensive than most boys would care to undertake, the principle
involved may be adapted easily to others one-fourth as long, less
than 20 ft. The slide shown was strongly built of 2 by 4-in. material
for the framework, 2 by 6-in. planks for the slide guides, and 2 by 12-
in. planks for the bearing for the roller. Lighter material may be used
for the guides and the roller bearing on a smaller slide, but the
framework should be of 2 by 4-in. stock.

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