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during COVID-
19 Lockdown

Dakshaeswar Muthukrishnan
CIS Grade 6

1) What did I do during the lockdown?

2) How did I feel during the lockdown?

3) Have I learnt anything from the lockdown?

What did I do during the lockdown?
During the lockdown, I was occupied by a lot of things like:


Reading Books.

Making crafts.

Building kites.

And doing homework.

Sometimes I would frolic with my sister and play chess with my Dad and Mom.
How did I feel during the lockdown?

At the beginning of the lockdown, I was a bit bored as I did not know
what to do. But when I saw kids of my age using their creativity
instead of watching TV, I decided I would do that too.

I started to talk to my friend through my phone, I would spend my

time solving puzzles and so on. But ever since I saw those kids using
their brain, I used mine too.
Have I learnt anything from the lockdown?

Yes, I have learnt that patience is virtue. That life will give us
MANY, MANY problems. But, we will have to fight our way
through using our common sense and intellect.
Steps taken by the government of India
The government of India has taken many measures to control
this dreadful virus.
Some examples are:
• Frequently spraying vehicles, communities and roads with
sanitizing liquids.
• Locking down the country.
• Opening hospitals for affected people.
Prevention measures
To prevent COVID-19 from harming us, citizens of India can:
• Self Quarantine.
• Thoroughly clean daily goods.
• Washing hands frequently with soap.
• Social Distance.
Graph showing status of India from
March to May



100000 Infected
80000 Recovere
60000 Death


March April May

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