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Different Types of Earth’s Soil

 Geologists and paleontologists are scientists

who study the earth’s origin, its structure, and
 Layers of the Earth
 The core, which is approximately 7,000
kilometers in diameter, is the earth’s center.
 The mantle surrounds the core and has a
thickness of 2,900 kilometers.
 The crust float on top of the mantle. It is
composed basalt-rich oceanic crust and granite-
rich continental crust.
Different Types of Soil

Sandy Soil

Sandy soil is usually made up of

granules of minerals and rock with
large spaces between its particles,
allowing easy flow of water and
mineral into it. It is the driest and
coarsest among the different types
of soil.
Different Types of Soil

Clay Soil

Clay soil basically is composed of

very small and fine particles with
little or no space in between.
Different Types of Soil

Silty Soil

Silty soil is one of the most fertile

soils. Silt particles are slightly
smaller in size than sandy soil, but
contain more minerals and
nutrients and have the ability to
hold water.
Different Types of Soil

Loamy Soil

Loamy soil is made up of different

types of soil with varying amounts
mixed together. Loamy soil is the
ideal for gardening and can be
bought at leading supply stores.
Different Types of Soil

Two other types of soil are chalky soil and peaty soil, which are particularly not good for
easy growing plants but are found around the environment.

Peaty Soil
Chalky Soil
Peaty soil is high in organic matter with a large amount
Chalky soil is extremely alkaline in nature and of decaying plants. But, because of its high acid
gas stones of varying sizes mixed with them. content, it does not decompose fully and it is not
particularly rich in nutrients.
Main Causes and Effects of Soil Pollution

Industrial Activity

Industrial activity is considered as

the biggest contributor in soil
pollution brought about by the
increase in the amount of mining
and manufacturing activities.
Main Causes and Effects of Soil Pollution

Agricultural Activity

The utilization of chemicals such

as pesticides and fertilizers in
most common agricultural
activities such as farming also
becomes a source of soil pollution.
Main Causes and Effects of Soil Pollution

Waste Disposal

A certain amount of personal

waste products such as urine and
feces produced by humans
contribute a lot in polluting the soil.
Main Causes and Effects of Soil Pollution

Accidental Oil Spill

Fuel stations are the biggest

source or cause of oil spills that
usually occur during their storage
and transport activity.
Main Causes and Effects of Soil Pollution

Acid Rain

When pollutants mixed with air,

the atmosphere turns acidic.
When these acidic mixtures fall
down in the form of rain, snow, or
fog, they cause soil pollution.

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