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attractive forces between molecules or

particles in the solid or liquid states.
O Dispersion forces or London forces
- nonpolar molecules
- uneven distribution of electrons
- Temporary dipole
Dipole-dipole Interaction
- polar molecules
- The partial negative side of one molecule is attracted to the
partial positive side of another molecule.
O Hydrogen bonding
- It is a special type of dipole-dipole interaction between the
hydrogen atom in a polar bond, such as N‒H, O‒H, or F‒H, and
an electronegative O, N, or F atom.

O Describe the following properties of liquids,

and explain the effect of intermolecular forces
on these properties: surface tension, viscosity,
vapor pressure, boiling point, and molar heat
of vaporization
O Liquid do not have a simple or
regular structure, but many of their
properties can be explained
qualitatively by viewing them at
the particular level.
General Properties of Liquids
O Capillary Action
O Surface Tension
O Viscosity
O Vapor pressure
O Boiling point
O Heat vaporization
Capillary action
O Capillary action is the tendency of a liquid to
rise in narrow tubes or be drawn into small
openings such as those between grains of a
rock. Capillary action, also known as
capillarity, is a result of intermolecular
attraction between the liquid and solid
O Capillary action is shown by water rising
spontaneously in capillary tubes. A thin film of
water adheres to the wall of the glass tube as
water molecules are attracted to atoms making
up the glass (SiO2). Surface tension causes the
film of water to contract and pulls the water
up the tube.
Two types of forces are involved in capillary action:
O Cohesion is the intermolecular attraction
between like molecules (the liquid
O Adhesion is an attraction between unlike
molecules (such as those in water and in
the particles that make up the glass
O When the cohesive forces between the liquid
molecules are greater than the adhesive forces
between the liquid and the walls of the container,
the surface of the liquid is convex.
O When the cohesive forces between the liquid
molecules are lesser than the adhesive forces
between the liquid and the walls of the container,
the surface of the liquid is concave.
Surface Tension
O It is the measure of the elastic force in the
surface of a liquid.
O It is the amount of energy required to stretch or
increase the surface of a liquid by a unit area.
O It is manifested as some sort of skin on the
surface of a liquid or in a drop of liquid.
OSurface tension allows
needles and paperclips
to float in water if
placed carefully on the
OThese intermolecular
forces tend to pull the
molecules into the
liquid and cause the
surface to tighten like
an elastic film or “skin”.
O Viscosity is a measure of a
fluid’s resistance to flow. The
greater the viscosity, the slower
the liquid flows. It expressed in
units of centipoise (cP).
O It is loosely referred to as the
thickness or thinness of a liquid.
O Syrup and oil flow more slowly
than water and are thus
described as more viscous.
O The viscosity of liquid
depends on their
intermolecular attraction.
O The stronger the
intermolecular force, the
higher is the liquid’s
O The table below gives viscosities of liquids of some
pure substances. Water has viscosity of 1 centipoise or
0.001 Pa/s at 200C.

O Substances with lower viscosities include carbon tetrachloride

and benzene. Glycerol has a resistance to flow of more than a
thousand times greater than water.
Vapor Pressure
O The equilibrium vapor pressure is the
maximum vapor pressure of a liquid at a
given temperature and that it is constant at a
constant temperature. It increases with
temperature. Like any gas sample, the
molecules in the gaseous state over its liquid
create a pressure.
O The greater the number of gaseous particles,
the greater the pressure exerted by the gas.
The pressure exerted by the gas in
equilibrium with a liquid in a closed
container at a given temperature is called the
equilibrium vapor pressure or simply vapor
pressure of the liquid.
Boiling Point
O The boiling point of a liquid is the
temperature at which its vapor
pressure is equal to the external or
atmospheric pressure.
O Increasing the temperature of a
liquid raises the kinetic energy of its
molecules, until such point where
the energy of the particle movement
exceeds the intermolecular forces
that hold them together.
O The liquid molecules then transform to gas
and are seen as bubbles that rises to the
surface of the liquids and escape to the
O Then temperature at which a liquid boils under
1 atmospheric pressure (1atm) is referred to as
its normal boiling point.
O At higher altitude, the atmospheric
pressure is lower, hence, the boiling
point will subsequently decrease.
O The greater intermolecular force,
the higher the energy needed to
increase the kinetic energy of the
molecules to break these forces.
Heat of Vaporization
O Molar Heat of vaporization ( Hvap) is the
amount of heat required to vaporize one
mole of substance at its boiling point.
O The application of heat disrupts the
intermolecular forces of attraction of the
liquid molecules and allows them to
O Boiling point generally increases as
molar heat of vaporization increases.
O The Hvap is also determined by the
strength of intermolecular forces
between molecules.
Boiling point to molar heat of vaporization.

O The boiling point is related to molar heat of

vaporization: the higher ΔHvap , the higher the
boiling Point.
O The boiling points of substances often reflect the
strength of the intermolecular forces operating among
the molecules. At the BP, enough energy must be
supplied to overcome the attractive forces among
molecules before they can enter the vapor phase.
Molar Heat of Vaporization and Boiling Point

O The molar heat of vaporization (ΔHvap) is the energy

required to vaporize 1 mole of a liquid at a given
temperature. H is the symbol for enthalpy, which
means heat content at a given standard condition.
O The relationship between vapor pressure and strength
of intermolecular forces is consistent with the trends
in two other properties of liquids, the enthalpy or
molar heat of vaporization, and the boiling point of
the liquid.
OHow are the
intermolecular forces
of attraction similar
to the relationships
that you form among
your peers?

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