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Inventions: The impact of inventions/Discoveries in society

Team 5:
Phuong, Duong, Tuan and Hieu
Invention : Currently, there is no legal document
that stipulates or gives a specific concept of what
an invention is. However, we can refer to a
concept of invention as follows: invention is the
discovery of laws, properties or phenomena of the
objectively existing physical world that no one
knew before. , thereby fundamentally changing
human perception.
- The bulb was first made in England, but only worked for a few minutes. It
was not until 1879 that the complete incandescent light bulb was completed by
Thomas Edison (USA). This is considered an invention that changes the face
of humanity, when people do not have to depend on the natural light source of
the sun anymore.
- Before that, when the clock was not yet born, the time was determined by
ways such as looking at the sunlight, the watch with a drop of water. An
alarm clock was born that replaced the sound of a cock crowing to wake
workers up.
- Computers have given each individual equal access to information. With
the internet, now instead of going to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, to the
trading houses to know the price of gold, everything you want to search for
will appear in just a few taps on your computer.

- Owning a smartphone you can handle office tasks,

entertainment technology, loads of information, all kinds of
maps... The smartphone impacts the world more than any other
device. suffer any. Once you get used to it, it's hard to imagine
giving up your smartphone.
- The inventions mentioned above have brought a great appearance
to the whole world, bringing convenience in all aspects to mankind.
However, along with the positive side, it also contains many
consequences, both in terms of health and the connection between
people and people. Therefore, each of us needs to know the balance
between life values to enjoy the full value of scientific inventions.
How to handle
Finally, how to overcome the disadvantage:

- We should not spend too much time using the phone to avoid
hallucinations, eye damage and dependence on it.

- A person is considered a game addict if, for a long time,

there are signs of loss of control due to playing games,
spending too much time playing games (about 3-4 hours or
more per day) leading to separation from work or activities.
daily activities that should be done, away from surrounding
social relationships.
Thank for attention


Phuong: Slide design-introduction

Duong: Definition
Hieu: Defect
Tuan: How to handle disadvantages

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