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Bones And Articulations Of

Upper Limb


Department of Anatomy
From the biological evolution
point of view, the upper limb and
lower limb are homogeneous
organs. Therefore, when we study
the appendicular bones and joints,
we’ d better compare the upper
limb with the lower limb. The
arrangements and the number of
bones are similar. Owing to the
erect standing, the upper limb is a
tool for labor.
To fit the function, the limb has some
characteristics which are as follows:
⒈ Compared with the lower limb, the

bones of the upper limb are

more slender and lighter than those in
lower limb.
⒉The joints are flabbier .
⒊Concerning the 1st metacarpal bone:
⑴ having a saddle-shaped base, which is
different from others.
⑵ rotated around others to form a right
angle that is easily to grasp the tools.
It is a great difference from other
Ⅰ.The bones of upper limb
Including the shoulder girdle and the bones of
free up limb
⒈The shoulder girdle

⑴ Clavicle : it is a “S-shaped” bone. When you study it,

you must notice:

①To discern which is medial end and which is lateral


②To discern the superior and inferior surfaces, the

former is smoother than the later.
⑵ Scapula
It looks like truncated
triangle, which is modified
to become a scapula.
The main structures are :
Spine of scapula
Glenoid cavity

Students can combine the

Fig. with the specimen to
observe it in detail.
⒉ The bones of free
upper limb
⑴ The bone of the arm
anatomical neck
sulcus for radial nerve
sulcus for ulnar nerve
lateral epicondyle
medial epicondyle
trochlea of humerus
capitumlum of humerus
olecranon fossa
corocoid fossa
⑵ The bones of

① Radius:
② Ulna:
⑶The bones of hand
① Carpal bones:
Scaphoid bone
Lunate bone
Triquetral bone
Pisiform bone
Trapezium bone
Trapezoid bone
Capitate bone
Hamate bone
Students must memorize the location
and the name of each carpal bones. Be
careful that the triquetral bone and the
pisiform bone are not in the same
plane, they are overlapped.
⑵ Metacarpal
The number of bones is 5,
they belong to long bone.
The 1st one laterally rotates
from others at right angle.

⑶ Phalanges
They are 14 in number. Two
for thumb. Three for each of
other fingers.
Ⅱ.articulations of upper limb

⒈The articulations of the shoulder


⑴ Sternoclavicular joint
it is a synovial joint with an
articular disc.

⑵ Acromioclavicular joint
it’s also a synovial joint.
⒉The articulations of the free
upper limb
⑴ Shoulder joint
The head of the humerus articulate
with the glenoid cavity of scapula;
the articular capsule contain these
two structures. Besides the basic
three elements of articulations, the
shoulder joint has some accessory
⑵ elbow joint
include 3 separated joints
( composite joint )

①humeroulnar joint

② humeroradial joint

③ radiounlar joint
⑶ the articulations of hand
①The radiocarpal joint (wrist joint)
It is a condyloid joint. Both carpal articular surface of
radius with the distal disc of the ulna together form the
articular fovea. The proximal row of carpal bones are
connected to form the articular head. Be careful the ulna
doesn’t take part in the formation of the radiocarpal joint.
②The intercarpal joints
All these are synovial joints, which can be slightly
③The carpometacarpal joint and intermetacarpal joint
The thumb of the carpometacarpal joint is a separated
saddle-shaped synovial joint.
④The metacarpo-phalangeal joint
They are the condyloid synovial joint.
⑤The interphalangeal joints
They are typical hinge joint.
Sternoclavicular joints
Acromioclavicular joint
Shoulder joint
Shoulder joint
radiounlar joint

humeroradial joint

humeroulnar joint
The radiocarpal joint

The carpometacarpal joint

We put emphasis on
Sternoclavicular joint
Shoulder joint
Elbow joint
Radiocarpal joint
Carpometacarpal joint
1. The shoulder joint
⑴ the formation of it
① the essential structures
Review: what is the basical structures of a joint
a. the articular suface: glenoid cavity + head of
the area of the surface of the head is larger than
that of the glenoid cavity.
b. the articular cavity: the space is larger than that
of the hip joint.
c. the articular capsule: it is a flappy sac.
conclusions: from above mentioned 3 points, the
shoulder joint is very flexible.
② the accessory sturctures
a. articular labrum (glenoid lip): deepen the articular cavity
and enlarge the articular surface.
b. coranohumeral lig.
c. coracoacromial arch: it consists of coracoid process,
coracoacromial lig. and acromion, which protect the shoulder
joint posteriorly 、 superiorly and anteriorly.
d. long head of biceps brachii: it superiolaterally strenthen the
capsule of shoulder.
e. The surrounding muscles: they make the joint more stable.
conclusions: the above mentioned factors are called stability

⑵ the movements of The shoulder joint

a. flexion and extension.
b. adduction and abduction.
c. rotation / circumduction.
2. The elbow joint
the accessory structures:
a. radial collateral lig.
b. ulnar collateral lig.
c. annular lig.
Carrying angle: 150°~160.°
3. The anatomical bases for pronation and
⑴ demonstrate the pronation and supination.
⑵ the anatomical bases:
proximal radioulnar joint
distal radioulnar joint
humeroradial joint
the 3 joints cooperate each other to complete the
pronation and supination.

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