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1. type of bone tissue found at the ends of long bones HYALINE CARTILAGE 2. fluid found in a freely movable joint SYNOVIAL FLUID 4. vertebrae found in the neck region CERVICAL 6. pieces of cartilage found between adjacent vertebrae FIBROCARTILAGE 7. vertebrae in the chest regionTHORACIC 8. houses and protects the brain CRANIUM (SKULL) 9. the tailbone COCCYX 10. number of pair of false ribs FIVE PAIRS (8th-12th ribs) 11. cavity in compact bone containing an osteocyte MEDULLARY CAVITY 12. connects muscle to bone TENDONS 13. the first cervical vertebrae ATLAS 14. tough membrane surrounding bone PERIOSTENUM 15. the collar bone CLAVICLE 16. the cheek bone ZYGOMATIC BONE 17. number of thoracic vertebrae 12 18. the elbow is this type of joint SYNOVIAL HINGE JOINT 19. another name for freely movable joints DIARTHROSIS OR SYNOVIAL JOINT 20. bone forming cells OSTEOBLASTS 21. bone destroying cells OSTEOCLASTS 22. mature bone cells OSTEOCYTES 23. the shoulder blade SCAPULA 24. the knee cap PATELLA 26. the 3 bones which make up the hip (coxal) bone ILLIUM + ISCHIUM + PUBIS 27. the heel bone CALCANUS 28. the 2 bones making up the pectoral girdle CLAVICLE + SCAPULA 29. the shaft or middle section of a long bone is called the DIAPHYSIS 31. type of marrow that stores fat YELLOW BONE MARROW 32. type of joint found at the shoulder or hip BALL AND SOCKET JOINT 33. soft spots found between the bones of the skull when a baby is born FONTANELLES 34. thin plates of bone tissue found in spongy bone TRABECULAE

35. opening in the occipital bone that allows the spinal cord to connect to the brain FORAMEN MAGNUM 36. the number of carpal bones in each wrist 8 PER WRIST 37. the number of phalanges in each foot 14 PER FOOT 38. the firmest type of cartilage FIBROCARTILAGE 39. the type of cartilage consisting mainly of elastin fibres ELASTIC CARTILAGE 40. thick protein myo-filament found in skeletal muscle MYSOSIN 41. thin protein myo-filament found in skeletal muscle ACTIN 42. type of muscle with spindle shaped cells and no striations SMOOTH MUSCLE 44. storage form of glucose in humans GLYCOGEN 45. mineral needed for muscle contraction CALCIUM

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