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HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Name Chandra Carlson ____Course Kickboxing ____________________________

Date__November 21, 2014 _________________

Write a paragraph (at least four sentences) on Questions 1 3 (Question 4 is optional):
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this class?
I learned that taking a class such as the one that I took is beneficial in many ways. It give you the
opportunity to learn different ways to exercise besides the obvious push ups and sit ups. I got a more
hands on experience in understanding different ways to use intensity when working out. I enjoyed the
stress relief this class gave me and to push my self a little bit further.
2. How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted your life (home,
school, work, etc)?
Taking this class has improved my perspective on the way I go about my daily life. Since this class ive
been more focused, energized and motivated to take on what ever the day had to offer. It gave me the
escape from my taxing days of school work and home to just unleash and let the music flow through
every muscle and give my all. I knew this class would be worth taking and part of me wishes that it
wasnt ending
3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?
I plan to continue my exercise and not make excuses why I cant. Taking this class has forced me to
realize that I need to exercise more and how helpful it is to do so. I havent felt so energized and so able
to cope with the stress of life as well as I have by taking this class. This class has motivated me to
continue living a better and more healthier lifestyle and given me the knowledge to know what
exercises to do and to change it up every so often.
4. General ideas for improving this course?
If its possible to improve this class, I would say to make it longer.

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