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Unit Plan

Unit: Colurs
Lesson in sequence: 2nd of 3
Date: 12th January 2008 Class: 2B

-To know different colours;

- To know the numbers;
- To sing a song;
- To play a game;
- To play an interactive game
Purple, yellow, green, blue, red, orange, black, brown and white.
One,1wo,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine and ten.
The teacher will write the
Steps summary on the board;
Then he will present a magic
trick that will be finished at the
end of the lesson;
The teacher will ask the pupils
about the song they have learnt
the previous lesson; - ART
The teacher will present some - MUSIC
colours using magic tricks, - ICT
The teacher will ask the pupils - PE
first to stand up and then to sit
down on the floor, where a
game (Colours salad) will be
Then some pupils will be asked
to go to the whiteboard to play
an interactive game.
The teacher will finish the
magic trick.
The pupils will be given a
worksheet to be made at home.
Assumptions Children have met some of the colours before. Children know the
shapes. Children can count in English.

Activities Playing games

Didactic computer games
Direct/continuous observation in class.
Group/pair work.

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