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Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


2.330 2.330.1

TITLE- Procedure for Pre Start Up Safety Review. Introduction

This p!rpose o" this proced!re is to ens!re that all appropriate elements o" Process Sa"ety #ana$ement %PS#& ha'e (een addressed satis"actorily in the ne) and modi"ied e*!ipment and the "acility is sa"e to start !p. +t is also 'eri"ies that all chan$es,modi"ications or ne) "acilities are installed as per the intended desi$n, standards and necessary inspections, tests are completed prior to start !p incl!din$ stat!tory re*!irements. 2.330.2 Scope

This proced!re shall (e applica(le to all intended chan$es, modi"ications o" plant, process, e*!ipment, str!ct!res, and material )ithin the p!r'ie) o" the company-s #ana$ement o" chan$e proced!re. 2.330.3 Responsi i!ity

H./ %o)nin$ plant,department&+n"orm to H./ %HSE0F& "or cond!ctin$ PS1S2. Constit!tion o" PS1S2 team



Pre-start !p Sa"ety 2e'ie) %PS1S2& shall (e carried o!t a"ter completion o" installation o" any "acility a"ter intended chan$e or section o" "acility in sta$es i" installation is lar$e and all ne) plants,"acilities (e"ore commissionin$. The 3o( e4ec!tin$ a$ency )ill declare a(o!t completion o" installation o" "acility as per appro'ed #.C in )ritin$ to the H./ o" o)nin$ plant , dept. a"ter thoro!$h inspection at site. A"ter $ettin$ the con"irmation "rom the 3o( e4ec!tin$ a$ency , the H./ o" o)nin$ plant,department )ill intimate team mem(ers prior to start !p "or cond!ctin$ PS1S2 PS1S2 )ill (e carried o!t (y a team o" technical persons "rom .peration, TLS0P, CES, #aintenance and Sa"ety. Any other person as "elt necessary may (e incl!ded in PS1S2 team. The team )ill (e constit!ted (y the H./ o" o)nin$ department

Prepared (y5 6PP Appro'ed (y5 16C

+nte$rated #ana$ement System HSEF P2.CE/12E #A71AL


5 8 o" 9

2e'. 7o 5 2e'. /ate 5 28, :,2 88


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


The PS1S2 team mem(ers )ill ha'e appro'ed #.C, P0+/s, +sometric dra)in$s, reports o" HA;.P st!dy and other doc!ments,data sheets (e"ore startin$ PS1S2 "or their re"erence and compile all the critical points "or inspection and 'eri"ication at site. The team mem(ers )ill start inspection at site, chec< e'ery points one (y one and si$n o"" as per the attached chec<list as $i'en in the "ormat %EPCL- HSE0F-=.32 && 'eri"yin$ completion o" installation as per desi$n ,standards. . The chec< list points, )hich are not rele'ant, )ill also (e si$ned o"" as >7.T APPL+CA?LE@. Additional points, as re*!ired may (e incl!ded in the inspection chec< list (y the team mem(ers .(ser'ations o" team mem(ers )ill (e recorded in the PS1S2 chec< list, i" the "acility is not installed as per appro'ed P0+/ , +sometric dra)in$s or desi$n,standards. The team mem(ers shall re'ie) all aspects o" sa"ety o" the installation and may s!$$est additional actions, i" re*!ired PS1S2 team, a"ter inspection shall prepare report, i" installation is not complete in all respects as per the appro'ed #.C ,P0+/,desi$n, standards, then concerned H./ )ill do "ollo) !p "or compliance o" the (alance points i" any A"ter the completion o" the (alanced points the concerned en$ineer, o""icer responsi(le "or doin$ the 3o( shall endorsed the PS1S2 report. The H./ shall $et the report appro'ed "rom H.F %HSE0F& "or sa"ety clearance .H./ "rom the o)in$ plant,dept. shall $i'e clearance "or commissionin$ o" the modi"ication a"ter $ettin$ the clearance "rom H.F %HSE0F& T#e tea$ s#a!! not %ive c!earance for start up , i" the installation is incomplete or standards are not met or other)ise !nsa"e to start d!e to any reason, ho)e'er, clearance may (e $i'en "or start !p in certain cases i" there is no ris< or the ris< has (een ta<en care temporarily (y alternate means. Any si$ni"icant de'iation "rom appro'ed #.C,P0+/s,+sometric dra)in$s shall ha'e appro'al o" H.F %CTS&,En$ineerin$, HSE0F and T/ prior to start !p. +" the "acility ,installation is not cleared "or any 'alid reason, the action re*!ired shall (e de"ined (y the H.F %HSE0F& )hich )ill (e inspected (y the team a$ain a"ter completion (y o)nin$ plant ,department prior to $i'ein$ clearance "or start !p The Copies o" completed PS1S2 shall $o to TLS0P, Concerned plant H./ and Sa"ety /epartment

Prepared (y5 6PP Appro'ed (y5 16C

+nte$rated #ana$ement System HSEF P2.CE/12E #A71AL


5 2 o" 9

2e'. 7o 5 2e'. /ate 5 28, :,2 88


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


EPCL- HSE&F-4.320

Format 7o. EPCL-HSEF-=.323, 2e' , /ate5 8, =,2 88 PRE ST&RT UP S&'ET( RE)IE* +PSUSR, REP-RT./0E/1LIST.
%P!rpose5 This is an inspection made prior to operational start !p o" ne) or modi"ied "acility , process e*!ipment to ass!re that the modi"ication,chan$es are in accordance )ith the intended desi$n and process sa"ety & 2ate of issue 3333333333 /escription o" the "acility,chan$e5 2e"erence #.C 7o., Plant5 7ames o" team mem(ers5 /ate o" PS1S2 5 /etailed P0+/ , +sometric dra)in$s completed and appro'ed %appro'ed P0+/ m!st (e a'aila(le )ith clo!ded lines and other doc!ments "or re"erence&. Sr. /o$p!etion - servation . /ate%ory &ction Si%nature /#ec5 points 4o. St Pendin% &ctions +if6 +& or 7, y.Tar% after at any, et date co$p!etio us n 1. /oes the e*!ipment constr!ction, A installation is as per the appro'ed #.C, P0+/ , +sometric dra)in$s and meets desi$n , speci"icationsA 2. Applica(le PHA,HA;.P A recommendations incorporatedA 3. S.P and 2A modi"ied , !pdated. A =. Addition o" ne) chemical B #S/S A and,or process sa"ety in"ormation is a'aila(leA 9. Employees )hose 3o( tas<s a""ected (y A chan$e in"ormed and trainedA C. #aintenancestandards,methods ? !pdatedA%consider in"ormation "rom +0C& D. #echanical inte$rityA Str!ct!re , S!pports, Clampin$ , Ero!tin$,"lan$e 3oints A Load test re*!irementA :. +nspection , Testin$ /oc!ments A a'aila(le F. +ns!lation re*!irement "or hot,cold and A personal protection. Prepared (y5 6PP Appro'ed (y5 16C +nte$rated #ana$ement System HSEF P2.CE/12E #A71AL Pa$e 5 3 o" 9

2e'. 7o 5 2e'. /ate 5 28, :,2 88

SAFETY 8 . 88. 82. 83. 8=. 89. 8C.

Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC

EPCL-HSEF-2.33 A A A A A ? A

8D. 8:. 8F.

2 .

#achine E!ards. Access,)or< plat"orms5 Stairs , ladders,2ailin$s , toe $!ards,etc. Electrical System5 Earthin$ , Ca(le dressin$ Selection o" Electrical, instr!ment e*!ipment as per haGardo!s area classi"ication. Control o" static electricity HaGards. /raina$e system5Floor $radient, trenches Fire protection system5 #CP,Hydrants,Fire e4tin$!ishers Sprin<ler , /el!$e, detectors,"oam system Stat!tory Compliance Stat!s %i" applica(le&Factories act, /P2 en'ironment re$!lations&. Third Party Certi"icationA Sa"ety Si$ns,?oards5 Sa"ety si$ns A Sa"ety +nstr!ction ?oardsA Colo!r codin$ o" pipe lines A E*!ipment ta$ 7o.,name PaintedA .thers %speci"y&

A A ? ? ? ? ?

/-88E4TS -' PSUSR TE&89


Si$nat!re 7ame /ept,/iscipline /ate.


F+7AL Clearance "or commissionin$ $ranted Yes 7o

P!t - H in

Prepared (y5 6PP Appro'ed (y5 16C


+nte$rated #ana$ement System HSEF P2.CE/12E #A71AL


5 = o" 9

2e'. 7o 5 2e'. /ate 5 28, :,2 88


Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd, PHC


2-H.F% .)nin$ Plant,/epartment& 7ameIIIIIIIIIIIII Si$nat!re IIIIIIIIIII

4ote9 /ate%ories & . 7 A B Critical points )hich need to (e resol'ed ,completed (e"ore start !p o" the "acility.


? B Points ha'in$ lo) ris< and )here alternate temporary meas!res are accepta(le "or a limited period %2 )ee<s&


References9 8- Speci"ication.

.HSAS 8:

?SC-16- .SH a!dit speci"ications. CCPS p!(lication -on mana$ement o" chan$e. 2.330.; Records5

All Copy holders shall <eep the record "or e'er

Prepared (y5 6PP Appro'ed (y5 16C

+nte$rated #ana$ement System HSEF P2.CE/12E #A71AL


5 9 o" 9

2e'. 7o 5 2e'. /ate 5 28, :,2 88

Prepared (y5 6PP Appro'ed (y5 16C

+nte$rated #ana$ement System HSEF P2.CE/12E #A71AL


5 C o" 9

2e'. 7o 5 2e'. /ate 5 28, :,2 88

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